30class GISMO_EXPORT Vector
36 explicit Vector(
const SparseMatrix & _map);
38 Vector(
const gsVector<real_t> & gsVec,
const SparseMatrix & _map,
const int rank = 0);
40 explicit Vector(Epetra_Vector * v_ptr);
46 size_t mySize()
48 void setConstant(
const double val);
50 void setFrom(
const SparseMatrix & _map);
52 void copyTo(gsVector<real_t> & gsVec,
const int rank = 0)
54 void copyTo(gsMatrix<real_t> & gsVec,
const int = 0)
61 Epetra_MultiVector * get()
63 Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> getRCP()
68 Vector(
const Vector& other);
69 Vector& operator=(
const Vector& other);
Wrapper for Trilinos/Epetra operators.
Provides forward declarations of types and structs.
This is the main header file that collects wrappers of Eigen for linear algebra.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.