G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsDofMapper Member List

This is the complete list of members for gsDofMapper, including all inherited members.

addShift(index_t shift)gsDofMapper
allFree() constgsDofMapperinline
anyPreImage(index_t gl) constgsDofMapper
anyPreImages(index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapper
asVector(index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapper
bindex(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
boundarySize() constgsDofMapperinline
cindex(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
colapseDofs(index_t k, const gsMatrix< unsigned > &b, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
coupledSize() constgsDofMapper
eliminateDof(index_t i, index_t k, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
findBoundary(const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
findCoupled(const index_t k, const index_t j=-1) constgsDofMapper
findFree(const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
findFreeUncoupled(const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
findTagged(const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
firstIndex(index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapperinline
freeIndex(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
freeSize() constgsDofMapperinline
getTagged() constgsDofMapperinline
global_to_bindex(index_t gl) constgsDofMapperinline
gsDofMapper(const gsMultiBasis< T > &bases, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &dirichlet, int unk=0)gsDofMapperinline
gsDofMapper(const gsMultiBasis< T > &bases, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapperinline
gsDofMapper(std::vector< const gsMultiBasis< T > * > const &bases)gsDofMapperinline
gsDofMapper(const gsBasis< T > &basis, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapperinline
gsDofMapper(const gsVector< index_t > &patchDofSizes, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapperinline
index(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
indexOnPatch(const index_t gl, const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
init(const gsMultiBasis< T > &bases, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapper
init(std::vector< const gsMultiBasis< T > * > const &bases)gsDofMapper
init(const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &dirichlet, int unk=0)gsDofMapper
initPatchDofs(const gsVector< index_t > &patchDofSizes, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapperprivate
initSingle(const gsBasis< T > &basis, index_t nComp=1)gsDofMapperprivate
inverseAsVector(index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapper
inverseOnPatch(const index_t k) constgsDofMapper
is_boundary(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
is_boundary_index(index_t gl) constgsDofMapperinline
is_coupled(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
is_coupled_index(index_t gl) constgsDofMapperinline
is_free(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
is_free_index(index_t gl) constgsDofMapperinline
is_tagged(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
is_tagged_index(index_t gl) constgsDofMapperinline
isFinalized() constgsDofMapperinline
isPermutation() constgsDofMapperinline
lastIndex() constgsDofMapperinline
localToGlobal(const gsMatrix< index_t > &locals, index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &globals, index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapper
localToGlobal2(const gsMatrix< index_t > &locals, index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &globals, index_t &numFree, index_t comp=0) constgsDofMapper
mapIndex(index_t n) constgsDofMapperinline
mapSize() constgsDofMapperinline
markBoundary(index_t k, const gsMatrix< index_t > &boundaryDofs, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
markCoupled(index_t i, index_t k, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
markTagged(index_t i, index_t k, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
matchDof(index_t u, index_t i, index_t v, index_t j, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
matchDofs(index_t u, const gsMatrix< index_t > &b1, index_t v, const gsMatrix< index_t > &b2, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
numComponents() constgsDofMapperinline
numPatches() constgsDofMapperinline
offset(int k) constgsDofMapperinline
patchSize(const index_t k, const index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline
permuteFreeDofs(const gsVector< index_t > &permutation, index_t comp=0)gsDofMapper
preImage(index_t gl, std::vector< std::pair< index_t, index_t > > &result) constgsDofMapper
print(std::ostream &os=gsInfo) constgsDofMapper
setBoundaryShift(index_t shift)gsDofMapper
setIdentity(index_t nPatches, size_t nDofs, size_t nComp=1)gsDofMapper
setMatchingInterfaces(const gsBoxTopology &mp)gsDofMapper
setShift(index_t shift)gsDofMapper
size() constgsDofMapperinline
size(index_t comp) constgsDofMapperinline
taggedSize() constgsDofMapper
tindex(index_t i, index_t k=0, index_t c=0) constgsDofMapperinline