G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsSparseSystem< T, symm > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gsSparseSystem< T, symm >, including all inherited members.

blockView()gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
blockView(size_t numRowBlocksNew, size_t numColBlocksNew, const gsVector< index_t > &rowBlocksNew, const gsVector< index_t > &colBlocksNew)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
blockViewRhs(size_t numRowBlocksNew, const gsVector< index_t > &rowBlocksNew)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
colBasis(const index_t c) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
colMapper(const index_t c) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
colMapper(const index_t c)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
cols() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
dofMappers() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
gsSparseSystem(gsDofMapper &mapper)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
gsSparseSystem(DofMappers &mappers, const gsVector< index_t > &dims)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
gsSparseSystem(DofMappers &mappers, const index_t rows, const index_t cols)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
gsSparseSystem(DofMappers &mappers, const gsVector< index_t > &rowInd, const gsVector< index_t > &colInd, const gsVector< index_t > &colvar)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
initialized() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
m_colgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_cstrgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_cvargsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_mappersgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_matrixgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_rhsgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_rowgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
m_rstrgsSparseSystem< T, symm >protected
mapColIndices(const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &result, const index_t c=0) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
mapRowIndices(const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &result, const index_t r=0) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
mapToGlobalColIndex(const index_t active, const index_t patchIndex, index_t &result, const index_t c=0) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
mapToGlobalRowIndex(const index_t active, const index_t patchIndex, index_t &result, const index_t r=0) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
matrix() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
matrix()gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
numColBlocks() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
numColNz(const gsMultiBasis< T > &mb, const gsOptionList &opt) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
numRowBlocks() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
numUnknowns() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const gsMatrix< T > &eliminatedDofs, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_i, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_j, const gsMatrix< T > &eliminatedDofs_j, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const std::vector< gsMatrix< index_t > > &actives_vec, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &eliminatedDofs, const gsVector< index_t > &r_vec, const gsVector< index_t > &c_vec)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const std::vector< gsMatrix< index_t > > &actives, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &eliminatedDofs)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &, const std::vector< gsMatrix< index_t > > &, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &, const gsVector< index_t > &, const gsVector< index_t > &)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
push(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushAllFree(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const gsMatrix< T > &eliminatedDofs, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_i, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_j, const gsMatrix< T > &eliminatedDofs_j, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const std::vector< gsMatrix< index_t > > &actives_vec, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &eliminatedDofs, const gsVector< index_t > &r_vec, const gsVector< index_t > &c_vec)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_i, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_j, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrixAllFree(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToMatrixAllFree(const gsMatrix< T > &localMat, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_i, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives_j, const size_t r=0, const size_t c=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToRhs(const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToRhs(const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const std::vector< gsMatrix< index_t > > &actives_vec, const gsVector< index_t > &r_vec)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
pushToRhsAllFree(const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
reserve(const index_t nz, const index_t numRhs)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
reserve(const gsMultiBasis< T > &mb, const gsOptionList &opt, const index_t numRhs)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rhs() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rhs()gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rhsCols() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rhsRows() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rowMapper(const index_t r) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rowMapper(const index_t r)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
rows() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
setZero()gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
swap(gsSparseSystem &other)gsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
symmetry() constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline
unkSize(const index_t unk) constgsSparseSystem< T, symm >inline