G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches

Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/commandLineArg_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

#include <string>
#include <gismo.h>
using namespace gismo;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Variables that will take values from the command line
std::string string("none"); // string variable default value
real_t flNumber = 1.0; // flNumber variable default value
index_t number = 1; // number variable default value
bool boolean = false; // boolean variable default value
std::string plainString; // argument of reading plain string
std::vector<index_t> intvec;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// First we Initialize the object that sets up and parses command line arguments
// This defines by default 3 arguments that can be readily used:
// --, --ignore_rest
// Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
// --version
// Displays version information and exits.
// -h, --help
// Displays usage information for all other arguments and exits.
gsCmdLine cmd("Tutorial Command Line Arguments");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// General syntax to add an argument:
// cmd.addType("f", "flag", "Description", destination)
// "f" is the short flag: -f
// "flag" is the long flag: --flag (same effect as "-f")
// "Description" describes what this argument is about
// destination is the variable that will have the value of the input argument
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding a string argument, given by the "-s" (or "--stringArg") flag
// If set, string is updated to the input value, otherwise string remains untouched
cmd.addString("s", "stringArg",
"Description of string command line argument.",
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding an integer argument, given by the "-i" (or "--num") flag
// If set, number is updated to the input value, otherwise number remains untouched
cmd.addInt ("i", "num",
"Description of int command line argument",
cmd.addNewInt ("j", "numj",
"Description of another int command line argument",
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding a float argument, given by the "-r" (or "--real") flag
// If set, flNumber is updated to the input value, otherwise flNumber remains untouched
cmd.addReal ("r", "real",
"Description of float command line argument",
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding a switch argument, given by the "--bool" flag
// If set, boolean is updated to the input value, otherwise boolean remains untouched
cmd.addSwitch("bool","Description of the switch argument.", boolean);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Extra plain argument (manually defined):
// Plain arguments are given without a flag.
std::string value = "default_plain_value";
cmd.addPlainString("plain", "Description of the plain command line argument.", plainString);
// Each flag can be only called once. The commands
// cmd.addMultiString, cmd.addMultiInt and cmd.addMultiReal
// allow one to register flags that can be used several times.
// They store the data in a vector.
cmd.addMultiInt("m", "multiint", "Description of multiint command line argument.", intvec);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Read the arguments and update with the inputs, if given.
// The program stopps here if there was an error in the command line
// or the user invoked "--help" or "--version"
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
// Print out the version information
gsInfo << "\nPrinting command line arguments:\n\n"
<< "Plain string: " << plainString << "\n"
<< "String: " << string << "\n"
<< "Float: " << flNumber << "\n"
<< "Integer: " << number << "\n"
<< "Switch: " << boolean << "\n"
<< "MultiInt {";
std::copy(intvec.begin(), intvec.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(gsInfo,", "));
gsInfo << "}\n\n";
gsInfo << "\nPrinting command line arguments again (using names):\n\n"
<< "Plain string: " << cmd.getString("plain") << "\n"
<< "String: " << cmd.getString("stringArg") << "\n"
<< "Float: " << cmd.getReal("real") << "\n"
<< "Integer: " << cmd.getInt("num") << "\n"
<< "Another one: " << cmd.getInt("numj") << "\n"
<< "Switch: " << cmd.getSwitch("bool") << "\n"
gsInfo<<"\nPrint out as an Option list. "<< cmd <<"\n";
return 0;
Class for command-line argument parsing.
Definition gsCmdLine.h:57
Main header to be included by clients using the G+Smo library.
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.