G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
14#ifndef __GISMO_H__
15#define __GISMO_H__
26namespace gismo
34namespace internal
35{ }
40/* ----------- Core ----------- */
41// #include <gsCore/gsConfig.h>
42// #include <gsCore/gsDebug.h>
43// #include <gsCore/gsExport.h>
44// #include <gsCore/gsMemory.h>
46//#include <gsCore/gsJITCompiler.h>
50#include <gsCore/gsFuncData.h>
51#include <gsCore/gsFunction.h>
53#include <gsCore/gsBoundary.h>
55#include <gsCore/gsGeometry.h>
58#include <gsCore/gsCurve.h>
59#include <gsCore/gsSurface.h>
60#include <gsCore/gsVolume.h>
61#include <gsCore/gsBulk.h>
67#include <gsCore/gsBasisFun.h>
71#include <gsCore/gsMultiPatch.h>
72#include <gsCore/gsField.h>
74#include <gsCore/gsBasis.h>
80#include <gsCore/gsSysInfo.h>
82// #include <gsCore/gsTemplateTools.h> // included by gsForwardDeclarations -> gsMemory
84// Tensors
90/* ----------- Nurbs ----------- */
93#include <gsNurbs/gsBSpline.h>
95#include <gsNurbs/gsNurbs.h>
103/* ----------- HSplines ----------- */
111#include <gsHSplines/gsHBox.h>
114/* ----------- Mesh ----------- */
115#include <gsMesh2/gsSurfMesh.h>
117/* ----------- MSplines ----------- */
121/* ----------- Modeling ----------- */
125#include <gsModeling/gsSolid.h>
129//#include <gsSegment/gsVolumeSegment.h>
130#include <gsModeling/gsFitting.h>
144/* ----------- Pde ----------- */
146#include <gsPde/gsConvDiffRePde.h>
147#include <gsPde/gsEulerBernoulliBeamPde.h>
148#include <gsPde/gsPoissonPde.h>
149#include <gsPde/gsStokesPde.h>
150#include <gsPde/gsPointLoads.h>
151//#include <gsPde/gsNewtonIterator.h>
153/* ----------- MultiGrid ----------- */
157/* ----------- Quadrature ----------- */
161/* ----------- Assembler ----------- */
173#include <gsAssembler/gsAdaptiveMeshing.h>
174#include <gsAssembler/gsAdaptiveMeshingUtils.h>
176/* ----------- Solver ----------- */
179#include <gsSolver/gsGMRes.h>
182#include <gsSolver/gsBiCgStab.h>
185#include <gsSolver/gsBlockOp.h>
187#include <gsSolver/gsProductOp.h>
189#include <gsSolver/gsSumOp.h>
193#include <gsSolver/gsMinResQLP.h>
195/* ----------- Ieti ----------- */
196#include <gsIeti/gsIetiMapper.h>
197#include <gsIeti/gsIetiSystem.h>
201/* ----------- IO ----------- */
202#include <gsIO/gsOptionList.h>
203#include <gsIO/gsCmdLine.h>
204#include <gsIO/gsFileData.h>
205#include <gsIO/gsFileManager.h>
206#include <gsIO/gsWriteParaview.h>
209#include <gsIO/gsReadFile.h>
210#include <gsUtils/gsPointGrid.h>
211#include <gsIO/gsXmlUtils.h>
212#include <gsIO/gsCsv.h>
214/* ----------- Parallel ----------- */
215#include <gsParallel/gsMpi.h>
217/* ----------- Utilities ----------- */
218//#include <gsUtils/gsUtils.h> - in gsForwardDeclarations.h
219#include <gsUtils/gsStopwatch.h>
224/* ----------- Extension ----------- */
226#include <gsAutoDiff.h>
229#ifdef gsTrilinos_ENABLED
234#if defined(gismo_EXPORTS) || defined(gismo_dev_EXPORTS)
235# ifdef _MSC_VER
236// MSVC and GCC >= 4.4.7
237# pragma message ("warning: The gismo.h header is for clients using the library.")
238# else
239// GCC
240# warning "The gismo.h header is for clients using the library."
241# endif
245#endif // __GISMO_H__
Allows to set up additive Schwarz type preconditioners.
Implements an affine function.
Provides generic assembler routines.
Provides declaration of BSplineBasis class.
Represents a B-spline curve/function with one parameter.
This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary rep...
Provides definition of the BasisFun class.
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
Biconjugate gradient stabilized solver.
Provides assembler for a (planar) Biharmonic equation.
Simple class create a block preconditioner structure.
Provides gsBoundaryConditions class.
Provides structs and classes related to interfaces and boundaries.
Provides declaration of the BoxTopology class.
Provides declaration of a 4D bulk.
Provides assembler and solver for the Poisson equation, incl. adaptive refinement.
Provides input command line arguments.
Allows to represent the composition of preconditioners.
Conjugate gradient solver.
Provides declaration of ConstantFunction class.
Provides Coons's patch construction from boundary data.
Provides cross approximation parameterizations from boundary data.
Provides functions writing .csv files.
Implementation of B Spline Curve/Curve intersection.
Fits a (closed) B-spline curve to some given data.
Interface for gsCurveLoop class, representing a loop of curves, in anticlockwise order.
Provides declaration of Curve abstract interface.
Provides declaration of DomainIterator abstract interface.
Generic expressions matrix assembly.
Generic expressions evaluator.
Generic expressions helper.
Provides declaration of gsFieldCreator functions.
Provides declaration of the Field class.
Utility class which holds I/O XML data to read/write to/from files.
Utility class for finding files and handling paths.
Provides declaration of data fitting algorithms by least squares approximation.
Provides forward declarations of types and structs.
Provides definition of the FuncCoordinate class.
This object is a cache for computed values from an evaluator.
Provides declaration of FunctionExpr class.
This is the interface of all objects that computes functions on points like gsBasis,...
A function with explicitly set derivatives.
Provides declaration of Function abstract interface.
Preconditioned iterative solver using the generalized minimal residual method.
Provides an assembler for common IGA matrices.
Provides declaration of gsGenericGeometry class.
Provides declaration of QuasiTensorNurbsBasis abstract interface.
Provides declaration of the gsGeometrySlice class.
Implements a Geometry together with an affine transform.
Provides declaration of Geometry abstract interface.
Gradient iteration.
Coarsening algorithms for knot vectors and bases.
Provides iteration over integer or numeric points in a (hyper-)cube.
Provides declaration of HBSplineBasis class.
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
Provides a container for gsHBox.
Provides gsHBox: smart boxes for HTensorBases.
Adaptive fitting using hierarchical splines.
Provides declaration of the gsHalfEdgeMesh class.
Provides assembler for the heat equation.
Algorithms that help with assembling the matrices required for IETI-solvers.
This class represents a IETI system.
Knot vector for B-splines.
Provides a linear operator representing the Kronecker product of linear operators.
Class that performs an L2 projection.
Class for representing a Lanczos matrix and calculating its eigenvalues.
Provides declaration of Line class.
This is the main header file that collects wrappers of Eigen for linear algebra.
Simple abstract class for (discrete) linear operators.
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
Provides declaration of the Mesh class.
Preconditioned iterative solver using the minimal residual QLP method.
Preconditioned iterative solver using the minimal residual method.
Helpers for dealing with MPI codes.
Multigrid preconditioner.
Provides declaration of the MultiPatch class.
Represents a NURBS basis with one parameter.
Provides declaration of the NurbsCreator struct.
Represents a NURBS curve/function with one parameter.
Provides a list of labeled parameters/options that can be set and accessed easily.
Class that maintains parametrization.
Provides a helper class to write Paraview collection (.pvd) files.
Provides a helper class to write Paraview (.vts) files.
Provides robust preconditioners for single patch geometries.
Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using overlaps.
Abstract class with the functionality common to gsPeriodicStitch and gsPeriodicOverlap.
Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using a stitch. This class is an alternative to gs...
Provides declaration of a gsPiecewiseFunction class.
Provides declaration of gsPlanarDomain class. The outer boundary (m_loops[0]) is a loop of curves,...
Provides functions to generate structured point data.
Provides a simple container for point loads on multi-patch domains.
Provides assembler for the Poisson equation.
Describes a Poisson PDE.
Simple abstract class for (discrete) linear preconditioners.
This class represents the primal system for a IETI-DP algorithm.
A class representing the product of gsLinearOperator s.
Provides a base class for a quadrature rule.
Creates a variety of quadrature rules.
Different Quasi-Interpolation Schemes based on the article "Spline methods (Lyche Morken)".
Provides declaration of RationalTHBSplineBasis abstract interface.
Represents a rational truncated hierarchical B-Spline patch.
Utility class which holds I/O XML data to read/write to/from files.
This class represents the scaled Dirichlet preconditioner.
Collection of some simple preconditioners.
Provides declaration of gsSolid class, a boundary-represented solid.
Provides spring patch construction from boundary data.
Timing functions.
Provides the sum of gsLinearOperator s as a gsLinearOperator.
Half edge mesh structure.
Provides declaration of Surface abstract interface.
Provides system information.
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
Provides declaration of TensorBSplineBasis abstract interface.
Represents a tensor-product B-spline patch.
Iterator over the boundary elements of a tensor-structured grid.
Iterator over the elements of a tensor-structured grid.
Provides declaration of TensorNurbsBasis abstract interface.
Represents a tensor-product NURBS patch.
Provides declaration of gsTriMeshToSolid: a triangle mesh to gsSolid convertor class.
Headers for trilinos-based objects and functionality.
Provides interface of gsTrimSurface class. Represents a trimmed surface (= spline "master surface" in...
Provides declaration of Volume abstract interface.
Provides declaration of functions writing Paraview files.
Provides declaration of input/output XML utilities struct.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.