27 void pybind11_init_gsKLShell(pybind11::module &m);
Provides a simple class to obtain a material matrix pointer.
Base class with dimension in template; used for metric computations.
Provides a base class for material matrices.
Provides a material matrix for laminates.
Provides a container for material matrices for thin shells.
Provides an evaluator for material matrices for thin shells.
Provides an evaluator for material matrices for thin shells.
Provides linear material matrices.
Provides hyperelastic material matrices.
Provides linear material matrices.
Provides material matrix utilities.
Provides DWR assembly routines for the Kirchhoff-Love shell.
Provides linear and nonlinear assemblers for thin shells.
Provides evaluation function for stresses.
Utilities for gsThinShellAssembler. Mainly expressions.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.