G+Smo  24.08.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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15 #include <gsCore/gsMultiBasis.h>
17 namespace gismo
18 {
20 template<short_t d, class T>
21 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis (std::vector<BasisType *> const & bases, gsBoxTopology const & topol,
22  index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel, index_t minEVDistance)
23 {
24  typedef typename std::vector<BasisType *>::const_iterator tempBasisIter;
25  m_topol = topol;
26  for(tempBasisIter it = bases.begin();it!=bases.end();++it)
27  m_bases.push_back((BasisType*)(*it)->clone().release());
28  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
29  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
30  else
31  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
32  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
33  _initVertices();
34  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
36  repairPatches();
38  if(!_checkTopologyWithBases())
39  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
40  _setMapping();
41 }
43 template<short_t d, class T>
44 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis (std::vector<BasisType *> const & bases, gsBoxTopology const & topol,
45  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> * > & coefs,index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel, index_t minEVDistance)
46 {
47  m_topol = topol;
48  for(typename BasisContainer::const_iterator it = bases.begin();it!=bases.end();++it)
49  m_bases.push_back( (gsBasis<T>*)(*it)->clone().release());
50  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
51  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
52  else
53  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
54  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
55  _initVertices();
56  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
58  repairPatches(coefs);
60  if(!_checkTopologyWithBases())
61  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
62  _setMapping();
63 }
65 template<short_t d, class T>
66 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis (BasisType const & base, gsBoxTopology const & topol)
67 {
68  m_topol = topol;
69  m_bases.push_back((BasisType *)base.clone().release());
70  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
71  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()));
72  _initVertices();
73  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
75  repairPatches();
77  _checkTopologyWithBases();
78  _setMapping();
79 }
81 template<short_t d, class T>
82 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis( gsMultiPatch<T> const & mp, index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel,
83  index_t minEVDistance)
84 {
85  //topol.computeAllVertices();
86  for (size_t i = 0; i < mp.nPatches(); i++)
87  {
88  GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<gsHTensorBasis<2> * >(& mp.basis(i))!=NULL,"Bases is not of type gsHTensorBasis<2>");
89  }
90  m_topol = mp;
91  m_bases = mp.basesCopy();
92  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
93  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
94  else
95  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
96  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
97  _initVertices();
98  _setDistanceOfAllVertices(); // this is wrong, every vertex has distance according to degree_u or degree_V
100  repairPatches();
102  _checkTopologyWithBases();
103  _setMapping();
104 }
106 template<short_t d, class T>
107 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis( gsMultiBasis<T> const & mb,gsBoxTopology const & topol, index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel,
108  index_t minEVDistance)
109 {
110  //topol.computeAllVertices();
111  for (size_t i = 0; i < mb.nBases(); i++)
112  {
113  GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<const gsHTensorBasis<2> * >(&mb.basis(i))!=NULL,"Bases is not of type gsHTensorBasis<2>");
114  m_bases.push_back((BasisType *)mb.basis(i).clone().release());
115  }
116  m_topol = topol;
117  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
118  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
119  else
120  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
121  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
122  _initVertices();
123  _setDistanceOfAllVertices(); // this is wrong, every vertex has distance according to degree_u or degree_V
125  repairPatches();
127  _checkTopologyWithBases();
128  _setMapping();
129 }
131 template<short_t d, class T>
132 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESHSplineBasis( const gsMPBESHSplineBasis& other )
133 {
134  m_topol = other.m_topol;
135  m_vertices=other.m_vertices;
136  m_distances=other.m_distances;
137  m_minDist=other.m_minDist;
138  // clone all geometries
139  for(ConstBasisIter it = other.m_bases.begin();it!=other.m_bases.end();++it)
140  {
141  m_bases.push_back( (BasisType *)(*it)->clone().release() );
142  }
143  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=other.m_incrSmoothnessDegree;
144  this->_checkTopologyWithBases();
145  //_setMapping();
146  m_mapper=new gsWeightMapper<T>(*other.m_mapper);
147  //m_mapFactory= need a method to clone mapFactory
148 }
150 template<short_t d, class T>
151 gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>& gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::operator=( const gsMPBESHSplineBasis& other )
152 {
153  m_topol=other.m_topol;
154  m_vertices=other.m_vertices;
155  m_distances=other.m_distances;
156  m_minDist=other.m_minDist;
157  freeAll(m_bases);
158  m_bases.clear();
159  for(ConstBasisIter it = other.m_bases.begin();it!=other.m_bases.end();++it)
160  m_bases.push_back((BasisType*)(*it)->clone().release());
161  if(m_mapper)
162  delete m_mapper;
163  m_mapper=NULL;//other.m_mapper->clone();
164  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=other.m_incrSmoothnessDegree;
165  //m_mapFactory= need a method to clone mapFactory
166  return *this;
167 }
169 template<short_t d, class T>
171 {
172  // * Initializer mapper
173  gsMPBESMapHB2D<d,T> maker(m_incrSmoothnessDegree,& m_topol,this);
174  if(m_mapper)
175  delete m_mapper;
176  m_mapper = maker.makeMapper();
177 }
179 template<short_t d, class T>
181 {
182  unsigned nr=0;
183  std::vector<bool> actives;
184  for(unsigned level = 0;level<=basis(ps.patch).maxLevel();++level)
185  {
186  basis(ps.patch).activeBoundaryFunctionsOfLevel(level,ps.side(),actives);
187  for(std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iter = actives.begin();iter!=actives.end();++iter)
188  if(*iter)
189  nr++;
190  }
191  return nr;
192 }
194 template<short_t d, class T>
195 bool gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::isLocallyConnected(indexType i,indexType j) const
196 {
197  unsigned patch_i = _getPatch(i), patch_j = _getPatch(j);
198  if( patch_i != patch_j )
199  return false;
200  indexType loc_i = _getPatchIndex(i), loc_j = _getPatchIndex(j);
201  unsigned level_i = basis(patch_i).levelOf(loc_i);
202  unsigned level_j = basis(patch_j).levelOf(loc_j);
203  if( level_i != level_j )
204  return false;
205  unsigned tensorIndex_i = basis(patch_i).flatTensorIndexOf(loc_i);
206  unsigned tensorIndex_j = basis(patch_j).flatTensorIndexOf(loc_j);
207  gsVector<index_t,d> vec_i = basis(patch_i).getBases()[level_i]->tensorIndex(tensorIndex_i);
208  gsVector<index_t,d> vec_j = basis(patch_j).getBases()[level_j]->tensorIndex(tensorIndex_j);
209  unsigned distance = 0;
210  for( unsigned i2=0; i2< d;++i2 )
211  if( vec_i[j]-vec_j[i2] != 0 )
212  distance++;
213  return distance==1;
214 }
216 template<short_t d, class T>
217 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::refine(const index_t patch, gsMatrix<T> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
218 {
219  basis(patch).refine(boxes);
220  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
221  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
222  coefs.push_back(NULL);
223  if(updateBasis)
224  {
225  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
226  updateTopol();
227  }
228 }
230 template<short_t d, class T>
231 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::refineElements(const index_t patch, std::vector<index_t> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
232 {
233  basis(patch).refineElements(boxes);
234  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
235  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
236  coefs.push_back(NULL);
237  if(updateBasis)
238  {
239  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
240  updateTopol();
241  }
242 }
244 template<short_t d, class T>
245 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::refine_withCoefs(gsMatrix<T>& localCoef, const index_t patch, gsMatrix<T> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
246 {
247  //std::cout << localCoef << std::endl << std::endl;
248  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
249  unsigned geoDim = localCoef.cols();
250  index_t start, end = -1;
251  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
252  {
253  start=end+1;
254  end+=basis(i).size();
255  gsMatrix<T>* localMat = new gsMatrix<T>(end-start+1,geoDim);
256  *localMat << localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim);
257  coefs.push_back(localMat);
258  }
259  basis(patch).refine_withCoefs(*coefs[patch],boxes);
260  if(updateBasis)
261  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
262  unsigned totalSize=0;
263  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
264  {
265  totalSize+=basis(i).size();
266  }
267  localCoef.resize(totalSize,geoDim);
268  end = -1;
269  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); i++)
270  {
271  start=end+1;
272  end+=basis(i).size();
273  localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim) << *coefs[i];
274  }
275  //std::cout << localCoef << std::endl << std::endl;
276  if(updateBasis)
277  updateTopol();
278  freeAll(coefs);
279 }
281 template<short_t d, class T>
282 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::refineElements_withCoefs(gsMatrix<T>& localCoef, const index_t patch, std::vector<index_t> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
283 {
284  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
285  unsigned geoDim = localCoef.cols();
286  index_t start, end = -1;
287  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
288  {
289  start=end+1;
290  end+=basis(i).size();
291  gsMatrix<T>* localMat = new gsMatrix<T>(end-start+1,geoDim);
292  *localMat << localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim);
293  coefs.push_back(localMat);
294  }
295  basis(patch).refineElements_withCoefs(*coefs[patch],boxes);
296  if(updateBasis)
297  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
298  unsigned totalSize=0;
299  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
300  {
301  totalSize+=basis(i).size();
302  }
303  localCoef.resize(totalSize,geoDim);
304  end = -1;
305  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); i++)
306  {
307  start=end+1;
308  end+=basis(i).size();
309  localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim) << *coefs[i];
310  }
311  if(updateBasis)
312  updateTopol();
313  freeAll(coefs);
314 }
316 template<short_t d, class T>
317 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::refineWithExtension(const index_t patch,gsMatrix<T> const & boxes, index_t refExt,bool updateBasis)
318 {
319  m_bases[patch]->refine( boxes, refExt);
320  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
321  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPatches(); ++i)
322  coefs.push_back(NULL);
323  if(updateBasis)
324  {
325  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
326  updateTopol();
327  }
328 }
330 template<short_t d, class T>
331 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::repairPatches(std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> & coefs, index_t startFromPatch)
332 {
333  std::vector<size_t> toCheck; //set of all indizes of patches, which have to be checked
334  if(startFromPatch==-1)
335  for(size_t i = 0; i < m_bases.size(); ++i)
336  toCheck.push_back(i);
337  else
338  toCheck.push_back(startFromPatch);
339  size_t curElement;
340  do
341  {
342  curElement=toCheck[0];
343  toCheck.erase(toCheck.begin());
344  std::vector<index_t> boxes;
345  std::vector<index_t> checkPatches(0);
346  bool matched = true;
347  matched = matched && _innerBoxesAreSuitable(curElement,boxes);
348  if(!matched)
349  {
350  if(coefs[curElement]!=NULL)
351  basis(curElement).refineElements_withCoefs(*(coefs[curElement]),boxes);
352  else
353  basis(curElement).refineElements(boxes);
354  toCheck.push_back(curElement);
355  continue;
356  }
357  matched = true;
358  boxes.clear();
359  matched = matched && _boxesMatchNeighbours(curElement,boxes,checkPatches);
360  if(!matched)
361  {
362  if(coefs[curElement]!=NULL)
363  basis(curElement).refineElements_withCoefs(*(coefs[curElement]),boxes);
364  else
365  basis(curElement).refineElements(boxes);
366  }
367  for(size_t i = 0; i < checkPatches.size(); ++i)
368  if(std::find(toCheck.begin(), toCheck.end(), checkPatches[i])==toCheck.end())
369  toCheck.push_back(checkPatches[i]);
370  }while(!toCheck.empty());
371 }
373 template<short_t d, class T>
375  std::vector<index_t>& boxes)
376 {
377  size_t sz = boxes.size();
378  short_t dist_u = 2*std::min(m_bases[patch]->degree(0),(short_t)(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1));
379  short_t dist_v = 2*std::min(m_bases[patch]->degree(1),(short_t)(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1));
380  patchSide ps_north(patch,boundary::north);
381  patchSide ps_south(patch,boundary::south);
382  patchSide ps_east(patch,boundary::east);
383  patchSide ps_west(patch,boundary::west);
384  bool north = m_topol.isInterface(ps_north);
385  bool south = m_topol.isInterface(ps_south);
386  bool east = m_topol.isInterface(ps_east);
387  bool west = m_topol.isInterface(ps_west);
388  gsMatrix<index_t> b1,b2;
389  gsVector<index_t> level;
390  // make the interior of the patch ok
391  basis(patch).tree().getBoxesInLevelIndex(b1,b2,level); // sorted by level?!?!
392  for(index_t i = 0; i < level.rows(); i++)
393  {
394  index_t l = level(i);
395  if(l==0)
396  continue;
397  index_t b_uMin = b1(i,0),b_vMin = b1(i,1);
398  index_t b_uMax = b2(i,0),b_vMax = b2(i,1);
399  index_t uMin = 0, uMax = basis(patch).getBases()[l]->knots(0).uSize() - 1;
400  index_t vMin = 0, vMax = basis(patch).getBases()[l]->knots(1).uSize() - 1;
401  // if the box does not touch the boundary we have to do nothing
402  if( uMin < b_uMin && b_uMax < uMax && vMin < b_vMin && b_vMax < vMax )
403  continue;
404  // if the box touches the boundary, we have to check if goes far enough from
405  // the boundary, such that all the functions needed for gluing are there in the same level
406  if( west && uMin == b_uMin && b_uMax < uMin+dist_u )
407  _addBox(patch,b_uMin,b_vMin,uMin+dist_u,b_vMax,l,boxes);
408  if( east && uMax == b_uMax && b_uMin > uMax-dist_u )
409  _addBox(patch,uMax-dist_u,b_vMin,b_uMax,b_vMax,l,boxes);
410  if( south && vMin == b_vMin && b_vMax < vMin+dist_v )
411  _addBox(patch,b_uMin,b_vMin,b_uMax,vMin+dist_v,l,boxes);
412  if( north && vMax == b_vMax && b_vMin > vMax-dist_v )
413  _addBox(patch,b_uMin,vMax-dist_v,b_uMax,b_vMax,l,boxes);
414  }
415  return boxes.size()==sz;
416 }
418 template<short_t d, class T>
419 bool gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::_boxesMatchNeighbours(const index_t patch,
420  std::vector<index_t>& boxes, std::vector<index_t>& checkPatches)
421 {
422  unsigned sz = boxes.size();
423  //check if neighbour has the same refined boxes.
424  patchSide ps, ps_neigh;
425  std::vector<bool> sideToCheck(4,false);
426  std::vector<index_t> neighbours(4,-1);
427  gsVector<bool> orient;
428  index_t patch_max_level = basis(patch).maxLevel();
429  for(unsigned side=1;side<=4;++side)
430  {
431  ps=patchSide(patch,side);
432  if( !m_topol.getNeighbour(ps,ps_neigh) )
433  continue;
434  neighbours[side-1]=ps_neigh.patch; //fill with the patch numbers of the neighbours
435  unsigned neighbour_max_level = basis(ps_neigh.patch).maxLevel();
436  unsigned max_level = std::max<unsigned>(patch_max_level,neighbour_max_level);
437  for(unsigned l=1;l<=max_level;++l)
438  {
439  std::vector<bool> s_patch,s_neigh,s_res;
440  basis(patch).activeBoundaryFunctionsOfLevel(l,ps.side(),s_patch);
441  basis(ps_neigh.patch).activeBoundaryFunctionsOfLevel(l,ps_neigh.side(),s_neigh);
442  unsigned sz2 = s_patch.size();
443  boundaryInterface bf;
444  m_topol.getInterface(ps,bf);
445  if(!bf.dirOrientation(ps,1-ps.direction()))
446  std::reverse(s_neigh.begin(),s_neigh.end());
447  s_res.resize(sz2);
448  for(unsigned i = 0;i<sz2;i++)
449  {
450  s_res[i]=s_neigh[i]&&!s_patch[i];
451  if(s_patch[i]&&!s_neigh[i])
452  sideToCheck[side-1]=true; //set this side to true
453  }
454  unsigned start = 0, end=0;
455  do
456  {
457  if(!s_res[start])
458  {
459  start++;
460  end++;
461  }
462  else if(end<sz2&&s_res[end])
463  end++;
464  else
465  {
466  _addBoundaryBox(patch,ps.side(),start,end-1,l,boxes,sideToCheck);
467  start=end;
468  }
469  }while(start!=sz2);
470  }
471  }
472  //find the patches we will have to check again:
473  for(unsigned i = 0;i<4;i++)
474  {
475  if(sideToCheck[i]&&neighbours[i]!=-1)
476  checkPatches.push_back(neighbours[i]);
477  }
478  return boxes.size()==sz;
479 }
481 template<short_t d, class T>
482 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::_addBoundaryBox(const index_t patch,const boxSide s,const index_t start, const index_t end,const unsigned level, std::vector<index_t> & boxes, std::vector<bool> & sideToCheck)
483 {
484  short_t u_max = basis(patch).getBases()[level]->size(0)-1;
485  short_t v_max = basis(patch).getBases()[level]->size(1)-1;
486  short_t dist_u = 2*std::min(m_bases[patch]->degree(0),(short_t)(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1));
487  short_t dist_v = 2*std::min(m_bases[patch]->degree(1),(short_t)(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1));
488  switch(s)
489  {
490  case 1:
491  _addFunBox(patch,0,start,dist_u-1,end,level,boxes);
492  if(dist_u>=u_max)
493  sideToCheck[2-1]=true;
494  break;
495  case 2:
496  _addFunBox(patch,u_max-(dist_u-1),start,u_max,end,level,boxes);
497  if(dist_u>=u_max)
498  sideToCheck[1-1]=true;
499  break;
500  case 3:
501  _addFunBox(patch,start,0,end,dist_v-1,level,boxes);
502  if(dist_v>=v_max)
503  sideToCheck[4-1]=true;
504  break;
505  case 4:
506  _addFunBox(patch,start,v_max-(dist_v-1),end,v_max,level,boxes);
507  if(dist_v>=v_max)
508  sideToCheck[3-1]=true;
509  break;
510  default:
511  GISMO_ERROR("only 2D possible");
512  }
513  if(s==1||s==2)
514  {
515  if(start<=0)
516  sideToCheck[3-1]=true;
517  if(end>=static_cast<index_t>(v_max)-1)
518  sideToCheck[4-1]=true;
519  }
520  else
521  {
522  if(start<=0)
523  sideToCheck[1-1]=true;
524  if(end>=static_cast<index_t>(u_max)-1)
525  sideToCheck[2-1]=true;
526  }
527 }
529 template<short_t d, class T>
530 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::_addFunBox(const index_t patch,const unsigned uMin,const unsigned vMin,const unsigned uMax,const unsigned vMax,const unsigned level, std::vector<index_t> & boxes)
531 {
532  boxes.push_back(level);
533  gsMatrix<index_t> supportIndex;
534  basis(patch).getBases()[level]->knots(0).supportIndex_into(uMin,supportIndex);
535  boxes.push_back(supportIndex(0,0));
536  basis(patch).getBases()[level]->knots(1).supportIndex_into(vMin,supportIndex);
537  boxes.push_back(supportIndex(0,0));
538  basis(patch).getBases()[level]->knots(0).supportIndex_into(uMax,supportIndex);
539  boxes.push_back(supportIndex(0,1));
540  basis(patch).getBases()[level]->knots(1).supportIndex_into(vMax,supportIndex);
541  boxes.push_back(supportIndex(0,1));
542 }
544 template<short_t d, class T>
545 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::_addBox(const index_t patch,const unsigned uMin,const unsigned vMin,const unsigned uMax,const unsigned vMax,const unsigned level, std::vector<index_t> & boxes)
546 {
547  gsVector<index_t,d> lowerLeft;
548  lowerLeft(0)=uMin;
549  lowerLeft(1)=vMin;
550  gsVector<index_t,d> upperRight;
551  upperRight(0)=uMax;
552  upperRight(1)=vMax;
553  if( uMin<uMax && vMin<vMax && static_cast<index_t>(level)>basis(patch).tree().query3(lowerLeft,upperRight,level))
554  {
555  boxes.push_back(level);
556  boxes.push_back(uMin);
557  boxes.push_back(vMin);
558  boxes.push_back(uMax);
559  boxes.push_back(vMax);
560  }
561 }
563 template<short_t d, class T>
564 void gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::_endpointsOfActiveBoundaryFunctions(patchSide const & ps,bool orient,std::vector<T>& endpoints) const
565 {
566  index_t patch = ps.patch;
567  unsigned deg = degree(patch,1-(ps.direction()));
568  std::vector<bool> actives;
569  for(unsigned level = 0;level<=basis(patch).maxLevel();++level)
570  {
571  gsKnotVector<T> knots = basis(patch).getBases()[level]->knots(1-(ps.direction()));
572  basis(patch).activeBoundaryFunctionsOfLevel(level,ps.side(),actives);
573  if(orient)
574  {
575  knots.reverse();
576  std::reverse(actives.begin(), actives.end());
577  }
578  for(unsigned i = 0; i<actives.size();++i)
579  if(actives[i])
580  endpoints.push_back(knots.at(i+deg+1));
581  }
582  std::sort(endpoints.begin(),endpoints.end());
583 }
585 template<short_t d, class T>
586 T gsMPBESHSplineBasis<d,T>::findParameter(patchSide const & ps,patchCorner const & pc,unsigned nrBasisFuncs) const
587 {
588  if(nrBasisFuncs==0)
589  return 0.0;
590  std::vector<T> endpoints;
591  gsVector<bool> pars;
592  pc.parameters_into(d,pars);
593  _endpointsOfActiveBoundaryFunctions(ps,pars(1-ps.direction()),endpoints);
594  return endpoints[nrBasisFuncs-1];
595 }
597 }
void parameters_into(index_t dim, gsVector< bool > &param) const
returns a vector of parameters describing the position of the corner
Definition: gsBoundary.h:322
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
void repairPatches(std::vector< gsMatrix< T > * > &coefs, index_t startFromPatch=-1)
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:331
Struct which represents a certain side of a patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:231
void _setMapping()
create a new mapping of the local basisfunctions
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:170
T distance(gsMatrix< T > const &A, gsMatrix< T > const &B, index_t i=0, index_t j=0, bool cols=false)
compute a distance between the point number in the set and the point number &lt;j&gt; in the set ; by def...
#define short_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:35
A univariate Lagrange basis.
Definition: gsMPBESMapHB2D.h:40
Provides declaration of MultiBasis class.
virtual void refineWithExtension(const index_t patch, gsMatrix< T > const &boxes, index_t refExt=0, bool updateBasis=true)
Refine the are defined by boxes on patch k with extension refExt.
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:317
#define index_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:32
A univariate Lagrange basis.
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.h:32
Default empty constructor.
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.h:77
Struct which represents a certain corner of a patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:392
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:89
void freeAll(It begin, It end)
Frees all pointers in the range [begin end)
Definition: gsMemory.h:312
T findParameter(patchSide const &ps, patchCorner const &pc, unsigned nrBasisFuncs) const
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:586
void refineElements(const index_t patch, std::vector< index_t > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:231
unsigned basisFunctionsOnSide(const patchSide &ps) const
Returns the amount of basis functions on a given side of a given patch.
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:180
#define GISMO_ERROR(message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:118
void refine_withCoefs(gsMatrix< T > &localCoef, const index_t patch, gsMatrix< T > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:245
index_t patch
The index of the patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:234
short_t direction() const
Returns the parametric direction orthogonal to this side.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:113
void refineElements_withCoefs(gsMatrix< T > &localCoef, const index_t patch, std::vector< index_t > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:282
void refine(const index_t patch, gsMatrix< T > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESHSplineBasis.hpp:217