G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches

Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/linearAlgebra_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

#include <iostream>
#include <gismo.h>
using namespace gismo;
int main(int argc, char**argv)
gsCmdLine cmd("Tutorial on matrix operations and linear algebra.");
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
gsDebug << "Vectorization is enabled in Eigen.\n";
gsDebug << "Eigen has rvalue references.\n";
gsInfo << "G+Smo uses Eigen v"<< EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION<<"."
<<" for matrix computations.\n";
// A matrix with entries of type real_t, and allocated size 3x3
// The comman initializer lets us fill the matrix ROW-WISE. Note that the
// matrix must have the correct size for this to work
A << 2,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10;
A(0,0) -= 1 ;
gsInfo << "A=\n"<< A <<"\n";
gsInfo<< math::isnan(A(0,0)) <<"\n";
gsInfo<< math::isinf(A(0,0)) <<"\n";
// If the type of the entries of the matrix is not given, the
// default type is real_t (e.g. double)
gsMatrix<> E (3,1);
gsVector<> c (3);
E << 2,2,3 ;
gsInfo<< "Cross Product (for 3D columns): "<< E.col3d(0).cross(c.col3d(0)) <<"\n";
// Even if two matrices do not have the same size we can assign one
// to the other and the result will be two identical matrices
c = E ;
// Similary we can assign a column or any other expression to a
// matrix variable
c = A.col(1) ;
// The two extra arguments are the number of rows and columns,
// statically known at compile time
F << 2,2,3, 4 ;
gsVector<> w (2);
w= F.row(1);
gsInfo << "vector c:\n" << c <<"\n"<< E << "\n";
gsInfo << "vector as diagonal:\n" << gsMatrix<>( c.asDiagonal() ) << "\n";
gsInfo << "E.sum():\n" << E.sum() << "\n";
gsInfo << "dyn: " << Dynamic << "\n";
gsVector<> b (3);
b << 3, 3, 4;
gsInfo << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << "\n";
gsInfo << "Here is the vector b:\n" << b << "\n";
gsInfo << "Size of A: " << A.rows() << " x " << A.cols() << "\n";
gsInfo << "Determinant of A: "<< A.determinant() << "\n";
gsInfo << "Transpose of A:\n"<< A.transpose() << "\n";
// Note that A.transpose() does not alter A, but only returns an
// expression of its transpose.
// We can transpose A in place as follows:
A.transposeInPlace();//second transposition results in the original A matrix
// Note that A.inverse() does not alter A. To save the inverse in place of A use
// A.inverseInPlace()
gsInfo << "Inverse of A:\n"<< A.inverse() << "\n";
// We can initialize a matrix using other matrices by "<<"
// Note that AAA must have the right size!
gsMatrix<> AAA(3,12);
AAA << A, A.transpose(), A.adjugate(), A;
gsInfo << "A block matrix containing [A, A.tranpose(), A.adjugate(), A] :\n"<< AAA << "\n";
gsInfo << "Block-wise transposition of the above:\n"<< AAA << "\n";
gsInfo << "Block-wise transposition of the above seen as 3x6 blocks:\n"<< AAA << "\n";
perm << 2,1,0;
gsInfo << "Here is the row permutation ("<<perm.transpose()<<") of matrix A:\n"
<< perm.asPermutation() * A << "\n";
gsInfo << "Here is the column permutation ("<<perm.transpose()<<") of matrix A:\n"
<< A * perm.asPermutation() << "\n";
gsInfo << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << "\n";
// Computes a factorization (LU,QR) and solves Ax=b for the unknown x using
// this factorization
x= A.partialPivLu().solve(b);
//x= A.fullPivLu().solve(b);
//x= A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
gsInfo << "The solution of Ax=b is:\n" << x << "\n";
gsInfo << "Verification, A*x is:\n" << A*x << "\n";
gsInfo << "The dot product x.b is : " << x.transpose()* b<< "\n"; //x.dot(b)
gsInfo << "The dot product x.b is : " << x.dot( b )<< "\n"; //x.dot(b)
gsInfo << "The product x*bt is : \n" << x * b.transpose() << "\n";
gsMatrix<> M = x * b.transpose() ;
W << 2,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,10;
gsMatrix<> R2 = W * W ; //x * b.transpose() ;
gsInfo << "Block of A of size (2,2), starting at (1,1):\n"<< A.block<2,2>(1,1) << "\n";
// if the block size is not known at compile time: A.block(1,1,2,2) << "\n";
gsInfo << "Reverse matrix:\n"<< A.colwise().reverse() << "\n";
B.insert(0,0) = 1 ;
B.insert(1,1) = 2 ;
B.insert(2,2) = 3 ;
B(1,1) += 3 ;
gsInfo << "Here is a sparse matrix B:\n" << B<< " and B(1,1) is "<< B.coeffRef(1,1) << "\n";
gsInfo << "Matrix B has "<<B.nonZeros() << " non-zero elements"<< "\n";
gsInfo << "Here is the product A*B:\n" << A*B << "\n";
v1 << 1,2,3;
v2 << 3,2,1;
gsInfo << " dot product: "<< v1.dot(v2) << "\n";
gsInfo << " cross product: "<< v1.cross(v2) << "\n";
gsInfo << " dot product of matrix columns: "<< A.col(0).adjoint() * A.col(1) << "\n";
gsInfo << " Another way: converts 1x1 matrix to value: "<< (A.col(0).transpose() * A.col(1) ).value() << "\n";
A.firstMinor(0, 0, r);
gsInfo << "Here are some minors of A:\n" << r << "\n";
A.firstMinor(1, 2, r);
gsInfo << r << "\n";
A.firstMinor(2, 0, r);
gsInfo << r << "\n";
A.firstMinor(2, 2, r);
gsInfo << r << "\n";
gsInfo <<"Set matrix to zero setZero():\n"<< r <<"\n";
gsInfo <<"Set matrix to all ones setOnes():\n"<< r <<"\n";
gsInfo <<"Set matrix to all a constant setConstant(3):\n"<< r <<"\n";
r.setRandom(2,2); // SLE_11_SP4
gsInfo <<"Set matrix to random entires setRandom():\n"<< r <<"\n";
#ifndef gsGmp_ENABLED // eigenvalues will not work for rational arithmetic types
gsInfo << " Eigenvalues of non-symmetric matrix: "<< A.eigenvalues().transpose() << "\n";
gsInfo << " Eigenvectors of non-symmetric matrix: \n"
<< gsMatrix<>::EigenSolver(A).eigenvectors() << "\n";
gsInfo << " Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix (A's lower triangular part): "
<< A.selfadjointView<Lower>().eigenvalues().transpose() << "\n";
gsInfo << " Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix (A's upper triangular part): "
<< A.selfadjointView<Upper>().eigenvalues().transpose() << "\n";
return 0;
Class for command-line argument parsing.
Definition gsCmdLine.h:57
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
void firstMinor(index_t i, index_t j, FirstMinorMatrixType &result) const
Definition gsMatrix.h:315
Sparse matrix class, based on gsEigen::SparseMatrix.
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:139
A fixed-size, statically allocated 3D vector.
Definition gsVector.h:219
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
Main header to be included by clients using the G+Smo library.
#define gsDebug
Definition gsDebug.h:61
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.