G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches

Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/trilinos_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

#include <gismo.h>
using namespace gismo;
template<typename Solver>
void configureSolver(Solver & solver, const std::string & config);
//Create a tri-diagonal matrix with -1 of the off diagonals and 2 in the diagonal.
//This matrix is equivalent to discretizing the 1D Poisson equation with homogeneous
//Dirichlet boundary condition using a finite difference method. It is a SPD matrix.
//The solution is sin(pi*x);
void poissonDiscretization(gsSparseMatrix<> & mat, gsVector<> & rhs, index_t N);
int main(int argc, char**argv)
// Parameters
bool verbose = false;
bool status = false;
bool timing = false;
std::string solver = "Aztec:Gmres";
std::string preconditioner = "ML:DD";
std::string amesos_options = "";
std::string aztec_options = "";
std::string belos_options = "";
std::string ml_options = "";
// Command line argument parser
gsCmdLine cmd("This file tests the Trilinos integration");
// Add command line arguments
cmd.addSwitch("verbose", "Verbose output", verbose);
cmd.addSwitch("status", "Status output", status);
cmd.addSwitch("timing", "Timing output", timing);
cmd.addString("p", "preconditioner", "Type of external preconditioner", preconditioner);
cmd.addString("s", "solver", "Type of solver", solver);
cmd.addString("A", "amesos", "Additional options for Amesos solver", amesos_options);
cmd.addString("B", "belos", "Additional options for Belos solver", belos_options);
cmd.addString("M", "ml", "Additional options for ML solver", ml_options);
cmd.addString("Z", "aztec", "Additional options for Aztec solver", aztec_options);
// Read parameters from command line
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
// Initialize the MPI environment and obtain the world communicator
gsMpiComm comm = gsMpi::init(argc,argv).worldComm();
// Get the rank of the processor
int _rank = comm.rank();
gsVector<> x, b; // solution vector and right hand side vector
// System size
int n = 0;
if (0==_rank)
gsInfo << "Running on "<< comm.size() <<" processes.\n";
// System size
n = 10 * comm.size();
// Assembly:
// Fill in A and b
if ( n < 15 )
gsInfo << "Matrix:\n" << A.toDense() << "\n";
gsInfo << "det M = " << A.toDense().determinant() << "\n";
gsInfo << "rhs = "<< b.transpose() << "\n";
gsInfo << "Matrix: "<< A.rows() << " x " << A.cols() << "\n";
// Solving with Eigen-Cholesky:
gsSparseSolver<>::SimplicialLDLT LDTL(A);
x = LDTL.solve(b);
if ( n < 100 )
gsInfo << "x = "<< x.transpose() <<"\n\n";
#ifdef gsTrilinos_ENABLED
// Converting Eigen-Matrix to Trilinos/Epetra
trilinos::SparseMatrix t_A(A);
trilinos::Vector t_b(b, t_A);
gsInfo << "Processor "<<_rank <<" has "<< t_b.mySize()
<<" out of "<<t_b.size()<<" equations.\n";
bool OK_ALL = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------Solving with Trilinos solvers----------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (solver.substr(0,6) == "Amesos")
solver.substr(7) == "Lapack" ?
solver.substr(7) == "KLU" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::KLU :
solver.substr(7) == "Umfpack" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::Umfpack :
solver.substr(7) == "Pardiso" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::Pardiso :
solver.substr(7) == "Taucs" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::Taucs :
solver.substr(7) == "SuperLU" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::SuperLU :
solver.substr(7) == "SuperLUDist" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::SuperLUDist :
solver.substr(7) == "Mumps" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::Mumps :
solver.substr(7) == "Dscpack" ?
trilinos::solver::AmesosSolvers::Dscpack :
configureSolver(t_solver, amesos_options);
if (verbose) gsInfo << t_solver.currentParams();
//const trilinos::Vector & t_vx = t_solver.solve(t_b);
if (status) gsInfo << t_solver.status();
if (timing) gsInfo << t_solver.timing();
bool OK = false;
t_solver.getSolution(t_x); // collect solution at Proc 0
if (0==_rank)
const real_t err = (x-t_x).norm();
gsInfo << "norm check: "<< err <<"\n";
OK = ( err < 10e-8 );
if ( n < 100 )
gsInfo << "t_x = "<< t_x.transpose() <<"\n";
comm.broadcast(&OK, 1, 0);
gsInfo << "Trilinos Amesos solver: " << (OK ? "succeeded\n" : "failed\n");
else if (solver.substr(0,5) == "Aztec" &&
(preconditioner == "" ||
(preconditioner.length() >= 5 && preconditioner.substr(0,5) == "Aztec")))
configureSolver(t_solver, aztec_options);
if (solver.length() > 5) {
t_solver.set("AZ_solver", solver.substr(6));
if (preconditioner.length() > 5) {
t_solver.set("AZ_precond", preconditioner.substr(6));
if (verbose) gsInfo << t_solver.currentParams();
//const trilinos::Vector & t_vx = t_solver.solve(t_b);
if (status) gsInfo << t_solver.status();
if (timing) gsInfo << t_solver.timing();
bool OK = false;
t_solver.getSolution(t_x); // collect solution at Proc 0
if (0==_rank)
const real_t err = (x-t_x).norm();
gsInfo << "norm check: "<< err <<"\n";
OK = ( err < 10e-8 );
if ( n < 100 )
gsInfo << "t_x = "<< t_x.transpose() <<"\n";
comm.broadcast(&OK, 1, 0);
gsInfo << "Trilinos Aztec solver: " << (OK ? "succeeded\n" : "failed\n");
else if (solver.substr(0,5) == "Aztec" &&
preconditioner.substr(0,2) == "ML")
configureSolver(t_solver, aztec_options);
if (solver.length() > 5) {
t_solver.set("AZ_solver", solver.substr(6));
if (verbose) gsInfo << t_solver.currentParams();
preconditioner.substr(3) == "SA" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::SA :
preconditioner.substr(3) == "NSSA" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::NSSA :
preconditioner.substr(3) == "DD" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::DD :
preconditioner.substr(3) == "DDLU" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::DDLU :
preconditioner.substr(3) == "DDML" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::DDML :
preconditioner.substr(3) == "DDMLLU" ?
trilinos::solver::MLSolvers::DDMLLU :
configureSolver(t_precond, ml_options);
if (verbose) gsInfo << t_precond.currentParams();
//const trilinos::Vector & t_vx = t_solver.solve(t_b);
if (status) gsInfo << t_solver.status();
if (timing) gsInfo << t_solver.timing();
if (status) gsInfo << t_precond.status();
if (timing) gsInfo << t_precond.timing();
bool OK = false;
t_solver.getSolution(t_x); // collect solution at Proc 0
if (0==_rank)
const real_t err = (x-t_x).norm();
gsInfo << "norm check: "<< err <<"\n";
OK = ( err < 10e-8 );
if ( n < 100 )
gsInfo << "t_x = "<< t_x.transpose() <<"\n";
comm.broadcast(&OK, 1, 0);
gsInfo << "Trilinos Aztec solver with ML preconditioner: " << (OK ? "succeeded\n" : "failed\n");
else if (solver.substr(0,5) == "Belos")
solver.substr(6) == "BiCGStab" ?
solver.substr(6) == "BlockCG" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::BlockCG :
# ifdef Belos_ENABLE_Experimental
solver.substr(6) == "BlockGCRODR" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::BlockGCRODR :
# endif
solver.substr(6) == "BlockGmres" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::BlockGmres :
solver.substr(6) == "FixedPoint" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::FixedPoint :
solver.substr(6) == "GCRODR" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::GCRODR :
solver.substr(6) == "GmresPoly" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::GmresPoly :
solver.substr(6) == "LSQR" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::LSQR :
solver.substr(6) == "Minres" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::Minres :
solver.substr(6) == "PCPG" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::PCPG :
solver.substr(6) == "PseudoBlockCG" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::PseudoBlockCG :
solver.substr(6) == "PseudoBlockGmres" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::PseudoBlockGmres :
solver.substr(6) == "PseudoBlockStochasticCG" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::PseudoBlockStochasticCG :
solver.substr(6) == "PseudoBlockTFQMR" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::PseudoBlockTFQMR :
solver.substr(6) == "RCG" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::RCG :
solver.substr(6) == "TFQMR" ?
trilinos::solver::BelosSolvers::TFQMR :
configureSolver(t_solver, belos_options);
if (verbose) gsInfo << t_solver.currentParams();
//const trilinos::Vector & t_vx = t_solver.solve(t_b);
if (status) gsInfo << t_solver.status();
if (timing) gsInfo << t_solver.timing();
bool OK = false;
t_solver.getSolution(t_x); // collect solution at Proc 0
if (0==_rank)
const real_t err = (x-t_x).norm();
gsInfo << "norm check: "<< err <<"\n";
OK = ( err < 10e-8 );
if ( n < 100 )
gsInfo << "t_x = "<< t_x.transpose() <<"\n";
comm.broadcast(&OK, 1, 0);
gsInfo << "Trilinos Belos solver: " << (OK ? "succeeded\n" : "failed\n");
// else if (solver == "ML")
// {
// /// Iterative solver: ML
// trilinos::solver::MLSolver t_solver(t_A);
// configureSolver(t_solver, ml_options);
// if (verbose) gsInfo << t_solver.currentParams();
// /// Compute solution
// //const trilinos::Vector & t_vx = t_solver.solve(t_b);
// t_solver.solve(t_b);
// /// Get solver status and timing
// if (status) gsInfo << t_solver.status();
// if (timing) gsInfo << t_solver.timing();
// /// Check error
// //GISMO_UNUSED(t_vx);
// bool OK = false;
// gsVector<> t_x;
// t_solver.getSolution(t_x); // collect solution at Proc 0
// if (0==_rank)
// {
// const real_t err = (x-t_x).norm();
// gsInfo << "norm check: "<< err <<"\n";
// OK = ( err < 10e-8 );
// if ( n < 100 )
// gsInfo << "t_x = "<< t_x.transpose() <<"\n";
// }
// comm.broadcast(&OK, 1, 0);
// OK_ALL = OK_ALL && OK;
// gsInfo << "Trilinos ML solver: " << (OK ? "succeeded\n" : "failed\n");
// }
gsWarn << "Invalid choice of solver. Exiting.\n";
gsWarn << "\nValid choices for the solver are:\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:Dscpack\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:KLU\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:Lapack\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:Mumps\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:Pardiso\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:SuperLUDist\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:SuperLU\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Amesos:Taucs\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:Analyze\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:BiCGStab\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:CGS\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:CG\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:CG_Condnum\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:Fixed_Pt\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:GmresR\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:Gmres\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:Gmres_Condnum\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:LU\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:SLU\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:SymmLQ\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Aztec:TFQMR\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:BiCGStab\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:BlockCG\"\n";
# ifdef Belos_ENABLE_Experimental
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:BlockGCRODR\"\n";
# endif
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:BlockGmres\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:FixedPoint\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:GCRODR\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:GmresPoly\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:LSQR\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:Minres\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:PCPG\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:PseudoBlockCG\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:PseudoBlockStochasticCG\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:PseudoBlockTFQMR\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:RCG\"\n";
gsWarn << "-s \"Belos:TFQMR\"\n";
gsWarn << "\nValid choices for the preconditioner are:\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec:Dom_Decomp\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec:Jacobi\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec:LS\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec:Neumann\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"Aztec:Sym_GS\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:SA\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:NSSA\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:DD\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:DDLU\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:DDML\"\n";
gsWarn << "-p \"ML:DDMLLU\"\n";
return 1;
return 0;
void poissonDiscretization(gsSparseMatrix<> &mat, gsVector<> &rhs, index_t N)
mat(0,0) = 2;
mat(0,1) = -1;
mat(N-1, N-1) = 2;
mat(N-1, N-2) = -1;
for (index_t k = 1; k < N-1; ++k)
mat(k,k ) = 2;
mat(k,k-1) = -1;
mat(k,k+1) = -1;
const real_t meshSize = (real_t)1/(N+1);
const real_t pi2 = EIGEN_PI*EIGEN_PI;
for (index_t k = 0; k < N; ++k)
rhs(k) = pi2*meshSize*meshSize*math::cos(meshSize*(1+k)*EIGEN_PI);
//Compress the matrix
template<typename Solver>
void configureSolver(Solver & solver, const std::string & str)
size_t npos=0, nlen=0;
while (nlen < str.length())
// Get token NAME:TYPE=VALUE
nlen = str.substr(npos).find(";");
std::string token = str.substr(npos,nlen);
// Split token into NAME
size_t mlen = token.find_last_of(":");
std::string name = token.substr(0,mlen);
size_t mpos = mlen+1;
mlen = token.substr(mpos).find_last_of("=");
std::string type = token.substr(mpos,mlen);
mpos+= mlen+1;
std::string value = token.substr(mpos);
if (type == "BOOL")
solver.set(name, value != "0");
else if (type == "INT")
solver.set(name, util::stoi(value));
else if (type == "DOUBLE")
solver.set(name, util::stod(value));
else if (type == "STRING")
solver.set(name, value);
GISMO_ERROR("Error : Invalid parameter in solver configuration.");
Class for command-line argument parsing.
Definition gsCmdLine.h:57
A serial communication class.
Definition gsMpiComm.h:289
int rank() const
return rank of process, i.e. zero
Definition gsMpiComm.h:297
static int barrier()
Wait until all processes have arrived at this point in the program.
Definition gsMpiComm.h:430
static int size()
return rank of process, i.e. one
Definition gsMpiComm.h:302
static int broadcast(T *, int, int)
Distribute an array from the process with rank root to all other processes.
Definition gsMpiComm.h:528
Sparse matrix class, based on gsEigen::SparseMatrix.
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:139
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
Amesos solver class.
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:333
Actez solver class.
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:381
Belos solver class.
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:442
ML solver class.
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:504
Main header to be included by clients using the G+Smo library.
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define GISMO_ERROR(message)
Definition gsDebug.h:118
#define gsWarn
Definition gsDebug.h:50
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
int stoi(const std::string &str)
equivalent to std::stoi(str), and therefore std::stoi(str, 0, 10)
Definition gsUtils.h:105
double stod(const std::string &str)
equivalent to std::stod(str)
Definition gsUtils.h:123
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
@ Lapack
Lapack (serial)
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:45
@ BiCGStab
BiCGStab solver.
Definition gsTrilinosSolvers.h:189