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Geometry + Simulation Modules
This is the complete list of members for gsCurvatureSmoothing< T >, including all inherited members.
compute_AllValues(gsBSplineBasis< T > *basis, gsMatrix< T > u, gsMatrix< T > *coefs, gsMatrix< T > &values0, gsMatrix< T > &values1, gsMatrix< T > &values2, gsMatrix< T > &values3) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
compute_ObjectiveFunction(gsBSplineBasis< T > *basis, gsMatrix< T > *coefs, const T omega1, const T omega2, T &value) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
computeApproxError(T &error) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
computeApproxErrorCoef(T &error) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
computeApproxErrorL2(T &error) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
computeApproxErrorLMax(T &error) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
computeCurvatureError(T &error) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
curveOriginal() const | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inline |
curveSmooth() const | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inline |
gsCurvatureSmoothing() | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inline |
gsCurvatureSmoothing(const gsBSpline< T > &init_curve, const gsMatrix< T > ¶m_values, const gsMatrix< T > &points) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inline |
m_curve_original | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
m_curve_smooth | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
m_param_values | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
m_points | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | private |
reset(gsBSpline< T > *newCurve) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inlineprivate |
smoothAllHadenfeld(const unsigned smooth_degree=4, const unsigned iter=500) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
smoothHadenfeld(const unsigned smooth_degree, const T delta, const index_t iter_step, const index_t iter_total, gsVector< index_t > &iterated, const bool original=true) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
smoothTotalVariation(const T omega1, const T omega2, const T lamda, const T tau, const unsigned iter=50) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
smoothTotalVariationSelectLamda(const T omega1, const T omega2, const gsMatrix< T > listlamdas, const unsigned iter=50) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
smoothTotalVariationSelectLamda(const T omega1, const T omega2, const T lamda, const unsigned iter=50) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
write(std::ostream &os) | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | |
~gsCurvatureSmoothing() | gsCurvatureSmoothing< T > | inline |