G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsFlowSolverParams< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gsFlowSolverParams< T >, including all inherited members.

assemblerOptions()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
createDofMappers(std::vector< gsDofMapper > &mappers)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
defaultOptions()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inlinestatic
getBases()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
getBCs() constgsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
getBndIn()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
getBndOut()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
getBndWall()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
getPde() constgsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
gsFlowSolverParams(const gsNavStokesPde< T > &pde, const std::vector< gsMultiBasis< T > > &bases)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
options()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
precOptions()gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
setAssemblerOptions(const gsAssemblerOptions &opt)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
setBndParts(std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndIn, std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndOut, std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndWall)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
setOptions(const gsOptionList &opt)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline
setPrecOptions(const gsOptionList &opt)gsFlowSolverParams< T >inline