template<class T>
class gismo::gsFlowSolverParams< T >
A class that holds all parameters needed by the incompressible flow solver.
- the INS PDE representation
- discretization bases
- list of parameters/options for the solver
- list of assembler options
- list of preconditioner options
gsAssemblerOptions & | assemblerOptions () |
| Returns a reference to the assembler option list.
void | createDofMappers (std::vector< gsDofMapper > &mappers) |
| Creates DOF mappers for velocity and pressure.
std::vector< gsMultiBasis< T > > & | getBases () |
| Returns a reference to the discretization bases.
const gsBoundaryConditions< T > & | getBCs () const |
| Returns a const reference to the boundary conditions.
std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > | getBndIn () |
| Get vector of [patch, side] corresponding to the inflow boundary.
std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > | getBndOut () |
| Get vector of [patch, side] corresponding to the outflow boundary.
std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > | getBndWall () |
| Get vector of [patch, side] corresponding to the solid wall boundary.
const gsNavStokesPde< T > & | getPde () const |
| Returns a const reference to the PDE.
| gsFlowSolverParams (const gsNavStokesPde< T > &pde, const std::vector< gsMultiBasis< T > > &bases) |
| Constructor of the object.
gsOptionList & | options () |
| Returns a reference to the INS solver option list.
gsOptionList & | precOptions () |
| Returns a reference to the preconditioner option list.
void | setAssemblerOptions (const gsAssemblerOptions &opt) |
| Set assembler options given in opt.
void | setBndParts (std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndIn, std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndOut, std::vector< std::pair< int, boxSide > > bndWall) |
| Set boundary parts (vectors of pairs [patch, side]).
void | setOptions (const gsOptionList &opt) |
| Set INS solver options given in opt.
void | setPrecOptions (const gsOptionList &opt) |
| Set preconditioner options given in opt.