G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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gsHalfEdgeMesh< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class gismo::gsHalfEdgeMesh< T >

gsHalfEdgeMesh is a gsMesh implementation that handles Halfedges

According to Floater's algorithm the N points of the triangle mesh are given by x1, ..., xN where x1, ..., xn are inner points and x(n+1), ..., xN are boundary points. In MeshInfo the points are stored without special order and then two vectors containing indices are constructed for easily accessing point xi s. t. xi is inner vertex for i<=n and boundary vertex for i > n.

In the following the 'vertexIndex' is used for the indices of the ordered vertices 1, ..., N and by 'internVertexIndex' the indices 0,...,N-1 of the unordered m_vertices vector is meant, s. t. *m_vertices[internVertexIndex] = x(vertexIndex).

There are getter functions for the number of vertices (N), triangles, halfedges, inner vertices (n) and boundary vertices plus one can get a vertex with particular vertex index or the index from a particular vertex. The vertices of the triangle mesh get ordered, s. t. the first n vertex indices have correspondent inner vertices and the last N-n vertex indices correspond to the boundary vertices ordered counter-clockwise.

+ Inheritance diagram for gsHalfEdgeMesh< T >:
+ Collaboration diagram for gsHalfEdgeMesh< T >:


class  Boundary
 Class that maintains boundary of triangle mesh. More...
class  Chain
 Class that maintains chain of halfedges. More...
class  Halfedge
 Class that maintains directed halfedges in any dimension. More...

Public Member Functions

void addLine (gsMatrix< T > const &points)
void addLine (VertexHandle v0, VertexHandle v1, int midPts=0)
gsMeshcleanMesh ()
 reorders the vertices of all faces of an .stl mesh, such that only 1 vertex is used instead of #(adjacent triangles) vertices
size_t findVertex (const typename gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle &vertex) const
 Finds the vertex that has the same coordinates (up to a tolerance) as vertex.
size_t findVertex (T x, T y, T z, bool sorted=false, real_t tol=1e-6) const
 Finds the vertex that has the coordinates x, by and z (up to a tolerance tol).
const std::vector< T > getBoundaryChordLengths () const
 Get chord lengths of boundary A vector storing the lengths of the halfedges of the boundary is returned. The lengths are ordered in the same way they occur in the boundary, meaning returnVector[i] and returnVector[i+1] hold lengths of consecutive halfedges for all i.
getBoundaryLength () const
 Get length of the boundary of the triangle mesh. The length of the boundary of the triangle mesh is returned.
std::list< size_t > getBoundaryVertexIndices () const
 Returns the vertex indices of the boundary.
std::vector< T > getCornerLengths (std::vector< index_t > &corners) const
 Get boundary part lengths between corners A vector containing the numbers of the boundary corners serves as input like [3,10,34,59] for the 3., 10., 34. and 59. boundary vertex being the corners. The lengths of the parts between the corners, e. g. between 3. and 10. boundary vertex as first part length and so on, are returned in a vector of doubles. In case one of the corner entries is > number of boundary vertices, an error message is printed. Mostly there will be 4 corners, as the parameter domain usually is [0,1]x[0,1], but the input can have more than 4 corners too.
size_t getGlobalVertexIndex (const size_t localVertexIndex, const size_t triangleIndex) const
 Get vertex index for firts, second or third vertex of triangle Returns the vertex index of a vertex with local vertex index 1,2 or 3 of the triangle with number 'triangleIndex'.
getHalfedgeLength (const size_t originVertexIndex, const size_t endVertexIndex) const
 Get halfedge length The length of the halfedge with origin and end vertex is returned. In case one of the input vertex indices is greater than the number of vertices, a error message is printed. Nothing is returned then.
size_t getInternVertexIndex (const typename gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle &vertex) const
 Get intern index of the vertex stored in disordered vertex vector The index i of the intern vector of vertices, s. t. vertices[i] = vertex, is returned. In case the vertex is not stored in the vector, -1 is returned.
size_t getNumberOfBoundaryVertices () const
 Get number of boundary vertices The number of boundary vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.
size_t getNumberOfInnerVertices () const
 Get number of inner vertices The number of inner vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.
size_t getNumberOfTriangles () const
 Get number of triangles The number of triangles of the triangle mesh is returned.
size_t getNumberOfVertices () const
 Get number of vertices The number of vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.
const std::queue< HalfedgegetOppositeHalfedges (const size_t vertexIndex, const bool innerVertex=1) const
 Returns queue of all opposite halfedges of vertex The opposite halfedge of a point in a triangle is meant to be the halfedge lying opposite of the point, e. g. the halfedge in the triangle not containing the point. Therefore all halfedges of triangles containing the vertex are stored in the return queue. Usually the function is used for inner points. By using the second optional input bool value to 0 it can be used for boundary points too. A warning is printed if the vertex is a boundary vertex although the optional bool value was not set to 0. An error message is printed if the vertex index > number of vertices.
getShortestBoundaryDistanceBetween (size_t i, size_t j) const
 Get distance between vertices The distance between i-th and j-th boundary vertex is returned. In is checked wheter the distance in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction is shorter, and this one is returned.
const gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle & getVertex (const size_t vertexIndex) const
 Get vertex The vertex with index 'vertexIndex' is returned.
const gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle & getVertexUnsorted (const size_t globIndex) const
 Returns the handle to the vertex with index globIndex.
 gsHalfEdgeMesh (const gsMesh< T > &mesh, T precision=1e-8, bool periodic=false)
 Constructor This constructor uses a gsMesh and sortest its vertices.
 gsHalfEdgeMesh (size_t nv=0)
 Default constructor.
short_t isTriangleVertex (size_t vertexIndex, size_t triangleIndex) const
 Returns the index of a vertex contained in triangle The integers 0 for not contained 1 for being vertex1 2 for being vertex2 3 for being vertex3 in triangle are returned. If vertex index > number of vertices a warning is printed and 0 is returned. If number of triangle > number of all triangles a warning is printed and 0 is returned.

Private Member Functions

const Halfedge getInternHalfedge (const typename gsMesh< T >::gsFaceHandle &triangle, size_t numberOfHalfedge) const
 Returns halfedge of triangle For a given triangle the first, second or third halfedge are constructed and returned. The first halfedge is meant to be the halfedge from vertex2 to vertex1, the second one is meant to be the one from vertex3 to vertex2 and the third one is meant to be the one from vertex1 to vertex3. The halfedges are constructed in the opposite direction because the boundary is supposed to have counterclockwise direction, if the triangles are given in clockwise direction. In case the number of the halfedge is not 1, 2 or 3 a warning is printed and the first halfedge is returned.
bool isBoundaryVertex (const size_t internVertexIndex) const
 Tells whether a vertex is a boundary vertex or not. The boundary is constructed and it is tested whether the point with index 'internVertexIndex' stored in m_vertices is a boundary vertex. In case the internVertexIndex > N-1 a warning is printed, because that is not supposed to happen.
void sortVertices ()
 Creates ordering for vertices The vertices in m_vertices are not ordered. Therefore two index vectors m_sorting and m_inverseSorting are created. These vectors are supposed to be used like xi = *(vertices[m_sorting[i-1]) vertexIndex(vertex) = m_inverseSorting[internVertexIndex] For construction of the index vectors all vertices stored in m_vertices are passed through. The intern vertex indices of the non-boundary vertices are stored in the first n m_sorting entries. The other way round the vertex indices 1,...,n are stored in the corresponding m_inverseSorting entries. At last the boundary is traversed and for every vertex the intern vertex index is stored in the last N-n m_sorting entries as well as the vertex index is stored in the corresponding m_inverseSorting entry.

Private Attributes

Boundary m_boundary
 boundary of the mesh
std::vector< Halfedgem_halfedges
 vector of halfedges
std::vector< index_tm_inverseSorting
 vector of indices s. t. m_inverseSorting[internVertexIndex] = vertexIndex
size_t m_n
 number of inner vertices in the mesh
std::vector< index_tm_sorting
 vector that stores the internVertexIndices s. t. m_sorting[vertexIndex-1] = internVertexIndex

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ gsHalfEdgeMesh()

template<class T >
gsHalfEdgeMesh ( const gsMesh< T > &  mesh,
precision = 1e-8,
bool  periodic = false 

Constructor This constructor uses a gsMesh and sortest its vertices.

[in]meshgsMesh object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addLine() [1/2]

template<class T >
void addLine ( gsMatrix< T > const &  points)

Add to the mesh a list of vertices connected with edges One edges are added between two successive vertices in the input. Vertices of the edges are assumed to be inexistent vertices.

pointsmatrix containing in the columns a list of points

◆ addLine() [2/2]

template<class T >
void addLine ( VertexHandle  v0,
VertexHandle  v1,
int  midPts = 0 

Inserts a straight line in the mesh, between v0 and v1, with midPts intermediate vertices distributed linearly between v0 and v1 (used for plotting).

◆ getBoundaryChordLengths()

template<class T >
const std::vector< T > getBoundaryChordLengths ( ) const

Get chord lengths of boundary A vector storing the lengths of the halfedges of the boundary is returned. The lengths are ordered in the same way they occur in the boundary, meaning returnVector[i] and returnVector[i+1] hold lengths of consecutive halfedges for all i.

vector of lengths

◆ getBoundaryLength()

template<class T >
T getBoundaryLength ( ) const

Get length of the boundary of the triangle mesh. The length of the boundary of the triangle mesh is returned.

length of boundary

◆ getCornerLengths()

template<class T >
std::vector< T > getCornerLengths ( std::vector< index_t > &  corners) const

Get boundary part lengths between corners A vector containing the numbers of the boundary corners serves as input like [3,10,34,59] for the 3., 10., 34. and 59. boundary vertex being the corners. The lengths of the parts between the corners, e. g. between 3. and 10. boundary vertex as first part length and so on, are returned in a vector of doubles. In case one of the corner entries is > number of boundary vertices, an error message is printed. Mostly there will be 4 corners, as the parameter domain usually is [0,1]x[0,1], but the input can have more than 4 corners too.

[in]cornersstd::vector<size_t >& - vector of boundary point numbers for corners, [1,2,3,4] stands for 1., 2., 3., 4. boundary vertex serve as corners
vector with part lengths of the boundary

◆ getGlobalVertexIndex()

template<class T >
size_t getGlobalVertexIndex ( const size_t  localVertexIndex,
const size_t  triangleIndex 
) const

Get vertex index for firts, second or third vertex of triangle Returns the vertex index of a vertex with local vertex index 1,2 or 3 of the triangle with number 'triangleIndex'.

[in]localVertexIndexconst int - local vertex index (1,2,3) of the vertex
[in]triangleIndexconst int - number of the triangle
vertex index

◆ getHalfedgeLength()

template<class T >
T getHalfedgeLength ( const size_t  originVertexIndex,
const size_t  endVertexIndex 
) const

Get halfedge length The length of the halfedge with origin and end vertex is returned. In case one of the input vertex indices is greater than the number of vertices, a error message is printed. Nothing is returned then.

[in]originVertexIndexconst int - vertex index of origin vertex
[in]endVertexIndexconst int - vertex index of origin vertex
length of halfedge

◆ getInternHalfedge()

template<class T >
const gsHalfEdgeMesh< T >::Halfedge getInternHalfedge ( const typename gsMesh< T >::gsFaceHandle &  triangle,
size_t  numberOfHalfedge 
) const

Returns halfedge of triangle For a given triangle the first, second or third halfedge are constructed and returned. The first halfedge is meant to be the halfedge from vertex2 to vertex1, the second one is meant to be the one from vertex3 to vertex2 and the third one is meant to be the one from vertex1 to vertex3. The halfedges are constructed in the opposite direction because the boundary is supposed to have counterclockwise direction, if the triangles are given in clockwise direction. In case the number of the halfedge is not 1, 2 or 3 a warning is printed and the first halfedge is returned.

[in]triangleconst ESS_IO::IO_Triangle& - triangle
[in]numberOfHalfedgeint - number of the desired halfedge
numberofHalfedge-th halfedge of triangle

◆ getInternVertexIndex()

template<class T >
size_t getInternVertexIndex ( const typename gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle &  vertex) const

Get intern index of the vertex stored in disordered vertex vector The index i of the intern vector of vertices, s. t. vertices[i] = vertex, is returned. In case the vertex is not stored in the vector, -1 is returned.

[in]vertexconst ESS_IO::IO_Vertex& - vertex that one wants to know the index of
int intern index

◆ getNumberOfBoundaryVertices()

template<class T >
size_t getNumberOfBoundaryVertices ( ) const

Get number of boundary vertices The number of boundary vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.

number of boundary vertices

◆ getNumberOfInnerVertices()

template<class T >
size_t getNumberOfInnerVertices ( ) const

Get number of inner vertices The number of inner vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.

number of inner vertices

◆ getNumberOfTriangles()

template<class T >
size_t getNumberOfTriangles ( ) const

Get number of triangles The number of triangles of the triangle mesh is returned.

number of triangles

◆ getNumberOfVertices()

template<class T >
size_t getNumberOfVertices ( ) const

Get number of vertices The number of vertices of the triangle mesh is returned.

number of vertices

◆ getOppositeHalfedges()

template<class T >
const std::queue< typename gsHalfEdgeMesh< T >::Halfedge > getOppositeHalfedges ( const size_t  vertexIndex,
const bool  innerVertex = 1 
) const

Returns queue of all opposite halfedges of vertex The opposite halfedge of a point in a triangle is meant to be the halfedge lying opposite of the point, e. g. the halfedge in the triangle not containing the point. Therefore all halfedges of triangles containing the vertex are stored in the return queue. Usually the function is used for inner points. By using the second optional input bool value to 0 it can be used for boundary points too. A warning is printed if the vertex is a boundary vertex although the optional bool value was not set to 0. An error message is printed if the vertex index > number of vertices.

[in]vertexIndexconst int - vertex index
[in]innerVertexbool - optional bool value, should be set to 0 if vertex is boundary vertex
queue of opposite halfedges

◆ getShortestBoundaryDistanceBetween()

template<class T >
T getShortestBoundaryDistanceBetween ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const

Get distance between vertices The distance between i-th and j-th boundary vertex is returned. In is checked wheter the distance in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction is shorter, and this one is returned.

[in]inumber of the first boundary vertex
[in]jnumber of the second boundary vertex
(shortest) distance between vertices

◆ getVertex()

template<class T >
const gsMesh< T >::gsVertexHandle & getVertex ( const size_t  vertexIndex) const

Get vertex The vertex with index 'vertexIndex' is returned.

[in]vertexIndexconst int - index of the vertex that should be returned
vertex with index 'vertexIndex'

◆ isBoundaryVertex()

template<class T >
bool isBoundaryVertex ( const size_t  internVertexIndex) const

Tells whether a vertex is a boundary vertex or not. The boundary is constructed and it is tested whether the point with index 'internVertexIndex' stored in m_vertices is a boundary vertex. In case the internVertexIndex > N-1 a warning is printed, because that is not supposed to happen.

[in]internVertexIndexconst int - intern vertex index
bool value

◆ isTriangleVertex()

template<class T >
short_t isTriangleVertex ( size_t  vertexIndex,
size_t  triangleIndex 
) const

Returns the index of a vertex contained in triangle The integers 0 for not contained 1 for being vertex1 2 for being vertex2 3 for being vertex3 in triangle are returned. If vertex index > number of vertices a warning is printed and 0 is returned. If number of triangle > number of all triangles a warning is printed and 0 is returned.

[in]vertexIndexint - vertex index
[in]triangleIndexint - number of triangle
0,1,2 or 3 for [not contained], [vertex1], [vertex2], [vertex3]

◆ sortVertices()

template<class T >
void sortVertices ( )

Creates ordering for vertices The vertices in m_vertices are not ordered. Therefore two index vectors m_sorting and m_inverseSorting are created. These vectors are supposed to be used like xi = *(vertices[m_sorting[i-1]) vertexIndex(vertex) = m_inverseSorting[internVertexIndex] For construction of the index vectors all vertices stored in m_vertices are passed through. The intern vertex indices of the non-boundary vertices are stored in the first n m_sorting entries. The other way round the vertex indices 1,...,n are stored in the corresponding m_inverseSorting entries. At last the boundary is traversed and for every vertex the intern vertex index is stored in the last N-n m_sorting entries as well as the vertex index is stored in the corresponding m_inverseSorting entry.

m_sorting vector storing the intern vertex indices at place of vertex index
m_inverseSorting vector storing the vertex indices at place of intern vertex indices