G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsMultiGridOp< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class gismo::gsMultiGridOp< T >

Multigrid preconditioner.

This class implements an generic geometric multigrid framework. This class implements a preconditioner which can be used, e.g., in an iterative solver, like gsConjugateGradient. If a simple multigrid iteration is required, use this class as a preconditioner in gsGradientMethod with step size 1.

The class expects transfer matrices, which can be constructed with the class gsGridHierarchy.

The intergrid transfers (restriction and prolongation) and the stiffness matrix are stored as gsLinearOperator, which means that also matrix-free variants are possible. If linear operators are provided, operators representing the siffness matrix have to be provided for all grid levles. If the integrid transfers and the stiffness matrix are provided as a sparse matrix, the matrices for the coarser levels are computed automatically based on the Galerkin principle.

For all levels, a smoother has to be provided by defining setSmoother().

The solver for the coarsest grid level is created automatically if not provided by the caller.

The solver can be configured to use V- or W-cycles using setNumCycles(). The number of pre- and post-smoothing steps can be configured with setNumPreSmooth() and setNumPostSmooth(), respectively.

Also full multigrid and cascadic multigrid algorithms for computing an initial guess are provided.

+ Inheritance diagram for gsMultiGridOp< T >:
+ Collaboration diagram for gsMultiGridOp< T >:

Public Types

typedef gsPreconditionerOp< T > Base
 Direct base class.
typedef gsLinearOperator< T >::Ptr BasePtr
 Base class.
typedef gsMatrix< T > Matrix
 Matrix type.
typedef gsLinearOperator< T >::Ptr OpPtr
 Shared pointer to gsLinearOperator.
typedef gsPreconditionerOp< T >::Ptr PrecondPtr
 Shared pointer to gsPreconditionerOp.
typedef memory::shared_ptr< gsMultiGridOpPtr
 Shared pointer for gsMultiGridOp.
typedef gsSparseMatrix< T > SpMatrix
 Sparse matrix type.
typedef memory::shared_ptr< SpMatrixSpMatrixPtr
 Smart pointer to sparse matrix type.
typedef gsSparseMatrix< T, RowMajor > SpMatrixRowMajor
 Matrix type for transfers.
typedef memory::shared_ptr< SpMatrixRowMajorSpMatrixRowMajorPtr
 Smart pointer to matrix type for transfers.
typedef memory::unique_ptr< gsMultiGridOpuPtr
 Unique pointer for gsMultiGridOp.

Public Member Functions

void apply (const gsMatrix< T > &input, gsMatrix< T > &x) const
 apply the operator on the input vector and store the result in x
void cascadicMultiGrid (const std::vector< Matrix > &rhs, const std::vector< Matrix > &fixedValues, Matrix &result) const
 Perform one cascadic multigrid cycle and store the resulting solution vector in result.
coarseGridCorrectionDamping () const
 Get the damping of for the coarse-grid correction.
OpPtr coarseSolver () const
 Get the solver for the coarsest problem (level 0)
index_t cols () const override
 Returns the number of columns of the operator.
estimateLargestEigenvalueOfPreconditionedSystem (index_t steps=10) const
 Estimates the largest eigenvalue of \( PA \).
index_t finestLevel () const
 The index of the finest level (0-based)
void fullMultiGrid (const std::vector< Matrix > &rhs, const std::vector< Matrix > &dirichletIntp, Matrix &result) const
 Perform one full multigrid cycle and store the resulting solution vector in result.
 gsMultiGridOp (const std::vector< OpPtr > &ops, const std::vector< OpPtr > &prolongation, const std::vector< OpPtr > &restriction, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
 Constructor for a matix-free variant.
 gsMultiGridOp (SpMatrix fineMatrix, std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajor > transferMatrices, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
 gsMultiGridOp (SpMatrixPtr fineMatrix, std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajorPtr > transferMatrices, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
const SpMatrixmatrix () const
 Stiffness matrix for finest level.
const SpMatrixmatrix (index_t lvl) const
 Stiffness matrix for given level.
void multiGridStep (index_t level, const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) const
 Perform one multigrid cycle, starting from the given level.
index_t nDofs () const
 Number of dofs for the finest level.
index_t nDofs (index_t lvl) const
 Number of dofs for the given level.
index_t numCycles (index_t lvl) const
 Get number of coarse grid steps to be applied.
index_t numLevels () const
 Number of levels in the multigrid construction.
index_t numOfSweeps ()
 Get the number of sweeps to be applied in the member function apply.
void prolongVector (index_t lc, const Matrix &coarse, Matrix &fine) const
 Prolong a vector of coefficients from the level lc, given by coarse, to the next finer level.
void restrictVector (index_t lf, const Matrix &fine, Matrix &coarse) const
 Restrict a vector of coefficients from the level lf, given by fine, to the next coarser level.
index_t rows () const override
 Returns the number of rows of the operator.
void setCoarseGridCorrectionDamping (T damping)
 Set the damping of for the coarse-grid correction.
void setCoarseSolver (const OpPtr &sol)
 Set the solver for the coarsest problem (level 0)
void setNumCycles (index_t lvl, index_t n)
void setNumCycles (index_t n)
void setNumOfSweeps (index_t n)
 Set the number of sweeps to be applied in the member function apply.
index_t setNumPostSmooth () const
 Get number of post-smoothing steps to perform.
void setNumPostSmooth (index_t n)
 Set number of post-smoothing steps to perform.
index_t setNumPreSmooth () const
 Get number of pre-smoothing steps to perform.
void setNumPreSmooth (index_t n)
 Set number of pre-smoothing steps to perform.
void setOptions (const gsOptionList &opt) override
 Set the options based on a gsOptionList.
void setSmoother (index_t lvl, const PrecondPtr &sm)
void setSymmSmooth (bool s)
void setUnderlyingOp (index_t lvl, OpPtr op)
 Set underlying operator (=stiffness matrix) for certain level.
PrecondPtr smoother (index_t lvl) const
void smoothingStep (const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) const
 Apply smoothing steps on finest grid.
void smoothingStep (index_t level, const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) const
 Apply smoothing steps on the corresponding level.
void solveCoarse (const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &result) const
 Solve the problem with direct solver on coarsest level.
void step (const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) const override
 Perform one multigrid cycle.
void stepT (const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) const override
 Perform one transposed multigrid cycle.
bool symmSmooth () const
 Get symmetric post-smoothing option.
OpPtr underlyingOp () const override
 Underlying operator (=stiffness matrix) for finest level.
OpPtr underlyingOp (index_t lvl) const
 Underlying operator (=stiffness matrix) for given level.

Static Public Member Functions

static gsOptionList defaultOptions ()
 Returns a list of default options.
static gsIdentityOp< T > Identity (const index_t dim)
 Identity operator.
static uPtr make (const std::vector< OpPtr > &ops, const std::vector< OpPtr > &prolongation, const std::vector< OpPtr > &restriction, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
 Make function returning a shared pointer for a matix-free variant.
static uPtr make (SpMatrix fineMatrix, std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajor > transferMatrices, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
 Make function returning smart pointer.
static uPtr make (SpMatrixPtr fineMatrix, std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajorPtr > transferMatrices, OpPtr coarseSolver=OpPtr())
 Make function returning smart pointer.

Private Member Functions

void init (SpMatrixPtr fineMatrix, std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajorPtr > transferMatrices)
 Init function that is used by matrix based constructors.
void initCoarseSolver () const
 Init solver on coarsest grid level.

Private Attributes

OpPtr m_coarseSolver
 Solver for the coarsest-grid problem.
 Damping for the coarse-grid correction.
index_t m_nLevels
 Number of levels.
gsVector< index_tm_numCycles
 Number of coarse-grid steps (1=V-cycle, 2=W-cycle)
index_t m_numPostSmooth
 Number of post-smoothing steps.
index_t m_numPreSmooth
 Number of pre-smoothing steps.
std::vector< OpPtrm_ops
 Underlying operators (=stiffness matrix) on each level.
std::vector< OpPtrm_prolong
 Prolongation matrix for each grid transition.
std::vector< OpPtrm_restrict
 Restriction matrix for each grid transition.
std::vector< PrecondPtrm_smoother
 Smoothers on each level.
bool m_symmSmooth
 Symmmetric smoothing.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ gsMultiGridOp() [1/3]

template<class T >
gsMultiGridOp ( SpMatrix  fineMatrix,
std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajor transferMatrices,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 


fineMatrixStiffness matrix on the finest grid
transferMatricesIntergrid transfer matrices representing restriction and prolongation operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

◆ gsMultiGridOp() [2/3]

template<class T >
gsMultiGridOp ( SpMatrixPtr  fineMatrix,
std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajorPtr transferMatrices,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 


fineMatrixStiffness matrix (as smart pointers) on the finest grid
transferMatricesIntergrid transfer matrices representing restriction and prolongation operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

◆ gsMultiGridOp() [3/3]

template<class T >
gsMultiGridOp ( const std::vector< OpPtr > &  ops,
const std::vector< OpPtr > &  prolongation,
const std::vector< OpPtr > &  restriction,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 

Constructor for a matix-free variant.

opsLinear operators representing the stiffness matrix on all levels
prolongationLinear operators representing the prolongation operators
restrictionLinear operators representing the restriction operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply()

template<class T >
void apply ( const gsMatrix< T > &  input,
gsMatrix< T > &  x 
) const

apply the operator on the input vector and store the result in x

inputInput vector
xresult vector

Implements gsLinearOperator< T >.

◆ cascadicMultiGrid()

template<class T >
void cascadicMultiGrid ( const std::vector< Matrix > &  rhs,
const std::vector< Matrix > &  fixedValues,
Matrix result 
) const

Perform one cascadic multigrid cycle and store the resulting solution vector in result.

[in]rhsThe right-hand-sides for all grid levels
[in]fixedValuesThe values for the fixed dofs (like eliminated Dirichlet values)
[out]resultThe destination for the result

◆ estimateLargestEigenvalueOfPreconditionedSystem()

template<class T >
T estimateLargestEigenvalueOfPreconditionedSystem ( index_t  steps = 10) const

Estimates the largest eigenvalue of \( PA \).

stepsNumber of steps to be performed.

◆ fullMultiGrid()

template<class T >
void fullMultiGrid ( const std::vector< Matrix > &  rhs,
const std::vector< Matrix > &  dirichletIntp,
Matrix result 
) const

Perform one full multigrid cycle and store the resulting solution vector in result.

[in]rhsThe right-hand-sides for all grid levels
[in]fixedValuesThe values for the fixed dofs (like eliminated Dirichlet values)
[out]resultThe destination for the result

◆ make() [1/3]

template<class T >
static uPtr make ( const std::vector< OpPtr > &  ops,
const std::vector< OpPtr > &  prolongation,
const std::vector< OpPtr > &  restriction,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 

Make function returning a shared pointer for a matix-free variant.

opsLinear operators representing the stiffness matrix on all levels
prolongationLinear operators representing the prolongation operators
restrictionLinear operators representing the restriction operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

◆ make() [2/3]

template<class T >
static uPtr make ( SpMatrix  fineMatrix,
std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajor transferMatrices,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 

Make function returning smart pointer.

fineMatrixStiffness matrix on the finest grid
transferMatricesIntergrid transfer matrices representing restriction and prolongation operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

◆ make() [3/3]

template<class T >
static uPtr make ( SpMatrixPtr  fineMatrix,
std::vector< SpMatrixRowMajorPtr transferMatrices,
OpPtr  coarseSolver = OpPtr() 

Make function returning smart pointer.

fineMatrixStiffness matrix (as smart pointers) on the finest grid
transferMatricesIntergrid transfer matrices representing restriction and prolongation operators
coarseSolverLinear operator representing the exact solver on the coarsest grid level, defaulted to a direct solver (PartialPivLUSolver)

◆ multiGridStep()

template<class T >
void multiGridStep ( index_t  level,
const Matrix rhs,
Matrix x 
) const

Perform one multigrid cycle, starting from the given level.

[in]rhsRight-hand side
[in,out]xCurrent iterate vector

◆ setNumCycles() [1/2]

template<class T >
void setNumCycles ( index_t  lvl,
index_t  n 

Set number of coarse grid steps to be applied

lvlLevel of coarser grid (multiGridStep on level lvl+1 calls n times multiGridStep for level lvl)
nNumber of calls (1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle)

◆ setNumCycles() [2/2]

template<class T >
void setNumCycles ( index_t  n)

Set number of coarse grid steps to be applied

nNumber of levels (1 for V-cycle, 2 for W-cycle)

◆ setSmoother()

template<class T >
void setSmoother ( index_t  lvl,
const PrecondPtr sm 

Set the smoother

lvlThe corresponding level
smThe smoother

◆ setSymmSmooth()

template<class T >
void setSymmSmooth ( bool  s)

Set symmetric post-smoothing option

sIff true (default), stepT is called for post-smoothing

◆ smoother()

template<class T >
PrecondPtr smoother ( index_t  lvl) const

Get the smoother

lvlThe corresponding level

◆ smoothingStep() [1/2]

template<class T >
void smoothingStep ( const Matrix rhs,
Matrix x 
) const

Apply smoothing steps on finest grid.

[in]rhsRight hand side
[in,out]xCurrent iterate vector

◆ smoothingStep() [2/2]

template<class T >
void smoothingStep ( index_t  level,
const Matrix rhs,
Matrix x 
) const

Apply smoothing steps on the corresponding level.

[in]rhsRight hand side
[in,out]xCurrent iterate vector

◆ step()

template<class T >
void step ( const Matrix rhs,
Matrix x 
) const

Perform one multigrid cycle.

[in]rhsRight-hand side
[in,out]xCurrent iterate vector

Implements gsPreconditionerOp< T >.

◆ stepT()

template<class T >
void stepT ( const Matrix rhs,
Matrix x 
) const

Perform one transposed multigrid cycle.

[in]rhsRight-hand side
[in,out]xCurrent iterate vector

This assumes that the stiffness matrix is symmetric, that SymmSmooth is true and that the smoothers implement stepT correctly.

Reimplemented from gsPreconditionerOp< T >.