G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >, including all inherited members.

_constructSolution(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const gsMultiPatch< T > &undeformed) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >protected
_initialize()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >protected
assemble()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemble(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool matrix=true, const bool homogenize=true)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemble(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const bool matrix=true, const bool homogenize=true)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemble_impl()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assemble_impl()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assembleFoundation()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleFoundationVector(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
assembleFoundationVector(const gsFunction< T > &foundFun, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
assembleMass(const bool lumped=false)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleMatrix(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleMatrix(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const gsFunctionSet< T > &previous, gsMatrix< T > &update)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleMatrix(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const gsMatrix< T > &prevVector)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleMatrix_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assembleMatrix_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assembleMatrix_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const gsFunctionSet< T > &previous, gsMatrix< T > &update)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assembleMatrix_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &, const gsFunctionSet< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlineprivate
assemblePressureMatrix(const gsFunction< T > &pressFun)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureMatrix(const T pressure)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureMatrix(const gsFunction< T > &pressFun, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureMatrix(const T pressure, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureVector(const gsFunction< T > &pressFun)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureVector(const T pressure)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureVector(const gsFunction< T > &pressFun, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureVector(const T pressure, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assemblePressureVector(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
assembler()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
assembleVector(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool homogenize=true)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleVector(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const bool homogenize=true)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
assembleVector_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool homogenize)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
assembleVector_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool homogenize)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
basis() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
boundaryForce(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const std::vector< patchSide > &patchSides) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
boundaryForce(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const patchSide &ps) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
boundaryForce_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const std::vector< patchSide > &patchSides) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
boundaryForce_impl(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const std::vector< patchSide > &patchSides) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >private
computePrincipalStresses(const gsMatrix< T > &points, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const T z=0)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
computePrincipalStretches(const gsMatrix< T > &points, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const T z=0)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructDisplacement(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructDisplacement(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructMultiPatch(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructSolution(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructSolution(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructSolutionVector(const gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructStress(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, gsPiecewiseFunction< T > &result, stress_type::type type)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
constructStress(const gsFunctionSet< T > &original, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, gsPiecewiseFunction< T > &result, stress_type::type type)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
deformationNorm(const gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed, const gsMultiPatch< T > &original)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
fullSolutionVector(const gsMatrix< T > &vector) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
geometry() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getArea(const gsFunctionSet< T > &geometry)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
getBasis()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getDisplacementNorm(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
getElasticEnergy(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
getMapper() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getMapper()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getPointLoads()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getPointMass()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
getSpaceBasis()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
gsThinShellAssembler(const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches, const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bconditions, const gsFunctionSet< T > &surface_force, const gsMaterialMatrixContainer< T > &materialmatrices)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
gsThinShellAssembler(const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches, const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bconditions, const gsFunctionSet< T > &surface_force, gsMaterialMatrixBase< T > *materialmatrix)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
gsThinShellAssembler()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inline
gsThinShellAssembler(const gsThinShellAssembler &other)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inline
gsThinShellAssembler(gsThinShellAssembler &&other)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inline
gsThinShellAssemblerBase()gsThinShellAssemblerBase< T >inline
homogenizeDirichlet()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
interfaceErrorC0(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
interfaceErrorG1(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
interfaceErrorGaussCurvature(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
interfaceErrorMeanCurvature(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
interfaceErrorNormal(const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
massMatrix()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
material(const index_t p) constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
materials() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
matrix() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
numDofs() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
operator=(const gsThinShellAssembler &other)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
operator=(gsThinShellAssembler &&other)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >
options()gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
plotSolution(std::string string, const gsMatrix< T > &solVector)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
projectL2(const gsFunction< T > &fun)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
projectL2_into(const gsFunction< T > &fun, gsMatrix< T > &result)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
projectL2_into(const gsFunction< T > &fun, gsMultiPatch< T > &result)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
rhs() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setBasis(const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setFoundation(const gsFunction< T > &foundation)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setOptions(gsOptionList &options)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >virtual
setPointLoads(const gsPointLoads< T > &pLoads)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setPointMass(const gsPointLoads< T > &pMass)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setPressure(const gsFunction< T > &pressure)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setSpaceBasis(const gsFunctionSet< T > &spaceBasis)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
setUndeformed(const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
status() constgsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
updateBCs(const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bconditions)gsThinShellAssembler< d, T, bending >inlinevirtual
~gsThinShellAssemblerBase()gsThinShellAssemblerBase< T >inlinevirtual