virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemble ()=0 |
| Assembles the linear system and corresponding right-hand side.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemble (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool matrix=true, const bool homogenize=true)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix and the residual for an iteration of Newton's method.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemble (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const bool matrix=true, const bool homogenize=true)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix and the residual for an iteration of Newton's method.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleFoundation ()=0 |
| Assembles the elastic foundation matrix.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleMass (const bool lumped=false)=0 |
| Assembles the mass matrix (including density and thickness!); if lumped=true, a lumped mass matrix will be constructed,.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleMatrix (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix (nonlinear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleMatrix (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const gsFunctionSet< T > &previous, gsMatrix< T > &update)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix (nonlinear) using the Mixed Integration Point (MIP) method.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleMatrix (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix (nonlinear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleMatrix (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const gsMatrix< T > &prevVector)=0 |
| Assembles the tangential stiffness matrix (nonlinear) using the Mixed Integration Point (MIP) method.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureMatrix (const gsFunction< T > &pressFun)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system matrix (linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureMatrix (const gsFunction< T > &pressFun, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system matrix (non-linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureMatrix (const T pressure)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system matrix (linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureMatrix (const T pressure, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system matrix (non-linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureVector (const gsFunction< T > &pressFun)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system vector (linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureVector (const gsFunction< T > &pressFun, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system vector (non-linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureVector (const T pressure)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system vector (linear)
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assemblePressureVector (const T pressure, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Assembles the pressure contribution in the system vector (non-linear)
virtual gsExprAssembler< T > | assembler ()=0 |
| Returns the internal expression assembler.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleVector (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const bool homogenize=true)=0 |
| Assembles the residual vector.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | assembleVector (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const bool homogenize=true)=0 |
| Assembles the residual vector.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | boundaryForce (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const std::vector< patchSide > &patchSides) const =0 |
| Computes the force on a set of boundaries.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | computePrincipalStresses (const gsMatrix< T > &points, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const T z=0)=0 |
| Compute the principal stretches in points given a deformed geometry. Optionally, the stretches can be computed on through-thickness coordinate z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | computePrincipalStretches (const gsMatrix< T > &points, const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, const T z=0)=0 |
| Compute the principal stretches in points given a deformed geometry. Optionally, the stretches can be computed on through-thickness coordinate z.
virtual gsMultiPatch< T > | constructDisplacement (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) const =0 |
| Construct displacement field from computed solution vector solVector and returns a multipatch.
virtual void | constructDisplacement (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) const =0 |
| Construct displacement field from computed solution vector solVector and returns the result in deformed.
virtual gsMultiPatch< T > | constructMultiPatch (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) const =0 |
| Construct solution field from computed solution vector solVector and returns a multipatch.
virtual gsMultiPatch< T > | constructSolution (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector) const =0 |
| Construct deformed shell geometry from computed solution vector solVector and returns a multipatch.
virtual void | constructSolution (const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) const =0 |
| Construct deformed shell geometry from computed solution vector solVector and returns the result in deformed.
virtual gsVector< T > | constructSolutionVector (const gsMultiPatch< T > &deformed) const =0 |
| Reconstruct the solution vector based on the currently stored boundary conditions (thus the mapper).
virtual void | constructStress (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed, gsPiecewiseFunction< T > &result, stress_type::type type)=0 |
| Construct Cauchy stress tensor for visualization.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | fullSolutionVector (const gsMatrix< T > &vector) const =0 |
| Reconstruct the solution vector based on the currently stored boundary conditions (thus the mapper).
virtual const gsMultiPatch< T > & | geometry () const =0 |
| Returns the undeformed geometry.
virtual T | getArea (const gsFunctionSet< T > &geometry)=0 |
| Returns the area of geometry.
virtual const gsMultiBasis< T > & | getBasis ()=0 |
| Gets the basis.
virtual T | getDisplacementNorm (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the displacement norm, i.e. norm = sqrt(u'*u/area)
virtual T | getElasticEnergy (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the elastic energy norm, i.e. norm = 0.5 * u'*F_int.
virtual gsDofMapper | getMapper ()=0 |
| Returns the gsDofMapper.
virtual const gsPointLoads< T > & | getPointLoads ()=0 |
| Gets the registered point loads.
virtual const gsPointLoads< T > & | getPointMass ()=0 |
| Gets the registered point masses.
virtual const gsFunctionSet< T > & | getSpaceBasis ()=0 |
| Get the basis that is used for assembly (but not for quadrature!)
| gsThinShellAssemblerBase () |
| Default deconstructor.
virtual void | homogenizeDirichlet ()=0 |
| Sets the Dirichlet BCs to zero.
virtual T | interfaceErrorC0 (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the C1 error over the interface.
virtual T | interfaceErrorG1 (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the G1 error over the interface.
virtual T | interfaceErrorGaussCurvature (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the Gaussian curvature error over the interface.
virtual T | interfaceErrorMeanCurvature (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the mean curvature error over the interface.
virtual T | interfaceErrorNormal (const gsFunctionSet< T > &deformed)=0 |
| Returns the normal vector error over the interface.
virtual gsSparseMatrix< T > & | massMatrix ()=0 |
| Returns a reference to the mass matrix that is assembled.
virtual gsMaterialMatrixBase< T > * | material (const index_t p) const =0 |
| Returns the material matrix on patch p used in the class.
virtual gsMaterialMatrixContainer< T > | materials () const =0 |
| Returns the material matrices used in the class.
virtual const gsSparseMatrix< T > & | matrix () const =0 |
| Returns a reference to the system matrix that is assembled.
virtual index_t | numDofs () const =0 |
| Returns the number of degrees of freedom in the assembler.
virtual gsOptionList & | options ()=0 |
| Returns the options of the assembler.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | projectL2 (const gsFunction< T > &fun)=0 |
| Projects function fun on the basis and geometry stored in the class and returns the coefficients as a matrix.
virtual void | projectL2_into (const gsFunction< T > &fun, gsMatrix< T > &result)=0 |
| Projects function fun on the basis and geometry stored in the class and returns the coefficients in result.
virtual void | projectL2_into (const gsFunction< T > &fun, gsMultiPatch< T > &result)=0 |
| Projects function fun on the basis and geometry stored in the class and returns a multipatch in result.
virtual const gsMatrix< T > & | rhs () const =0 |
| Returns a reference to the right-hand side vector that is assembled.
virtual void | setBasis (const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis)=0 |
| Overwrites the basis.
virtual void | setFoundation (const gsFunction< T > &foundation)=0 |
| Registers a stiffness function to be used for handling an elastic foundation, only relevant for 3D shells, with out-of-plane deformations.
virtual void | setOptions (gsOptionList &options)=0 |
| Sets the options of the assembler.
virtual void | setPointLoads (const gsPointLoads< T > &pLoads)=0 |
| Registers a gsPointLoads object for point loads acting on the shell.
virtual void | setPointMass (const gsPointLoads< T > &pLoads)=0 |
| Registers a gsPointLoads object for a point mass acting on the shell. The point masss must be 1-dimensional.
virtual void | setPressure (const gsFunction< T > &pressure)=0 |
| Registers a scalar function acting as pressure (in normal direction) in normal direction.
virtual void | setSpaceBasis (const gsFunctionSet< T > &spaceBasis)=0 |
| Set the basis that is used for assembly (but not for quadrature!)
virtual void | setUndeformed (const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches)=0 |
| Overwrites the undeformed geometry.
virtual ThinShellAssemblerStatus | status () const =0 |
| Returns the assembler status.
virtual void | updateBCs (const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bconditions)=0 |
| Overwrites the boundary conditions.
virtual | ~gsThinShellAssemblerBase () |
| Default empty constructor.