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Geometry + Simulation Modules
This is the complete list of members for gsTrimSurface< T >, including all inherited members.
arcLength(const gsCurve< T > &curve, const T a, const T b, const int quadPoints=4) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | private |
boundaryLoop() | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
boundaryLoop() const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
clone() const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
cornerNormal(int const &sourceID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
cuttingAngles(int const &sourceID, int const &targetID, T *angle, T *angle1, T *angle2, bool const &isCCWviewFromNormal=true) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
cuttingCurve(int const &sourceID, int const &targetID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
derivatives(int sourceID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
evalCurve(int loopNumber, int curveNumber, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
evalCurve_into(int loopNumber, int curveNumber, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
evalCurve_into(const gsCurve< T > &curve, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | private |
evalSurface(const gsMatrix< T > &u) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
evalSurface_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
findParameter(const gsCurve< T > &curve, const T arc, T curArc, T lowParam, T uppParam, const T eps) | gsTrimSurface< T > | private |
fromArcsToParams(const int loopNumber, const int curveNumber, const gsVector< T > &arcs, gsVector< T > ¶meters, const T eps) | gsTrimSurface< T > | private |
getCurve(int loopNumber, int curveNumber) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
getLengthOfCurve(const int loopNumber, const int curveNumber, const T eps=1e-6, const int nmbSegments=50) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
getLengthOfCurve(const gsCurve< T > &curve, gsMatrix< T > ¶ms, bool linear=false) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | private |
getPhysicalyUniformCurveParameters(const int loopNumber, const int curveNumber, const int nmbParams, gsVector< T > ¶meters, const T eps=1e-6) | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
gsTrimSurface() | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
gsTrimSurface(typename gsSurface< T >::Ptr g, gsPlanarDomain< T > *d) | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
gsTrimSurface(gsMatrix< T > const &corner, int patchDeg1, int patchDeg2, int curveDeg) | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
nearestPoint(int loopNumber, int curveNumber, int nTrialPoints, int nIterations, const gsMatrix< T > &spacePoint) | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
print(std::ostream &os) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
sampleNormal(int loopNumber, int curveNumber, size_t npoints) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
splitCurve(size_t loopId, size_t curveId, T lengthRatio=.5) | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
TangentCoefs_bisect(int const &sourceID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
TangentCoefs_bisect(int const &sourceID, gsVector3d< T > normal) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
TangentCoefs_next(int const &sourceID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
TangentCoefs_prev(int const &sourceID) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
toMesh(int npoints=50) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
trimCurTangents(int loopN, int curveN, size_t npoints) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
unitNormal(gsMatrix< T > point) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | inline |
UnitTangentCoefs_next(int const &sourceID, gsMatrix< T > const &corJacobian) const | gsTrimSurface< T > | |
UnitTangentCoefs_prev(int const &sourceID, gsMatrix< T > const &corJacobian) const | gsTrimSurface< T > |