gsCurveLoop< T > & | boundaryLoop () |
| Get a boundary curve loop.
const gsCurveLoop< T > & | boundaryLoop () const |
| Look at (non-const) boundaryLoop.
gsTrimSurface< T > * | clone () const |
| Clone function. Used to make a copy of the (derived) geometry.
gsVector3d< T > | cornerNormal (int const &sourceID) const |
| Compute the surface normal at a corner.
void | cuttingAngles (int const &sourceID, int const &targetID, T *angle, T *angle1, T *angle2, bool const &isCCWviewFromNormal=true) const |
| Compute angle discrepancy between the angles defined by the edge source-target with the sides of the angle wrt source
gsBSpline< T > | cuttingCurve (int const &sourceID, int const &targetID) const |
| Define a spline curve connecting source-target
gsMatrix< T > | derivatives (int sourceID) const |
gsMatrix< T > | evalCurve (int loopNumber, int curveNumber, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Look at evalCurve_into.
void | evalCurve_into (int loopNumber, int curveNumber, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const |
gsMatrix< T > | evalSurface (const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
void | evalSurface_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const |
gsCurve< T > & | getCurve (int loopNumber, int curveNumber) const |
| Returns curveNumber-th curve in loopNumber-th loop.
T | getLengthOfCurve (const int loopNumber, const int curveNumber, const T eps=1e-6, const int nmbSegments=50) const |
| Computes length of curveNumber-th curve in loopNumber-th loop.
void | getPhysicalyUniformCurveParameters (const int loopNumber, const int curveNumber, const int nmbParams, gsVector< T > ¶meters, const T eps=1e-6) |
| gsTrimSurface () |
| Default empty constructor.
| gsTrimSurface (gsMatrix< T > const &corner, int patchDeg1, int patchDeg2, int curveDeg) |
| gsTrimSurface (typename gsSurface< T >::Ptr g, gsPlanarDomain< T > *d) |
| Constructor by a shared pointer.
T | nearestPoint (int loopNumber, int curveNumber, int nTrialPoints, int nIterations, const gsMatrix< T > &spacePoint) |
| find the parameter of the nearest point on a curve to a given point in space
std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os) const |
| Prints the object as a string.
gsMatrix< T > | sampleNormal (int loopNumber, int curveNumber, size_t npoints) const |
| sample standard unit normals along a trimming curve
gsMatrix< T > | splitCurve (size_t loopId, size_t curveId, T lengthRatio=.5) |
gsVector< T > | TangentCoefs_bisect (int const &sourceID) const |
| Compute the (scale of) tangent of the curve emanateing from a vertex in the parameter whose image bisects the corresponding angle.
gsVector< T > | TangentCoefs_bisect (int const &sourceID, gsVector3d< T > normal) const |
gsMatrix< T > | TangentCoefs_next (int const &sourceID) const |
| Return the coefficients of the representation of the unit tangent of the edge ENAMATING from vertex sourceID in terms of the standard basis of the tangent space.
gsMatrix< T > | TangentCoefs_prev (int const &sourceID) const |
| Return the coefficients of the representation of the unit tangent of the edge COMING to vertex sourceID in terms of the standard basis of the tangent space.
memory::unique_ptr< gsMesh< T > > | toMesh (int npoints=50) const |
| Return a triangulation of the trimmed surface.
gsMatrix< T > | trimCurTangents (int loopN, int curveN, size_t npoints) const |
| Return the tangent vectors of the trimming curve curveNumber in trimming loop loopNumber
gsMatrix< T > | unitNormal (gsMatrix< T > point) const |
| Compute the unit normal vector of the trimmed surface at a point in the parameter domain.
gsMatrix< T > | UnitTangentCoefs_next (int const &sourceID, gsMatrix< T > const &corJacobian) const |
| Return the coefficients of the representation of the unit tangent of the edge ENAMATING from vertex sourceID in terms of the standard basis of the tangent space.
gsMatrix< T > | UnitTangentCoefs_prev (int const &sourceID, gsMatrix< T > const &corJacobian) const |
| Return the coefficients of the representation of the unit tangent of the edge COMING to vertex sourceID in terms of the standard basis of the tangent space.