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gsModeling Directory Reference


file  gsBarrierCore.h [code]
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research. Here, optimization-based (barrier, penalty) methods and PDE-based methods are provided. Please refer to the implementation for the relevant references.
file  gsBarrierCore.hpp [code]
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research. Here, optimization-based (barrier, penalty) methods and PDE-based methods are provided. Please refer to the implementation for the relevant references.
file  gsBarrierPatch.h [code]
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research.
file  gsBarrierPatch.hpp [code]
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research.
file  gsCoonsPatch.h [code]
 Provides Coons's patch construction from boundary data.
file  gsCoonsPatch.hpp [code]
 Provides Coons's patch construction from boundary data.
file  gsCrossApPatch.h [code]
 Provides cross approximation parameterizations from boundary data.
file  gsCrossApPatch.hpp [code]
 Provides cross approximation parameterizations from boundary data.
file  gsCurvatureSmoothing.h [code]
 Computes a closed B-spline curve with a smaller number of curvature extrema compared to a given closed B-spline curve i.e. some kind of smoothing the curvature of the curve. This smoothting can be done with the help of two methods - total variation and Hadenfeld's algorithm (see Jan Hadenfeld, Iteratives Glätten von B-Spline Kurven und B-Spline Flächen, Shaker Verlag, PhD Thesis)
file  gsCurvatureSmoothing.hpp [code]
 Computes a closed B-spline curve with a smaller number of curvature extrema compared to a given closed B-spline curve i.e. some kind of smoothing the curvature of the curve. This smoothting can be done with the help of two methods - total variation and Hadenfeld's algorithm (see Jan Hadenfeld, Iteratives Glätten von B-Spline Kurven und B-Spline Flächen, Shaker Verlag, PhD Thesis)
file  gsCurveFitting.h [code]
 Fits a (closed) B-spline curve to some given data.
file  gsCurveLoop.h [code]
 Interface for gsCurveLoop class, representing a loop of curves, in anticlockwise order.
file  gsCurveLoop.hpp [code]
 Implementation of gsCurveLoop class.
file  gsFitting.h [code]
 Provides declaration of data fitting algorithms by least squares approximation.
file  gsFitting.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of data fitting algorithms by least squares approximation.
file  gsLineSegment.h [code]
 Provides declaration of Line class.
file  gsModelingUtils.hpp [code]
 Utility functions required by gsModeling classes.
file  gsParametrization.h [code]
 Class that maintains parametrization.
file  gsParametrization.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation gsParametrization class.
file  gsPatchGenerator.h [code]
 Provides an interface for patch generators.
file  gsPeriodicOverlap.h [code]
 Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using overlaps.
file  gsPeriodicOverlap.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of the gsPeriodicOverlap class.
file  gsPeriodicParametrization.h [code]
 Abstract class with the functionality common to gsPeriodicStitch and gsPeriodicOverlap.
file  gsPeriodicParametrization.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation gsPeriodicParametrization class.
file  gsPeriodicStitch.h [code]
 Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using a stitch. This class is an alternative to gsPeriodicOverlap.
file  gsPeriodicStitch.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of the gsPeriodicStitch class.
file  gsPlanarDomain.h [code]
 Provides declaration of gsPlanarDomain class. The outer boundary (m_loops[0]) is a loop of curves, listed in anticlockwise order. Inner boundaries (m_loops[i], i > 0) are loops of curves, listed in clockwise order.
file  gsPlanarDomain.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of the gsPlanarDomain class.
file  gsSolid.h [code]
 Provides declaration of gsSolid class, a boundary-represented solid.
file  gsSolid.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of gsSolid class.
file  gsSolidElement.h [code]
 Provides gsSolidElement class - interface for an element (vertex, edge or face) of a solid.
file  gsSolidHalfEdge.h [code]
 Provides gsSolidHalfEdge - a half-edge of a gsSolid.
file  gsSolidHalfFace.h [code]
 Provides gsSolidHalfFace - a (half-)face of a gsSolid.
file  gsSolidHeVertex.h [code]
 Provides gsSolidHeVertex - a vertex of a gsSolid.
file  gsSpringPatch.h [code]
 Provides spring patch construction from boundary data.
file  gsSpringPatch.hpp [code]
 Provides spring patch construction from boundary data.
file  gsTemplate.h [code]
 Provides definition of gsTemplate class.
file  gsTraceCurve.hpp [code]
 Provides functions for finding the preimage of a curve via a map.
file  gsTriMeshToSolid.h [code]
 Provides declaration of gsTriMeshToSolid: a triangle mesh to gsSolid convertor class.
file  gsTriMeshToSolid.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation gsTriMeshToSolid class.
file  gsTrimSurface.h [code]
 Provides interface of gsTrimSurface class. Represents a trimmed surface (= spline "master surface" in 3d + a planar domain)
file  gsTrimSurface.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation of gsTrimSurface class.
file  gsVolumeBlock.h [code]
 Provides gsVolumeBlock class.