G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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benchmarks Directory Reference


 Benchmark for the inflated balloon using the Arc-Length Method.
 Two benchmark cases using arc-length methods for a beam, according to.
 Benchmark of a cylinder that is squeezed.
 Code for arc-length analysis of a solid beam using the APALM.
 Benchmark for the collapsing frustrum with the APALM.
 Benchmark for the collapsing frustrum with the Arc-Length Method.
 Benchmark for the collapsing frustrum with Displacement Control (DC)
 Stretches a planar material with both ends clamped.
 Stretches a planar material with both ends clamped; convergence test.
 Benchmark for the inflated pillow using DR and Newton-iterations.
 Collapse of a cylindrical roof, from.
 Collapse of a cylindrical roof using the APALM, from.
 Collapse of a cylindrical roof using DWR adaptivity.
 Computes the wrinkling behaviour of a thin sheet.
 Uniaxial Tension Test benchmark.
 Computes the wrinkling behaviour of a thin sheet.
 Computes the wrinkling behaviour of a thin sheet, using mesh adaptivity with the DWR method.