G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsModeling Directory Reference


 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research. Here, optimization-based (barrier, penalty) methods and PDE-based methods are provided. Please refer to the implementation for the relevant references.
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research. Here, optimization-based (barrier, penalty) methods and PDE-based methods are provided. Please refer to the implementation for the relevant references.
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research.
 This software facilitates the creation of analysis-suitable parameterizations from given boundary representations. Serving as a reference implementation, it embodies the methods and concepts detailed in Ye Ji's doctoral research.
 Provides Coons's patch construction from boundary data.
 Provides Coons's patch construction from boundary data.
 Provides cross approximation parameterizations from boundary data.
 Provides cross approximation parameterizations from boundary data.
 Computes a closed B-spline curve with a smaller number of curvature extrema compared to a given closed B-spline curve i.e. some kind of smoothing the curvature of the curve. This smoothting can be done with the help of two methods - total variation and Hadenfeld's algorithm (see Jan Hadenfeld, Iteratives Glätten von B-Spline Kurven und B-Spline Flächen, Shaker Verlag, PhD Thesis)
 Computes a closed B-spline curve with a smaller number of curvature extrema compared to a given closed B-spline curve i.e. some kind of smoothing the curvature of the curve. This smoothting can be done with the help of two methods - total variation and Hadenfeld's algorithm (see Jan Hadenfeld, Iteratives Glätten von B-Spline Kurven und B-Spline Flächen, Shaker Verlag, PhD Thesis)
 Fits a (closed) B-spline curve to some given data.
 Interface for gsCurveLoop class, representing a loop of curves, in anticlockwise order.
 Implementation of gsCurveLoop class.
 Provides declaration of data fitting algorithms by least squares approximation.
 Provides implementation of data fitting algorithms by least squares approximation.
 Provides declaration of Line class.
 Utility functions required by gsModeling classes.
 Class that maintains parametrization.
 Provides implementation gsParametrization class.
 Provides an interface for patch generators.
 Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using overlaps.
 Provides implementation of the gsPeriodicOverlap class.
 Abstract class with the functionality common to gsPeriodicStitch and gsPeriodicOverlap.
 Provides implementation gsPeriodicParametrization class.
 Implementation of periodic Floater parametrization using a stitch. This class is an alternative to gsPeriodicOverlap.
 Provides implementation of the gsPeriodicStitch class.
 Provides declaration of gsPlanarDomain class. The outer boundary (m_loops[0]) is a loop of curves, listed in anticlockwise order. Inner boundaries (m_loops[i], i > 0) are loops of curves, listed in clockwise order.
 Provides implementation of the gsPlanarDomain class.
 Provides declaration of gsSolid class, a boundary-represented solid.
 Provides implementation of gsSolid class.
 Provides gsSolidElement class - interface for an element (vertex, edge or face) of a solid.
 Provides gsSolidHalfEdge - a half-edge of a gsSolid.
 Provides gsSolidHalfFace - a (half-)face of a gsSolid.
 Provides gsSolidHeVertex - a vertex of a gsSolid.
 Provides spring patch construction from boundary data.
 Provides spring patch construction from boundary data.
 Provides definition of gsTemplate class.
 Provides functions for finding the preimage of a curve via a map.
 Provides declaration of gsTriMeshToSolid: a triangle mesh to gsSolid convertor class.
 Provides implementation gsTriMeshToSolid class.
 Provides interface of gsTrimSurface class. Represents a trimmed surface (= spline "master surface" in 3d + a planar domain)
 Provides implementation of gsTrimSurface class.
 Provides gsVolumeBlock class.