G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches

Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/fileIo_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

#include <iostream>
#include <gismo.h>
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
#ifdef gsOpenCascade_ENABLED
using namespace gismo;
template<class object>
void lookFor( const gsFileData<> & data )
if ( data.has< object >() )
gsInfo<<"* There are "<< data.count< object >() <<" "
<<data.type<object>()<<" "<< data.tag<object>() <<" in the file."<<"\n";
memory::unique_ptr<object> o = data.getFirst< object >();
gsInfo<< " Read the first one in address "<< o.get() << "\n";
gsInfo<< " "<<*o ;
gsInfo<< " Write back to a new file \"dump_write.xml\"" << "\n";
gsFileData<> newdata;
newdata << *o ;
// Compressed XML format xml.gz
// Non-compressed XML
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
gsInfo << "Using opennurbs.\n";
#ifdef gsOpenCascade_ENABLED
gsInfo << "Using OpenCascade.\n";
std::string fn;
//fn = "basis_thbs_01.xml"; //default example
gsCmdLine cmd("Hi, give me a file (.xml, .txt, .axl) and I will read the contents!");
cmd.addPlainString("filename", "Filename containing readable data (.xml or third party)", fn);
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
if (fn.empty() )
gsInfo<< cmd.getMessage();
gsInfo<<"\nType "<< argv[0]<< " -h, to get the list of command line options.\n";
return 0;
gsFileData<> data( fn );
gsInfo<< "File contains "<< data.numTags() <<" objects, total size is "<< data.bufferSize() <<"\n";
//gsInfo<< data.contents() <<"\n";
gsInfo<< "Dumped all file data in dump.xml without allocating Gismo objects."<<"\n";
lookFor< gsBasis<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsGeometry<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsBSpline<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsNurbs<> > (data) ;
//lookFor< gsBezier<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsTensorBSpline<2,real_t> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsTensorBSpline<3,real_t> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsTensorNurbs< 2,real_t> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsTensorNurbs< 3,real_t> > (data) ;
//lookFor< gsTensorBezier<2, real_t> > (data) ;
//lookFor< gsTensorBezier<2, real_t> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsMesh<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsSolid<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsKnotVector<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsMatrix<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsSparseMatrix<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsPoissonPde<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsPlanarDomain<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsCurveLoop<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsTrimSurface<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsMultiPatch<> > (data) ;
lookFor< gsFunctionExpr<> > (data);
lookFor< gsHBox<2,real_t> > (data);
lookFor< gsHBoxContainer<2,real_t> > (data);
#if defined(gsOpennurbs_ENABLED) || defined(gsOpenCascade_ENABLED)
if ( data.has< gsPlanarDomain<> >() )
gsInfo<<"* There is a "<< data.count< gsPlanarDomain<> >() <<" "
<<data.type<gsPlanarDomain<> >()<<" "<< data.tag<gsPlanarDomain<> >()
<<" in the file.\n";
gsPlanarDomain<>::uPtr o = data.getFirst< gsPlanarDomain<> >();
gsInfo<< " Read it ..\n";
gsInfo<< " "<<*o ;
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to pd.3dm\n";
if ( data.has< gsMultiPatch<> >() )
gsInfo<<"* There is "<< data.count< gsMultiPatch<> >() <<" "
<<data.type< gsMultiPatch<> >()<<" "<< data.tag< gsMultiPatch<> >()
<<" in the file.\n";
gsInfo<< " Read it ..\n";
gsInfo<< " "<<*o ;
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to mp.3dm\n";
#ifdef gsOpenCascade_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to mp.igs\n";
if ( data.has< gsGeometry<> >() )
gsInfo<<"* There is "<< data.count< gsGeometry<> >() <<" "
<<data.type< gsGeometry<> >()<<" "<< data.tag< gsGeometry<> >()
<<" in the file.\n";
gsInfo<< " Read it ..\n";
gsInfo<< " "<<*o ;
if ( gsSurface<> * srf = dynamic_cast<gsSurface<>*>(o.get()) )
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to geo.3dm\n";
#ifdef gsOpenCascade_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to geo.igs\n";
gsInfo<< " Write back to geo.step\n";
if ( data.has< gsMesh<> >() )
gsInfo<<"* There is "<< data.count< gsMesh<> >() <<" "
<<data.type< gsMesh<> >()<<" "<< data.tag< gsMesh<> >()
<<" in the file.\n";
gsMesh<>::uPtr o = data.getFirst< gsMesh<> >();
gsInfo<< " Read it ..\n";
gsInfo<< " "<<*o ;
#ifdef gsOpennurbs_ENABLED
gsInfo<< " Write back to mesh.3dm\n";
Class for command-line argument parsing.
Definition gsCmdLine.h:57
This class represents an XML data tree which can be read from or written to a (file) stream.
Definition gsFileData.h:34
String tag() const
Prints the XML tag of a Gismo object.
Definition gsFileData.h:210
void saveCompressed(String const &fname="dump") const
Save file contents to compressed xml file.
Definition gsFileData.hpp:131
int count() const
Counts the number of Objects in the filedata.
Definition gsFileData.h:259
int numTags() const
Counts the number of Objects/tags in the filedata.
Definition gsFileData.hpp:2602
size_t bufferSize() const
Returns the size of the data.
Definition gsFileData.h:401
void save(String const &fname="dump", bool compress=false) const
Save file contents to an xml file.
Definition gsFileData.hpp:98
memory::unique_ptr< Object > getFirst() const
Definition gsFileData.h:446
String type() const
Prints the XML tag type of a Gismo object.
Definition gsFileData.h:215
bool has() const
Returns true if an Object exists in the filedata.
Definition gsFileData.h:220
Abstract base class representing a geometry map.
Definition gsGeometry.h:93
memory::unique_ptr< gsGeometry > uPtr
Unique pointer for gsGeometry.
Definition gsGeometry.h:100
Class Representing a triangle mesh with 3D vertices.
Definition gsMesh.h:32
Container class for a set of geometry patches and their topology, that is, the interface connections ...
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:100
memory::unique_ptr< gsMultiPatch > uPtr
Unique pointer for gsMultiPatch.
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:109
Class representing a Planar domain with an outer boundary and a number of holes.
Definition gsPlanarDomain.h:44
Abstract base class representing a surface.
Definition gsSurface.h:31
Main header to be included by clients using the G+Smo library.
#define GISMO_UNUSED(x)
Definition gsDebug.h:112
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
Reading OpenCascade .brep and others via OCCT.
Reading OpenCascade .brep files.
Provides declaration of functions that write 3DM file format.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.