G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
Functions group

Detailed Description

This group collects function types directly based on gsFunction.

Implementations of gsFunction must at the very least implement the evaluation function gsFunction::eval_into(). It is also recommended to specify the source and target dimensions by overriding gsFunction::domainDim() and gsFunction::targetDim().

The functions for the derivatives may either be overridden or left as the default implementations, which use finite differences.

Evaluation members

All evaluation functions take a matrix u as an argument which specifies where the function should be evaluated. This matrix should have d rows, and every column specifies one point of the domain at which the function should be evaluated.

Here is an overview over the different evaluation procedures available:

Name of procedure Evaluate what
eval(u) value
deriv(u) first derivative(s)
deriv2(u) second derivative(s)

All evaluation functions also provide a version suffixed with _into which takes a matrix reference as an additional output parameter into which the result will be stored.

Template Parameters
Tarithmetic type


class  gsAffineFunction< T >
 Representation of an affine function. More...
class  gsBasisFun< T >
 Represents an individual function in a function set, or a certain component of a vector-valued function. More...
class  gsConstantFunction< T >
 Class defining a globally constant function. More...
class  gsFuncCoordinate< T >
 Represents a certain component of a vector-valued function. More...
class  gsFunction< T >
 A function \(f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m\) from a n-dimensional domain to an m-dimensional image. More...
class  gsFunctionExpr< T >
 Class defining a multivariate (real or vector) function given by a string mathematical expression. More...
class  gsFunctionSet< T >
 Interface for the set of functions defined on a domain (the total number of functions in the set equals to \(S\) ) More...
class  gsGeometry< T >
 Abstract base class representing a geometry map. More...
class  gsGeometryTransform< T >
 Representation of a transformed geometry. More...