G+Smo  24.08.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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14 #pragma once
19 #include <gsHSplines/gsAABB.h>
21 #include <gsIO/gsXml.h>
23 namespace gismo
24 {
26 template <short_t d, class T>
28 :
29 m_pid(-1),
30 m_error(0),
31 m_error_ref(0),
32 m_error_crs(0),
33 m_index(-1),
34 m_marked(false)
35 {
36  m_basis = nullptr;
37 }
39 template <short_t d, class T>
41 :
42 gsHBox(domHIt,-1)
43 { }
45 template <short_t d, class T>
47 :
48 m_pid(pid),
49 m_error(0),
50 m_error_ref(0),
51 m_error_crs(0),
52 m_index(-1),
53 m_marked(false)
54 {
55  m_basis = nullptr;
56  m_basis = static_cast<const gsHTensorBasis<d,T> *>(domHIt->m_basis);
57  GISMO_ASSERT(m_basis!=nullptr,"basis is not a gsHTensorBasis");
59  m_coords.resize(d,2);
60  m_coords.col(0) = domHIt->lowerCorner();
61  m_coords.col(1) = domHIt->upperCorner();
62  m_center = (m_coords.col(1) + m_coords.col(0))/2;
63  m_indices = _computeIndices(m_coords,m_center);
64 }
66 template <short_t d, class T>
67 gsHBox<d, T>::gsHBox(const typename gsHBox<d,T>::point & low,const typename gsHBox<d,T>::point & upp, index_t level, const gsHTensorBasis<d,T> * basis, const index_t pid)
68 :
69 m_indices(low,upp,level),
70 m_pid(pid),
71 m_error(0),
72 m_error_ref(0),
73 m_error_crs(0),
74 m_index(-1),
75 m_marked(false)
76 {
77  m_basis = basis;
78 }
80 template <short_t d, class T>
82 :
83 m_indices(box),
84 m_pid(pid),
85 m_error(0),
86 m_error_ref(0),
87 m_error_crs(0),
88 m_index(-1),
89 m_marked(false)
90 {
91  m_basis = basis;
92 }
94 template <short_t d, class T>
95 gsHBox<d, T>::gsHBox(const std::vector<index_t> & indices, const gsHTensorBasis<d,T> * basis, const index_t pid)
96 :
97 m_pid(pid),
98 m_error(0),
99 m_error_ref(0),
100 m_error_crs(0),
101 m_index(-1),
102 m_marked(false)
103 {
104  GISMO_ENSURE(indices.size()==2*d+1,"Index size is wrong");
105  typename gsHBox<d,T>::point low, upp;
106  for (index_t k=0; k!=d; k++)
107  {
108  low[k] = indices[k+1];
109  upp[k] = indices[k+d+1];
110  }
112  m_indices = gsAABB<d, index_t>(low,upp,indices[0]);
113  // = gsAsVector<index_t,d>()
114  // upp;
116  m_basis = basis;
117 }
119 template <short_t d, class T>
121 {
122  operator=(other);
123 }
125 template <short_t d, class T>
127 {
128  operator=(give(other));
129 }
131 template <short_t d, class T>
133 {
134  if (this!=&other)
135  {
136  m_indices = other.m_indices;
137  m_pid = other.m_pid;
138  m_coords = other.m_coords;
139  m_center = other.m_center;
140  m_basis = other.m_basis;
141  m_error = other.m_error;
142  m_error_ref = other.m_error_ref;
143  m_error_crs = other.m_error_crs;
144  m_marked = other.m_marked;
145  m_index = other.m_index;
146  }
147  return *this;
148 }
150 template <short_t d, class T>
152 {
153  m_indices = give(other.m_indices);
154  m_pid = give(other.m_pid);
155  m_coords = give(other.m_coords);
156  m_center = give(other.m_center);
157  m_basis = give(other.m_basis);
158  m_error = give(other.m_error);
159  m_error_ref = give(other.m_error_ref);
160  m_error_crs = give(other.m_error_crs);
161  m_marked = give(other.m_marked);
162  m_index = give(other.m_index);
163  return *this;
164 }
166 template <short_t d, class T>
167 bool gsHBox<d, T>::isContained(const gsHBox<d,T> & other) const
168 {
169  // bool res = true;
170  // res &= this->level() == other.level();
171  // for (index_t i=0; i!=d && res; i++)
172  // {
173  // res &= this->lowerIndex().at(i) <= other.lowerIndex().at(i);
174  // res &= this->upperIndex().at(i) >= other.upperIndex().at(i);
175  // }
176  // return res;
179  return gsHBoxIsContained<d,T>()(*this,other);
181 }
183 template <short_t d, class T>
184 bool gsHBox<d, T>::contains(const gsHBox<d,T> & other) const
185 {
186  // bool res = true;
187  // res &= this->level() == other.level();
188  // for (index_t i=0; i!=d && res; i++)
189  // {
190  // res &= this->lowerIndex().at(i) >= other.lowerIndex().at(i);
191  // res &= this->upperIndex().at(i) <= other.upperIndex().at(i);
192  // }
193  // return res;
195  return gsHBoxContains<d,T>()(*this,other);
196 }
198 template <short_t d, class T>
199 bool gsHBox<d, T>::isSame(const gsHBox<d,T> & other) const
200 {
201  bool res = true;
202  res &= this->patch() == other.patch();
203  res &= this->level() == other.level();
204  for (index_t i=0; i!=d && res; i++)
205  {
206  res &= this->lowerIndex().at(i) == other.lowerIndex().at(i);
207  res &= this->upperIndex().at(i) == other.upperIndex().at(i);
208  }
209  return res;
210 }
212 template <short_t d, class T>
214 {
215  return m_basis->getLevelAtPoint(this->getCenter()) == this->level();
216 }
218 template <short_t d, class T>
220 {
221  return m_basis->getLevelAtPoint(this->getCenter()) >= this->level();
222 }
224 template <short_t d, class T>
226 {
227  return m_basis->getLevelAtPoint(this->getCenter());
228 }
230 template <short_t d, class T>
232 {
233  GISMO_ASSERT(m_coords.size()!=0,"Coordinates have not been computed! Please call computeCoordinates()");
234  return m_coords;
235 }
237 template <short_t d, class T>
239 {
240  // GISMO_ASSERT(m_center.size()!=0,"Center has not been computed! Please call computeCenter()");
241  if (m_center.size()==0)
242  this->computeCenter();
243  return m_center;
244 }
246 template <short_t d, class T>
248 {
249  GISMO_ASSERT(m_coords.size()!=0,"Coordinates have not been computed! Please call computeCoordinates()");
250  return m_coords.col(0);
251 }
253 template <short_t d, class T>
255 {
256  GISMO_ASSERT(m_coords.size()!=0,"Coordinates have not been computed! Please call computeCoordinates()");
257  return m_coords.col(1);
258 }
260 template <short_t d, class T>
262 {
263  return (upperCorner() - lowerCorner()).norm();
264 }
266 template <short_t d, class T>
268 {
269  return (upperCorner() - lowerCorner()).minCoeff();
270 }
272 template <short_t d, class T>
274 {
275  return (upperCorner() - lowerCorner()).maxCoeff();
276 }
278 template <short_t d, class T>
279 const typename gsHBox<d,T>::point & gsHBox<d, T>::lowerIndex() const { return m_indices.first; }
280 template <short_t d, class T>
281 const typename gsHBox<d,T>::point & gsHBox<d, T>::upperIndex() const { return m_indices.second; }
283 template <short_t d, class T>
284 index_t gsHBox<d, T>::patch() const { return m_pid; }
286 template <short_t d, class T>
287 index_t gsHBox<d, T>::level() const { return m_indices.level; }
289 template <short_t d, class T>
291 {
292  m_error = error;
293 }
295 template <short_t d, class T>
297 {
298  this->setError(error);
299  m_error_ref= math::pow(1./2.,alpha*m_basis->maxDegree()+beta) * error ;
300  m_error_crs= math::pow(2.,alpha*m_basis->maxDegree()+beta) * error ;
301 }
303 template <short_t d, class T>
304 T gsHBox<d, T>::error() const { return m_error; }
306 template <short_t d, class T>
307 T gsHBox<d, T>::projectedErrorRef() const { return m_error_ref; }
309 template <short_t d, class T>
310 T gsHBox<d, T>::projectedErrorCrs() const { return m_error_crs; }
312 template <short_t d, class T>
314 {
315  return m_error-m_error_ref;
316 }
318 template <short_t d, class T>
320 {
321  return m_error_crs-m_error;
322 }
324 template <short_t d, class T>
325 void gsHBox<d, T>::setIndex(index_t index) { m_index = index; }
327 template <short_t d, class T>
328 index_t gsHBox<d, T>::index() const { return m_index; }
330 template <short_t d, class T>
331 void gsHBox<d, T>::mark() { m_marked = true; }
333 template <short_t d, class T>
334 void gsHBox<d, T>::unmark() { m_marked = false; }
336 template <short_t d, class T>
337 bool gsHBox<d, T>::marked() const { return m_marked; }
339 template <short_t d, class T>
340 void gsHBox<d, T>::setMark(bool mark) { m_marked = mark; }
342 template <short_t d, class T>
344 {
345  GISMO_ENSURE(this->level()>0,"Box is at ground level and has no parent");
346  gsAABB<d, index_t> box = _elevateBox(m_indices);
347  return gsHBox<d,T>(box,m_basis,m_pid);
348 }
350 template <short_t d, class T>
352 {
353  index_t lvl = this->level();
354  // GISMO_ASSERT(lvl > k,"Current level should be larger than requested level, l = "<<lvl<<", k = "<<k);
355  GISMO_ASSERT(k >= 0,"Requested ancestor k = "<<k<<" should be greater than or equal to 0");
356  GISMO_ASSERT(lvl >= 0,"Level lvl = "<<lvl<<" should be larger than 0");
357  // GISMO_ASSERT(k > 0,"Current level should be larger than requested level, l = "<<lvl<<", k = "<<k);
358  gsHBox<d,T> parent = this->getParent();
359  gsHBox<d,T> ancestor;
360  if (k < lvl - 1)
361  {
362  ancestor = parent.getAncestor(k);
363  return ancestor;
364  }
365  else if (k==lvl-1)
366  return parent;
367  else if (k==lvl)
368  return *this;
369  else
370  GISMO_ERROR("Cannot find ancestor with index k="<<k<<" on level l="<<lvl<<". Something went wrong?");
371 }
373 template <short_t d, class T>
374 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getChildren() const
375 {
376  gsAABB<d, index_t> box = _lowerBox(m_indices);
377  gsHBox<d,T> childRegion(box,m_basis,m_pid);
378  return childRegion.toUnitBoxes();
379 }
381 template <short_t d, class T>
382 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getDescendants(index_t k) const
383 {
384  index_t lvl = this->level();
385  // GISMO_ASSERT(lvl > k,"Current level should be larger than requested level, l = "<<lvl<<", k = "<<k);
386  GISMO_ASSERT(k >= 0,"Requested descendant k = "<<k<<" should be larger than or equal to 0");
387  GISMO_ASSERT(lvl >= 0,"Level lvl = "<<lvl<<" should be larger than 0");
388  Container descendants(std::pow(std::pow(2,d),k-lvl));
389  if (k==lvl)
390  descendants.push_back(*this);
391  if (k==lvl+1)
392  descendants = this->getChildren();
393  else
394  {
395  Container tmp = this->getChildren(); // children have level lvl+1
396  for (index_t k_tmp = lvl+1; k_tmp!=k; k_tmp++)
397  {
398  descendants.clear();
399  // descendants.reserve()
400  for (Iterator it=tmp.begin(); it!=tmp.end(); it++)
401  {
402  Container tmp2 = it->getChildren();
403  for (Iterator it2=tmp2.begin(); it2!=tmp2.end(); it2++)
404  descendants.push_back(*it2);
405  }
406  tmp = descendants;
407  }
408  }
409  return descendants;
410 }
412 template <short_t d, class T>
413 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getSiblings() const
414 {
415  auto isthis = [this](const gsHBox<d,T> & other) { return gsHBoxEqual<d,T>()(other,*this); };
416  gsHBox<d,T> parent = this->getParent();
417  typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container children = parent.getChildren();
418  Iterator toErase = std::find_if(children.begin(),children.end(),isthis);
419  if (toErase!=children.end())
420  children.erase(toErase);
421  else
422  GISMO_ERROR("Something went wrong");
423  return children;
424 }
426 template <short_t d, class T>
427 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::toContainer()
428 {
429  Container container;
430  container.push_back(*this);
431  return container;
432 }
434 template <short_t d, class T>
435 typename gsHBox<d,T>::HContainer gsHBox<d, T>::toHContainer()
436 {
437  HContainer container;
438  container.resize(this->level()+1);
439  container.at(this->level()).push_back(*this);
440  return container;
441 }
443 template <short_t d, class T>
444 typename gsHBox<d, T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getSupportExtension()
445 {
446  this->computeCenter();
447  index_t lvl = this->level();
448  // Compute actives
449  gsMatrix<index_t> acts;
450  m_basis->tensorLevel(lvl).active_into(m_center,acts);
452  // Support extension
453  gsMatrix<T> cells(d,2*acts.rows());
454  gsMatrix<T> support;
455  gsHBox<d,T> supportBox;
456  gsAABB<d, index_t> aabb;
457  Container container;
458  Container tmpContainer;
459  for (index_t act = 0; act!=acts.rows(); act++)
460  {
461  support = m_basis->tensorLevel(lvl).support(acts(act,0));
462  aabb = _computeIndices(support,lvl);
464  supportBox = gsHBox<d,T>(aabb,m_basis,m_pid);
466  // Split the boxes into index interval with coordinate delta 1
467  tmpContainer = supportBox.toUnitBoxes();
468  for (cIterator it = tmpContainer.begin(); it!=tmpContainer.end(); it++)
469  container.push_back(*it);
470  }
471  // Remove duplicates
472  Container container2 = _makeUnique(container);
473  return container2;
474 }
476 template <short_t d, class T>
477 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getMultiLevelSupportExtension(index_t k)
478 {
479  index_t lvl = this->level();
480  GISMO_ASSERT(k <= lvl,"Ancestor must be requested from a level lower than the current level (k <= l), but k="<<k<<" and lvl="<<lvl);
481  if (k==lvl)
482  {
483  return this->getSupportExtension();
484  }
485  else
486  {
487  gsHBox<d,T> ancestor = this->getAncestor(k);
488  return ancestor.getSupportExtension();
489  }
490 }
492 template <short_t d, class T>
493 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getHneighborhood(index_t m)
494 {
495  Container extension;
496  Container neighborhood;
498  index_t lvl = this->level();
499  index_t k = lvl - m + 1;
500  if (k>=0)
501  {
502  // Get multi level support extension on level k
503  extension = this->getMultiLevelSupportExtension(k);
505  // Eliminate elements which are too low
506  for (Iterator it = extension.begin(); it!=extension.end(); it++)
507  {
508  it->computeCenter(); // needed to check active
509  if (it->isActive())
510  neighborhood.push_back(*it);
511  }
512  }
513  return neighborhood;
514 }
516 template <short_t d, class T>
517 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getTneighborhood(index_t m)
518 {
519  // Everything is in the same level so we can use normal Container
520  Container neighborhood;
521  Container parents, extension;
523  index_t lvl = this->level();
524  index_t k = lvl - m + 2;
525  if (k-1>=0)
526  {
527  // Get multi level support extension on level k
528  extension = this->getMultiLevelSupportExtension(k);
529  // Eliminate elements which are too low
530  parents = _getParents(extension);
532  for (Iterator it = parents.begin(); it!=parents.end(); it++)
533  {
534  it->computeCenter(); // needed to check active
535  if (it->isActive())
536  neighborhood.push_back(*it);
537  }
538  // neighborhood = parents;
539  }
540  return neighborhood;
541 }
543 template <short_t d, class T>
544 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getNeighborhood(index_t m)
545 {
546  Container result;
547  if (dynamic_cast<const gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T>*>(m_basis))
548  result = this->getNeighborhood<gsHNeighborhood::T>(m);
549  else if (dynamic_cast<const gsHBSplineBasis<d,T>*>(m_basis))
550  result = this->getNeighborhood<gsHNeighborhood::H>(m);
551  else
552  GISMO_ERROR("Basis type should be gsTHBSplineBasis or gsHBSplineBasis");
553  return result;
554 }
556 template <short_t d, class T>
557 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getCextension(index_t m)
558 {
559  // See Definition 3.5 from [1]
560  // [1] Carraturo, M., Giannelli, C., Reali, A. & Vázquez, R.
561  // Suitably graded THB-spline refinement and coarsening: Towards an adaptive isogeometric analysis of additive manufacturing processes.
562  // Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 348, 660–679 (2019).
563  //
564  // This function returns the coarsening neighborhood of \a this, which is an element to be reactivated
565  Container extension, children, childExtension, descendants, result;
566  index_t targetLvl = this->level() + m;
568  children = this->getChildren();
569  for (typename gsHBox<d,T>::Iterator child=children.begin(); child!=children.end(); child++)
570  {
571  childExtension = child->getSupportExtension();
572  extension = gsHBoxUtils<d,T>::Union(extension,childExtension);
573  }
575  // All elements in the support extension of the children (so at level l+1)
576  extension = gsHBoxUtils<d,T>::Union(extension,children);
577  // question: needed MINUS the siblings??
578  // extension = gsHBoxUtils<d,T>::Difference(extension,children);
580  // result = extension;
581  // gsDebugVar(targetLvl);
582  for (typename gsHBox<d,T>::Iterator eIt = extension.begin(); eIt!=extension.end(); eIt++)
583  {
584  descendants = eIt->getDescendants(targetLvl);
585  result.insert(result.end(), descendants.begin(), descendants.end());
586  }
587  return result;
588 }
590 template <short_t d, class T>
591 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::getCneighborhood(index_t m)
592 {
593  // See Definition 3.5 from [1]
594  // [1] Carraturo, M., Giannelli, C., Reali, A. & Vázquez, R.
595  // Suitably graded THB-spline refinement and coarsening: Towards an adaptive isogeometric analysis of additive manufacturing processes.
596  // Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 348, 660–679 (2019).
597  //
598  // This function returns the coarsening neighborhood of \a this, which is an element to be reactivated
599  Container descendants, result;
600  descendants = this->getCextension(m);
602  for (typename gsHBox<d,T>::Iterator dIt = descendants.begin(); dIt!=descendants.end(); dIt++)
603  {
604  dIt->computeCenter(); // needed to check active
605  if (dIt->levelInCenter()>=dIt->level()) // the level is even larger (i.e. even higher decendant)!!
606  result.push_back(*dIt);
607  }
608  return result;
609 }
611 template <short_t d, class T>
612 std::ostream& gsHBox<d, T>::print( std::ostream& os ) const
613 {
614  os <<"Cell on patch "<<m_pid
615  <<" on level "<<m_indices.level<<". "
616  <<"\nIndices:\n"
617  <<"("<<m_indices.first.transpose()<<")"
618  <<" -- "
619  <<"("<<m_indices.second.transpose()<<")";
620  if (m_coords.cols()!=0)
621  {
622  os <<"\nKnot values:\n"
623  <<"("<<m_coords.col(0).transpose()<<")"
624  <<" -- "
625  <<"("<<m_coords.col(1).transpose()<<")";
626  }
627  os <<"\nmarked = "<<m_marked<<"";
628  os <<"\nerror = "<<m_error<<"";
629  return os;
630 }
632 template <short_t d, class T>
634 {
635  m_coords.resize(d,2);
636  gsVector<T> low(d), upp(d);
638  for (index_t i=0; i!=d; i++)
639  {
640  const gsKnotVector<T> & kv = m_basis->tensorLevel(m_indices.level).knots(i);
641  low[i] = kv.uValue(m_indices.first.at(i));
642  upp[i] = kv.uValue(m_indices.second.at(i));
643  }
644  m_coords.col(0) = low;
645  m_coords.col(1) = upp;
646 }
648 template <short_t d, class T>
650 {
651  this->computeCoordinates();
652  m_center = (m_coords.col(0) + m_coords.col(1))/2;
653 }
655 template <short_t d, class T>
657 {
658  m_indices = _computeIndices(m_coords);
659 }
661 template <short_t d, class T>
662 gsAABB<d, index_t> gsHBox<d, T>::_computeIndices(const gsMatrix<T> & coords, index_t level)
663 {
664  typename gsHBox<d,T>::point low,upp;
665  for(index_t j = 0; j < d;j++)
666  {
667  // Convert the parameter coordinates to (unique) knot indices
668  const gsKnotVector<T> & kv = m_basis->tensorLevel(level).knots(j);
669  int k1 = (std::upper_bound(kv.domainUBegin(), kv.domainUEnd(),
670  coords(j,0) ) - 1).uIndex();
671  int k2 = (std::upper_bound(kv.domainUBegin(), kv.domainUEnd()+1,
672  coords(j,1) ) - 1).uIndex();
674  // Trivial cells trigger some refinement
675  if ( k1 == k2)
676  {
677  if (0!=k1) {--k1;}
678  ++k2;
679  }
681  // Store the data...
682  low.at(j) = k1;
683  upp.at(j) = k2;
684  }
685  return gsAABB<d, index_t>(low,upp,level);
686 }
688 template <short_t d, class T>
689 gsAABB<d, index_t> gsHBox<d, T>::_computeIndices(const gsMatrix<T> & coords)
690 {
691  gsMatrix<T> center = (coords.col(0) + coords.col(1))/2;
692  index_t level = m_basis->getLevelAtPoint(center);
693  return _computeIndices(coords,level);
694 }
696 template <short_t d, class T>
697 gsAABB<d, index_t> gsHBox<d, T>::_computeIndices(const gsMatrix<T> & coords, const gsMatrix<T> & center)
698 {
699  index_t level = m_basis->getLevelAtPoint(center);
700  return _computeIndices(coords,level);
701 }
703 template <short_t d, class T>
704 gsAABB<d, index_t> gsHBox<d, T>::_elevateBox(const gsAABB<d, index_t> & box) const
705 {
706  typename gsHBox<d,T>::point low,upp;
707  for (index_t i = 0; i!=d; i++)
708  {
709  low.at(i) = box.first .at(i) / 2;
710  upp.at(i) = box.second.at(i) / 2 + (index_t)(box.second.at(i) % 2 != 0);
711  }
712  return gsAABB<d, index_t>(low,upp,box.level-1);
713 }
715 template <short_t d, class T>
716 gsAABB<d, index_t> gsHBox<d, T>::_lowerBox(const gsAABB<d, index_t> & box) const
717 {
718  typename gsHBox<d,T>::point low,upp;
719  for (index_t i = 0; i!=d; i++)
720  {
721  low.at(i) = box.first .at(i) * 2;
722  upp.at(i) = box.second.at(i) * 2;
723  }
724  return gsAABB<d, index_t>(low,upp,box.level+1);
725 }
727 template <short_t d, class T>
728 typename gsHBox<d,T>::HContainer gsHBox<d, T>::_getParents(HContainer & container) const
729 {
730  HContainer result;
731  result.resize(container.size()-1);
733  // Handle level 0 separately (operation cannot be performed on level 0)
734  GISMO_ASSERT(container[0].size()==0,"Boxes at level 0 cannot have a parent. Did something go wrong? You can run check() to see if the boxes are allocated coorectly");
736  HIterator resIt = result.begin();
737  for (HIterator hit = std::next(container.begin()); hit!=container.end(); hit++, resIt++)
738  for (Iterator it=hit->begin(); it!=hit->end(); it++)
739  resIt->push_back(it->getParent());
741  return result;
742 }
744 template <short_t d, class T>
745 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::_getParents(Container & container) const
746 {
747  Container result;
748  for (Iterator it=container.begin(); it!=container.end(); it++)
749  result.push_back(it->getParent());
751  return result;
752 }
755 template <short_t d, class T>
756 typename gsHBox<d,T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::toUnitBoxes() const
757 {
758  point low, upp, cur, curupp, ones;
759  ones = gsVector<index_t,d>::Ones();
760  cur = low = this->lowerIndex();
761  upp = this->upperIndex();
762  // index_t nboxes = (upp-low).prod();
763  Container result;
765  bool next = true;
766  while (next)
767  {
768  curupp = cur + ones;
769  result.push_back(gsHBox<d,T>(cur,curupp,this->level(),m_basis,m_pid));
770  next = nextLexicographic(cur,low,upp);
771  }
772  return result;
773 }
775 template <short_t d, class T>
776 typename gsHBox<d,T>::RefBox gsHBox<d, T>::toBox() const
777 {
778  std::vector<index_t> result(5);
779  result[0] = this->level();
780  result[1] = this->lowerIndex()[0];
781  result[2] = this->lowerIndex()[1];
782  result[3] = this->upperIndex()[0];
783  result[4] = this->upperIndex()[1];
784  return result;
785 }
787 template <short_t d, class T>
788 typename gsHBox<d,T>::RefBox gsHBox<d, T>::toRefBox(index_t targetLevel) const
789 {
790  GISMO_ASSERT(targetLevel > this->level(),"Target level must be larger than the current level, but "<<targetLevel<<"=<"<<this->level());
791  std::vector<index_t> result(2*d+1);
792  index_t diff = targetLevel - this->level();
793  result[0] = this->level() + diff;
794  index_t lowerIndex, upperIndex, degree; //, maxKtIndex
795  for (index_t i = 0; i!=d; i++)
796  {
797  degree = m_basis->degree(i);
798  // maxKtIndex = m_basis->tensorLevel(this->level()+1).knots(i).size();
800  if (degree % 2 == 1 && degree>1)
801  {
802  lowerIndex = this->lowerIndex()[i]*std::pow(2,diff);
803  ( lowerIndex < (degree-1)/2-1 ? lowerIndex=0 : lowerIndex-=(degree-1)/2-1 );
804  result[i+1] = lowerIndex;
805  upperIndex = this->upperIndex()[i]*std::pow(2,diff);
806  // ( upperIndex + (degree)/2+1 >= maxKtIndex ? upperIndex=maxKtIndex-1 : upperIndex+=(degree)/2+1);
807  result[d+i+1] = upperIndex;
808  }
809  else
810  {
811  lowerIndex = this->lowerIndex()[i]*std::pow(2,diff);
812  ( lowerIndex < (degree-1)/2 ? lowerIndex=0 : lowerIndex-=(degree-1)/2 );
813  result[i+1] = lowerIndex;
814  upperIndex = this->upperIndex()[i]*std::pow(2,diff);
815  // ( upperIndex + (degree)/2 >= maxKtIndex ? upperIndex=maxKtIndex-1 : upperIndex+=(degree)/2);
816  result[d+i+1] = upperIndex;
817  }
818  }
819  return result;
820 }
822 template <short_t d, class T>
823 typename gsHBox<d,T>::RefBox gsHBox<d, T>::toCrsBox(index_t targetLevel) const
824 {
825  GISMO_ASSERT(targetLevel < this->level(),"Target level must be smaller than the current level, but "<<targetLevel<<">="<<this->level());
826  std::vector<index_t> result(2*d+1);
827  index_t diff = this->level() - targetLevel;
828  result[0] = this->level() - diff;
829  for (index_t i = 0; i!=d; i++)
830  {
831  result[i+1] = this->lowerIndex()[i]/std::pow(2,diff);
832  result[d+i+1] = this->upperIndex()[i]/std::pow(2,diff);
833  }
834  return result;
835 }
838 template <short_t d, class T>
839 typename gsHBox<d,T>::HContainer gsHBox<d, T>::boxUnion(const HContainer & container1, const HContainer & container2) const
840 {
841  HContainer result, region1, region2;
843  region1 = container1;
844  region2 = container2;
846  index_t lmax = std::max(region1.size(),region2.size());
847  region1.resize(lmax);
848  region2.resize(lmax);
849  result.resize(lmax);
851  for (index_t l = 0; l!=lmax; l++)
852  result[l] = _boxUnion(region1[l],region2[l]);
854  return result;
855 }
857 template <short_t d, class T>
858 typename gsHBox<d, T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::_boxUnion(const Container & container1, const Container & container2) const
859 {
860  // SortedContainer sortedResult;
862  // SortedContainer scontainer1 = gsHBoxSort<d,T>(container1);
863  // SortedContainer scontainer2 = gsHBoxSort<d,T>(container2);
866  // struct
867  // {
868  // bool operator()(const gsHBox<d,T> & a, const gsHBox<d,T> & b) const
869  // {
870  // return
871  // (a.patch() < b.patch())
872  // ||
873  // ((a.patch() == b.patch()) &&
874  // (a.level() < b.level()) )
875  // ||
876  // ((a.patch() == b.patch()) &&
877  // (a.level() == b.level()) &&
878  // std::lexicographical_compare( a.lowerIndex().begin(), a.lowerIndex().end(),
879  // b.lowerIndex().begin(), b.lowerIndex().end()) )
880  // ||
881  // ((a.patch() == b.patch()) &&
882  // (a.level() == b.level()) &&
883  // (a.lowerIndex() == b.lowerIndex()) &&
884  // std::lexicographical_compare( a.upperIndex().begin(), a.upperIndex().end(),
885  // b.upperIndex().begin(), b.upperIndex().end()) );
886  // };
887  // }
888  // comp;
890  // sortedResult.reserve(scontainer1.size() + scontainer2.size());
891  // if (scontainer1.size()!=0 && scontainer2.size()!=0)
892  // {
893  // // First sort (otherwise union is wrong)
894  // std::sort(scontainer1.begin(),scontainer1.end(),comp);
895  // std::sort(scontainer2.begin(),scontainer2.end(),comp);
897  // std::set_union( scontainer1.begin(),scontainer1.end(),
898  // scontainer2.begin(),scontainer2.end(),
899  // std::inserter(sortedResult,sortedResult.begin()),
900  // comp);
901  // }
902  // else if (scontainer1.size()!=0 && container2.size()==0)
903  // {
904  // scontainer1 = SortedContainer (container1.begin(), container1.end());
905  // scontainer2 = SortedContainer (container2.begin(), container2.end());
906  // sortedResult.insert(sortedResult.end(),scontainer1.begin(),scontainer1.end());
907  // }
908  // else if (scontainer1.size()==0 && container2.size()!=0)
909  // {
911  // sortedResult.insert(sortedResult.end(),scontainer2.begin(),scontainer2.end());
912  // }
913  // else { /* Do nothing */ }
915  return gsHBoxUtils<d,T>::Union(container1,container2);
916 }
918 template <short_t d, class T>
919 typename gsHBox<d, T>::Container gsHBox<d, T>::_makeUnique(const Container & container) const
920 {
921  // SortedContainer scontainer = gsHBoxSort<d,T>(container);
923  // struct
924  // {
925  // bool operator()(const gsHBox<d,T> & a, const gsHBox<d,T> & b) const
926  // {
927  // return a.isSame(b);
928  // };
929  // }
930  // pred;
932  // // Get unique entries
933  // typename SortedContainer::iterator it = std::unique(scontainer.begin(),scontainer.end(),pred);
934  // scontainer.resize(distance(scontainer.begin(), it));
935  // Container result(scontainer.begin(),scontainer.end());
936  // return result;
938  return gsHBoxUtils<d,T>::Unique(container);
939 }
941 template <short_t d, class T>
942 bool gsHBox<d, T>::good() const
943 {
944  return (m_indices.first.array() >=0).any() && (m_indices.second.array() >=0).any();
945 }
947 template <short_t d, class T>
948 void gsHBox<d, T>::clean(Container & container) const
949 {
950  std::function<bool(const gsHBox<d,T> &)> pred = [](const gsHBox<d,T> & box) { return !(box.good()); };
951  cIterator beg = std::remove_if(container.begin(),container.end(),pred);
952  container.erase(beg,container.end());
953 }
955 namespace internal
956 {
959 template<short_t d, class T>
960 class gsXml< gsHBox<d,T> >
961 {
962 private:
963  gsXml() { }
964  typedef gsHBox<d,T> Object;
965 public:
967  static std::string tag () { return "HBox"; }
968  static std::string type () { return "HBox"+std::to_string(d); }
972  static void get_into (gsXmlNode * node, Object & obj)
973  {
974  gsXmlNode * tmp = node->first_node("box");
975  GISMO_ASSERT( tmp , "Expected to find a box node.");
977  std::vector<index_t> box;
978  box.push_back(atoi( tmp->first_attribute("level")->value() ));
980  std::istringstream str;
981  str.clear();
982  str.str( tmp->value() );
983  unsigned c;
984  for( unsigned i = 0; i < 2*d; i++)
985  {
986  str>> c;
987  box.push_back(c);
988  }
990  if (tmp->first_attribute("patch"))
991  {
992  index_t patch = atoi(tmp->first_attribute("patch")->value());
993  obj = gsHBox<d,T>(box,nullptr,patch);
994  }
995  else
996  obj = gsHBox<d,T>(box,nullptr);
997  }
999  static gsXmlNode * put (const Object & obj,
1000  gsXmlTree & data )
1001  {
1002  gsXmlNode * tmp = makeNode("HBox", data);
1003  tmp->append_attribute( makeAttribute("type",internal::gsXml<Object>::type().c_str(), data) );
1004  // tmp->append_attribute(makeAttribute("level", 0, data));
1006  gsMatrix<index_t> box(1,2*d);
1007  box.leftCols(d) = obj.lowerIndex().transpose();
1008  box.rightCols(d) = obj.upperIndex().transpose();
1009  gsXmlNode * mat = putMatrixToXml( box, data, "box" );
1010  mat->append_attribute(makeAttribute("level", obj.level(), data));
1011  if (obj.patch()!=-1)
1012  mat->append_attribute(makeAttribute("patch", obj.patch(), data));
1013  tmp->append_node(mat);
1014  return tmp;
1015  }
1016 };
1018 } // internal
1020 } // namespace gismo
Re-implements gsDomainIterator for iteration over all boundary elements of a hierarchical parameter d...
Definition: gsHDomain.h:24
const point & upperIndex() const
Gets the upper index of the box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:281
bool isContained(const gsHBox< d, T > &other) const
Checks if the other cell is contained in this cell.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:167
T projectedErrorRef() const
The error contribution of *this when it is refined.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:307
Container getHneighborhood(index_t m)
Gets the H-neighborhood.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:493
void clean(Container &container) const
Cleans the container from bad elements (see good())
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:948
gsVector< T, d > lowerCorner() const
Gets the lower corner of the box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:247
T projectedErrorCrs() const
The error contribution of *this when it is coarsened.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:310
Container getMultiLevelSupportExtension(index_t k)
Gets the multi-level support extension.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:477
void setIndex(index_t index)
Assigns an index to the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:325
bool isActive() const
Determines if the box is active on its current level.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:213
bool isSame(const gsHBox< d, T > &other) const
Determines whether the this box is the same as the other box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:199
Container getTneighborhood(index_t m)
Gets the T-neighborhood.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:517
gsHBox< d, T > & operator=(const gsHBox< d, T > &other)
Assignment operator.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:132
bool marked() const
Returns whether the element is marked or not.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:337
A hierarchical B-spline basis of parametric dimension d.
Definition: gsHBSplineBasis.h:35
void setAndProjectError(T error, index_t alpha=2, index_t beta=0)
Sets the error of the object and compute the projection of the error on a finer mesh. The projection is performed based on a theoretical rate of convergence of alpha*p+beta.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:296
void setMark(bool mark)
Sets the mark.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:340
This class provides a Hierarchical Box (gsHBox)
Definition: gsHBox.h:54
index_t levelInCenter() const
Gets the level in the center of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:225
RefBox toBox() const
Returns a box representation of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:776
T getMaxCellLength() const
Return the length of the largest edge of the element.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:273
index_t level() const
Gets the level of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:287
S give(S &x)
Definition: gsMemory.h:266
const gsMatrix< T > & getCoordinates() const
Gets the coordinates of the box (first column lower corner, second column higher corner).
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:231
#define index_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:32
#define GISMO_ENSURE(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:102
void computeCoordinates() const
Computes the parametric coordinates of this.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:633
Container getDescendants(index_t k) const
Gets the descendants of the object on level k.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:382
Provides combinatorial unitilies.
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:89
Default constructor.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:27
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
index_t patch() const
Gets the patch ID of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:284
std::string to_string(const unsigned &i)
Helper to convert small unsigned to string.
Definition: gsXml.cpp:74
Class representing a (scalar) hierarchical tensor basis of functions .
Definition: gsHTensorBasis.h:74
Container toUnitBoxes() const
Returns unit boxes representation of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:756
Container getChildren() const
Gets the children of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:374
T projectedSetBack() const
Gives the projected set-back that can be expected for this.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:319
gsVector< T, d > upperCorner() const
Gets the upper corner of the box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:254
void setError(T error)
Sets the error of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:290
T projectedImprovement() const
Gives the projected improvement that can be expected for this.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:313
gsXmlAttribute * makeAttribute(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, gsXmlTree &data)
Helper to allocate XML attribute.
Definition: gsXml.cpp:37
T getMinCellLength() const
Return the length of the smallest edge of the element.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:267
std::ostream & print(std::ostream &os) const
Prints the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:612
gsXmlNode * makeNode(const std::string &name, gsXmlTree &data)
Helper to allocate XML node.
Definition: gsXml.cpp:54
gsHBox< d, T > getAncestor(index_t k) const
Gets the ancestor of the object on level k.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:351
index_t index() const
Gets the index stored in the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:328
T uValue(const size_t &i) const
Provides the knot with unique index i.
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:264
const gsMatrix< T > & getCenter() const
Gets the center of the box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:238
void computeCenter() const
Computes the center of this.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:649
Container toContainer()
Returns a container representation of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:427
bool good() const
Checks if the box has positive indices.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:942
Container getCextension(index_t m)
Gets the Coarsening extension, which is the coarsening neighborhood before checking for active elemen...
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:557
gsXmlNode * putMatrixToXml(gsMatrix< T > const &mat, gsXmlTree &data, std::string name="Matrix")
Helper to insert matrices into XML.
Definition: gsXml.hpp:103
Container getSupportExtension()
Gets the support extension.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:444
gsHBox< d, T > getParent() const
Gets the parent of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:343
const gsVector< T > & upperCorner() const
Returns the upper corner of the current element.
Definition: gsHDomainIterator.h:121
HContainer toHContainer()
Returns a hierarchical container representation of the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:435
T at(const size_t &i) const
Returns the value of the i - th knot (counted with repetitions).
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:865
bool nextLexicographic(Vec &cur, const Vec &size)
Iterates through a tensor lattice with the given size. Updates cur and returns true if another entry ...
Definition: gsCombinatorics.h:196
const gsBasis< T > * m_basis
The basis on which the domain iterator is defined.
Definition: gsDomainIterator.h:219
gsHBox< d, T >::Container getNeighborhood(index_t m)
Gets the neighborhood.
Definition: gsHBox.h:422
#define GISMO_ERROR(message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:118
Class for representing a knot vector.
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:79
T getCellSize() const
Return the diagonal of the element.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:261
const point & lowerIndex() const
Gets the lower index of the box.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:279
Truncated hierarchical B-spline basis.
Definition: gsTHBSplineBasis.h:35
The gsHBoxUtils provide basic utilities to modify HBoxes.
Definition: gsHBoxUtils.h:45
Declarations of the class gsAABB, i.e., the axis-aligned bounding box.
Provides declaration of HBSplineBasis class.
Provides declaration of input/output XML utilities struct.
void mark()
Marks this element for refinement.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:331
void unmark()
Unmarks this element for refinement.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:334
bool isActiveOrContained() const
Determines if active or contained in the active elemebt. In other words; checks if the level of this ...
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:219
Container getCneighborhood(index_t m)
Gets the Coarsening neighborhood.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:591
bool contains(const gsHBox< d, T > &other) const
Checks if the other cell is contains in this cell.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:184
const gsVector< T > & lowerCorner() const
Returns the lower corner of the current element.
Definition: gsHDomainIterator.h:119
T error() const
Gets the error stored in the object.
Definition: gsHBox.hpp:304