template<typename T>
class gismo::gsKnotVector< T >
Class for representing a knot vector.
Consists of a vector of non-decreasing knots repeated according to their multiplicities and a vector of sums of multiplicities up to the corresponding unique knot. The repeated knots are stored in m_repKnots
, whereas the multiplicity sum is stored in m_multSum
There are three means of iterating through the knots:
- iterator, which is just an STL iterator over the repeated knots;
- uiterator, which is similar but iterates over the unique knots (i.e., without multiplicities) and provides additional functionality;
- smart_iterator, which iterates over the repeated knots and provides additional functionality.
- repeated knots is the non-decreasing sequence, where each knot is repeated according to its multiplicity.
- unique knots is the increasing sequence of all the distinct values from repeated knots.
- starting knot is the degree-th knot from the beginning, i.e.,
- ending knot is the degree-th knot from the end, i.e.,
m_repKnots[ m_repKnots.size() - m_deg - 1 ]
or, equivalently, m_repKnots.end()[-m_deg-1]
- domain is the interval between the starting knot and ending knot.
- knot intervalis the interval between two consecutive unique knots. It is closed from left and open from right, except for the interval [
, *domainUEnd()
], which is considered closed from both sides.
Compatibility notes
Earlier versions contained several functions that have been removed.
uiterator findElement( const T u ) const
: use uFind( const T u )
unsigned findspan( T u ) const
: use iFind(u) - begin()
iterator findspanIter( T u ) const
: use iFind(u)
int findElementIndex(T u) const
: use uFind(u).uIndex()
unsigned Uniquefindspan (T u) const
: use uFind(u).uIndex()
gsMatrix<unsigned,1> * findspan (const gsMatrix<T,1> & u) const
: call iFind(u(0,i)) - begin()
for each i
from 0
to u.cols()
int numKnotSpans() const
: use uSize() - 1
unsigned spans() const
: use uSize() - 1
void | addConstant (T amount) |
| Adds amount to all the knots.
void | addConstant (T start, T amount) |
| Adds amount to all the knots, starting at knot start.
void | affineTransformTo (T newBeg, T newEnd) |
template<typename iterType > |
void | append (iterType begin, iterType end) |
| Adds the knots between begin and end to the knot vector.
gsAsConstMatrix< T > | asMatrix () const |
| Returns the knots as a matrix of size 1 x size()
T | at (const size_t &i) const |
| Returns the value of the i - th knot (counted with repetitions).
iterator | begin () const |
| Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of the repeated knots.
iterator | beginAt (mult_t upos) const |
virtual gsMatrix< T > | boundingBox () |
virtual knotContainer | breaks () const |
| Returns unique knots of the domain (i.e., including the endpoints of the domain).
void | centers_into (gsMatrix< T > &result) const |
bool | check () const |
| Checks whether the knot vector is in a consistent state.
gsKnotVector * | clone () const |
| Returns a pointer to a copy.
std::vector< T > | coarsen (index_t knotRemove=1, index_t knotSkip=1, mult_t mul=-1) |
const T * | data () const |
| Returns a pointer to the beginning of the vector of knots.
int | deduceDegree () const |
int | degree () const |
| Returns the degree of the knot vector.
void | degreeDecrease (int const &i=1, bool updateInterior=false) |
| Inverse of degreeIncrease.
void | degreeElevate (const short_t &i=1) |
void | degreeIncrease (int const &i=1) |
void | degreeReduce (const short_t &i) |
| Converse to degreeElevate.
std::string | detail () const |
| Return a string with detailed information on the knot vector.
void | difference (const gsKnotVector< T > &other, std::vector< T > &result) const |
| Computes the difference between this knot-vector and other.
virtual short_t | dim () const |
| dimension of the domain
iterator | domainBegin () const |
| Returns an iterator pointing to the starting knot of the domain.
iterator | domainEnd () const |
| Returns an iterator pointing to the end-knot of the domain.
smart_iterator | domainSBegin () const |
smart_iterator | domainSEnd () const |
uiterator | domainUBegin () const |
| Returns a unique iterator pointing to the starting knot of the domain.
uiterator | domainUEnd () const |
| Returns a unique iterator pointing to the ending knot of the domain.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | elements () |
| Returns a list of elements.
iterator | end () const |
| Returns iterator pointing past the end of the repeated knots.
iterator | endAt (mult_t upos) const |
void | erase (const mult_t first, const mult_t last) |
| Removes the knots in the range [first,last)
T | first () const |
| Get the first knot.
unsigned | firstKnotIndex (const size_t &i) const |
const knotContainer & | get () const |
| Get a reference to the underlying std::vector of knots.
void | getUniformRefinementKnots (mult_t knotsPerSpan, knotContainer &result, mult_t mult=1) const |
gsMatrix< T > | greville () const |
T | greville (int i) const |
void | greville_into (gsMatrix< T > &result) const |
| gsKnotVector () |
| Empty constructor sets the degree to -1 and leaves the knots empty.
| gsKnotVector (const knotContainer &uKnots, int degree, int regularity) |
| gsKnotVector (knotContainer knots, short_t degree=-1) |
template<typename iterType > |
| gsKnotVector (short_t deg, const iterType begOfKnots, const iterType endOfKnots) |
| gsKnotVector (short_t degree) |
| Sets the degree and leaves the knots uninitialized.
| gsKnotVector (T first, T last, unsigned interior, mult_t mult_ends=1, mult_t mult_interior=1, short_t degree=-1) |
bool | has (T knot) const |
iterator | iFind (const T u) const |
| Returns an iterator to the last occurrence of the knot at the beginning of the knot interval containing u. Note that if u == *domainEnd() , it returns the iterator domainEnd() - 1 . Cf. knot interval.
bool | includes (const gsKnotVector< T > &other) const |
| Returns true if every knot of other (counted with repetitions) is found within this knot-vector. Also returns true if other is empty.
void | increaseMultiplicity (const mult_t i=1, bool boundary=false) |
bool | inDomain (const T u) const |
| Checks, whether the given value is inside the domain.
void | initClamped (int degree, unsigned numKnots=2, unsigned mult_interior=1) |
void | initClamped (T u0, T u1, int degree, unsigned interior=0, unsigned mult_interior=1) |
| Resets the knot vector so that it is uniform and has clamped endknots.
void | initGraded (T u0, T u1, unsigned interior, int degree, T grading, unsigned mult_interior=1) |
| Resets the knot vector so that its knots are graded.
void | initGraded (unsigned numKnots, int degree, T grading=0.5, unsigned mult_interior=1) |
void | initUniform (T first, T last, unsigned interior, unsigned mult_ends, unsigned mult_interior, short_t degree=-1) |
void | initUniform (unsigned numKnots, unsigned mult_ends, unsigned mult_interior=1, short_t degree=- 1) |
void | insert (const knotContainer &knots, int mult=1) |
| Insert knots into the knot vector.
template<typename iterType > |
void | insert (iterType ibeg, iterType iend) |
void | insert (T knot, mult_t mult=1) |
| Inserts knot knot into the knot vector with multiplicity mult.
bool | isOpen () const |
bool | isUniform (T tol=1e-9) const |
| Checks whether the knot vector is uniform.
gsKnotVector | knotIntersection (const gsKnotVector &b) const |
| Computes the intersection of knot-vectors this and b.
unsigned | knotsUntilSpan (const size_t &i) const |
gsKnotVector | knotUnion (const gsKnotVector &b) const |
| Computes the union of knot-vectors this and b.
T | last () const |
| Get the last knot.
unsigned | lastKnotIndex (const size_t &i) const |
mult_t | maxInteriorMultiplicity () const |
| Returns the maximum multiplicity in the interior.
T | maxIntervalLength () const |
| Returns the maximum interval length of the knot sequence.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | mesh () |
| Returns the mesh..
mult_t | minInteriorMultiplicity () const |
| Returns the minimum multiplicity in the interior.
T | minIntervalLength () const |
| Returns the minimum interval length of the knot sequence.
mult_t | multFirst () const |
| Returns the multiplicity of the first knot.
multContainer | multiplicities () const |
| Returns vector of multiplicities of the knots.
mult_t | multiplicity (T u) const |
mult_t | multiplicityIndex (mult_t i) const |
mult_t | multLast () const |
| Returns the multiplicity of the last knot.
const mult_t * | multSumData () const |
size_t | numElements () const |
| Number of knot intervals inside domain.
index_t | numLeftGhosts () const |
index_t | numRightGhosts () const |
| operator const knotContainer & () const |
| Cast to the full vector of knot values (with repetitions).
bool | operator!= (const gsKnotVector< T > &other) const |
| Compares with another knot vector.
const T & | operator() (const mult_t i) const |
| Provides the knot with unique index i.
bool | operator== (const gsKnotVector< T > &other) const |
| Compare with another knot vector.
const T & | operator[] (const mult_t i) const |
| Provides the i-th knot (numbered including repetitions).
std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os=gsInfo) const |
reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
| Returns reverse iterator pointing past the end of the repeated knots.
void | reduceMultiplicity (const mult_t i=1, bool boundary=false) |
void | refineSpans (const multContainer &spanIndices, mult_t knotsPerSpan=1) |
void | refineSpans (const std::vector< unsigned > &spanIndices, mult_t knotsPerSpan=1) |
| Because of type compatibility, cf. the other version.
template<typename iterType > |
void | refineSpans (iterType begin, iterType end, mult_t knotsPerSpan) |
| Inserts knotsPerSpan knots between each two knots between begin and end.
void | remove (const T knot, mult_t mult=1) |
| Decreases multiplicity of the knot knot by mult.
void | remove (uiterator uit, mult_t mult=1) |
reverse_iterator | rend () const |
| Returns reverse iterator pointing to the beginning of the repeated knots.
void | reverse () |
| Better directly use affineTransformTo.
reverse_smart_iterator | rsbegin () const |
| Returns the reverse smart iterator pointing past the end of the repeated knots.
reverse_smart_iterator | rsend () const |
| Returns the reverse smart iterator pointing to the beginning of the repeated knots.
smart_iterator | sbegin () const |
| Returns the smart iterator pointing to the beginning of the repeated knots.
smart_iterator | send () const |
| Returns the smart iterator pointing past the end of the repeated knots.
void | set_degree (short_t p) |
| Sets the degree to p.
size_t | size () const |
| Number of knots (including repetitions).
void | supportIndex_into (const mult_t &i, gsMatrix< index_t > &result) const |
void | swap (gsKnotVector &other) |
| Swaps with other knot vector.
void | symDifference (const gsKnotVector< T > &other, std::vector< T > &result) const |
| Computes the symmetric difference between this knot-vector and other.
void | transform (T c, T d) |
| See affineTransform().
void | trimLeft (const mult_t numKnots) |
| Removes the left-most numKnots from the knot-vector.
void | trimRight (const mult_t numKnots) |
| Removes the right-most numKnots from the knot-vector.
unsigned | u_multiplicityIndex (size_t const &i) const |
uiterator | ubegin () const |
| Returns unique iterator pointing to the beginning of the unique knots.
uiterator | uend () const |
| Returns unique iterator pointing past the end of the unique knots.
uiterator | uFind (const T u) const |
| Returns the uiterator pointing to the knot at the beginning of the knot interval containing u. Note that if u == *domainUEnd() , it returns the uiterator domainUEnd() - 1 . Cf. knot interval.
uiterator | uLowerBound (const T u) const |
| Returns a uiterator pointing to the first knot which does not compare less than u.
void | uniformRefine (mult_t numKnots=1, mult_t mult=1) |
knotContainer | unique () const |
| Returns unique knots.
reverse_uiterator | urbegin () const |
| Returns reverse unique iterator pointing past the end of the unique knots.
reverse_uiterator | urend () const |
| Returns reverse unique iterator pointing to the beginning of the unique knots.
size_t | uSize () const |
| Number of unique knots (i.e., without repetitions).
uiterator | uUpperBound (const T u) const |
| Returns an iterator pointing to the first knot which compares greater than u.
T | uValue (const size_t &i) const |
| Provides the knot with unique index i.