G+Smo  24.08.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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16 #include <gsNurbs/gsKnotVector.h>
19 namespace gismo
20 {
22 template<short_t d, class T>
23 gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESBSplineBasis (const BasisContainer & bases, gsBoxTopology const & topol,
24  index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel, index_t minEVDistance)
25 {
26  m_topol = topol;
27  for(typename BasisContainer::const_iterator it = bases.begin();it!=bases.end();++it)
28  m_bases.push_back( (gsBasis<T>*)(*it)->clone().release());
29  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
30  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
31  else
32  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
33  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
34  _initVertices();
35  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
37  repairPatches();
39  if(!_checkTopologyWithBases())
40  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
41  _setMapping();
42 }
44 template<short_t d, class T>
45 gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESBSplineBasis (const BasisContainer & bases, gsBoxTopology const & topol,std::vector<gsMatrix<T> * > coefs,
46  index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel, index_t minEVDistance)
47 {
48  m_topol = topol;
49  for(typename BasisContainer::const_iterator it = bases.begin();it!=bases.end();++it)
50  m_bases.push_back( (gsBasis<T>*)(*it)->clone().release());
51  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
52  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
53  else
54  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
55  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
56  _initVertices();
57  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
59  repairPatches(coefs);
61  if(!_checkTopologyWithBases())
62  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
63  _setMapping();
64 }
66 template<short_t d, class T>
67 gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESBSplineBasis( gsMultiPatch<T> const & mp, index_t increaseSmoothnessLevel,
68  index_t minEVDistance)
69 {
70  //topol.computeAllVertices();
71  for (size_t i = 0; i < mp.nPatches(); i++)
72  {
73  GISMO_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<gsTensorBSplineBasis<2> * >(& mp.basis(i))!=NULL,"Bases is not of type gsTensorBSplineBasis<2>");
74  }
75  m_topol = mp;
76  m_bases = mp.basesCopy();
77  if(increaseSmoothnessLevel==-1)
78  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=this->maxDegree()-1;
79  else
80  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=increaseSmoothnessLevel;
81  m_minDist=static_cast<unsigned>(std::max<index_t>(std::min<index_t>(m_incrSmoothnessDegree+1,maxDegree()),minEVDistance));
82  _initVertices();
83  _setDistanceOfAllVertices();
85  repairPatches();
87  if(!_checkTopologyWithBases())
88  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
89  _setMapping();
90 }
92 template<short_t d, class T>
93 gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::gsMPBESBSplineBasis( const gsMPBESBSplineBasis& other )
94 {
95  m_topol = other.m_topol;
96  m_vertices = other.m_vertices;
97  m_distances=other.m_distances;
98  m_minDist=other.m_minDist;
99  // clone all geometries
100  for(ConstBasisIter it = other.m_bases.begin();it!=other.m_bases.end();++it)
101  {
102  m_bases.push_back( (gsBasis<T>*)(*it)->clone().release() );
103  }
104  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=other.m_incrSmoothnessDegree;
105  if(!this->_checkTopologyWithBases())
106  GISMO_ERROR("topology and bases not suitable for composite basis");
107  //_setMapping();
108  m_mapper=new gsWeightMapper<T>(*other.m_mapper);
109  //m_mapFactory= need a method to clone mapFactory
110 }
112 template<short_t d, class T>
113 gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T> &gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::operator=( const gsMPBESBSplineBasis& other )
114 {
115  m_topol=other.m_topol;
116  m_vertices=other.m_vertices;
117  m_distances=other.m_distances;
118  m_minDist=other.m_minDist;
119  freeAll(m_bases);
120  m_bases.clear();
121  for(ConstBasisIter it = other.m_bases.begin();it!=other.m_bases.end();++it)
122  m_bases.push_back((BasisType*)(*it)->clone().release());
123  if(m_mapper)
124  delete m_mapper;
125  m_mapper=NULL;//other.m_mapper->clone();
126  m_incrSmoothnessDegree=other.m_incrSmoothnessDegree;
127  //m_mapFactory= need a method to clone mapFactory
128  return *this;
129 }
131 template<short_t d, class T>
133 {
134  // * Initializer mapper
135  gsMPBESMapB2D<d,T> maker(m_incrSmoothnessDegree,& m_topol,this);
136  if(m_mapper)
137  delete m_mapper;
138  m_mapper = maker.makeMapper();
139 }
141 template<short_t d, class T>
143 {
144  if(ps.side()==1||ps.side()==2)
145  return basis(ps.patch).size(1);
146  else
147  return basis(ps.patch).size(0);
148 }
150 template<short_t d, class T>
151 bool gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::isLocallyConnected(indexType i,indexType j) const
152 {
153  unsigned patch_i = _getPatch(i), patch_j = _getPatch(j);
154  if( patch_i != patch_j )
155  return false;
156  indexType loc_i = _getPatchIndex(i), loc_j = _getPatchIndex(j);
157  gsVector<index_t,d> vec_i = basis(patch_i).tensorIndex(loc_i);
158  gsVector<index_t,d> vec_j = basis(patch_j).tensorIndex(loc_j);
159  unsigned distance = 0;
160  for( unsigned i2=0; i2< d;++i2 )
161  {
162  unsigned dist = std::abs(static_cast<index_t>(vec_i[i2])-static_cast<index_t>(vec_j[i2]));
163  if( dist != 0 )
164  distance+=dist;
165  }
166  return distance==1;
167 }
169 template<short_t d, class T>
171 {
172  result.resize(u.cols());
173  for(index_t i = 0; i<u.cols();++i)
174  {
175  result(i)=static_cast<unsigned>((degree(patch,0)+1)*(degree(patch,1)+1));
176  }
177 }
179 template<short_t d, class T>
180 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::refine(const index_t patch,const std::vector<T>& knots_u, const std::vector<T>& knots_v,bool updateBasis)
181 {
182  std::vector<std::vector<T> >refineKnots(2);
183  refineKnots[0]=knots_u;
184  refineKnots[1]=knots_v;
185  basis(patch).insertKnots(refineKnots);
186  if(updateBasis)
187  {
188  repairPatches();
189  updateTopol();
190  }
191 }
193 template<short_t d, class T>
194 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::refine(const index_t patch, gsMatrix<T> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
195 {
196  std::vector<std::vector<T> > refineKnots;
197  _boxToRefineKnots(patch,boxes,refineKnots);
198  refine(patch,refineKnots[0],refineKnots[1],updateBasis);
199 }
201 template<short_t d, class T>
202 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::refineElements(const index_t patch, std::vector<index_t> const & boxes, bool updateBasis)
203 {
204  gsMatrix<T> mat_boxes;
205  _boxesVectorToMatrix(boxes,mat_boxes);
206  refine(patch,mat_boxes,updateBasis);
207 }
209 template<short_t d, class T>
210 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::refine_withCoefs(gsMatrix<T>& localCoef, const index_t patch,const std::vector<T>& knots_u, const std::vector<T>& knots_v,
211  bool updateBasis)
212 {
213  std::vector<std::vector<T> >refineKnots(2);
214  refineKnots[0]=knots_u;
215  refineKnots[1]=knots_v;
216  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> *> coefs;
217  unsigned geoDim = localCoef.cols();
218  index_t start, end = -1;
219  for (size_t i = 0; i<nPatches(); ++i)
220  {
221  start=end+1;
222  end+=basis(i).size();
223  gsMatrix<T>* localMat = new gsMatrix<T>(end-start+1,geoDim);
224  *localMat << localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim);
225  coefs.push_back(localMat);
226  }
227  basis(patch).refine_withCoefs(*coefs[patch],refineKnots);
228  if(updateBasis)
229  repairPatches(coefs,patch);
230  unsigned totalSize=0;
231  for (size_t i = 0; i<nPatches(); ++i)
232  {
233  totalSize+=basis(i).size();
234  }
235  localCoef.resize(totalSize,geoDim);
236  end = -1;
237  for (size_t i = 0;i<nPatches();i++)
238  {
239  start=end+1;
240  end+=basis(i).size();
241  localCoef.block(start,0,end-start+1,geoDim) << *coefs[i];
242  }
243  if(updateBasis)
244  updateTopol();
245  freeAll(coefs);
246 }
248 template<short_t d, class T>
250  bool updateBasis)
251 {
252  std::vector<std::vector<T> > refineKnots;
253  _boxToRefineKnots(patch,boxes,refineKnots);
254  refine_withCoefs(coefs,patch,refineKnots[0],refineKnots[1],updateBasis);
255 }
257 template<short_t d, class T>
258 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::refineElements_withCoefs(gsMatrix<T>& coefs, const index_t patch, std::vector<index_t> const & boxes,
259  bool updateBasis)
260 {
261  gsMatrix<T> mat_boxes;
262  _boxesVectorToMatrix(boxes,mat_boxes);
263  refine_withCoefs(coefs,patch,mat_boxes,updateBasis);
264 }
266 template<short_t d, class T>
267 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::_boxesVectorToMatrix(const std::vector<index_t> & boxes, gsMatrix<T> & mat_boxes)
268 {
269  GISMO_ASSERT( boxes.size() % (2 * d + 1 ) == 0, "The points did not define boxes properly. The boxes were not added to the basis.");
270  mat_boxes.resize(2,2*(boxes.size()/(2*d + 1)));
271  for( unsigned index_t i = 0; i < (boxes.size())/(2*d+1); i++)
272  {
273  mat_boxes(0,2*i)=boxes[(i*(2*d+1))+1];
274  mat_boxes(1,2*i)=boxes[(i*(2*d+1))+2];
275  mat_boxes(0,2*i+1)=boxes[(i*(2*d+1))+3];
276  mat_boxes(1,2*i+1)=boxes[(i*(2*d+1))+4];
277  }
278 }
280 template<short_t d, class T>
281 void gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::_boxToRefineKnots(const index_t patch,gsMatrix<T> const & boxes,std::vector<std::vector<T> > & refineKnots)
282 {
283  gsTensorBSplineBasis<d,T> & this_base=basis(patch);
284  GISMO_ASSERT( boxes.rows() == this_base.dim() , "Number of rows of refinement boxes must equal dimension of parameter space.");
285  GISMO_ASSERT( boxes.cols() % 2 == 0, "Refinement boxes must have even number of columns.");
287  const T tol = 0.000000001;
288  gsKnotVector<T> knots_u = this_base.component(0).knots();
289  gsKnotVector<T> knots_v = this_base.component(1).knots();
290  std::vector<T> ins_knots_u;
291  std::vector<T> ins_knots_v;
292  for(size_t i = 1;i < knots_u.size();i++)
293  if( knots_u[i]-knots_u[i-1] > tol)
294  {
295  T midpt = knots_u[i-1] + (knots_u[i]-knots_u[i-1])/2;
296  for( index_t j=0; j < boxes.cols(); j+=2 ) // loop over all boxes
297  {
298  if( boxes(0,j) < midpt && midpt < boxes(0,j+1) )
299  ins_knots_u.push_back(midpt);
300  }
301  }
302  for(size_t i = 1;i < knots_v.size();i++)
303  if( knots_v[i]-knots_v[i-1] > tol)
304  {
305  T midpt = knots_v[i-1] + (knots_v[i]-knots_v[i-1])/2;
306  for( index_t j=0; j < boxes.cols(); j+=2 ) // loop over all boxes
307  {
308  if( boxes(1,j) < midpt && midpt < boxes(1,j+1) )
309  ins_knots_v.push_back(midpt);
310  }
311  }
312  refineKnots.resize(2);
313  refineKnots[0]=ins_knots_u;
314  refineKnots[1]=ins_knots_v;
315 }
317 template<short_t d, class T>
318 unsigned gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::getNrOfSpecialKnots(const gsKnotVector<T> kv,const std::vector<T>& new_knots,bool par,index_t distance)
319 {
320  index_t specialKnots=0, index = 0, kv_index, nk_index;
321  for(index_t i=0;i<=distance+kv.degree();++i)
322  {
323  kv_index = par ? kv.size()-i-1 : i;
324  nk_index = par ? new_knots.size()-index-1 : index;
325  if(nk_index>=static_cast<index_t>(new_knots.size())||nk_index<0)
326  break;
327  if((!par&&new_knots[nk_index]<=kv.at(kv_index))||
328  (par&&new_knots[nk_index]>=kv.at(kv_index)))
329  {
330  specialKnots++;
331  index++;
332  }
333  }
334  return specialKnots;
335 }
337 template<short_t d, class T>
339  index_t startFromPatch)
340 {
341  std::set<index_t> toCheck; //set of all indizes of patches, which have to be checked
342  if(startFromPatch==-1)
343  for(unsigned i = 0;i<m_bases.size();++i)
344  toCheck.insert(i);
345  else
346  toCheck.insert(startFromPatch);
347  unsigned curElement;
348  do
349  {
350  curElement=*(toCheck.begin());
351  toCheck.erase(curElement);
352  std::vector<std::vector<T> >refineKnots;
353  std::vector<index_t> checkPatches;
354  bool matched = _knotsMatchNeighbours(curElement,refineKnots,checkPatches);
355  if(!matched)
356  {
357  if(coefs[curElement]!=NULL)
358  basis(curElement).refine_withCoefs(*(coefs[curElement]),refineKnots);
359  else
360  basis(curElement).insertKnots(refineKnots);
361  }
362  for(unsigned i = 0;i<checkPatches.size();++i)
363  {
364  toCheck.insert(checkPatches[i]);
365  }
366  }while(!toCheck.empty());
367 }
369 template<short_t d, class T>
370 bool gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::_knotsMatchNeighbours(index_t patch,std::vector<std::vector<T> >& knotsToInsert,
371  std::vector<index_t>& checkPatches,
372  T eps)
373 {
374  typedef typename gsKnotVector<T>::iterator knotIter;
375  bool matched = true;
376  gsTensorBSplineBasis<d,T> & base = basis(patch);
377  patchSide ps, ps_neigh;
378  knotsToInsert.resize(2);
379  checkPatches.clear();
380  checkPatches.reserve(nPatches());
381  std::vector<bool> sideToCheck(4,false);
382  std::vector<index_t> neighbours(4,-1);
383  gsKnotVector<T> knots_neigh;
384  knotIter kv,kv_end,kvN,kvN_end;
385  for(boxSide side=boxSide::getFirst(2);side<boxSide::getEnd(2);++side)
386  {
387  ps=patchSide(patch,side);
388  if( !m_topol.getNeighbour(ps,ps_neigh) )
389  continue;
390  knots_neigh = basis(ps_neigh.patch).knots(1-(ps_neigh.direction()));
392  m_topol.getInterface(ps,bf);
393  if(!bf.dirOrientation(ps,1-ps.direction()))
394  knots_neigh.reverse();
395  kv = base.knots(1-side.direction()).begin();
396  kv_end = base.knots(1-side.direction()).end();
397  kvN = knots_neigh.begin();
398  kvN_end = knots_neigh.end();
399  neighbours[side-1]=ps_neigh.patch; //fill with the patch numbers of the neighbours
400  while(kv != kv_end || kvN != kvN_end)
401  {
402  if(math::abs(*kv-*kvN)<eps)
403  {
404  ++kv;
405  ++kvN;
406  }
407  else if(*kv < *kvN)
408  {
409  ++kv;
410  sideToCheck[side-1]=true; //set this side to true
411  }
412  else
413  {
414  knotsToInsert[1-side.direction()].push_back(*kvN);
415  matched = false;
416  ++kvN;
417  sideToCheck[side.opposite()-1]=true; //set the opposite side to true
418  }
419  }
420  }
421  //remove duplicates:
422  sort( knotsToInsert[0].begin(), knotsToInsert[0].end() );
423  knotsToInsert[0].erase( unique( knotsToInsert[0].begin(), knotsToInsert[0].end() ), knotsToInsert[0].end() );
424  sort( knotsToInsert[1].begin(), knotsToInsert[1].end() );
425  knotsToInsert[1].erase( unique( knotsToInsert[1].begin(), knotsToInsert[1].end() ), knotsToInsert[1].end() );
426  //find the patches we will have to check again:
427  for(unsigned i = 0;i<4;i++)
428  {
429  if(sideToCheck[i]&&neighbours[i]!=-1)
430  checkPatches.push_back(neighbours[i]);
431  }
432  return matched;
433 }
435 template<short_t d, class T>
436 T gsMPBESBSplineBasis<d,T>::findParameter(patchSide const & ps,patchCorner const & pc,unsigned nrBasisFuncs) const
437 {
438  if(nrBasisFuncs==0)
439  return 0.0;
440  gsKnotVector<T> knots = basis(ps.patch).knots(1-(ps.direction()));
441  gsVector<bool> pars;
442  pc.parameters_into(d,pars);
443  typename gsKnotVector<T>::uiterator iter;
444  if(!pars(1-ps.direction()))
445  knots.reverse();
446  iter = knots.ubegin();
447  iter+=nrBasisFuncs;
448  return *iter;
449 }
451 }
internal::gsUKnotIterator< T > uiterator
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:102
A univariate Lagrange basis.
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.h:32
Knot vector for B-splines.
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
void parameters_into(index_t dim, gsVector< bool > &param) const
returns a vector of parameters describing the position of the corner
Definition: gsBoundary.h:322
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
Struct which represents a certain side of a patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:231
T distance(gsMatrix< T > const &A, gsMatrix< T > const &B, index_t i=0, index_t j=0, bool cols=false)
compute a distance between the point number in the set and the point number &lt;j&gt; in the set ; by def...
static boxSide getFirst(short_t)
helper for iterating on sides of an n-dimensional box
Definition: gsBoundary.h:160
void repairPatches(std::vector< gsMatrix< T > * > &coefs, index_t startFromPatch=-1)
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:338
void _setMapping()
create a new mapping of the local basisfunctions
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:132
#define index_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:32
std::vector< T >::const_iterator iterator
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:97
A tensor product B-spline basis.
Definition: gsTensorBSplineBasis.h:36
Struct which represents a certain corner of a patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:392
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:89
A univariate Lagrange basis.
Definition: gsMPBESMapB2D.h:39
void refineElements(const index_t patch, std::vector< index_t > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:202
T findParameter(patchSide const &ps, patchCorner const &pc, unsigned nrBasisFuncs) const
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:436
static boxSide getEnd(short_t dim)
helper for iterating on sides of an n-dimensional box
Definition: gsBoundary.h:176
uiterator ubegin() const
Returns unique iterator pointing to the beginning of the unique knots.
Definition: gsKnotVector.hpp:235
void freeAll(It begin, It end)
Frees all pointers in the range [begin end)
Definition: gsMemory.h:312
Struct which represents a certain side of a box.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:84
void numActive_into(const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsVector< index_t > &result) const
Returns the number of active (nonzero) basis functions at points u in result.
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:170
unsigned basisFunctionsOnSide(const patchSide &ps) const
Returns the amount of basis functions on a given side of a given patch.
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:142
Default empty constructor.
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.h:78
iterator end() const
Returns iterator pointing past the end of the repeated knots.
Definition: gsKnotVector.hpp:124
void reverse()
Better directly use affineTransformTo.
Definition: gsKnotVector.hpp:468
#define GISMO_ERROR(message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:118
Class for representing a knot vector.
Definition: gsKnotVector.h:79
void refineElements_withCoefs(gsMatrix< T > &coefs, const index_t patch, std::vector< index_t > const &boxes, bool updateBasis=true)
Definition: gsMPBESBSplineBasis.hpp:258
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE abs_expr< E > abs(const E &u)
Absolute value.
Definition: gsExpressions.h:4486
Struct which represents an interface between two patches.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:649
iterator begin() const
Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of the repeated knots.
Definition: gsKnotVector.hpp:117
index_t patch
The index of the patch.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:234
short_t direction() const
Returns the parametric direction orthogonal to this side.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:113
Provides declaration of TensorBSplineBasis abstract interface.