Declaration of function for data input from the Rhinoceros 3DM file format.
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namespace | gismo |
| The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
bool | gsReadOpenNurbs (const char *arg, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Reads a 3dm file using OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_Brep (const ON_Brep *pbrep, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts (parts of) a Brep from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_Curve (const ON_Curve *pcurve, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a curve from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_Mesh (const ON_Mesh *pbrep, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a mesh object from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_MorphControl (const ON_MorphControl *pbrep, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a morph control object from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_NurbsCage (const ON_NurbsCage *pcage, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a NURBS cage from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_NurbsCurve (const ON_NurbsCurve *pcurve, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a NURBS curve from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_NurbsSurface (const ON_NurbsSurface *psurface, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a NURBS surface from OpenNurbs.
bool | readON_Surface (const ON_Surface *pusrface, internal::gsXmlTree &data) |
| Extracts a surface from OpenNurbs.
Declaration of function for data input from the Rhinoceros 3DM file format.
This file is part of the G+Smo library.
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
Author(s): A. Mantzaflaris