G+Smo  24.08.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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14 #pragma once
16 #include <gsCore/gsBasis.h>
17 #include <gsCore/gsBoundary.h>
19 namespace gismo
20 {
32 template<short_t d, class T>
33 class gsTensorBasis : public gsBasis<T>
34 {
35 public:
36  typedef memory::shared_ptr< gsTensorBasis > Ptr;
37  typedef memory::unique_ptr< gsTensorBasis > uPtr;
39  typedef gsTensorBasis<d,T> Self_t;
41  typedef gsBasis<T> Basis_t;
43  typedef Basis_t CoordinateBasis;
46  typedef T Scalar_t;
49  static const short_t Dim = d;
52  typedef Basis_t** iterator;
53  typedef Basis_t* const* const_iterator;
55  typedef typename Basis_t::domainIter domainIter;
57 public:
59  gsTensorBasis() : m_bases() { }
61  virtual ~gsTensorBasis() { freeAll(m_bases, m_bases+d); }
63  gsTensorBasis( const gsTensorBasis & o);
64  gsTensorBasis& operator=( const gsTensorBasis & o);
67  gsTensorBasis(gsTensorBasis&& other)
68  {
69  util::copy(other.m_bases, other.m_bases+d, m_bases);
70  std::fill (other.m_bases, other.m_bases+d, nullptr);
71  }
72  gsTensorBasis & operator=(gsTensorBasis&&other)
73  {
74  freeAll(m_bases, m_bases+d);
75  util::copy(other.m_bases, other.m_bases+d, m_bases);
76  std::fill (other.m_bases, other.m_bases+d, nullptr);
77  return *this;
78  }
79 #endif
80  bool isValid() const { return std::find(m_bases,m_bases+d,
81  static_cast<Basis_t*>(0)) == m_bases+d; }
84  gsTensorBasis( Basis_t* x, Basis_t* y);
85  // template<class U> gsTensorBasis(
86  // typename enable_if<d==2 && is_same<U,Basis_t*>::value,U>::type x, U y)
87  // { m_bases[0] = x; m_bases[1] = y; }
90  gsTensorBasis( Basis_t* x, Basis_t* y, Basis_t* z ) ;
93  gsTensorBasis( Basis_t* x, Basis_t* y, Basis_t* z, Basis_t* w ) ;
96  explicit gsTensorBasis(iterator it)
97  {
98  for (short_t i = 0; i < d; ++i)
99  m_bases[i] = *(it++);
100  }
102 public:
104  // Returns the dimension of the basis
105  short_t domainDim() const { return Dim; }
108  index_t size() const
109  {
110  index_t r=1;
111  for (short_t i = 0; i < d; ++i)
112  r *= m_bases[i]->size();
113  return r;
114  }
116  // Look at gsBasis class for a description
117  size_t numTotalElements() const
118  {
119  size_t nElem = m_bases[0]->numElements();
120  for (short_t dim = 1; dim < d; ++dim)
121  nElem *= m_bases[dim]->numElements();
122  return nElem;
123  }
125  // Look at gsBasis class for a description
126  size_t numElements(boxSide const & s = boundary::none) const
127  {
128  if (0==s.index()) return this->numTotalElements();
129  const short_t dir = s.direction();
130  size_t nElem = 1;
131  for (short_t dim = 0; dim < d; ++dim)
132  {
133  if(dim == dir)
134  continue;
135  nElem *= m_bases[dim]->numElements();
136  }
137  return nElem;
138  }
140  // Look at gsBasis class for a description
141  size_t elementIndex(const gsVector<T> & u ) const
142  {
143  GISMO_ASSERT( u.rows() == d, "Wrong vector dimension");
145  size_t ElIndex = m_bases[d-1]->elementIndex( u.row(d-1) );
146  for ( short_t i=d-2; i>=0; --i )
147  ElIndex = ElIndex * m_bases[i]->numElements()
148  + m_bases[i]->elementIndex( u.row(i) );
150  return ElIndex;
151  }
153  // Look at gsBasis class for a description
158  {
159  result.resize(d);
160  for (short_t dim = 0; dim < d; ++dim)
161  result(dim) = static_cast<unsigned>(m_bases[dim]->numElements());
162  }
165  void anchors_into(gsMatrix<T>& result) const;
168  void anchor_into(index_t i, gsMatrix<T>& result) const;
170  // TODO: Why is this documentation not in gsBasis?
207  virtual void active_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<index_t>& result) const;
209  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
210  bool isActive(const index_t i, const gsVector<T>& u) const;
216  void active_cwise(const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsVector<index_t,d>& low,
217  gsVector<index_t,d>& upp ) const;
219  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
220  virtual void connectivity(const gsMatrix<T> & nodes, gsMesh<T> & mesh) const;
224  gsMatrix<index_t> allBoundary( ) const ;
228  gsMatrix<index_t> boundaryOffset(boxSide const & s, index_t offset) const;
230  index_t functionAtCorner(boxCorner const & c) const;
233  void getComponentsForSide(boxSide const & s, std::vector<Basis_t*> & rr) const;
235  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
236  // Returns a bounding box for the basis' domain
237  gsMatrix<T> support() const ;
239  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
240  // Returns a bounding box for the support of the ith basis function
241  gsMatrix<T> support(const index_t & i ) const ;
243  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
244  // Evaluates the non-zero basis functions (and optionally their
245  // first k derivatives) at value u into result
246  virtual void eval_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result) const ;
248  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
249  // Evaluate the i-th basis function at all columns of the matrix
250  // (or vector) u
251  void evalSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result) const ;
254  virtual void eval_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, const gsMatrix<T> & coefs, gsMatrix<T>& result ) const;
256  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
257  // Evaluate the nonzero basis functions and their derivatives up to
258  // order n at all columns of u
259  virtual void evalAllDers_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, int n,
260  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> >& result,
261  bool sameElement = false) const;
263  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
264  // Evaluates the gradient the non-zero basis functions at value u.
265  virtual void deriv_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result ) const;
267  // Evaluates the second derivatives of the non-zero basis functions at value u.
268  virtual void deriv2_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result ) const;
270 private:
271  // Internal function
272  //
273  // values: array of std::vectors of gsMatrix<T>
274  // values[i], i = 0,...,d-1, contains the result of
275  // the univariate evalAllDers_into, corresponding to coordinate direction i.
276  //
277  // values[i] is a std::vector< gsMatrix<T> >
278  // values[i][j] contains the j-th derivatives in coordinate direction i
279  //
280  // size: gsVector of length d, size[i] contains the number of basis functions
281  // in coordinate direction i.
282  static void deriv2_tp(const std::vector< gsMatrix<T> > values[],
283  const gsVector<unsigned, d> & size,
284  gsMatrix<T>& result);
286 public:
287  // see gsBasis for doxygen documentation
288  // Evaluate the i-th basis function derivative at all columns of
289  virtual void derivSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result) const ;
291  virtual void deriv2Single_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix<T> & u, gsMatrix<T>& result) const ;
293  // Evaluates the (partial) derivatives of an element given by coefs at (the columns of) u.
294  //void deriv_into(const gsMatrix<T> & u, const gsMatrix<T> & coefs, gsMatrix<T>& result ) const ;
296  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
297  typename gsBasis<T>::domainIter makeDomainIterator() const;
299  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
300  typename gsBasis<T>::domainIter makeDomainIterator(const boxSide & s) const;
302  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
303  virtual typename gsGeometry<T>::uPtr interpolateAtAnchors(gsMatrix<T> const& vals) const;
308  typename gsGeometry<T>::uPtr interpolateGrid(gsMatrix<T> const& vals,
309  std::vector<gsMatrix<T> >const& grid) const;
312  virtual std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) const = 0;
314  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
315  virtual void uniformRefine(int numKnots = 1, int mul=1, int dir=-1)
316  {
317  if (-1==dir)
318  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
319  m_bases[j]->uniformRefine(numKnots,mul);
320  else
321  m_bases[dir]->uniformRefine(numKnots,mul);
322  }
338  void refineElements(std::vector<index_t> const & elements);
342  void uniformRefine_withCoefs(gsMatrix<T>& coefs, int numKnots=1, int mul=1, int dir=-1);
346  void uniformRefine_withTransfer(gsSparseMatrix<T,RowMajor> & transfer, int numKnots=1, int mul=1);
348  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
349  virtual void uniformCoarsen(int numKnots = 1)
350  {
351  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
352  m_bases[j]->uniformCoarsen(numKnots);
353  }
355  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
356  void uniformCoarsen_withTransfer(gsSparseMatrix<T,RowMajor> & transfer, int numKnots=1);
358  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
359  virtual void degreeElevate(short_t const & i = 1, short_t const dir = -1)
360  {
361  if (dir == -1)
362  {
363  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
364  m_bases[j]->degreeElevate(i);
365  }
366  else
367  {
368  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < this->dim(),
369  "Invalid basis component requested" );
370  m_bases[dir]->degreeElevate(i);
371  }
372  }
374  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
375  virtual void degreeIncrease(short_t const & i = 1, short_t const dir = -1)
376  {
377  if (dir == -1)
378  {
379  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
380  m_bases[j]->degreeIncrease(i);
381  }
382  else
383  {
384  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < this->dim(),
385  "Invalid basis component requested" );
386  m_bases[dir]->degreeIncrease(i);
387  }
388  }
390  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
391  virtual void degreeDecrease(short_t const & i = 1, short_t const dir = -1)
392  {
393  if (dir == -1)
394  {
395  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
396  m_bases[j]->degreeDecrease(i);
397  }
398  else
399  {
400  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < this->dim(),
401  "Invalid basis component requested" );
402  m_bases[dir]->degreeDecrease(i);
403  }
404  }
406  // Look at gsBasis class for documentation
407  virtual void degreeReduce(short_t const & i = 1, short_t const dir = -1)
408  {
409  GISMO_UNUSED(dir);
410  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < this->dim(),
411  "Invalid basis component requested" );
412  for (short_t j = 0; j < d; ++j)
413  m_bases[j]->degreeReduce(i);
414  }
418  const_iterator begin() const
419  { return &m_bases[0]; }
423  const_iterator end() const
424  { return &m_bases[d]; }
429  { return &m_bases[0]; }
434  { return &m_bases[d]; }
437  index_t size(short_t k) const { return m_bases[k]->size(); }
440  template<int s>
441  void size_cwise(gsVector<index_t,s> & result) const
442  {
443  result.resize(d);
444  for ( short_t k = 0; k!=d; ++k )
445  result[k] = m_bases[k]->size();
446  }
466  {
467  return m_bases[i]->degree(0);
468  }
471  {
472  short_t td = m_bases[0]->degree(0);
473  // take maximum of coordinate bases degrees
474  for (short_t k=1; k!=d; ++k)
475  td = math::max(td, m_bases[k]->degree(0));
476  return td;
477  }
480  {
481  short_t td = m_bases[0]->degree(0);
482  // take minimum of coordinate bases degrees
483  for (short_t k=1; k!=d; ++k)
484  td = math::min(td, m_bases[k]->degree(0));
485  return td;
486  }
489  {
490  short_t td = 0;
491  for (short_t k=0; k!=d; ++k)
492  td = + m_bases[k]->degree(0);
493  return td;
494  }
496  gsVector<int> cwiseDegree() const
497  {
498  gsVector<int> deg(d);
499  for (short_t k=0; k!=d; ++k)
500  deg[k] = m_bases[k]->degree(0);
501  return deg;
502  }
506  inline unsigned index(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k=0) const;
509  inline unsigned stride(short_t dir) const;
512  void stride_cwise(gsVector<index_t,d> & result) const
513  {
514  //result.resize(d);
515  result[0] = 1;
516  for ( short_t i=1; i != d; ++i )
517  result[i] = result[i-1] * m_bases[i-1]->size();
518  }
522  inline index_t index(gsVector<index_t,d> const & v) const;
523  // inline unsigned index(gsVector<unsigned> & v) const;
527  inline gsVector<index_t, d> tensorIndex(const index_t& m) const
528  {
530  int mm = m;
531  for (short_t i = 0; i<d; ++i )
532  {
533  ind(i)= mm % size(i);
534  mm -= ind(i);
535  mm /= size(i);
536  }
537  return ind;
538  }
540  void swapDirections(const unsigned i, const unsigned j)
541  {
542  GISMO_ASSERT( static_cast<int>(i) < Dim && static_cast<int>(j) < Dim,
543  "Invalid basis components "<<i<<" and "<<j<<" requested" );
544  std::swap(m_bases[i],m_bases[j]);
545  }
549  inline bool indexOnBoundary(const gsVector<index_t, d> & ind) const
550  {
551  for ( short_t i = 0; i < d; ++i )
552  if ( ind[i] == size(i)-1 )
553  return true;
554  return ((0 == ind.array()).any() );
555  }
559  inline bool indexOnBoundary(const index_t m) const
560  {
561  return ( indexOnBoundary( tensorIndex(m) ) );
562  }
564  // see gsBasis for documentation
565  void matchWith(const boundaryInterface & bi, const gsBasis<T> & other,
566  gsMatrix<index_t> & bndThis, gsMatrix<index_t> & bndOther) const;
568  // see gsBasis for documentation
569  void matchWith(const boundaryInterface & bi, const gsBasis<T> & other,
570  gsMatrix<index_t> & bndThis, gsMatrix<index_t> & bndOther, index_t offset) const;
573  virtual T getMinCellLength() const;
576  virtual T getMaxCellLength() const;
578  Basis_t& x() const
579  {
580  return *m_bases[0];
581  }
583  Basis_t& y() const {
584  if (d > 1) return *m_bases[1];
585  else
586  GISMO_ERROR("gsTensorBasis has no y component");
587  }
589  Basis_t& z() const {
590  if (d > 2)
591  return *m_bases[2];
592  else
593  GISMO_ERROR("gsTensorBasis has no z component");
594  }
597  {
598  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < Dim,
599  "Invalid basis component requested" );
600  return *m_bases[dir];
601  }
603  const Basis_t & component(short_t dir) const
604  {
605  GISMO_ASSERT( dir < Dim,
606  "Invalid basis component requested" );
607  return *m_bases[dir];
608  }
610  //inline int trueSize(int k) const { return m_bases[k]->trueSize(); }
612 // Data members
613 protected:
615  void swap(gsTensorBasis& o)
616  { std::swap_ranges(m_bases, m_bases+d, o.m_bases); }
618  Basis_t* m_bases[d];
620 }; // class gsTensorBasis
622 // Next line disallows instantization of gsTensorBasis<0,T>
623 template<typename T> class gsTensorBasis<0,T>
624 {using T::GISMO_ERROR_gsTensorBasis_cannot_have_dimension_zero;};
626 /*
627  * @brief
628  * Class for a Tensor product spline space of dimension 1.
629  * This specialization is mainly for compatibility.
630  *
631  * \tparam T coefficient type
632  *
633  * \ingroup Tensor
634  */
635 template<class T>
636 class gsTensorBasis<1,T> : public gsBasis<T>
637 {
638 public:
639  typedef memory::shared_ptr< gsTensorBasis<1,T> > Ptr;
640  typedef memory::unique_ptr< gsTensorBasis<1,T> > uPtr;
642  static const short_t Dim = 1;
644  typedef gsBasis<T> Base;
646  typedef gsTensorBasis<1,T> Self_t;
648  typedef gsBasis<T> Basis_t;
651  typedef T Scalar_t;
653  typedef gsBasis<T> CoordinateBasis;
656  typedef Basis_t** iterator;
657  typedef Basis_t* const* const_iterator;
659  typedef gsBasis<T> ** base_iterator;
660 public:
663  gsTensorBasis() : Base()
664  { m_address = this;}
667  gsTensorBasis( const gsTensorBasis & o)
668  : Basis_t(o)
669  {
670  m_address = this;
671  }
674  gsTensorBasis& operator=( const gsTensorBasis & o)
675  {
676  this->Base::operator=(o);
677  m_address = this;
678  return *this;
679  }
681  // Destructor
682  virtual ~gsTensorBasis()
683  {
684  m_address = NULL;
685  }
688  gsTensorBasis(gsTensorBasis&& other)
689  { gsTensorBasis::operator=(std::forward<gsTensorBasis>(other)); }
690  gsTensorBasis & operator=(gsTensorBasis&&other)
691  {
692  other.m_address = m_address;
693  other.m_address = nullptr;
694  return *this;
695  }
696 #endif
697  bool isValid() const { return static_cast<Basis_t*>(0) != m_address; }
701  explicit gsTensorBasis(Base * x)
702  : Base(*x)
703  {
704  m_address = this;
705  delete x;
706  x = NULL;
707  }
711  explicit gsTensorBasis(base_iterator it)
712  //: Basis_t(*static_cast<Basis_t*>(*it))
713  : Basis_t(**it)
714  {
715  m_address = this;
716  delete *it;
717  *it = NULL;
718  }
720 public:
722  short_t dim() const { return 1;}
728  void active_cwise(const gsMatrix<T> & u,
729  gsVector<index_t,1>& low,
730  gsVector<index_t,1>& upp ) const
731  {
732  gsMatrix<index_t> act;
733  this->active_into(u, act);
734  low[0]= act(0,0);
735  upp[0]= act(act.size()-1, 0 );
736  }
739  void stride_cwise(gsVector<index_t,1> & result) const
740  {
741  result[0] = 1;
742  }
746  const_iterator begin() const
747  { return &m_address; }
751  const_iterator end() const
752  { return (&m_address)+1; }
756  iterator begin()
757  { return &m_address; }
761  iterator end()
762  { return (&m_address)+1; }
764  // Unhide/forward gsBasis<T>::size(), since the following
765  // overload with size(k) automatically hides it in this class
766  // Note that MSVC 2010 produces compilation error if we just
767  // do a "using gsBasis<T>::size"
768  index_t size() const = 0;
772  index_t size(short_t k) const
773  {
775  GISMO_ASSERT(k==0, "Invalid direction");
776  return this->size();
777  }
781  void size_cwise(gsVector<index_t,1> & result) const
782  { result[0] = this->size(); }
784  gsVector<int> cwiseDegree() const
785  {
786  gsVector<int> deg(1);
787  deg[0] = this->degree(0);
788  return deg;
789  }
791  void swapDirections(const unsigned i, const unsigned j)
792  {
795  GISMO_ASSERT( static_cast<int>(i) == 0 && static_cast<int>(j) == 0,
796  "Invalid basis components "<<i<<" and "<<j<<" requested" );
797  }
800  gsMatrix<index_t> coefSlice(short_t dir, index_t k) const
801  {
802  GISMO_UNUSED(dir);
804  GISMO_ASSERT(dir == 0, "Invalid direction");
805  GISMO_ASSERT(k < this->size(), "Invalid index");
806  // return 0 or size()-1
808  }
810  inline unsigned index(unsigned i) const
811  { return i; }
814  inline unsigned index(unsigned , unsigned ) const
815  { GISMO_ERROR("The basis is 1D"); }
818  inline unsigned stride(short_t dir) const
819  {
820  GISMO_UNUSED(dir);
821  GISMO_ASSERT(dir==0,"Invalid direction");
822  return 1;
823  }
826  void getComponentsForSide(boxSide const &, std::vector<gsBasis<T>*> & rr) const
827  { rr.clear(); }
831  inline index_t index(gsVector<index_t,1> const & v) const
832  { return v[0]; }
836  inline gsVector<index_t,1> tensorIndex(const index_t& m) const
837  {
838  return gsVector<index_t,1>::Constant(1,m);
839  }
841  const Basis_t& x() const
842  {
843  return *this;
844  }
846  Basis_t & component(short_t i)
847  {
849  GISMO_ASSERT(i==0,"Invalid component requested");
850  return *this;
851  }
853  const Basis_t & component(short_t i) const
854  {
856  GISMO_ASSERT(i==0,"Invalid component requested");
857  return *this;
858  }
860 private:
863  Basis_t * m_address;
865 }; // class gsTensorBasis<1,T>
867 /* ******************************************** */
868 /* ******************************************** */
870 template<short_t d, class Basis_t >
872 {
873  index_t ind;
875  ind = v(d-1) ;//compute global index in the tensor product
876  for ( int i=d-2; i>=0; --i )
877  ind = ind * size(i) + v(i) ;
878  return ind;
879 }
881 template<short_t d, class Basis_t >
882 inline unsigned gsTensorBasis<d,Basis_t>::index(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k ) const
883 {
884  return size(0) * (size(1) * k + j) + i;
885 }
888 template<short_t d, class Basis_t >
889 inline unsigned gsTensorBasis<d,Basis_t>::stride(short_t dir) const
890 {
891  GISMO_ASSERT( dir>=0 && dir< this->dim(),
892  "Something went wrong with requested direction." );
893  unsigned s(1);
894  for ( short_t i=0; i<dir; ++i )
895  s *= size(i);
896  return s;
897 }
900 } // namespace gismo
902 #ifndef GISMO_BUILD_LIB
903 #include GISMO_HPP_HEADER(gsTensorBasis.hpp)
904 #endif
short_t degree(short_t i) const
Returns the degree of the basis wrt variable i.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:465
void evalSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:410
Definition: gsDebug.h:129
index_t size() const
Returns the number of elements in the basis.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:108
virtual void degreeIncrease(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Elevate the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserve knots multiplicity. ...
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:588
virtual void deriv2Single_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the (partial) derivatives of the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:454
void uniformCoarsen_withTransfer(gsSparseMatrix< T, RowMajor > &transfer, int numKnots=1)
Coarsen the basis uniformly and produce a sparse matrix which maps coarse coefficient vectors to refi...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:876
#define short_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:35
Provides structs and classes related to interfaces and boundaries.
void anchor_into(index_t i, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Returns the anchors (graville absissae) that represent the members of the basis.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:148
virtual short_t degree(short_t i) const
Degree with respect to the i-th variable. If the basis is a tensor product of (piecewise) polynomial ...
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:650
virtual std::ostream & print(std::ostream &os) const =0
Prints the object as a string, pure virtual function of gsTensorBasis.
Basis_t ** iterator
Iterators on coordinate bases.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:52
const Basis_t & component(short_t dir) const
For a tensor product basis, return the (const) 1-d basis for the i-th parameter component.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:603
virtual void connectivity(const gsMatrix< T > &nodes, gsMesh< T > &mesh) const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:163
Provides declaration of Basis abstract interface.
virtual index_t size() const
Definition: gsFunctionSet.h:578
const_iterator end() const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:423
virtual size_t elementIndex(const gsVector< T > &u) const
Returns an index for the element which contains point u.
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:506
#define index_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:32
virtual void uniformCoarsen(int numKnots=1)
Coarsen the basis uniformly by removing groups of numKnots consecutive knots, each knot removed mul t...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:349
virtual void degreeReduce(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Reduce the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserve smoothness.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:407
size_t elementIndex(const gsVector< T > &u) const
Returns an index for the element which contains point u.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:141
virtual size_t numElements(boxSide const &s=0) const
The number of elements on side s.
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:502
size_t numElements(boxSide const &s=boundary::none) const
The number of elements on side s.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:126
virtual void uniformRefine(int numKnots=1, int mul=1, int dir=-1)
Refine the basis uniformly by inserting numKnots new knots with multiplicity mul on each knot span...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:315
void refineElements(std::vector< index_t > const &elements)
Refine elements defined by their tensor-index.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:795
iterator begin()
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:428
virtual void degreeIncrease(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Elevate the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserve knots multiplicity. ...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:375
void size_cwise(gsVector< index_t, s > &result) const
The number of basis functions in the direction of the k-th parameter component.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:441
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:89
short_t maxDegree() const
If the basis is of polynomial or piecewise polynomial type, then this function returns the maximum po...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:470
T Scalar_t
Coefficient type.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:46
virtual void uniformRefine(int numKnots=1, int mul=1, int dir=-1)
Refine the basis uniformly by inserting numKnots new knots with multiplicity mul on each knot span...
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:554
gsMatrix< T > elementInSupportOf(index_t j) const
Returns (the coordinates of) an element in the support of basis function j.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:1066
virtual void eval_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates nonzero basis functions at point u into result.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:502
Class Representing a triangle mesh with 3D vertices.
Definition: gsMesh.h:31
virtual void degreeElevate(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Elevate the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserve smoothness.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:359
virtual void evalAllDers_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, int n, std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &result, bool sameElement=false) const
Evaluate the nonzero functions and their derivatives up to order n at points u into result...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:634
virtual void degreeDecrease(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Lower the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserving knots multiplicity. ...
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:592
short_t totalDegree() const
If the basis is of polynomial or piecewise polynomial type, then this function returns the total poly...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:488
virtual T getMinCellLength() const
Get the minimum mesh size, as expected for inverse inequalities.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:1042
Basis_t & component(short_t dir)
For a tensor product basis, return the 1-d basis for the i-th parameter component.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:596
memory::shared_ptr< gsBasis > Ptr
Shared pointer for gsBasis.
Definition: gsBasis.h:86
virtual void derivSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates the (partial) derivatives of the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:429
virtual void degreeDecrease(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Lower the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserving knots multiplicity. ...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:391
iterator end()
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:433
index_t size(short_t k) const
The number of basis functions in the direction of the k-th parameter component.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:437
void freeAll(It begin, It end)
Frees all pointers in the range [begin end)
Definition: gsMemory.h:312
bool indexOnBoundary(const gsVector< index_t, d > &ind) const
Returns true iff the basis function with multi-index ind is on the boundary.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:549
bool isActive(const index_t i, const gsVector< T > &u) const
Returns true if there the point u with non-zero value or derivatives when evaluated at the basis func...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:239
Abstract base class for tensor product bases.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:33
Struct which represents a certain side of a box.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:84
gsMatrix< T > support() const
Returns (a bounding box for) the domain of the whole basis.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:390
void getComponentsForSide(boxSide const &s, std::vector< Basis_t * > &rr) const
Returns the components for a basis on the face s.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:377
virtual void active_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< index_t > &result) const
Returns the indices of active basis functions at points u, as a list of indices, in result...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:204
unsigned index(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k=0) const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:882
void anchors_into(gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Returns the anchors (graville absissae) that represent the members of the basis.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:124
memory::unique_ptr< gsGeometry > uPtr
Unique pointer for gsGeometry.
Definition: gsGeometry.h:100
gsGeometry< T >::uPtr interpolateGrid(gsMatrix< T > const &vals, std::vector< gsMatrix< T > >const &grid) const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:921
bool indexOnBoundary(const index_t m) const
Returns true iff the basis function indexed m is on the boundary.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:559
void stride_cwise(gsVector< index_t, d > &result) const
Returns the strides for all dimensions.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:512
memory::unique_ptr< gsBasis > uPtr
Unique pointer for gsBasis.
Definition: gsBasis.h:89
virtual void deriv_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates the first partial derivatives of the nonzero basis function.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:594
gsMatrix< index_t > coefSlice(short_t dir, index_t k) const
Returns all the basis functions with tensor-numbering.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:250
static const short_t Dim
Dimension of the parameter domain.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:49
unsigned stride(short_t dir) const
Returns the stride for dimension dir.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:889
gsMatrix< index_t > boundaryOffset(boxSide const &s, index_t offset) const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:304
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:418
virtual void deriv2_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the second derivatives of all active basis function at points u.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:731
short_t minDegree() const
If the basis is of polynomial or piecewise polynomial type, then this function returns the minimum po...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:479
#define GISMO_UNUSED(x)
Definition: gsDebug.h:112
gsVector< index_t, d > tensorIndex(const index_t &m) const
Returns the tensor index of the basis function with global index m.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:527
gsMatrix< index_t > allBoundary() const
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:283
#define GISMO_ERROR(message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:118
virtual void degreeElevate(short_t const &i=1, short_t const dir=-1)
Elevate the degree of the basis by the given amount, preserve smoothness.
Definition: gsBasis.hpp:580
gsBasis< T >::domainIter makeDomainIterator() const
Create a domain iterator for the computational mesh of this basis, that points to the first element o...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:891
void uniformRefine_withCoefs(gsMatrix< T > &coefs, int numKnots=1, int mul=1, int dir=-1)
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:824
Struct which represents an interface between two patches.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:649
void uniformRefine_withTransfer(gsSparseMatrix< T, RowMajor > &transfer, int numKnots=1, int mul=1)
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:861
void numElements_cwise(gsVector< unsigned > &result) const
Returns the number of elements (component wise)
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:157
short_t domainDim() const
Dimension of the (source) domain.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:105
virtual T getMaxCellLength() const
Get the maximum mesh size, as expected for approximation error estimates.
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:1054
Struct which represents a certain corner of a hyper-cube.
Definition: gsBoundary.h:291
virtual gsGeometry< T >::uPtr interpolateAtAnchors(gsMatrix< T > const &vals) const
Applies interpolation of values pts using the anchors as parameter points. May be reimplemented in de...
Definition: gsTensorBasis.hpp:908
gsTensorBasis(iterator it)
Constructor nD (takes ownership of the passed bases)
Definition: gsTensorBasis.h:96
A basis represents a family of scalar basis functions defined over a common parameter domain...
Definition: gsBasis.h:78
void copy(T begin, T end, U *result)
Small wrapper for std::copy mimicking std::copy for a raw pointer destination, copies n positions sta...
Definition: gsMemory.h:391
void active_cwise(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsVector< index_t, d > &low, gsVector< index_t, d > &upp) const