template<class T>
class gismo::gsPoissonPde< T >
A Poisson PDE.
This class describes a Poisson PDE, with an arbitrary right-hand side function.
gsBoundaryConditions< T > & | boundaryConditions () |
| Returns a reference to the Pde boundary conditions.
GISMO_DEPRECATED short_t | dim () const |
| returns the dimension of the domain
gsMultiPatch< T > & | domain () |
| Returns a reference to the Pde domain.
GISMO_DEPRECATED int | fieldDim (index_t field_id=0) |
| gives the dimension of the i-th field it returns 1 for scalar fields, 2 for 2d vectors field etc.
| gsPoissonPde (const gsMultiPatch< T > &domain, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bc, const gsPiecewiseFunction< T > &rhs, const gsFunction< T > *=NULL) |
| Constructor.
virtual int | numRhs () const |
| gives the number of rhs functions of the PDEs
virtual std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os) const |
| Prints the object as a string.
virtual gsPde< T > * | restrictToPatch (unsigned np) const |
| restrictToPatch creats a new PDE object for a single patch np.
const gsVector< unsigned > & | unknownDim () const |
| Gives the vector of dimensions of the unknowns.