G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsSurfMesh Class Reference

Detailed Description

A halfedge data structure for polygonal meshes.

+ Collaboration diagram for gsSurfMesh:


class  Base_handle
struct  Edge
class  Edge_container
class  Edge_iterator
class  Edge_property
struct  Face
class  Face_around_vertex_circulator
struct  Face_connectivity
class  Face_container
class  Face_iterator
class  Face_property
struct  Halfedge
class  Halfedge_around_face_circulator
class  Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator
struct  Halfedge_connectivity
class  Halfedge_container
class  Halfedge_iterator
class  Halfedge_property
class  Mesh_property
struct  Vertex
class  Vertex_around_face_circulator
class  Vertex_around_vertex_circulator
struct  Vertex_connectivity
class  Vertex_container
class  Vertex_iterator
class  Vertex_property

Public Types

typedef real_t Scalar
 Scalar type.

Public Member Functions

Construct, destruct, assignment
 gsSurfMesh ()
 default constructor
 gsSurfMesh (const gsMatrix< Scalar > &pts)
 Constructor from a set of points.
 gsSurfMesh (const gsSurfMesh &rhs)
 copy constructor: copies rhs to *this. performs a deep copy of all properties.
gsSurfMeshoperator= (const gsSurfMesh &rhs)
 assign rhs to *this. performs a deep copy of all properties.
gsSurfMeshassign (const gsSurfMesh &rhs)
 assign rhs to *this. does not copy custom properties.
File IO
bool read (const std::string &filename)
bool write (const std::string &filename) const
Add new elements by hand
Vertex add_vertex (const Point &p)
 add a new vertex with position p
Face add_face (const std::vector< Vertex > &vertices)
Face add_triangle (Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3)
Face add_quad (Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3, Vertex v4)
Memory Management
unsigned int vertices_size () const
 returns number of (deleted and valid) vertices in the mesh
unsigned int halfedges_size () const
 returns number of (deleted and valid)halfedge in the mesh
unsigned int edges_size () const
 returns number of (deleted and valid)edges in the mesh
unsigned int faces_size () const
 returns number of (deleted and valid)faces in the mesh
unsigned int n_vertices () const
 returns number of vertices in the mesh
unsigned int n_halfedges () const
 returns number of halfedge in the mesh
unsigned int n_edges () const
 returns number of edges in the mesh
unsigned int n_faces () const
 returns number of faces in the mesh
unsigned int empty () const
 returns true iff the mesh is empty, i.e., has no vertices
void clear ()
 clear mesh: remove all vertices, edges, faces
void free_memory ()
 remove unused memory from vectors
void reserve (unsigned int nvertices, unsigned int nedges, unsigned int nfaces)
 reserve memory (mainly used in file readers)
void garbage_collection ()
 remove deleted vertices/edges/faces
bool is_deleted (Vertex v) const
bool is_deleted (Halfedge h) const
bool is_deleted (Edge e) const
bool is_deleted (Face f) const
bool is_valid (Vertex v) const
 return whether vertex v is valid, i.e. the index it stores is within the array bounds.
bool is_valid (Halfedge h) const
 return whether halfedge h is valid, i.e. the index it stores is within the array bounds.
bool is_valid (Edge e) const
 return whether edge e is valid, i.e. the index it stores is within the array bounds.
bool is_valid (Face f) const
 return whether face f is valid, i.e. the index it stores is within the array bounds.
Low-level connectivity
Halfedge halfedge (Vertex v) const
void set_halfedge (Vertex v, Halfedge h)
 set the outgoing halfedge of vertex v to h
bool is_boundary (Vertex v) const
 returns whether v is a boundary vertex
bool is_isolated (Vertex v) const
 returns whether v is isolated, i.e., not incident to any face
bool is_manifold (Vertex v) const
 returns whether v is a manifold vertex (not incident to several patches)
Vertex to_vertex (Halfedge h) const
 returns the vertex the halfedge h points to
Vertex from_vertex (Halfedge h) const
 returns the vertex the halfedge h emanates from
void set_vertex (Halfedge h, Vertex v)
 sets the vertex the halfedge h points to to v
Face face (Halfedge h) const
 returns the face incident to halfedge h
void set_face (Halfedge h, Face f)
 sets the incident face to halfedge h to f
Halfedge next_halfedge (Halfedge h) const
 returns the next halfedge within the incident face
void set_next_halfedge (Halfedge h, Halfedge nh)
 sets the next halfedge of h within the face to nh
Halfedge prev_halfedge (Halfedge h) const
 returns the previous halfedge within the incident face
Halfedge opposite_halfedge (Halfedge h) const
 returns the opposite halfedge of h
Halfedge ccw_rotated_halfedge (Halfedge h) const
Halfedge cw_rotated_halfedge (Halfedge h) const
Edge edge (Halfedge h) const
 return the edge that contains halfedge h as one of its two halfedges.
bool is_boundary (Halfedge h) const
 returns whether h is a boundary halfege, i.e., if its face does not exist.
bool touches_boundary (Halfedge h) const
 returns whether h touches the boundary, i.e., its opposite is a boundary halfedge.
Halfedge halfedge (Edge e, unsigned int i) const
 returns the i'th halfedge of edge e. i has to be 0 or 1.
Vertex vertex (Edge e, unsigned int i) const
 returns the i'th vertex of edge e. i has to be 0 or 1.
Face face (Edge e, unsigned int i) const
 returns the face incident to the i'th halfedge of edge e. i has to be 0 or 1.
bool is_boundary (Edge e) const
Halfedge halfedge (Face f) const
 returns a halfedge of face f
void set_halfedge (Face f, Halfedge h)
 sets the halfedge of face f to h
bool is_boundary (Face f) const
 returns whether f is a boundary face, i.e., it one of its edges is a boundary edge.
gsProperty handling
template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > add_vertex_property (const std::string &name, T t=T())
template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > add_halfedge_property (const std::string &name, T t=T())
template<class T >
Edge_property< T > add_edge_property (const std::string &name, T t=T())
template<class T >
Face_property< T > add_face_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > add_mesh_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > get_vertex_property (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > get_halfedge_property (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
Edge_property< T > get_edge_property (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
Face_property< T > get_face_property (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > get_mesh_property (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > vertex_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > halfedge_property (const std::string &name, T t=T())
template<class T >
Edge_property< T > edge_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
Face_property< T > face_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > mesh_property (const std::string &name, const T t=T())
template<class T >
void rename_vertex_property (Vertex_property< T > &p, std::string newname)
 rename the vertex property p
void swap_vertex_property (const std::string &name1, const std::string &name2)
 swaps (the values of) two vertex properties of the same type
template<class T >
void remove_vertex_property (Vertex_property< T > &p)
 remove the vertex property p
template<class T >
void remove_halfedge_property (Halfedge_property< T > &p)
 remove the halfedge property p
template<class T >
void remove_edge_property (Edge_property< T > &p)
 remove the edge property p
template<class T >
void remove_face_property (Face_property< T > &p)
 remove the face property p
template<class T >
void remove_mesh_property (Mesh_property< T > &p)
 remove the mesh property p
const std::type_info & get_vertex_property_type (const std::string &name)
const std::type_info & get_halfedge_property_type (const std::string &name)
const std::type_info & get_edge_property_type (const std::string &name)
const std::type_info & get_face_property_type (const std::string &name)
const std::type_info & get_mesh_property_type (const std::string &name)
std::vector< std::string > vertex_properties () const
 returns the names of all vertex properties
std::vector< std::string > halfedge_properties () const
 returns the names of all halfedge properties
std::vector< std::string > edge_properties () const
 returns the names of all edge properties
std::vector< std::string > face_properties () const
 returns the names of all face properties
std::vector< std::string > mesh_properties () const
 returns the names of all mesh properties
void property_stats () const
 prints the names of all properties
Iterators & Circulators
Vertex_iterator vertices_begin () const
 returns start iterator for vertices
Vertex_iterator vertices_end () const
 returns end iterator for vertices
Vertex_container vertices () const
 returns vertex container for C++11 range-based for-loops
Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin () const
 returns start iterator for halfedges
Halfedge_iterator halfedges_end () const
 returns end iterator for halfedges
Halfedge_container halfedges () const
 returns halfedge container for C++11 range-based for-loops
Edge_iterator edges_begin () const
 returns start iterator for edges
Edge_iterator edges_end () const
 returns end iterator for edges
Edge_container edges () const
 returns edge container for C++11 range-based for-loops
Face_iterator faces_begin () const
 returns start iterator for faces
Face_iterator faces_end () const
 returns end iterator for faces
Face_container faces () const
 returns face container for C++11 range-based for-loops
Vertex_around_vertex_circulator vertices (Vertex v) const
 returns circulator for vertices around vertex v
Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator halfedges (Vertex v) const
 returns circulator for outgoing halfedges around vertex v
Face_around_vertex_circulator faces (Vertex v) const
 returns circulator for faces around vertex v
Vertex_around_face_circulator vertices (Face f) const
 returns circulator for vertices of face f
Halfedge_around_face_circulator halfedges (Face f) const
 returns circulator for halfedges of face f
Higher-level Topological Operations
bool is_triangle_mesh () const
bool is_quad_mesh () const
void triangulate ()
void triangulate (Face f)
bool is_collapse_ok (Halfedge h)
void collapse (Halfedge h)
Vertex split (Face f, const Point &p)
void split (Face f, Vertex v)
void quad_split (Face f, Vertex v, Halfedge s)
Halfedge split (Edge e, const Point &p)
Halfedge split (Edge e, Vertex v)
Halfedge insert_vertex (Edge e, const Point &p)
Halfedge insert_vertex (Edge e, Vertex v)
Halfedge insert_vertex (Halfedge h, Vertex v)
Halfedge insert_edge (Halfedge h0, Halfedge h1)
bool is_flip_ok (Edge e) const
void flip (Edge e)
unsigned int valence (Vertex v) const
unsigned int valence (Face f) const
 returns the valence of face f (its number of vertices)
unsigned int face_valence_sum () const
 returns the sum of all valences of faces in the mesh
Halfedge find_halfedge (Vertex start, Vertex end) const
 find the halfedge from start to end
Edge find_edge (Vertex a, Vertex b) const
 find the edge (a,b)
void delete_vertex (Vertex v)
 deletes the vertex v from the mesh
void delete_edge (Edge e)
 deletes the edge e from the mesh
void delete_face (Face f)
 deletes the face f from the mesh

Private Types

typedef gsEigen::Vector< Scalar, 3 > Vec3
 3D vector type

Geometry-related Functions

const Point & position (Vertex v) const
 position of a vertex (read only)
Point & position (Vertex v)
 position of a vertex
std::vector< Point > & points ()
 vector of vertex positions
void update_face_normals ()
 compute face normals by calling compute_face_normal(Face) for each face.
Normal compute_face_normal (Face f) const
 compute normal vector of face f.
void update_vertex_normals ()
 compute vertex normals by calling compute_vertex_normal(Vertex) for each vertex.
Normal compute_vertex_normal (Vertex v) const
 compute normal vector of vertex v.
Scalar edge_length (Edge e) const
 compute the length of edge e.
void cc_subdivide ()
 Catmull-Clark subdivision.
Vertex_property< Point > cc_limit_points (std::string label="v:limit")
 Compute CC vertex limit positions.
Vertex_property< Point > cc_limit_normals (std::string label="v:normal", bool normalize=true)
 Compute CC vertex limit normals.
Vertex_property< Point > cc_limit_tangent_vec (std::string label="v:tanvec", bool normalize=true)
 Compute CC vertex limit tangent.
gsMultiPatch< real_t > cc_acc3 (bool comp_topology=false) const
 Generate ACC3 biqubic Bezier patches.
gsMultiPatch< real_t > linear_patches () const
 Generate linear tensor-product patches (possibly merging faces)
Vertex new_vertex ()
 allocate a new vertex, resize vertex properties accordingly.
Halfedge new_edge (Vertex start, Vertex end)
 allocate a new edge, resize edge and halfedge properties accordingly.
Face new_face ()
 allocate a new face, resize face properties accordingly.
void adjust_outgoing_halfedge (Vertex v)
void remove_edge (Halfedge h)
 Helper for halfedge collapse.
void remove_loop (Halfedge h)
 Helper for halfedge collapse.
bool garbage () const
 are there deleted vertices, edges or faces?

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_edge_property()

template<class T >
Edge_property< T > add_edge_property ( const std::string &  name,
t = T() 

add a edge property of type T with name name and default value t. fails if a property named name exists already, since the name has to be unique. in this case it returns an invalid property

◆ add_face()

gsSurfMesh::Face add_face ( const std::vector< Vertex > &  vertices)

add a new face with vertex list vertices

See also
add_triangle, add_quad

◆ add_face_property()

template<class T >
Face_property< T > add_face_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

add a face property of type T with name name and default value t. fails if a property named name exists already, since the name has to be unique. in this case it returns an invalid property

◆ add_halfedge_property()

template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > add_halfedge_property ( const std::string &  name,
t = T() 

add a halfedge property of type T with name name and default value t. fails if a property named name exists already, since the name has to be unique. in this case it returns an invalid property

◆ add_mesh_property()

template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > add_mesh_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

add a mesh property of type T with name name and default value t. fails if a property named name exists already, since the name has to be unique. in this case it returns an invalid property

◆ add_quad()

gsSurfMesh::Face add_quad ( Vertex  v1,
Vertex  v2,
Vertex  v3,
Vertex  v4 

add a new quad connecting vertices v1, v2, v3, v4

See also
add_triangle, add_face

◆ add_triangle()

gsSurfMesh::Face add_triangle ( Vertex  v1,
Vertex  v2,
Vertex  v3 

add a new triangle connecting vertices v1, v2, v3

See also
add_face, add_quad

◆ add_vertex_property()

template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > add_vertex_property ( const std::string &  name,
t = T() 

add a vertex property of type T with name name and default value t. fails if a property named name exists already, since the name has to be unique. in this case it returns an invalid property

◆ adjust_outgoing_halfedge()

void adjust_outgoing_halfedge ( Vertex  v)

make sure that the outgoing halfedge of vertex v is a boundary halfedge if v is a boundary vertex.

◆ ccw_rotated_halfedge()

Halfedge ccw_rotated_halfedge ( Halfedge  h) const

returns the halfedge that is rotated counter-clockwise around the start vertex of h. it is the opposite halfedge of the previous halfedge of h.

◆ collapse()

void collapse ( Halfedge  h)

Collapse the halfedge h by moving its start vertex into its target vertex. For non-boundary halfedges this function removes one vertex, three edges, and two faces. For boundary halfedges it removes one vertex, two edges and one face.

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.
Halfedge collapses might lead to invalid faces. Call is_collapse_ok(Halfedge) to be sure the collapse is legal.
The removed items are only marked as deleted. You have to call garbage_collection() to finally remove them.

◆ cw_rotated_halfedge()

Halfedge cw_rotated_halfedge ( Halfedge  h) const

returns the halfedge that is rotated clockwise around the start vertex of h. it is the next halfedge of the opposite halfedge of h.

◆ edge_property()

template<class T >
Edge_property< T > edge_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

if an edge property of type T with name name exists, it is returned. otherwise this property is added (with default value t)

◆ face_property()

template<class T >
Face_property< T > face_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

if a face property of type T with name name exists, it is returned. otherwise this property is added (with default value t)

◆ flip()

void flip ( Edge  e)

Flip edge e: Remove edge e and add an edge between the two vertices opposite to edge e of the two incident triangles.

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.
See also

◆ get_edge_property()

template<class T >
Edge_property< T > get_edge_property ( const std::string &  name) const

get the edge property named name of type T. returns an invalid Vertex_property if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_edge_property_type()

const std::type_info & get_edge_property_type ( const std::string &  name)

get the type_info T of edge property named . returns an typeid(void) if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_face_property()

template<class T >
Face_property< T > get_face_property ( const std::string &  name) const

get the face property named name of type T. returns an invalid Vertex_property if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_face_property_type()

const std::type_info & get_face_property_type ( const std::string &  name)

get the type_info T of face property named . returns an typeid(void) if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_halfedge_property()

template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > get_halfedge_property ( const std::string &  name) const

get the halfedge property named name of type T. returns an invalid Vertex_property if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_halfedge_property_type()

const std::type_info & get_halfedge_property_type ( const std::string &  name)

get the type_info T of halfedge property named . returns an typeid(void) if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_mesh_property()

template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > get_mesh_property ( const std::string &  name) const

get the mesh property named name of type T. returns an invalid Mesh_property if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_mesh_property_type()

const std::type_info & get_mesh_property_type ( const std::string &  name)

get the type_info T of face property named . returns an typeid(void) if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_vertex_property()

template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > get_vertex_property ( const std::string &  name) const

get the vertex property named name of type T. returns an invalid Vertex_property if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ get_vertex_property_type()

const std::type_info & get_vertex_property_type ( const std::string &  name)

get the type_info T of vertex property named . returns an typeid(void) if the property does not exist or if the type does not match.

◆ halfedge()

Halfedge halfedge ( Vertex  v) const

returns an outgoing halfedge of vertex v. if v is a boundary vertex this will be a boundary halfedge.

◆ halfedge_property()

template<class T >
Halfedge_property< T > halfedge_property ( const std::string &  name,
t = T() 

if a halfedge property of type T with name name exists, it is returned. otherwise this property is added (with default value t)

◆ insert_edge()

gsSurfMesh::Halfedge insert_edge ( Halfedge  h0,
Halfedge  h1 

insert edge between the to-vertices v0 of h0 and v1 of h1. returns the new halfedge from v0 to v1.

h0 and h1 have to belong to the same face

◆ insert_vertex() [1/3]

Halfedge insert_vertex ( Edge  e,
const Point &  p 

Subdivide the edge e = (v0,v1) by splitting it into the two edge (v0,p) and (p,v1). Note that this function does not introduce any other edge or faces. It simply splits the edge. Returns halfedge that points to p.

See also
insert_vertex(Edge, Vertex)
insert_vertex(Halfedge, Vertex)

◆ insert_vertex() [2/3]

Halfedge insert_vertex ( Edge  e,
Vertex  v 

Subdivide the edge e = (v0,v1) by splitting it into the two edge (v0,v) and (v,v1). Note that this function does not introduce any other edge or faces. It simply splits the edge. Returns halfedge that points to p.

See also
insert_vertex(Edge, Point)
insert_vertex(Halfedge, Vertex)

◆ insert_vertex() [3/3]

gsSurfMesh::Halfedge insert_vertex ( Halfedge  h,
Vertex  v 

Subdivide the edge e = (v0,v1) by splitting it into the two edge (v0,v) and (v,v1). Note that this function does not introduce any other edge or faces. It simply splits the edge. Returns halfedge that points to p.

See also
insert_vertex(Edge, Point)
insert_vertex(Edge, Vertex)

◆ is_boundary()

bool is_boundary ( Edge  e) const

returns whether e is a boundary edge, i.e., if one of its halfedges is a boundary halfedge.

◆ is_collapse_ok()

bool is_collapse_ok ( Halfedge  h)

returns whether collapsing the halfedge h is topologically legal.

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.

◆ is_deleted() [1/4]

bool is_deleted ( Edge  e) const

returns whether edge e is deleted

See also

◆ is_deleted() [2/4]

bool is_deleted ( Face  f) const

returns whether face f is deleted

See also

◆ is_deleted() [3/4]

bool is_deleted ( Halfedge  h) const

returns whether halfedge h is deleted

See also

◆ is_deleted() [4/4]

bool is_deleted ( Vertex  v) const

returns whether vertex v is deleted

See also

◆ is_flip_ok()

bool is_flip_ok ( Edge  e) const

Check whether flipping edge e is topologically

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.
See also

◆ is_quad_mesh()

bool is_quad_mesh ( ) const

returns whether the mesh a quad mesh. this function simply tests each face, and therefore is not very efficient.

◆ is_triangle_mesh()

bool is_triangle_mesh ( ) const

returns whether the mesh a triangle mesh. this function simply tests each face, and therefore is not very efficient.

See also
trianglate(), triangulate(Face)

◆ mesh_property()

template<class T >
Mesh_property< T > mesh_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

if a mesh property of type T with name name exists, it is returned. otherwise this property is added (with default value t)

◆ quad_split()

void quad_split ( Face  f,
Vertex  v,
Halfedge  s 

Quad-split face connecting vertex v, starting from corner s of the face f is assumed to have 8 vertices, and contains halfedge s

◆ read()

bool read ( const std::string &  filename)

read mesh from file filename. file extension determines file type.

See also
write(const std::string& filename)

◆ split() [1/4]

Halfedge split ( Edge  e,
const Point &  p 

Split the edge e by first adding point p to the mesh and then connecting it to the two vertices of the adjacent triangles that are opposite to edge e. Returns the halfedge pointing to p that is created by splitting the existing edge e.

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.
See also
split(Edge, Vertex)

◆ split() [2/4]

gsSurfMesh::Halfedge split ( Edge  e,
Vertex  v 

Split the edge e by connecting vertex v it to the two vertices of the adjacent triangles that are opposite to edge e. Returns the halfedge pointing to p that is created by splitting the existing edge e.

This function is only valid for triangle meshes.
See also
split(Edge, Point)

◆ split() [3/4]

Vertex split ( Face  f,
const Point &  p 

Split the face f by first adding point p to the mesh and then inserting edges between p and the vertices of f. For a triangle this is a standard one-to-three split.

See also
split(Face, Vertex)

◆ split() [4/4]

void split ( Face  f,
Vertex  v 

Split the face f by inserting edges between p and the vertices of f. For a triangle this is a standard one-to-three split.

See also
split(Face, const Point&)

◆ triangulate() [1/2]

void triangulate ( )

triangulate the entire mesh, by calling triangulate(Face) for each face.

See also

◆ triangulate() [2/2]

void triangulate ( Face  f)

triangulate the face f

See also

◆ valence()

unsigned int valence ( Vertex  v) const

returns the valence (number of incident edges or neighboring vertices) of vertex v.

◆ vertex_property()

template<class T >
Vertex_property< T > vertex_property ( const std::string &  name,
const T  t = T() 

if a vertex property of type T with name name exists, it is returned. otherwise this property is added (with default value t)

◆ write()

bool write ( const std::string &  filename) const

write mesh to file filename. file extensions determines file type.

See also
read(const std::string& filename)