G+Smo  24.08.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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16 #pragma once
20 #include <gsUtils/gsPointGrid.h>
23 #include <gsElasticity/gsBasePde.h>
25 // Element visitors
32 namespace gismo
33 {
35 template<class T>
37  const gsMultiBasis<T> & basis,
38  const gsBoundaryConditions<T> & bconditions,
39  const gsFunction<T> & body_force)
40 {
41  // Originally concieved as a meaningful class, now gsPde is just a container for
42  // the domain, boundary conditions and the right-hand side;
43  // TUDO: change/remove gsPde from gsAssembler logic
44  gsPiecewiseFunction<T> rightHandSides;
45  rightHandSides.addPiece(body_force);
46  typename gsPde<T>::Ptr pde( new gsBasePde<T>(patches,bconditions,rightHandSides) );
47  // gsAssembler<>::initialize requires a vector of bases, one for each unknown;
48  // different bases are used to compute Dirichlet DoFs;
49  // but always the first basis is used for the assembly;
50  // TODO: change gsAssembler logic
51  m_dim = body_force.targetDim();
52  for (short_t d = 0; d < m_dim; ++d)
53  m_bases.push_back(basis);
55  Base::initialize(pde, m_bases, defaultOptions());
56 }
58 template<class T>
60  gsMultiBasis<T> const & basisDisp,
61  gsMultiBasis<T> const & basisPres,
62  gsBoundaryConditions<T> const & bconditions,
63  const gsFunction<T> & body_force)
64 {
65  // same as above
66  gsPiecewiseFunction<T> rightHandSides;
67  rightHandSides.addPiece(body_force);
68  typename gsPde<T>::Ptr pde( new gsBasePde<T>(patches,bconditions,rightHandSides) );
69  // same as above
70  m_dim = body_force.targetDim();
71  for (short_t d = 0; d < m_dim; ++d)
72  m_bases.push_back(basisDisp);
73  m_bases.push_back(basisPres);
75  Base::initialize(pde, m_bases, defaultOptions());
76  m_options.setInt("MaterialLaw",material_law::mixed_hooke);
77 }
79 template <class T>
81 {
82  gsOptionList opt = Base::defaultOptions();
83  opt.addReal("YoungsModulus","Youngs modulus of the material",200e9);
84  opt.addReal("PoissonsRatio","Poisson's ratio of the material",0.33);
85  opt.addReal("ForceScaling","Force scaling parameter",1.);
86  opt.addInt("MaterialLaw","Material law: 0 for St. Venant-Kirchhof, 1 for Neo-Hooke",material_law::hooke);
87  opt.addReal("LocalStiff","Stiffening degree for the Jacobian-based local stiffening",0.);
88  opt.addSwitch("Check","Check bijectivity of the displacement field before matrix assebmly",false);
89  return opt;
90 }
92 template <class T>
94 {
95  // Pick up values from options
96  const T bdA = m_options.getReal("bdA");
97  const index_t bdB = m_options.getInt("bdB");
98  const T bdO = m_options.getReal("bdO");
100  index_t deg = 0;
101  for (index_t d = 0; d < m_bases[0][0].dim(); ++d )
102  if (m_bases[0][0].degree(d) > deg)
103  deg = m_bases[0][0].degree(d);
105  if (m_bases.size() == unsigned(m_dim)) // displacement formulation
106  {
107  // m_dim velocity*velocity blocks
108  index_t numElPerColumn = pow((bdA*deg+bdB),m_dim)*m_dim;
109  m_system.reserve(numElPerColumn*(1+bdO),1);
110  }
111  else // mixed formulation (displacement + pressure)
112  {
113  // m_dim velocity*velocity blocks + 1 pressure*velocity block (additioanal factor 2 for subgrid element)
114  index_t numElPerColumn = pow((bdA*deg+bdB),m_dim)*m_dim + pow((2*bdA*deg+bdB),m_dim);
115  m_system.reserve(numElPerColumn*(1+bdO),1);
116  }
117 }
119 template <class T>
121 {
122  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == m_pde_ptr->domain().parDim(), "The RHS dimension and the domain dimension don't match!");
123  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == 2 || m_dim == 3, "Only two- and three-dimenstion domains are supported!");
125  std::vector<gsDofMapper> m_dofMappers(m_bases.size());
126  for (unsigned d = 0; d < m_bases.size(); d++)
127  m_bases[d].getMapper((dirichlet::strategy)m_options.getInt("DirichletStrategy"),
128  iFace::glue,m_pde_ptr->bc(),m_dofMappers[d],d,true);
130  m_system = gsSparseSystem<T>(m_dofMappers, gsVector<index_t>::Ones(m_bases.size()));
131  reserve();
133  for (unsigned d = 0; d < m_bases.size(); ++d)
134  Base::computeDirichletDofs(d);
135 }
137 //--------------------- SYSTEM ASSEMBLY ----------------------------------//
139 template<class T>
140 void gsElasticityAssembler<T>::assemble(bool saveEliminationMatrix)
141 {
142  m_system.matrix().setZero();
143  reserve();
144  m_system.rhs().setZero();
146  // Compute volumetric integrals and write to the global linear system
147  if (m_bases.size() == unsigned(m_dim)) // displacement formulation
148  {
149  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::hooke,
150  "Material law not specified OR not supported!");
151  if (saveEliminationMatrix)
152  {
153  eliminationMatrix.resize(Base::numDofs(),Base::numFixedDofs());
154  eliminationMatrix.setZero();
155  eliminationMatrix.reservePerColumn(m_system.numColNz(m_bases[0],m_options));
156  }
158  gsVisitorLinearElasticity<T> visitor(*m_pde_ptr, saveEliminationMatrix ? &eliminationMatrix : nullptr);
159  Base::template push<gsVisitorLinearElasticity<T> >(visitor);
161  if (saveEliminationMatrix)
162  {
163  Base::rhsWithZeroDDofs = m_system.rhs();
164  eliminationMatrix.makeCompressed();
165  }
167  }
168  else // mixed formulation (displacement + pressure)
169  {
170  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::mixed_hooke,
171  "Material law not specified OR not supported!");
172  gsVisitorMixedLinearElasticity<T> visitor(*m_pde_ptr);
173  Base::template push<gsVisitorMixedLinearElasticity<T> >(visitor);
174  }
176  // Compute surface integrals and write to the global rhs vector
177  Base::template push<gsVisitorElasticityNeumann<T> >(m_pde_ptr->bc().neumannSides());
179  m_system.matrix().makeCompressed();
180 }
182 template <class T>
184  const std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > & fixedDoFs)
185 {
186  gsMultiPatch<T> displacement;
187  constructSolution(solutionVector,fixedDoFs,displacement);
188  if (m_options.getSwitch("Check"))
189  if (checkDisplacement(m_pde_ptr->patches(),displacement) != -1)
190  return false;
192  if (m_bases.size() == unsigned(m_dim)) // displacement formulation
193  assemble(displacement);
194  else // mixed formulation (displacement + pressure)
195  {
196  gsMultiPatch<T> pressure;
197  constructPressure(solutionVector,fixedDoFs,pressure);
198  assemble(displacement,pressure);
199  }
200  return true;
201 }
203 template<class T>
205 {
206  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::saint_venant_kirchhoff ||
207  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::neo_hooke_ln ||
208  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::neo_hooke_quad,
209  "Material law not specified OR not supported!");
210  m_system.matrix().setZero();
211  reserve();
212  m_system.rhs().setZero();
214  // Compute volumetric integrals and write to the global linear system
215  gsVisitorNonLinearElasticity<T> visitor(*m_pde_ptr,displacement);
216  Base::template push<gsVisitorNonLinearElasticity<T> >(visitor);
217  // Compute surface integrals and write to the global rhs vector
218  // change to reuse rhs from linear system
219  Base::template push<gsVisitorElasticityNeumann<T> >(m_pde_ptr->bc().neumannSides());
221  m_system.matrix().makeCompressed();
222 }
224 template<class T>
226  const gsMultiPatch<T> & pressure)
227 {
228  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::mixed_neo_hooke_ln,
229  "Material law not specified OR not supported!");
230  m_options.setInt("MaterialLaw",material_law::mixed_neo_hooke_ln);
231  m_system.matrix().setZero();
232  reserve();
233  m_system.rhs().setZero();
235  // Compute volumetric integrals and write to the global linear systemz
236  gsVisitorMixedNonLinearElasticity<T> visitor(*m_pde_ptr,displacement,pressure);
237  Base::template push<gsVisitorMixedNonLinearElasticity<T> >(visitor);
238  // Compute surface integrals and write to the global rhs vector
239  // change to reuse rhs from linear system
240  Base::template push<gsVisitorElasticityNeumann<T> >(m_pde_ptr->bc().neumannSides());
242  m_system.matrix().makeCompressed();
243 }
245 //--------------------- SOLUTION CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------//
247 template <class T>
249  const std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > & fixedDoFs,
250  gsMultiPatch<T> & result) const
251 {
252  gsVector<index_t> unknowns(m_dim);
253  for (short_t d = 0; d < m_dim; ++d)
254  unknowns.at(d) = d;
255  Base::constructSolution(solVector,fixedDoFs,result,unknowns);
256 }
258 template <class T>
260  const std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > & fixedDoFs,
261  gsMultiPatch<T> & displacement, gsMultiPatch<T> & pressure) const
262 {
263  GISMO_ENSURE(m_bases.size() == unsigned(m_dim) + 1, "Not a mixed formulation: can't construct pressure.");
264  // construct displacement
265  constructSolution(solVector,fixedDoFs,displacement);
266  // construct pressure
267  constructPressure(solVector,fixedDoFs,pressure);
268 }
270 template <class T>
272  const std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > & fixedDoFs,
273  gsMultiPatch<T>& pressure) const
274 {
275  GISMO_ENSURE(m_bases.size() == unsigned(m_dim) + 1, "Not a mixed formulation: can't construct pressure.");
276  gsVector<index_t> unknowns(1);
277  unknowns.at(0) = m_dim;
278  Base::constructSolution(solVector,fixedDoFs,pressure,unknowns);
279 }
281 //--------------------- SPECIALS ----------------------------------//
283 template <class T>
285  gsPiecewiseFunction<T> & result,
287 {
289  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == 2, "Invalid stress components for a 2D problem");
292  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == 3, "Invalid stress type for a 3D problem");
293  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::hooke ||
294  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::neo_hooke_ln ||
295  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::saint_venant_kirchhoff ||
296  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::neo_hooke_quad,
297  "Pressure field not provided! Can't compute stresses with the chosen material law.");
298  result.clear();
300  for (size_t p = 0; p < m_pde_ptr->domain().nPatches(); ++p )
301  result.addPiecePointer(new gsCauchyStressFunction<T>(p,comp,m_options,
302  &(m_pde_ptr->domain()),&displacement));
303 }
305 template <class T>
307  const gsMultiPatch<T> & pressure,
308  gsPiecewiseFunction<T> & result,
310 {
312  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == 2, "Invalid stress components for a 2D problem");
315  GISMO_ENSURE(m_dim == 3, "Invalid stress type for a 3D problem");
316  GISMO_ENSURE(m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::mixed_neo_hooke_ln ||
317  m_options.getInt("MaterialLaw") == material_law::mixed_hooke,
318  "Pressure field is not necessary to compute stresses with the chosen material law.");
319  result.clear();
321  for (size_t p = 0; p < m_pde_ptr->domain().nPatches(); ++p )
322  result.addPiecePointer(new gsCauchyStressFunction<T>(p,comp,m_options,
323  &(m_pde_ptr->domain()), &displacement, &pressure));
324 }
326 }// namespace gismo ends
void addPiece(const gsFunction< T > &func)
Add a piece.
Definition: gsPiecewiseFunction.h:113
Compute Cauchy stresses for a previously computed/defined displacement field. Can be pushed into gsPi...
Definition: gsElasticityFunctions.h:29
Visitor class for the surface load integration.
virtual void constructSolution(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &fixedDoFs, gsMultiPatch< T > &displacement) const
Construct displacement from computed solution vector and fixed degrees of freedom.
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:248
#define short_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:35
S = lambda*ln(J)*C^-1 + mu*(I-C^-1)
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:134
Visitor class for volumetric integration of the linear elasticity system.
virtual void refresh()
Refresh routine to set dof-mappers.
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:120
#define index_t
Definition: gsConfig.h:32
#define GISMO_ENSURE(cond, message)
Definition: gsDebug.h:102
A function from a n-dimensional domain to an m-dimensional image.
Definition: gsFunction.h:59
sigma = 2*mu*eps + p*I
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:131
return von Mises stress as a scala
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:114
sigma = 2*mu*eps + lambda*tr(eps)*I
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:132
Provides several simple utility and naming classes.
virtual void reserve()
a custom reserve function to allocate memory for the sparse matrix
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:93
virtual short_t targetDim() const
Dimension of the target space.
Definition: gsFunctionSet.h:560
virtual void constructCauchyStresses(const gsMultiPatch< T > &displacement, gsPiecewiseFunction< T > &result, stress_components::components component=stress_components::von_mises) const
Construct Cauchy stresses for evaluation or visualization.
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:284
void addInt(const std::string &label, const std::string &desc, const index_t &value)
Adds a option named label, with description desc and value value.
Definition: gsOptionList.cpp:201
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition: gsVector.h:35
Provides isogeometric meshing and modelling routines.
Holds a set of patch-wise bases and their topology information.
Definition: gsMultiBasis.h:36
Visitor class for volumetric integration of the mixed linear elasticity system.
Visitor class for volumetric integration of the mixed nonlinear elasticity system.
gsElasticityAssembler(const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches, const gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const gsBoundaryConditions< T > &bconditions, const gsFunction< T > &body_force)
Constructor for displacement formulation.
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:36
Provides linear and nonlinear elasticity systems for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
S = lambda/2*(J^2-1)C^-1 + mu*(I-C^-1)
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:135
Element visitor for nonlinear elasticity for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
T at(index_t i) const
Returns the i-th element of the vector.
Definition: gsVector.h:177
Container class for a set of geometry patches and their topology, that is, the interface connections ...
Definition: gsMultiPatch.h:33
IMHO, a useless class, but it is necessary to use the gsAssembler class. Contains proper information ...
void clear()
Clear (delete) all functions.
Definition: gsPiecewiseFunction.h:148
index_t checkDisplacement(gsMultiPatch< T > const &domain, gsMultiPatch< T > const &displacement)
Checks whether the deformed configuration is bijective, i.e. det(Jac(geo+disp)) &gt; 0; returns -1 if ye...
Definition: gsGeoUtils.hpp:245
Class containing a set of boundary conditions.
Definition: gsBoundaryConditions.h:341
void addReal(const std::string &label, const std::string &desc, const Real &value)
Adds a option named label, with description desc and value value.
Definition: gsOptionList.cpp:211
Provides functions to generate structured point data.
return all components of the 2D stress tensor as a 2x2 matrix
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:117
static gsOptionList defaultOptions()
Returns the list of default options for assembly.
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:80
Class which holds a list of parameters/options, and provides easy access to them. ...
Definition: gsOptionList.h:32
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:119
S = 2*mu*E + lambda*tr(E)*I.
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:133
A function depending on an index i, typically referring to a patch/sub-domain. On each patch a differ...
Definition: gsPiecewiseFunction.h:28
virtual void assemble()
Main assemble routine, to be implemented in derived classes.
Definition: gsAssembler.hpp:51
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:116
void addSwitch(const std::string &label, const std::string &desc, const bool &value)
Adds a option named label, with description desc and value value.
Definition: gsOptionList.cpp:235
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:111
virtual void constructPressure(const gsMatrix< T > &solVector, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &fixedDoFs, gsMultiPatch< T > &pressure) const
@ brief Construct pressure from computed solution vector
Definition: gsElasticityAssembler.hpp:271
Definition: gsBaseUtils.h:121