G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
14// #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647
18namespace gismo
20 // Constructors
21 template<short_t d,class T>
23 :
24 Base(patches)
25 {
26 this->defaultOptions();
27 }
29 /*=====================================================================================
30 Coefficients
31 =====================================================================================*/
32 template<short_t d,class T>
34 {
35 GISMO_ASSERT(m_mapModified.isFinalized(),"Mapper is not finalized, run XXXX first");
36 GISMO_ASSERT(!patches.empty(),"The reference multipatch is empty!");
38 gsMatrix<T> coefs(m_mapModified.freeSize(),patches.geoDim());
40 index_t size;
41 for (size_t p=0; p!=m_bases.nBases(); p++) // patches
42 {
43 size = m_mapModified.patchSize(p);
44 for (index_t k=0; k!=size; k++)
45 {
46 if (m_mapModified.is_free(k,p))
47 coefs.row(m_mapModified.index(k,p,0)) = patches.patch(p).coefs().row(k);
48 }
49 }
51 return coefs;
52 }
54 /*=====================================================================================
55 Construction functions
56 =====================================================================================*/
58 // template<short_t d,class T>
59 // gsGeometry<T>* gsSmoothInterfaces<d,T>::exportPatch(index_t patch, bool computeCoefs)
60 // {
61 // GISMO_ASSERT(m_computed,"The method has not been computed! Call compute().");
62 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 // // This can be done more efficient!!
64 // // Do it once instead of for every patch
65 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 // if (computeCoefs)
67 // {
68 // m_coefs = this->_preCoefficients(); // gets coefficients of the modified size
69 // m_coefs = m_matrix.transpose() * m_coefs; // maps to local size
70 // }
72 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 // index_t size,offset = 0;
74 // for (index_t p=0; p!=patch; p++)
75 // offset += m_mapOriginal.patchSize(p);
77 // size = m_mapOriginal.patchSize(patch);
78 // gsMatrix<T> local = m_coefs.block(offset,0,size,m_patches.geoDim());
81 // bool check = dynamic_cast< gsTensorBSplineBasis<d,T> * > (&m_Bbases.basis(patch));
82 // gsDebugVar(check);
84 // return m_Bbases[patch].makeGeometry( give(local) ).release();
85 // }
87 template<short_t d,class T>
89 {
90 m_bases = m_Bbases;
91 }
93 template<short_t d,class T>
98 template<short_t d,class T>
100 {
102 }
104 template<short_t d,class T>
106 {
107 m_matrix.makeCompressed();
108 }
110 template<short_t d,class T>
111 void gsSmoothInterfaces<d,T>::_countDoFs() // also initialize the mappers!
112 {
113 size_t tmp;
114 m_size = tmp = 0;
115 // number of interior basis functions
116 for (size_t p=0; p!=m_bases.nBases(); p++)
117 {
118 tmp += m_bases.basis(p).size();
119 for (index_t k=0; k!=2; k++)
120 {
121 tmp -= m_bases.basis(p).boundaryOffset(boxSide(1),k).size();
122 tmp -= m_bases.basis(p).boundaryOffset(boxSide(2),k).size();
123 tmp -= m_bases.basis(p).boundaryOffset(boxSide(3),k).size()-4;
124 tmp -= m_bases.basis(p).boundaryOffset(boxSide(4),k).size()-4;
125 }
126 }
128 // gsDebug<<"Number of interior DoFs: "<<tmp<<"\n";
129 m_size += tmp;
131 // interfaces
132 gsBasis<T> * basis1;
133 gsBasis<T> * basis2;
134 gsVector<index_t> indices1,indices2;
135 tmp = 0;
136 for(gsBoxTopology::const_iiterator iit = m_topology.iBegin(); iit!= m_topology.iEnd(); iit++)
137 {
138 basis1 = &m_bases.basis(iit->first().patch);
139 basis2 = &m_bases.basis(iit->second().patch);
140 tmp += basis1->boundary(iit->first().side()).size() - 4;
141 tmp += basis2->boundary(iit->second().side()).size() - 4;
142 }
143 // gsDebug<<"Number of interface DoFs: "<<tmp<<"\n";
144 m_size += tmp;
146 // boundaries
147 tmp = 0;
148 for(gsBoxTopology::const_biterator bit = m_topology.bBegin(); bit!= m_topology.bEnd(); bit++)
149 {
150 basis1 = &m_bases.basis(bit->patch);
151 tmp += (basis1->boundaryOffset(bit->side(),0).size() - 4);
152 tmp += (basis1->boundaryOffset(bit->side(),1).size() - 4);
153 }
154 // gsDebug<<"Number of boundary DoFs: "<<tmp<<"\n";
155 m_size += tmp;
157 // vertices
158 tmp = 0;
159 std::vector<bool> passed(m_bases.nBases()*4);
160 std::fill(passed.begin(), passed.end(), false);
162 std::vector<patchCorner> corners;
163 // index_t corn = 0;
164 for (size_t p=0; p!=m_bases.nBases(); p++)
165 for (index_t c=1; c<5; c++)
166 {
167 index_t idx = this->_vertIndex(p,c);
168 if (!passed.at(idx))
169 {
170 m_topology.getCornerList(patchCorner(p,c),corners);
172 for (size_t k=0; k!=corners.size(); k++)
173 passed.at(this->_vertIndex(corners[k].patch,corners[k])) = true;
175 std::pair<index_t,bool> vdata = this->_vertexData(patchCorner(p,c)); // corner c
176 bool C0 = m_C0s[idx];
177 if ((!vdata.second) && vdata.first==1) // valence = 1, must be a boundary vertex
178 tmp += 4;
179 else if ((!vdata.second) && vdata.first==2 && !C0)
180 tmp += 4;
181 else if ((!vdata.second) && vdata.first>2 && !C0)
182 tmp += 2*vdata.first+2;
183 else if ((!vdata.second) && vdata.first==2 && C0)
184 tmp += 6;
185 else if ((!vdata.second) && vdata.first>2 && C0)
186 tmp += 2*vdata.first+2;
187 else
188 tmp += vdata.first; // valence;
190 // corn +=1;
191 }
192 }
193 // gsDebug<<"Number of unique corners: "<<corn<<"\n";
195 // gsDebug<<"Number of vertex DoFs: "<<tmp<<"\n";
197 m_size += tmp;
198 }
200} // namespace gismo
Struct which represents a certain side of a box.
Definition gsBoundary.h:85
A basis represents a family of scalar basis functions defined over a common parameter domain.
Definition gsBasis.h:79
gsMatrix< index_t > boundary(boxSide const &s) const
Returns the indices of the basis functions that are nonzero at the domain boundary as single-column-m...
Definition gsBasis.h:520
virtual gsMatrix< index_t > boundaryOffset(boxSide const &s, index_t offset) const
Definition gsBasis.hpp:339
Constructs the D-Patch, from which the transformation matrix can be called.
Definition gsDPatchBase.h:37
const gsBasis< T > & basis(const index_t k) const
Helper which casts and returns the k-th piece of this function set as a gsBasis.
Definition gsFunctionSet.hpp:33
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
Container class for a set of geometry patches and their topology, that is, the interface connections ...
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:100
bool empty() const
Returns true if gsMultiPatch is empty.
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:268
short_t geoDim() const
Dimension of the geometry (must match for all patches).
Definition gsMultiPatch.hpp:150
gsGeometry< T > & patch(size_t i) const
Return the i-th patch.
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:292
Constructs the D-Patch, from which the transformation matrix can be called.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.h:29
void _makeTHB() override
Prints which DoFs have been handled and which have been eliminated.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.hpp:94
Empty constructor.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.h:41
virtual void defaultOptions()
Sets the default options.
Definition gsDPatchBase.hpp:39
void _countDoFs() override
Initializes the matrix, the basis and the mappers.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.hpp:111
void _computeEVs() override
Corrects the EVs.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.hpp:105
void _initTHB() override
Initializes the matrix, the basis and the mappers.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.hpp:99
void _initBasis() override
Initializes the basis.
Definition gsSmoothInterfaces.hpp:88
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition gsDebug.h:89
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
Struct which represents a certain corner of a patch.
Definition gsBoundary.h:393