42 : neudata_ptr( bc.function().get() ), side(bc.side())
50 : neudata_ptr(&neudata), side(s)
59 for (
int i = 0; i < basis.dim(); ++i)
60 numQuadNodes[i] = basis.degree(i) + 1;
61 numQuadNodes[dir] = 1;
92 basis.active_into(md.points.col(0) , actives);
93 const index_t numActive = actives.rows();
96 basis.eval_into(md.points, basisData);
102 neudata_ptr->eval_into(md.values[0], neuData);
105 localRhs.setZero(numActive, neudata_ptr->targetDim() );
112 for (
index_t k = 0; k < quWeights.rows(); ++k)
115 outerNormal(md, k, side, unormal);
118 const T weight = quWeights[k] * unormal.norm();
120 localRhs.noalias() += weight * basisData.col(k) * neuData.col(k).transpose() ;
145 const index_t numActive = actives.rows();
148 for (
index_t j=0; j!=numActive; ++j)
151 const unsigned jj = actives(j);
153 rhsMatrix.row(jj) += localRhs.row(j);
Struct which represents a certain side of a box.
Definition gsBoundary.h:85
short_t direction() const
Returns the parametric direction orthogonal to this side.
Definition gsBoundary.h:113
A basis represents a family of scalar basis functions defined over a common parameter domain.
Definition gsBasis.h:79
Maintains a mapping from patch-local dofs to global dof indices and allows the elimination of individ...
Definition gsDofMapper.h:69
void localToGlobal(const gsMatrix< index_t > &locals, index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &globals, index_t comp=0) const
Computes the global indices of the input local indices.
Definition gsDofMapper.cpp:25
bool is_free_index(index_t gl) const
Returns true if global dof gl is not eliminated.
Definition gsDofMapper.h:376
Class which enables iteration over all elements of a parameter domain.
Definition gsDomainIterator.h:68
Interface for the set of functions defined on a domain (the total number of functions in the set equa...
Definition gsFunctionSet.h:219
A function from a n-dimensional domain to an m-dimensional image.
Definition gsFunction.h:60
virtual void computeMap(gsMapData< T > &InOut) const
Computes map function data.
Definition gsFunction.hpp:817
Class that represents the (tensor) Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule.
Definition gsGaussRule.h:28
Abstract base class representing a geometry map.
Definition gsGeometry.h:93
the gsMapData is a cache of pre-computed function (map) values.
Definition gsFuncData.h:349
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
Class which holds a list of parameters/options, and provides easy access to them.
Definition gsOptionList.h:33
Abstract class representing a PDE (partial differential equation).
Definition gsPde.h:44
Class representing a reference quadrature rule.
Definition gsQuadRule.h:29
Sparse matrix class, based on gsEigen::SparseMatrix.
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:139
A sparse linear system indexed by sets of degrees of freedom.
Definition gsSparseSystem.h:30
void pushToRhs(const gsMatrix< T > &localRhs, const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const size_t r=0)
pushToRhs pushes the local rhs for an element to the global system
Definition gsSparseSystem.h:884
void mapColIndices(const gsMatrix< index_t > &actives, const index_t patchIndex, gsMatrix< index_t > &result, const index_t c=0) const
mapColIndices Maps a set of basis indices by the corresponding dofMapper.
Definition gsSparseSystem.h:584
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
Implementation of a Neumann BC for elliptic assemblers.
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:34
void initialize(const gsBasis< T > &basis, const index_t, const gsOptionList &options, gsQuadRule< T > &rule)
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:71
void assemble(gsDomainIterator< T > &, const gsVector< T > &quWeights)
Assemble on element.
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:109
void initialize(const gsBasis< T > &basis, gsQuadRule< T > &rule)
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:54
gsVisitorNeumann(const gsFunction< T > &neudata, boxSide s)
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:49
gsVisitorNeumann(const gsPde< T > &pde, const boundary_condition< T > &bc)
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:41
void localToGlobal(const index_t patchIndex, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &, gsSparseSystem< T > &system)
Adds the contributions to the sparse system.
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:125
void localToGlobal(const gsDofMapper &mapper, const gsMatrix< T > &eliminatedDofs, const index_t patchIndex, gsSparseMatrix< T > &sysMatrix, gsMatrix< T > &rhsMatrix)
Adds the contributions to the sparse system.
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:137
void evaluate(const gsBasis< T > &basis, const gsGeometry< T > &geo, const gsMatrix< T > &quNodes)
Evaluate on element.
Definition gsVisitorNeumann.h:84
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define GISMO_UNUSED(x)
Definition gsDebug.h:112
This object is a cache for computed values from an evaluator.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
Value of the object.
Definition gsForwardDeclarations.h:72
Jacobian of the object.
Definition gsForwardDeclarations.h:75
Gradient transformation matrix.
Definition gsForwardDeclarations.h:77
The density of the measure pull back.
Definition gsForwardDeclarations.h:76
Class that defines a boundary condition for a side of a patch for some unknown variable of a PDE.
Definition gsBoundaryConditions.h:107
static gsQuadRule< T > get(const gsBasis< T > &basis, const gsOptionList &options, short_t fixDir=-1)
Constructs a quadrature rule based on input options.
Definition gsQuadrature.h:51