G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsAssembler Directory Reference




 Provides class for adaptive refinement.
 Provides class for adaptive refinement.
 Provides generic assembler routines.
 Provides generic assembler routines.
 Provides assembler and solver options.
 Provides assembler for a homogeneous Biharmonic equation.
 Provides assembler for a homogenius Biharmonic equation.
 Provides assembler for a (planar) Biharmonic equation.
 Provides assembler and solver for the Poisson equation, incl. adaptive refinement.
 Provides assembler and solver for the Poisson equation, incl. adaptive refinement.
 Provides a mapping between the corresponding sides of two patches sharing an interface, by means of a Closest Point Projection.
 The functions compute Dirichlet degrees of freedom using various methods.
 Generic expressions matrix assembly.
 Defines different expressions.
 Generic expressions evaluator.
 Generic expressions helper.
 Provides the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule.
 Provides implementation of the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule.
 Provides an assembler for common IGA matrices.
 Provides assembler for the heat equation.
 Provides the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule.
 Provides implementation of the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule.
 Provides the Newton-Cotes quadrature rule.
 Provides implementation of the Newton-Cotes quadrature rule.
 Over-integrates a Gauss-Legendre or Gauss-Lobatto rule.
 Provides patch-wise quadrature rule.
 Provides implementation of the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule.
 Provides assembler for the Poisson equation.
 Provides assembler implementation for the Poisson equation.
 Creates a variety of quadrature rules.
 Provides a base class for a quadrature rule.
 Provides implementation of base class for a quadrature rule.
 Provides a mapping between the corresponding sides of two patches sharing an interface.
 Class representing a sparse linear system (with dense right-hand side(s)), indexed by sets of degrees of freedom.
 Visitor for a simple Biharmonic equation.
 Visitor for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation.
 Visitor for adding the interface conditions for the interior penalty methods of the Poisson problem.
 Stiffness (grad-grad) Visitor.
 Mass visitor for assembling element mass matrix.
 Element visitor for moment vector.
 Neumann conditions visitor for elliptic problems.
 Neumann conditions visitor for 4th order problems.
 Weak (Nitsche-type) imposition of the Dirichlet boundary conditions.
 First-type Nitsche BC imposition visitor for the biharmonic problem.
 Poisson equation element visitor.