56 m_pde.boundaryConditions() = *bc;
86 this->pde().bc(), mapper, 0);
200#ifndef GISMO_BUILD_LIB
201#include GISMO_HPP_HEADER(gsGenericAssembler.hpp)
Definition gsExpressions.h:973
The assembler class provides generic routines for volume and boundary integrals that are used for for...
Definition gsAssembler.h:266
void initialize(const gsPde< T > &pde, const gsStdVectorRef< gsMultiBasis< T > > &bases, const gsOptionList &opt=defaultOptions())
Intitialize function for, sets data fields using the pde, a vector of multi-basis and assembler optio...
Definition gsAssembler.h:317
gsSparseSystem< T > m_system
Global sparse linear system.
Definition gsAssembler.h:290
std::vector< gsMultiBasis< T > > m_bases
Definition gsAssembler.h:282
gsOptionList m_options
Definition gsAssembler.h:285
memory::shared_ptr< gsPde< T > > m_pde_ptr
Definition gsAssembler.h:276
std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > m_ddof
Definition gsAssembler.h:295
const gsMultiPatch< T > & patches() const
Return the multipatch.
Definition gsAssembler.h:601
Class containing a set of boundary conditions.
Definition gsBoundaryConditions.h:342
Maintains a mapping from patch-local dofs to global dof indices and allows the elimination of individ...
Definition gsDofMapper.h:69
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:33
void setIntegrationElements(const gsMultiBasis< T > &mesh)
Sets the domain of integration.
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:161
gsExprHelper< T >::geometryMap geometryMap
Geometry map type.
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:65
space getSpace(const gsFunctionSet< T > &mp, index_t dim=1, index_t id=0)
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:191
geometryMap getMap(const gsFunctionSet< T > &g)
Registers g as an isogeometric geometry map and return a handle to it.
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:186
void initSystem(const index_t numRhs=1)
Initializes the sparse system (sparse matrix and rhs)
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:315
void assemble(const expr &... args)
Adds the expressions args to the system matrix/rhs The arguments are considered as integrals over the...
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:1077
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & matrix() const
Returns the left-hand global matrix.
Definition gsExprAssembler.h:127
A function from a n-dimensional domain to an m-dimensional image.
Definition gsFunction.h:60
Assembles mass and stiffness matrices and right-hand sides on a given domain.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:33
const gsMatrix< T > & assembleMoments(const gsFunction< T > &func, index_t patchIndex=-1, bool refresh=true)
Moments assembly routine.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:93
gsSparseMatrix< T >::fullView fullMatrix()
Returns an expression of the "full" assembled sparse matrix.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:166
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleDG(const boundaryInterface &iFace, bool refresh=true)
Assemble dG interface terms.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:116
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleNitsche(const boundary_condition< T > &bc, bool refresh=true)
Assemble Nitsche terms for weakly imposing Dirichlet conditions.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:160
gsSparseSystem< T > m_system
Global sparse linear system.
Definition gsAssembler.h:290
gsGenericAssembler(const gsMultiPatch< T > &patches, const gsMultiBasis< T > &bases, const gsOptionList &opt=defaultOptions(), const gsBoundaryConditions< T > *bc=NULL)
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:48
void refresh()
Refreshes the sparse system (deletes assembled matrices and vectors)
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:79
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleStiffness(const index_t patchIndex=-1, const bool refresh=true)
Stiffness assembly routine.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:65
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleNeumann(const boundary_condition< T > &bc, bool refresh=true)
Assemble Neumann boundary terms.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:139
const gsSparseMatrix< T >::constFullView fullMatrix() const
Returns an expression of the "full" assembled sparse matrix.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:176
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleMass2()
Mass assembly routine.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:108
std::vector< gsMultiBasis< T > > m_bases
Definition gsAssembler.h:282
gsOptionList m_options
Definition gsAssembler.h:285
void refresh(gsDofMapper mapper)
Refreshes the sparse system based on given dof mapper.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.h:94
memory::shared_ptr< gsPde< T > > m_pde_ptr
Definition gsAssembler.h:276
std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > m_ddof
Definition gsAssembler.h:295
static gsOptionList defaultOptions()
Returns the list of default options for assembly.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:28
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & assembleMass(const index_t patchIndex=-1, bool refresh=true)
Mass assembly routine.
Definition gsGenericAssembler.hpp:37
The Laplace equation.
Definition gsLaplacePde.h:35
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
Holds a set of patch-wise bases and their topology information.
Definition gsMultiBasis.h:37
Container class for a set of geometry patches and their topology, that is, the interface connections ...
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:100
Class which holds a list of parameters/options, and provides easy access to them.
Definition gsOptionList.h:33
const index_t & getInt(const std::string &label) const
Reads value for option label from options.
Definition gsOptionList.cpp:37
Sparse matrix class, based on gsEigen::SparseMatrix.
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:139
gsEigen::SparseSelfAdjointView< Base, Lower > fullView
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:165
gsEigen::SparseSelfAdjointView< const Base, Lower > constFullView
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:169
A sparse linear system indexed by sets of degrees of freedom.
Definition gsSparseSystem.h:30
const gsSparseMatrix< T > & matrix() const
Access the system Matrix.
Definition gsSparseSystem.h:394
Provides generic assembler routines.
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
Generic expressions matrix assembly.
Generic expressions helper.
Defines different expressions.
Describes a Laplace equation.
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
Struct which represents an interface between two patches.
Definition gsBoundary.h:650
Class that defines a boundary condition for a side of a patch for some unknown variable of a PDE.
Definition gsBoundaryConditions.h:107