74 gsTrimData(
unsigned level,std::vector<index_t>& AABBBox,std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T> > >polylines)
75 : m_level(level),m_AABBBox(AABBBox),m_Polylines(polylines)
78 gsTrimData() : m_level(0),m_AABBBox(),m_Polylines()
83 std::vector<index_t> m_AABBBox;
84 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T> > > m_Polylines;
88void makeValidGeometry(
const gsTHBSpline<2>& surface,
89 gsTensorBSpline<2, real_t>& bspline);
91void getInterval(
const bool directionU,
94 const real_t paramConst,
95 const gsTensorBSpline<2, real_t>& bspline,
96 const PK_CURVE_t line,
97 PK_INTERVAL_t& result);
99bool validMultiplicities(
const std::vector<index_t>& mult,
103bool exportCheck(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface);
106bool exportTHBsurface(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface,
107 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::TrimmingCurves trimCurves,
108 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundaryAABB,
109 PK_ASSEMBLY_t& body );
112void getTrimCurvesAndBoundingBoxes(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface,
113 std::vector<index_t>& boxes,
114 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::TrimmingCurves& trimCurves,
115 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox& boundaryAABB);
118bool gsWriteParasolid(
const gsMultiPatch<T> & gssurfs, std::string
const & filename )
120 std::cout <<
"write parasolid mulitpatch" << std::endl;
124 PK_GEOM_t geo[ gssurfs.nPatches() ];
127 gsPKSession::start();
131 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
132 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
133 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
137 for (
typename gsMultiPatch<T>::const_iterator
138 it = gssurfs.begin(); it != gssurfs.end(); ++it)
151 PK_BODY_t parts[count];
152 for (
int i = 0; i!= count; ++i )
155 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_SURF_ask_uvbox(geo[i], &uvbox);
156 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_ask_uvbox, err);
158 PK_SURF_make_sheet_body(geo[i], uvbox, &part);
159 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_make_sheet_body, err);
165 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
166 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
167 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
168 err = PK_PART_transmit(count, parts, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
169 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
185 gsPKSession::start();
188 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
189 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
190 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
196 PK_ASSEMBLY_create_empty(&part);
197 err = PK_PART_add_geoms(part, 1, &pgeo);
198 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_add_geoms, err);
201 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
202 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
203 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
204 err = PK_PART_transmit(1, &part, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
205 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
215bool gsWriteParasolid(
const gsMesh<T>& mesh,
const std::string & filename)
217 gsPKSession::start();
219 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
220 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
221 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
223 PK_ASSEMBLY_t assembly;
224 exportMesh(mesh, assembly);
226 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
227 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
228 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
230 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_PART_transmit(1, &assembly, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
231 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
240bool gsWriteParasolid(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& thb,
const std::string& filename)
242 gsPKSession::start();
243 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
244 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
245 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
247 PK_ASSEMBLY_t assembly;
248 exportTHBsurface<T>(thb, assembly);
250 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
251 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
252 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
254 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_PART_transmit(1, &assembly, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
255 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
263bool gsWriteParasolid(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& thb,
const std::vector<T>& par_boxes,
const std::string& filename )
265 gsPKSession::start();
266 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
267 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
268 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
270 PK_ASSEMBLY_t assembly;
271 exportTHBsurface<T>(thb,par_boxes,assembly);
273 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
274 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
275 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
277 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_PART_transmit(1, &assembly, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
278 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
286 gsPKSession::start();
287 PK_LOGICAL_t checks(0);
288 PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(checks);
289 PK_SESSION_set_check_self_int(checks);
294 createPK_BSURF<T>(tp, bsurf,
299 uv_box.param[0] = domain(0, 0);
300 uv_box.param[1] = domain(1, 0);
301 uv_box.param[2] = domain(0, 1);
302 uv_box.param[3] = domain(1, 1);
304 err = PK_SURF_make_sheet_body(bsurf, uv_box, &body);
305 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_make_sheet_body, err);
312 PK_PART_transmit_o_t transmit_options;
313 PK_PART_transmit_o_m(transmit_options);
314 transmit_options.transmit_format = PK_transmit_format_text_c;
316 err = PK_PART_transmit(1, &body, filename.c_str(), &transmit_options);
317 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_transmit, err);
333 return createPK_BSURF(*tbsp, pgeo);
340 return createPK_BCURVE(*bspl, pgeo);
344 gsInfo <<
"Cannot write "<<ggeo<<
" to parasolid file.\n";
356 typedef typename gsKnotVector<T>::mult_t mult_t;
357 std::vector<mult_t> mult;
361 for (
index_t dim = 0; dim != 2; dim++)
363 const int deg = bsp.
364 mult = bsp.
366 if (!validMultiplicities(mult, deg))
377 sform.u_degree = bsp.
378 sform.v_degree = bsp.
381 std::vector<T> gknot0 = bsp.
382 std::vector<mult_t> gmult0 = bsp.
383 sform.n_u_knots = gknot0.size();
384 sform.u_knot = gknot0.data();
385 sform.u_knot_mult = gmult0.data();
388 std::vector<T> gknot1 = bsp.
389 std::vector<mult_t> gmult1 = bsp.
390 sform.n_v_knots = gknot1.size();
391 sform.v_knot = gknot1.data();
392 sform.v_knot_mult = gmult1.data();
395 sform.n_u_vertices = bsp.
396 sform.n_v_vertices = bsp.
398 const int n = bsp.
401 coefs.conservativeResize(gsEigen::NoChange, 3);
402 coefs.rightCols(3-n).setZero();
404 coefs.transposeInPlace();
405 coefs.resize(3*bsp.
basis().size(), 1);
406 sform.vertex_dim = 3;
407 sform.vertex = coefs.data();
410 sform.is_rational = PK_LOGICAL_false;
411 sform.form = PK_BSURF_form_unset_c;
412 sform.u_knot_type = PK_knot_unset_c;
413 sform.v_knot_type = PK_knot_unset_c;
414 sform.is_u_periodic = PK_LOGICAL_false;
415 sform.is_v_periodic = PK_LOGICAL_false;
416 sform.is_u_closed = PK_LOGICAL_false;
417 sform.is_v_closed = PK_LOGICAL_false;
421 sform.is_v_closed = PK_LOGICAL_true;
426 sform.is_u_closed = PK_LOGICAL_true;
429 sform.self_intersecting = PK_self_intersect_unset_c;
430 sform.convexity = PK_convexity_unset_c;
433 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_BSURF_create(&sform, &bsurf);
434 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_BSURF_create, err);
437 PK_BSURF_reparameterise_o_t options;
438 PK_BSURF_reparameterise_o_m(options);
439 options.transpose = PK_LOGICAL_true;
441 err = PK_BSURF_reparameterise(bsurf,&options);
442 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_BSURF_reparameterise, err);
451 typedef typename gsKnotVector<T>::mult_t mult_t;
453 PK_BCURVE_sf_t sform;
456 sform.degree = curve.
459 std::vector<T> knots = curve.
460 std::vector<mult_t> mult = curve.
461 sform.n_knots = knots.size();
462 sform.knot = knots.data();
463 sform.knot_mult = mult.data();
467 sform.n_vertices = curve.
469 const int n = curve.
472 coefs.conservativeResize(gsEigen::NoChange, 3);
473 coefs.rightCols(3 - n).setZero();
475 coefs.transposeInPlace();
476 coefs.resize(3 * curve.
basis().size(), 1);
477 sform.vertex_dim = 3;
478 sform.vertex = coefs.data();
481 sform.is_rational = PK_LOGICAL_false;
482 sform.form = PK_BCURVE_form_unset_c;
483 sform.knot_type = PK_knot_unset_c;
484 sform.is_periodic = PK_LOGICAL_false;
485 sform.is_closed = PK_LOGICAL_false;
486 sform.self_intersecting = PK_self_intersect_unset_c;
488 PK_ERROR_code_t err = PK_BCURVE_create(&sform, &bcurve);
496 PK_ASSEMBLY_t& assembly)
505 PK_ERROR_t err = PK_ASSEMBLY_create_empty(&assembly);
506 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_ASSEMBLY_create_empty, err);
513 for (
size_t i = 0; i != mesh.numEdges(); ++i)
515 newCoefs.row(0) = mesh.edges()[i].source->transpose();
516 newCoefs.row(1) = mesh.edges()[i].target->transpose();
518 if ((newCoefs.row(0) - newCoefs.row(1)).norm() < 1e-6)
526 createPK_BCURVE(bspl, bcurve);
528 err = PK_PART_add_geoms(assembly, 1, &bcurve);
529 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_PART_add_geoms, err);
538 PK_ASSEMBLY_t& assembly)
540 if(!exportCheck(surface))
543 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundaryAABB;
544 gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::TrimmingCurves trimCurves;
548 basis.decomposeDomain(boundaryAABB, trimCurves);
550 std::vector<gsTrimData<T> > trimData;
552 bool success = getTrimDataFromBoundaryTrimCurves(boundaryAABB,trimCurves,trimData);
557 return exportTHBsurface(surface,trimData,assembly);
562 const std::vector<T>& par_boxes,
563 PK_ASSEMBLY_t& assembly)
565 if(par_boxes.size()==0)
566 return exportTHBsurface(surface,assembly);
568 if(!exportCheck(surface))
571 std::vector<gsTrimData<T> > trimData;
573 bool success = getTrimCurvesAndBoundingBoxes<T>(surface,par_boxes,trimData);
578 return exportTHBsurface(surface,trimData,assembly);
587bool validMultiplicities(
const std::vector<index_t>& mult,
590 for (
size_t i = 1; i != mult.size() - 1; i++)
592 if (mult[i] == deg + 1)
595 "Only B-Splines with (inner) multiplicity less (<) "
596 "than degree + 1 are supported. \n"
597 "Parasolid restriction."
613void getInterval(
const bool directionU,
616 const real_t paramConst,
617 const gsTensorBSpline<2, real_t>& bspline,
618 const PK_CURVE_t line,
619 PK_INTERVAL_t& result)
621 gsMatrix<> param(2, 2);
624 param(0, 0) = param1;
625 param(1, 0) = paramConst;
627 param(0, 1) = param2;
628 param(1, 1) = paramConst;
632 param(0, 0) = paramConst;
633 param(1, 0) = param1;
635 param(0, 1) = paramConst;
636 param(1, 1) = param2;
640 bspline.eval_into(param, points);
643 for (
index_t i = 0; i != 2; i++)
645 PK_VECTOR_t position;
646 position.coord[0] = 0;
647 position.coord[1] = 0;
648 position.coord[2] = 0;
650 for (
index_t row = 0; row != points.rows(); row++)
652 position.coord[row] = points(row, i);
657 PK_ERROR_t err = PK_CURVE_parameterise_vector(line, position, &p);
658 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_CURVE_parameterise_vector, err);
664 if( param1!=param2 && result.value[0]==result.value[1] )
666 result.value[0]=param1;
667 result.value[1]=param2;
const gsTHBSpline<2>& surface,
688 gsTensorBSpline<2, real_t>& bspline)
692 gsMatrix<>& coefs = bspline.coefs();
693 gsVector<int> globalToLocal(coefs.rows());
694 globalToLocal.setConstant(-1);
697 for (
index_t row = 0; row != coefs.rows(); row++)
700 for (
index_t col = 0; col != coefs.cols(); col++)
702 if (coefs(row, col) != 0.0)
711 globalToLocal(row) = numZeroRows;
726 bspline.basis().anchors_into(anchors);
728 gsMatrix<> params(2, coefs.rows());
729 gsVector<> localToGlobal(coefs.rows());
732 gsMatrix<> support = bspline.basis().support();
734 for (
index_t fun = 0; fun != globalToLocal.rows(); fun++)
736 if (globalToLocal(fun) != -1)
738 params.col(counter) = anchors.col(fun);
739 localToGlobal(counter) = fun;
740 for (
index_t row = 0; row != support.rows(); row++)
742 if (params(row, counter) < support(row, 0))
744 params(row, counter) = support(row, 0);
747 if (support(row, 1) < params(row, counter))
749 params(row, counter) = support(row, 1);
756 params.conservativeResize(2, counter);
757 localToGlobal.conservativeResize(counter);
760 surface.eval_into(params, points);
764 gsSparseMatrix<> A(localToGlobal.rows(), localToGlobal.rows());
766 gsMatrix<> B(localToGlobal.rows(), surface.geoDim());
770 gsMatrix<index_t> actives;
772 for (
index_t k = 0; k != params.cols(); k++)
774 const gsMatrix<>& curr_param = params.col(k);
776 bspline.basis().eval_into(curr_param, value);
777 bspline.basis().active_into(curr_param, actives);
778 const index_t numActive = actives.rows();
780 for (
index_t i = 0; i != numActive; i++)
782 const int I = globalToLocal(actives(i, 0));
785 B.row(I) += value(i, 0) * points.col(k);
787 for (
index_t j = 0; j != numActive; j++)
789 const int J = globalToLocal(actives(j, 0));
792 A(I, J) += value(i, 0) * value(j, 0);
800 gsSparseSolver<real_t>::BiCGSTABILUT solver(A);
801 if (solver.preconditioner().info() != gsEigen::Success)
803 gsWarn<<
"The preconditioner failed. Aborting.\n";
807 gsMatrix<> x = solver.solve(B);
809 for (
index_t row = 0; row != x.rows(); row++)
811 coefs.row(localToGlobal(row)) = x.row(row);
816bool exportCheck(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface)
818 typedef typename gsKnotVector<T>::mult_t mult_t;
820 for (
index_t dim = 0; dim != 2; dim++)
822 typedef std::vector< gsTensorBSplineBasis< 2, real_t>* > Bases;
823 const Bases& bases = surface.basis().getBases();
824 const int deg = (bases[0])->degree(dim);
825 std::vector<mult_t> mult = (bases[0])->knots(dim).multiplicities();
827 if (!validMultiplicities(mult, deg))
837bool exportTHBsurface(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface,
838 std::vector<gsTrimData<T> >& trimData,
839 PK_ASSEMBLY_t& assembly )
841 const gsTHBSplineBasis<2>& basis= surface.basis();
843 PK_ERROR_t err = PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(PK_LOGICAL_false);
844 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity, err);
846 err = PK_ASSEMBLY_create_empty(&assembly);
847 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_ASSEMBLY_create_empty, err);
849 for (
size_t box = 0;box<trimData.size();++box)
851 unsigned level = trimData[box].m_level;
852 std::vector<index_t> AABBBox = trimData[box].m_AABBBox;
853 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T> > > polylines = trimData[box].m_Polylines;
855 gsTensorBSpline<2, T> bspline =
856 basis.getBSplinePatch(AABBBox, level, surface.coefs());
860 makeValidGeometry(surface, bspline);
865 createPK_BSURF<T>(bspline, bsurf);
867 std::vector<PK_CURVE_t> curves;
868 std::vector<PK_INTERVAL_t> intervals;
869 std::vector<int> trim_loop;
870 std::vector<int> trim_set;
872 for (
unsigned loop = 0; loop != polylines.size(); loop++)
874 for (
unsigned seg = 0; seg != polylines[loop].size(); seg++)
876 real_t y1 = polylines[loop][seg][0];
877 real_t x1 = polylines[loop][seg][1];
878 real_t y2 = polylines[loop][seg][2];
879 real_t x2 = polylines[loop][seg][3];
882 PK_INTERVAL_t intervalDummy;
883 PK_INTERVAL_t interval;
885 PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam_o_t options;
886 PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam_o_m(options);
890 err = PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam(bsurf, x1, PK_PARAM_direction_v_c,
891 &options, &line, &intervalDummy);
892 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam, err);
894 getInterval(
true, y1, y2, x1, bspline, line, interval);
898 err = PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam(bsurf, y1, PK_PARAM_direction_u_c,
899 &options, &line, &intervalDummy);
900 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_make_curve_isoparam, err);
902 getInterval(
false, x1, x2, y1, bspline, line, interval);
905 curves.push_back(line);
906 intervals.push_back(interval);
907 trim_loop.push_back(loop);
908 trim_set.push_back(0);
989 PK_SURF_trim_data_t trim_data;
990 trim_data.n_spcurves =
991 trim_data.spcurves = curves.data();
992 trim_data.intervals = intervals.data();
993 trim_data.trim_loop = trim_loop.data();
994 trim_data.trim_set = trim_set.data();
996 PK_SURF_make_sheet_trimmed_o_t options;
997 PK_SURF_make_sheet_trimmed_o_m(options);
998 options.check_loops = PK_LOGICAL_true;
1000 PK_BODY_t trimSurface;
1001 PK_check_state_t state;
1002 err = PK_SURF_make_sheet_trimmed(bsurf, trim_data, 1e-8, &options,
1003 &trimSurface, &state);
1004 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SURF_make_sheet_trimmed, err);
1008 PK_ATTRIB_t attribut;
1009 PK_ATTDEF_find(
1010 if(attdef == PK_ENTITY_null)
1011 std::cout<<
"entity null for tysa name" <<std::endl;
1012 PK_ERROR_code_t err2 = PK_ATTRIB_create_empty(trimSurface,attdef,&attribut);
1013 if(err2 == PK_ERROR_existing_attrib || err2 == PK_ERROR_wrong_entity)
1014 std::cout<<
"attribute already exists" <<std::endl;
1015 PK_ATTRIB_set_string(attribut,0,name.c_str());
1016 if (state != PK_BODY_state_ok_c)
1018 std::cout <<
"Something went wrong. state(" << state <<
")" << std::endl;
1021 PK_INSTANCE_sf_t sform;
1022 sform.assembly = assembly;
1023 sform.transf = PK_ENTITY_null;
1024 sform.part = trimSurface;
1026 PK_INSTANCE_t instance;
1027 err = PK_INSTANCE_create(&sform, &instance);
1032 err = PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity(PK_LOGICAL_true);
1033 PARASOLID_ERROR(PK_SESSION_set_check_continuity, err);
1039bool getParBoxAsIndexBoxInLevel(
const gsTHBSplineBasis<2, T>& basis,
unsigned lvl,
const std::vector<real_t>& par_box,
1040 std::vector<index_t>& index_box)
1046 unsigned lowerIndexU,upperIndexU,lowerIndexV,upperIndexV;
1047 const typename gsBSplineTraits<2,T>::Basis & tBasis = *(basis.getBases()[lvl]);
1048 const gsKnotVector<T> & tKvU = tBasis.component(0).knots();
1049 if( !( *(tKvU.begin())<=lowU && lowU<=upU &&
1050 upU<=tKvU.get().end()[-tKvU.degree()-1]) )
1054 std::cout <<
"Error in the box." << std::endl;
1057 std::cout<<
"Box in u is not in Range, it will be cut at domain boundary."<<std::endl;
1058 if( !( *(tKvU.begin())<=lowU) )
1059 lowU=*(tKvU.begin());
1060 if( !(upU<=tKvU.get().end()[-tKvU.degree()-1]) )
1061 upU=tKvU.get().end()[-tKvU.degree()-1];
1063 lowerIndexU=(tKvU.uFind(lowU)-tKvU.uFind(0));
1064 upperIndexU=(tKvU.uFind(upU)-tKvU.uFind(0))+1;
1066 const gsKnotVector<T> & tKvV = tBasis.component(1).knots();
1067 if( !( *(tKvV.begin())<=lowV && lowV<=upV &&
1068 upV<=tKvV.get().end()[-tKvV.degree()-1]) )
1072 std::cout <<
"Error in the box." << std::endl;
1075 std::cout<<
"Box in v is not in Range, it will be cut at domain boundary."<<std::endl;
1076 if( !( *(tKvV.begin())<=lowV) )
1077 lowV=*(tKvV.begin());
1078 if( !(upV<=tKvV.get().end()[-tKvV.degree()-1]) )
1079 upV=tKvV.get().end()[-tKvV.degree()-1];
1081 lowerIndexV=(tKvV.uFind(lowV)-tKvV.uFind(0));
1082 upperIndexV=(tKvV.uFind(upV)-tKvV.uFind(0))+1;
1084 index_box.push_back(lvl);
1085 index_box.push_back(lowerIndexU);
1086 index_box.push_back(lowerIndexV);
1087 index_box.push_back(upperIndexU);
1088 index_box.push_back(upperIndexV);
1093bool parBoxesIntersect(
const std::vector<T>& par_boxes)
1095 T lowerUi,lowerVi,upperUi,upperVi,lowerUj,lowerVj,upperUj,upperVj;
1097 unsigned boxSize=2*d;
1098 for(
unsigned i = 0;i<par_boxes.size();i+=boxSize)
1100 lowerUi=par_boxes[i];
1101 lowerVi=par_boxes[i+1];
1102 upperUi=par_boxes[i+2];
1103 upperVi=par_boxes[i+3];
1104 for(
unsigned j = 0;j<i;j+=boxSize)
1106 lowerUj=par_boxes[j];
1107 lowerVj=par_boxes[j+1];
1108 upperUj=par_boxes[j+2];
1109 upperVj=par_boxes[j+3];
1111 if(upperUi>lowerUj&&lowerUi<upperUj&&
1112 upperVi>lowerVj&&lowerVi<upperVj)
1120bool getTrimDataFromBoundaryTrimCurves(gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundaryAABB,
1121gsTHBSplineBasis<2>::TrimmingCurves trimCurves,std::vector<gsTrimData<T> >& trimdata)
1124 for(
unsigned level = 0;level<trimCurves.
1126 for(
unsigned component=0;component<trimCurves[level].
1128 gsTrimData<T> td(level,boundaryAABB[level][component],trimCurves[level][component]);
1129 trimdata.push_back(td);
1136bool getTrimCurvesAndBoundingBoxes(
const gsTHBSpline<2, T>& surface,
1137 const std::vector<T>& par_boxes,
1138 std::vector<gsTrimData<T> >& trimdata)
1140 if(parBoxesIntersect(par_boxes))
1142 std::cout<<
"Given boxes have intersections."<<std::endl;
1146 const gsTHBSplineBasis<2, T>* basis =
static_cast< const gsTHBSplineBasis<2,T>*
> (&surface.basis());
1147 unsigned maxLevel = basis->tree().getMaxInsLevel();
1149 std::vector<std::vector<index_t> >aabbBoxesForCheck;
1150 std::vector<T> par_box;
1151 std::vector<index_t> index_box;
1153 unsigned boxSize=2*d;
1156 for(
unsigned i = 0;i<par_boxes.size();i=i+boxSize)
1159 par_box.push_back(par_boxes[i]);
1160 par_box.push_back(par_boxes[i+1]);
1161 par_box.push_back(par_boxes[i+2]);
1162 par_box.push_back(par_boxes[i+3]);
1163 success=getParBoxAsIndexBoxInLevel(*basis,maxLevel,par_box,index_box);
1168 gsVector<index_t,2>lower;
1169 lower << index_box[1],index_box[2];
1170 gsVector<index_t,2>upper;
1171 upper << index_box[3],index_box[4];
1172 lvl=basis->tree().query4(lower, upper, index_box[0]);
1174 success=getParBoxAsIndexBoxInLevel(*basis,lvl,par_box,index_box);
1182 std::vector<index_t> aabb_box;
1183 aabb_box.push_back(index_box[1]<<(maxLevel-lvl));
1184 aabb_box.push_back(index_box[2]<<(maxLevel-lvl));
1185 aabb_box.push_back(index_box[3]<<(maxLevel-lvl));
1186 aabb_box.push_back(index_box[4]<<(maxLevel-lvl));
1188 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T> > > trimCurveComp;
1189 std::vector<std::vector<T> >trimCurveBox;
1190 std::vector<T> trimCurve;
1191 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[0]);
1192 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[1]);
1193 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[0]);
1194 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[3]);
1195 trimCurveBox.push_back(trimCurve);
1197 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[0]);
1198 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[3]);
1199 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[2]);
1200 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[3]);
1201 trimCurveBox.push_back(trimCurve);
1203 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[2]);
1204 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[1]);
1205 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[2]);
1206 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[3]);
1207 trimCurveBox.push_back(trimCurve);
1209 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[0]);
1210 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[1]);
1211 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[2]);
1212 trimCurve.push_back(par_box[1]);
1213 trimCurveBox.push_back(trimCurve);
1214 trimCurveComp.push_back(trimCurveBox);
1216 gsTrimData<T> td(lvl,aabb_box,trimCurveComp);
1217 trimdata.push_back(td);
1219 aabbBoxesForCheck.push_back(aabb_box);
A B-spline function of one argument, with arbitrary target dimension.
Definition gsBSpline.h:51
short_t degree(short_t i=0) const
Returns the degree of the B-spline.
Definition gsBSpline.h:186
Abstract base class representing a geometry map.
Definition gsGeometry.h:93
gsMatrix< T > & coefs()
Definition gsGeometry.h:340
void setCoefs(gsMatrix< T > cc)
Set the coefficient matrix of the geometry, taking ownership of the matrix.
Definition gsGeometry.h:368
short_t geoDim() const
Dimension n of the absent physical space.
Definition gsGeometry.h:292
virtual const gsBasis< T > & basis() const =0
Returns a const reference to the basis of the geometry.
gsMatrix< T > parameterRange() const
Returns the range of parameters as a matrix with two columns, [lower upper].
Definition gsGeometry.hpp:198
index_t size() const
The number of basis functions in this basis.
Definition gsHTensorBasis.hpp:298
Class for representing a knot vector.
Definition gsKnotVector.h:80
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
Class Representing a triangle mesh with 3D vertices.
Definition gsMesh.h:32
Truncated hierarchical B-spline basis.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.h:36
A truncated hierarchical B-Spline function, in d dimensions.
Definition gsTHBSpline.h:38
A tensor product of d B-spline functions, with arbitrary target dimension.
Definition gsTensorBSpline.h:45
Provides declaration of BSplineBasis class.
Represents a B-spline curve/function with one parameter.
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define gsWarn
Definition gsDebug.h:50
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
Defines the Parasolud frustrim.
Knot vector for B-splines.
Provides declaration of the Mesh class.
Provides declaration of the MultiPatch class.
Manages starting and stopping Parasolid session.
Provides declaration of gsReadParasolid functions.
Provides declaration of Surface abstract interface.
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
Provides declaration of THBSplineBasis class.
Represents a tensor-product B-spline patch.
bool gsWriteParasolid(const gsGeometry< T > &ggeo, std::string const &filename)
Definition gsWriteParasolid.hpp:178
bool gsWritePK_SHEET(const gsTensorBSpline< 2, T > &tp, const std::string &filename)
Converts tp into a PK_SHEET and writes it to filename.xmt_txt.
Definition gsWriteParasolid.hpp:284
bool createPK_GEOM(const gsGeometry< T > &ggeo, PK_GEOM_t &pgeo)
Definition gsWriteParasolid.hpp:326
Provides declaration of functions writing Paraview files.
std::string to_string(const unsigned &i)
Helper to convert small unsigned to string.
Definition gsXml.cpp:74
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.