G+Smo  23.12.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/assembly_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

# include <gismo.h>
#include <gsAssembler/gsAssembler.h> // included here for demonstration
using namespace gismo;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool plot = false;
gsCmdLine cmd("Tutorial on assemblying a Poisson problem.");
cmd.addSwitch("plot", "Create a ParaView visualization file with the solution", plot);
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
// Grab a pre-defined grid of patches
gsInfo << "The domain is: "<< patches <<"\n";
gsFunctionExpr<> g("sin(pi*x*1)*sin(pi*y*2)+pi/10",
bit = patches.bBegin(); bit != patches.bEnd(); ++bit)
// Copy basis from the multi-patch ( one per patch)
gsMultiBasis<> splinebasis( patches );
// Number for h-refinement of the computational (trial/test) basis.
int numRefine = 2;
// Number for p-refinement of the computational (trial/test) basis.
int numElevate = 2;
// Elevate and p-refine the basis to order k + numElevate
// where k is the highest degree in the bases
if ( numElevate > -1 )
// Find maximum degree with respect to all the variables
int max_tmp = splinebasis.minCwiseDegree();
// Elevate all degrees uniformly
max_tmp += numElevate;
// h-refine each basis (4, one for each patch)
for (int i = 0; i < numRefine; ++i)
gsFunctionExpr<> f("((pi*1)^2 + (pi*2)^2)*sin(pi*x*1)*sin(pi*y*2)",
//"((pi*3)^2 + (pi*4)^2)*sin(pi*x*3)*sin(pi*y*4)",
gsPoissonPde<> ppde(patches, bcInfo, f);
opt.setInt("DirichletValues" , dirichlet::l2Projection);
opt.setInt("DirichletStrategy", dirichlet::elimination );
opt.setInt("InterfaceStrategy", iFace ::conforming );
opt.setReal("quA", 1.0);
opt.setInt ("quB", 1 );
opt.setReal("bdA", 2.0);
opt.setInt ("bdB", 1 );
gsInfo << "Assembler "<< opt;
// Does 3 things:
// 1. computes dirichlet dof values (if needed)
// 2. Provides some routines that can be called for system assembly
// 3. reconstructs the solution as a function, given a solution vector
PA.initialize(ppde, splinebasis, opt);
gsDofMapper mapper; // Gets the indices mapped from Basis --> Matrix
(iFace:: strategy)opt.getInt("InterfaceStrategy"),
bcInfo, mapper, 0);
gsSparseSystem<> sys(mapper);
sys.reserve(10, ppde.numRhs() ); // reserving enough space is crutial for performance!
gsInfo << sys;
// After the system is set the boundary dofs can be computed
PA.push<gsVisitorPoisson<real_t> >(); //bases: implied in sparsesystem + m_bases
PA.push<gsVisitorNeumann<real_t> >(ppde.bc().neumannSides() );
// try this for small matrices
//gsInfo<< PA.matrix().toDense() <<"\n"
gsInfo << "Assembled a system (matrix and load vector) with "
<< PA.numDofs() << " dofs.\n";
// Initialize the conjugate gradient solver
gsInfo << "Solving...\n";
gsSparseSolver<>::CGDiagonal solver( PA.matrix() );
gsMatrix<> solVector = solver.solve( PA.rhs() );
gsInfo << "Solved the system with CG solver.\n";
// Construct the solution as a scalar field
PA.constructSolution(solVector, mpsol);
gsField<> sol( PA.patches(), mpsol);
if (plot)
// Write approximate and exact solution to paraview files
gsInfo<<"Plotting in Paraview...\n";
gsWriteParaview<>(sol, "poisson2d", 1000);
const gsField<> exact( PA.patches(), g, false );
gsWriteParaview<>( exact, "poisson2d_exact", 1000);
// Run paraview
gsInfo << "Done. No output created, re-run with --plot to get a ParaView "
"file containing the solution.\n";
return 0;