G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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gsHDomain< d, Z > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<short_t d, class Z = index_t>
class gismo::gsHDomain< d, Z >

Class with a hierarchical domain structure represented by a box k-d-tree.

The hierarchical domain structure represets a sequence of domains \(\Omega^\ell \subset \Omega\) which are nested in the sense that

\[ \Omega = \Omega^0 \supset \Omega^1 \supset \Omega^2 \supset \ldots \supset \Omega^N \supset \Omega^{N+1} = \emptyset \]

Each subdomain \(\Omega^\ell\) is a (not necessarily connected) collection of axis-aligned elements/cells.

In the context of HB-splines and THB-splines, these elements/cells are the knot spans of the tensor-product mesh at the respective level.

The information on the hierarchical domains is stored in a k-d-tree, where each leaf represents an axis-aligned box \(\omega \subseteq \Omega\), such that \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^\ell \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\ell+1} = \emptyset\) (i.e., each leaf of the tree can be assiciated with exactly one level of the hierarchy).

The implementation is, up to some technical differences, based on the technique described in the following publication

  • G. Kiss, C. Giannelli, and B. Juettler. Algorithms and data structures for truncated hierarchical B-splines. In M. Floater et al., editors, Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, volume 8177, pages 304-323. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014.

also available as a technical report

  • G. Kiss, C. Giannelli, and B. Juettler. Algorithms and Data Structures for Truncated Hierarchical B-splines DK-Report No. 2012-14, Doctoral Program Computational Mathematics: Numerical Anaylsis and Symbolic Computation, 2012.

Regarding the mentioned technical differences: A binary tree is used instead of a quad-tree (which was discussed in the above-mentioned publications). Also, the domains are not necessarily split at their middle, but according to the position of the domain of the next level.

Template parameters

dis the dimension
Zis the box-index type
+ Collaboration diagram for gsHDomain< d, Z >:


struct  get_cell_visitor
 Returns an cell/element box of a requested level. More...
struct  levelDown_visitor
 Decreases the level by 1 for all leaves. More...
struct  levelUp_visitor
 Increases the level by 1 for all leaves. More...
struct  liftCoordsOneLevel_visitor
 Multiplies everything by 2. More...
struct  maxLevel_visitor
 Decreases the level by 1 for all leaves. More...
struct  numLeaves_visitor
 Counts number of nodes in the tree. More...
struct  numNodes_visitor
 Counts number of nodes in the tree. More...
struct  printLeaves_visitor
 Counts number of nodes in the tree. More...
struct  reduceCoordsOneLevel_visitor
 Multiplies everything by 2. More...

Public Member Functions

void clearBox (point const &lower, point const &upper, int lvl)
 The clear function which clears box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.
gsHDomainclone () const
 Clones the object.
void decrementLevel ()
 Decrement the level index globally.
void divideByTwo ()
 Divide all coordinates by two.
void getBoxes (gsMatrix< Z > &b1, gsMatrix< Z > &b2, gsVector< Z > &level) const
 Returns the boxes which make up the hierarchical domain and the respective levels.
void getBoxesInLevelIndex (gsMatrix< Z > &b1, gsMatrix< Z > &b2, gsVector< index_t > &level) const
void getBoxesOnSide (boundary::side s, gsMatrix< Z > &b1, gsMatrix< Z > &b2, gsVector< Z > &level) const
 Returns the boxes which make up the hierarchical domain and the respective levels touching side s.
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Z > > > > getPolylines () const
 gsHDomain (const gsHDomain &o)
 Copy constructor (makes a deep copy)
void incrementLevel ()
 Increment the level index globally.
void init (point const &upp)
 Initialize the tree with computing the index_level.
void init (point const &upp, unsigned index_level)
 Initialize the tree.
void insertBox (point const &lower, point const &upper, int lvl)
 The insert function which insert box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.
void insertBox (point const &lower, point const &upper, node *_node, int lvl)
 The insert function which insert box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.
void internalIndex (point const &point_idx, int lvl, point &internal_idx)
 Returns the internal coordinates of point point_idx of level lvl.
int leafSize () const
 Returns the number of leaves in the tree.
int levelOf (point const &p, int level) const
 Returns the level of the point p.
std::pair< int, int > minMaxPath () const
 Returns the minimim and maximum path length in the tree.
void multiplyByTwo ()
 Multiply all coordinates by two.
int numBreaks (int lvl, int k) const
 Returns the number of distinct knots in direction k of level lvl.
gsHDomainoperator= (const gsHDomain &o)
 Assignment operator (makes a deep copy)
void printLeaves () const
 Prints out the leaves of the kd-tree.
bool query1 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level) const
 Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in level and does not overlap with any higher level.
bool query1 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level, node *_node) const
 Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in level and does not overlap with any higher level.
bool query2 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level) const
 Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in a Om-domain with a level different to level.
bool query2 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level, node *_node) const
 Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is contained in a domain with a higher level than level.
int query3 (point const &k1, point const &k2, int level, node *_node) const
int query3 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level) const
 Returns the lowest level \(\ell\) s.t. \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^\ell \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\ell+1} = \emptyset \).
int query4 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level) const
 Returns the highest level with which the box defined by lower and upper overlaps.
int query4 (point const &lower, point const &upper, int level, node *_node) const
void sinkBox (point const &lower, point const &upper, int lvl)
 Sinks the box defined by points lower and upper to one level higher.
int size () const
 Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
const pointupperCorner () const
 Accessor for gsHDomain::m_upperIndex.
const point upperCornerIndex () const
 Return the upper corner of the tree in level 0.
 ~gsHDomain ()
 Destructor deletes the whole tree.

Private Member Functions

template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type boxSearch (point const &k1, point const &k2, int level, node *_node) const
void connect_Boxes (std::vector< std::vector< Z > > &boxes) const
 connect the boxes returned from quadtree getBoxes_vec()
void getBoxes_vec (std::vector< std::vector< Z > > &boxes) const
 Represents boxes of the tree in a big vector.
void getRidOfOverlaps (std::list< std::list< gsVSegment< Z > > > &vert_seg_lists) const
template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type leafSearch () const
template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type nodeSearch () const
nodepointSearch (const point &p, int level, node *_node) const
void setIndexLevel (int) const
 Adds nlevels new index levels in the tree.
void sweeplineConnectAndMerge (std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Z > > > &result, std::list< std::list< gsVSegment< Z > > > &vert_seg_lists) const
 Sweepline algorithm.

Static Private Member Functions

static bool haveOverlap (box const &box1, box const &box2)
static bool isContained (box const &box1, box const &box2)
 Returns true if box1 is contained in box2.
static bool isDegenerate (box const &someBox)
 Returns true if the box is degenerate (has zero volume)
static std::pair< point, pointselect_part (point const &k1, point const &k2, point const &k3, point const &k4)
static void setLevel (node *_node, int lvl)

Private Attributes

 The level of the box representation (global indices)
unsigned m_maxInsLevel
 Maximum level present in the tree.
 Pointer to the root node of the tree.
point m_upperIndex
 Keeps the highest upper indices (at level gsHDomain::m_indexLevel)

Member Function Documentation

◆ boxSearch()

template<short_t d, class Z >
template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type boxSearch ( point const &  k1,
point const &  k2,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

Iterates on the leafs of the tree and applies \ visitor. The visitor controls the return type and the update of the result type at every leaf node

◆ clearBox()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void clearBox ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  lvl 

The clear function which clears box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.

[lower, upper] are given by unique knot indices of level lvl.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box given in lvl representation
upperthe upper right corner of the box given in lvl representation
lvlthe desired level

◆ connect_Boxes()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void connect_Boxes ( std::vector< std::vector< Z > > &  boxes) const

connect the boxes returned from quadtree getBoxes_vec()

If two neighbouring boxes could be represented by a single box (i.e., if the union of two axis-aligned boxes is again an axis-aligned box), then these two are merged into a single box.

[in,out]boxesFormat as of getBoxes_vec(), i.e., each box is represented as vector of size 2*d + 1 containing [ [lower corner],[upper corner], Level ], where the corners are defined by the knot indices on level gsHDomain::m_maxInsLevel.

◆ getBoxes()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void getBoxes ( gsMatrix< Z > &  b1,
gsMatrix< Z > &  b2,
gsVector< Z > &  level 
) const

Returns the boxes which make up the hierarchical domain and the respective levels.

Returns a list of boxes defined by left-bottom (b1) and right-top (b2) corners for the splitting in B-spline patches together with the corresponding levelOf()

The boxes b1 and b2 are given as matrices of size n x d, where d is the dimension of the domain, and where n is the number of boxes of the gsHDomain.
The numbers in b1 and b2 are given as unique knot indices of gsHDomain::m_maxInsLevel

[out]b1n x d-matrix, left bottom corners of boxes
[out]b2n x d-matrix, right upper corners of boxes
[out]levelvector of length n, corresponding levels

◆ getBoxes_vec()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void getBoxes_vec ( std::vector< std::vector< Z > > &  boxes) const

Represents boxes of the tree in a big vector.

[out]boxesEach item corresponds to a box and is represented by a vector of unsigned ints. First the coordinates of the lower left, then the coordinates of the upper right corner, and then the level of this box (i.e., for each i, the size of boxes[i] is 2d+1, where d is the dimension of the domain).
All indexing is in terms of level gsHDomain::m_maxInsLevel.

◆ getBoxesInLevelIndex()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void getBoxesInLevelIndex ( gsMatrix< Z > &  b1,
gsMatrix< Z > &  b2,
gsVector< index_t > &  level 
) const

Returns a list of boxes defined by left-bottom (b1) and right-top (b2) corners for the splitting in B-spline patches together with the corresponding levelOf b1 and b2 are indexing in the corresponding level indices

b1left bottom corners of boxes
b2right upper corners of boxs
levelcorresponding levels

◆ getBoxesOnSide()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void getBoxesOnSide ( boundary::side  s,
gsMatrix< Z > &  b1,
gsMatrix< Z > &  b2,
gsVector< Z > &  level 
) const

Returns the boxes which make up the hierarchical domain and the respective levels touching side s.

Similar to getBoxes() with additional input of the side s. Returns only those boxes which touch the side s of the domain.

[in]sSide (as in boundary::side) specifying the side of the domain
[out]b1n x d-matrix, left bottom corners of boxes
[out]b2n x d-matrix, right upper corners of boxes
[out]levelvector of length n, corresponding levels

◆ getPolylines()

template<short_t d, class Z >
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Z > > > > getPolylines ( ) const

return a list of polylines- boundaries of each connected component for all levels in the parameter space

◆ getRidOfOverlaps()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void getRidOfOverlaps ( std::list< std::list< gsVSegment< Z > > > &  vert_seg_lists) const

For each x-coordinate delete repeated parts of vertical segments. vert_seg_lists list, where for each x coordinate (sorted increasingly) a list of vertical segments with that coordinate is saved.

◆ haveOverlap()

template<short_t d, class Z >
bool haveOverlap ( box const &  box1,
box const &  box2 

Returns true if the boxes overlap

true if the boxes overlap

◆ insertBox() [1/2]

template<short_t d, class Z = index_t>
void insertBox ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  lvl 

The insert function which insert box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.

[lower, upper] are given by unique knot indices of level lvl.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box given in lvl representation
upperthe upper right corner of the box given in lvl representation
lvlthe desired level

◆ insertBox() [2/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
void insertBox ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
node _node,
int  lvl 

The insert function which insert box defined by points lower and upper to level lvl.

[lower, upper] are given by unique knot indices of level lvl

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
*_nodethe current node
lvlthe desired level
This function should only be called by the other query1(). It will return an incorrect result, if the box corresponds to a leaf which is in a branch of the tree that cannot be reached from _node.

◆ leafSearch()

template<short_t d, class Z >
template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type leafSearch ( ) const

Iterates on the leafs of the tree and applies \ visitor. The visitor controls the operation to be performed

◆ nodeSearch()

template<short_t d, class Z >
template<typename visitor >
visitor::return_type nodeSearch ( ) const

Iterates on all the nodes of the tree and applies \ visitor. The visitor controls the operation to be performed

◆ pointSearch()

template<short_t d, class Z >
gsHDomain< d, Z >::node * pointSearch ( const point p,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

Returns the leaf node of the subtree starting at _node that contains the input point p. The cells in the tree are considered half-open, i.e. in 2D they are of the form [a_1,b_1) x [a_2,b_2)

◆ query1() [1/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
bool query1 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level 
) const

Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in level and does not overlap with any higher level.

More mathematically, returns true, if \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^{\mathsf{level}} \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\mathsf{level}+1} = \emptyset \), where \(\omega\) is the box defined by lower and upper.

Specify input format of lower and upper.

Example: in two dimensons, let
\(\Omega^4 = (0.1,0.9)\times(0.2,0.7)\),
\(\Omega^5 = (0.4,0.8)\times(0.3,0.6) \subset \Omega^4\),
\(\Omega^6 = \emptyset \subset \Omega^5\).

Testing the box \( (0.1,0.4)\times(0.3,0.5)\), contained in \(\Omega^4 \setminus \Omega^5\), returns:
query1( [0.1,0.4], [0.3,0.5], 4 ) = true
query1( [0.1,0.4], [0.3,0.5], 5 ) = false

Testing the box \( (0.3,0.5)\times(0.4,0.5)\), partly overlapping \(\Omega^5\), returns:
query1( [0.3,0.4], [0.5,0.5], 4 ) = false
query1( [0.3,0.4], [0.5,0.5], 5 ) = false

Testing the box \( (0.6,0.8)\times(0.4,0.5) \subset \Omega^5\) returns:
query1( [0.6,0.4], [0.8,0.5], 4 ) = false
query1( [0.6,0.4], [0.8,0.5], 5 ) = true

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
levelthe level to be checked against
True, if \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^{\mathsf{level}} \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\mathsf{level}+1} = \emptyset \), where \(\omega\) is the box defined by lower and upper.

◆ query1() [2/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
bool query1 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in level and does not overlap with any higher level.

This query is called by the other query1() (the one without _node as input parameter) and starts checking at node _node of the k-d-tree.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
levelthe level to be checked against
_nodenode of the k-d-tree where the search starts.
This function should only be called by the other query1(). It will return an incorrect result, if the box corresponds to a leaf which is in a branch of the tree that cannot be reached from _node.

◆ query2() [1/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
bool query2 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level 
) const

Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is completely contained in a Om-domain with a level different to level.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
levelthe level \( \ell_0 \) to be checked against
True, if there exists a level \(\ell \neq \ell_0 \), such that \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^\ell \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\ell+1} = \emptyset\), where \(\omega\) is the box defined by lower and upper.

◆ query2() [2/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
bool query2 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

Returns true if the box defined by lower and upper is contained in a domain with a higher level than level.

lowerlower left corner of the cube [k1,k2]
upperupper right corner of the cube [k1,k2]
levelcurrent level
_nodenode of the k-d-tree where the search starts.
This function should only be called by the other query2(). It will return an incorrect result, if the box corresponds to a leaf which is in a branch of the tree that cannot be reached from _node.

◆ query3() [1/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
int query3 ( point const &  k1,
point const &  k2,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

query3 is used if both query1 and query2 are false to decide if the coresponding basis function is active or not. it returns the smallest level in which [k1,k2] is completely contained and not completely overlaped by higher omega structure. The idea is the same as in case of query1 and query2 but instead of returning a true or false value we remember the lowest level, which is returned at the end.

◆ query3() [2/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
int query3 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level 
) const

Returns the lowest level \(\ell\) s.t. \(\omega \subseteq \Omega^\ell \land \omega \cap \Omega^{\ell+1} = \emptyset \).

...where \(\omega\) is the box defined by lower and upper.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
levelspecifies which level lower and upper refer to.

◆ query4() [1/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
int query4 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level 
) const

Returns the highest level with which the box defined by lower and upper overlaps.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
levelspecifies which level lower and upper refer to.

◆ query4() [2/2]

template<short_t d, class Z >
int query4 ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  level,
node _node 
) const

query4 returns the highest level with which box [k1, k2] overlaps

◆ select_part()

template<short_t d, class Z >
std::pair< typename gsHDomain< d, Z >::point, typename gsHDomain< d, Z >::point > select_part ( point const &  k1,
point const &  k2,
point const &  k3,
point const &  k4 

Returns two point- upper left and lower right corner of the overlaping part of [k1,k2] and [k3,k4]

k1the lower left corner of the first box
k2the upper right corner of the first box
k3the lower left corner of the second box
k4the upper right corner of the second box

◆ setLevel()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void setLevel ( node _node,
int  lvl 

Sets the level of all descendents of the node _node to level lvl if the level of the node is smaller then lvl. Otherwise the level of node is not changed

*_nodethe node whose descendents are to be set their levels
lvlthe new level for the descendents

◆ sinkBox()

template<short_t d, class Z >
void sinkBox ( point const &  lower,
point const &  upper,
int  lvl 

Sinks the box defined by points lower and upper to one level higher.

[lower, upper] are given by unique knot indices of level lvl.

lowerthe lower left corner of the box
upperthe upper right corner of the box
lvlthe level in which lower and upper are defined