G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
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gsHFitting< d, T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<short_t d, class T>
class gismo::gsHFitting< d, T >

This class applies hierarchical fitting of parametrized point clouds.

Template Parameters
Tcoefficient type
+ Inheritance diagram for gsHFitting< d, T >:
+ Collaboration diagram for gsHFitting< d, T >:

Public Member Functions

void applySmoothing (T lambda, gsSparseMatrix< T > &A_mat)
 Adds to the matrix A_mat terms for minimization of second derivative, weighted with parameter lambda.
void assembleSystem (const gsMatrix< T > &points_int, const gsMatrix< T > &params_int, const gsMatrix< T > &points_bdy, const gsMatrix< T > &params_bdy, const index_t &num_basis, const gsSparseMatrix< T > &NNT, gsSparseMatrix< T > &A_tilde, gsMatrix< T > &rhs)
 assembleSystem: assembles the linear system for the Hybrid Distance Minimization method
void assembleSystem (gsSparseMatrix< T > &A_mat, gsMatrix< T > &B)
 Assembles system for the least square fit.
void blending_weights (const gsSparseMatrix< T > &N_int, const index_t &num_int, const T &mu, const T &sigma, const gsMatrix< T > &params_int, tdm_method method, gsSparseMatrix< T > &NNT)
 blending_weights: computes the blending weights mu and sigma for the balance mu * PDM + sigma * TDM in the HDM method
void compute (T lambda=0)
 compute: Computes the coefficients of the spline geometry via penalized least squares
void compute_normals (const index_t &num_int, const gsMatrix< T > &params_int, gsSparseMatrix< T > &N_int)
 compute_normals: Computes the normals of the fitted geometry at the input parameter values params_int
void compute_tdm (T lambda, T mu, T sigma, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx, tdm_method method=hybrid_curvature_pdm_tdm_boundary_pdm)
 compute_hdm: computes the coefficients of the spline geometry via Hybrid Distance Minimization (HDM)
void computeApproxError (T &error, int type=0) const
void computeErrors ()
std::vector< T > computeErrors (const gsMatrix<> &param_values, const gsMatrix<> &points)
void computeMaxNormErrors ()
gsMatrix< T > fill_pointWiseErrors (const index_t &num_int, T &max_err_int)
 vector of length num_int containing all the point-wise errors; store also the max err value in max_err_int
void get_Error (std::vector< T > &errors, int type=0) const
const std::vector< unsigned > & get_extension () const
 Returns the chosen cell extension.
const gsBasis< T > & getBasis () const
 Returns the basis of the approximation.
std::vector< index_tgetBoxes (const std::vector< T > &errors, const T threshold)
 Returns boxes which define refinment area.
getRefPercentage () const
 Return the refinement percentage.
 gsHFitting ()
 Default constructor.
 gsHFitting (gsMatrix< T > const &param_values, gsMatrix< T > const &points, gsHTensorBasis< d, T > &basis, T refin, const std::vector< unsigned > &extension, T lambda=0)
 gsHFitting: Main constructor of the h-fitting class
void initializeGeometry (const gsMatrix< T > &coefficients, const gsMatrix< T > &parameters)
 initializeGeometry: Initializes the fitted geometry with given coefficients and parameters
void initParametricDomain ()
 Initialize the parametric domain of the point cloud.
gsMatrix< T > inverse_principal_curvatures (const index_t &num_int, const gsMatrix< T > &params_int)
 vector of length num_int containing rho = 1/max(c1, c2), where c1, c2 are the principal curvature values computed at every parametric point params_int
bool is_corner (gsMatrix< T > &parametric_domain, gsVector< T > &parameter)
 check if the given parameter parameter is a corner of the domain parametric_domain
bool is_point_inside_support (const gsMatrix< T > &parameter, const gsMatrix< T > &support)
bool is_point_inside_support (const T x, const T y, const gsMatrix< T > &support)
 check if the given parameter x, y is inside the support support; same as is_point_inside_support, but different input format
bool is_point_within_cell (const gsMatrix< T > &parameter, const gsMatrix< T > &element)
 check if the given parameter parameter is within the cell element
bool is_point_within_cell (const T x, const T y, const gsMatrix< T > &element)
 check if the given parameter x, y is within the cell element; same as is_point_within_cell, but different input format
void iterativeCompute (T const &tolerance, unsigned const &num_iters=10)
 Computes the least squares fit for a gsBasis.
void iterativeRefine (int iterations, T tolerance, T err_threshold=-1)
 iterativeRefine: iteratively refine the basis
lambda () const
 Returns the smoothing weight used in the last fitting.
maxPointError () const
 Returns the maximum point-wise error from the pount cloud (or zero if not fitted)
minPointError () const
 Returns the minimum point-wise error from the pount cloud (or zero if not fitted)
const gsMappedSpline< 2, T > & mresult () const
 gives back the computed approximation for multipatch geometry
bool nextIteration (T tolerance, T err_threshold, const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides, index_t maxPcIter=0)
 Like nextIteration without fixedSides but keeping the values on these sides unchanged throughout the fit.
bool nextIteration (T tolerance, T err_threshold, index_t maxPcIter=0)
 nextIteration: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with PDM fitting without boundary constraints for iterativeRefine;
bool nextIteration_pdm (T tolerance, T err_threshold, const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides, index_t maxPcIter, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx, bool admissibleRef)
 Like nextIteration_pdm without fixedSides but keeping the values on these sides unchanged throughout the fit.
bool nextIteration_pdm (T tolerance, T err_threshold, index_t maxPcIter, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx, bool admissibleRef=false)
 nextIteration_pdm: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with PDM fitting and with boundary constraints;
bool nextIteration_tdm (T tolerance, T err_threshold, const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides, index_t maxPcIter, T mu, T sigma, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx, tdm_method method, bool admissibleRef)
 Like nextIteration_tdm without fixedSides but keeping the values on these sides unchanged throughout the fit.
bool nextIteration_tdm (T tolerance, T err_threshold, index_t maxPcIter, T mu, T sigma, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx, tdm_method method, bool admissibleRef=false)
 nextIteration_tdm: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with HDM fitting and with boundary constraints;
bool nextRefinement (T tolerance, T err_threshold, const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides, index_t maxPcIter=0, bool admissibleRef=false)
 Like nextRefinement without fixedSides but keeping the values on these sides unchanged throughout the fit.
bool nextRefinement (T tolerance, T err_threshold, index_t maxPcIter=0, bool admissibleRef=false)
 nextRefinement: One step of the refinement of iterativeRefine;
size_t numPointsBelow (T threshold) const
 Computes the number of points below the error threshold (or zero if not fitted)
void parameterCorrection (T accuracy=1e-8, index_t maxIter=10, T tolOrth=1e-6)
 parameterCorrection: globally apply maxIter steps of parameter correction to the least squares fitted geometry
void parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_pdm (T accuracy, index_t maxIter, const std::vector< index_t > &sepIndex)
 parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_pdm: apply maxIter steps of parameter correction for PDM method, separating interior and boundary points
void parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_tdm (T accuracy, index_t maxIter, T mu, T sigma, const std::vector< index_t > &sepIndex, tdm_method method=hybrid_curvature_pdm_tdm_boundary_pdm)
 parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_tdm: apply maxIter steps of parameter correction for HDM method, separating interior and boundary points
void parameterProjectionSepBoundary (T accuracy, const std::vector< index_t > &interpIdx)
 parameterProjectionSepBoundary: project the points onto the fitted geometry, separating interior and boundary points
const std::vector< T > & pointWiseErrors () const
 Return the errors for each point.
gsMatrix< T > pointWiseErrors (const gsMatrix<> &parameters, const gsMatrix<> &points)
gsMatrix< T > principal_curvatures (const gsMatrix< T > &params)
 compute the principal curvatures (c1, c2) at the given parameters params
gsGeometry< T > * result () const
 gives back the computed approximation
gsMatrix< T > & returnParamValues ()
 returns the parameter values
gsMatrix< T > returnPoints () const
 returns the points
void setConstraints (const gsSparseMatrix< T > &lhs, const gsMatrix< T > &rhs)
void setConstraints (const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides)
void setConstraints (const std::vector< boxSide > &fixedSides, const std::vector< gsBSpline< T > > &fixedCurves)
void setConstraints (const std::vector< index_t > &indices, const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &coefs)
void setExtension (std::vector< unsigned > const &extension)
 Sets the cell extension.
void setRefPercentage (double refPercent)
 Sets the refinement percentage.
void updateGeometry (gsMatrix< T > coefficients, gsMatrix< T > parameters)
 updateGeometry: Updates the fitted geometry with new coefficients and parameters

Protected Member Functions

virtual void appendBox (std::vector< index_t > &boxes, std::vector< index_t > &cells, const gsVector< T > &parameter)
 Appends a box around parameter to the boxes only if the box is not already in boxes.
void assembleBlockB (const gsMatrix< T > &points, const gsMatrix< T > &params, index_t num_basis, gsSparseMatrix< T > &result) const
 Assembles 3xblock collocation matrix.
void assembleBlockX (const gsMatrix< T > &points, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
 Assembles the right hand side vectors for PDM/TDM.
gsHBoxContainer< d > getMarkedHBoxesFromBasis_max (const gsHTensorBasis< d, T > &basis, const std::vector< T > &errors, const gsMatrix< T > &parameters, T threshold, T extension)
 getMarkedHBoxesFromBasis_max: returns the markd cells to refine admissibiliy.
setRefineThreshold (const std::vector< T > &errors)
 Automatic set the refinement threshold.

Static Protected Member Functions

static void append (std::vector< index_t > &boxes, const gsVector< index_t > &box)
 Appends a box to the end of boxes (This function also works for cells)
static bool isCellAlreadyInserted (const gsVector< index_t, d > &a_cell, const std::vector< index_t > &cells)
 Checks if a_cell is already inserted in container cells.

Protected Attributes

gsFunctionSet< T > * m_basis
 Pointer keeping the basis.
gsSparseMatrix< T > m_constraintsLHS
gsMatrix< T > m_constraintsRHS
std::vector< unsigned > m_ext
 Size of the extension.
 Smoothing parameter.
 Maximum point-wise error.
 Minimum point-wise error.
gsMappedSpline< 2, T > m_mresult
 Pointer keeping the resulting multipatch geometry.
gsMatrix< T > m_param_values
 the parameter values of the point cloud
gsMatrix< T > m_points
 the points of the point cloud
 How many % to refine - 0-1 interval.
gsGeometry< T > * m_result
 Pointer keeping the resulting geometry.

Private Member Functions

void extendSystem (gsSparseMatrix< T > &A_mat, gsMatrix< T > &m_B)
 Extends the system of equations by taking constraints into account.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ gsHFitting()

template<short_t d, class T >
gsHFitting ( gsMatrix< T > const &  param_values,
gsMatrix< T > const &  points,
gsHTensorBasis< d, T > &  basis,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  extension,
lambda = 0 

gsHFitting: Main constructor of the h-fitting class

param_valuesa matrix containing the parameter values that parametrize the points
pointsmatrix containing the points to be fitted
basishiearchical basis to use for fitting
refinpercentage of errors to refine (if this strategy is chosen)
extensionextension to apply to marked cells
lambdasmoothing weight

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembleSystem()

template<class T >
void assembleSystem ( const gsMatrix< T > &  points_int,
const gsMatrix< T > &  params_int,
const gsMatrix< T > &  points_bdy,
const gsMatrix< T > &  params_bdy,
const index_t num_basis,
const gsSparseMatrix< T > &  NNT,
gsSparseMatrix< T > &  A_tilde,
gsMatrix< T > &  rhs 

assembleSystem: assembles the linear system for the Hybrid Distance Minimization method

points_intinterior points
params_intinterior parameters
points_bdyboundary points
params_bdyboundary parameters
num_basisdimension of the basis
NNTmatrix containing the normals and the blending weights
A_tildeoutput system matrix
rhsoutput right-hand side vector

◆ blending_weights()

template<class T >
void blending_weights ( const gsSparseMatrix< T > &  N_int,
const index_t num_int,
const T &  mu,
const T &  sigma,
const gsMatrix< T > &  params_int,
tdm_method  method,
gsSparseMatrix< T > &  NNT 

blending_weights: computes the blending weights mu and sigma for the balance mu * PDM + sigma * TDM in the HDM method

N_intmatrix containing the nomals at the parameters params_int
num_intindeces of the interior parameters
muweight for PDM
sigmaweight for TDM
params_intinput parameter values
methodmethod for computing the blending weights: constant, based on point-wise error, based on curvature
NNToutput matrix containing the normals and the blending weights

◆ compute()

template<class T >
void compute ( lambda = 0)

compute: Computes the coefficients of the spline geometry via penalized least squares

lambdasmoothing weight

◆ compute_normals()

template<class T >
void compute_normals ( const index_t num_int,
const gsMatrix< T > &  params_int,
gsSparseMatrix< T > &  N_int 

compute_normals: Computes the normals of the fitted geometry at the input parameter values params_int

num_intindex of the input parameter values
params_intinput parameter values
N_intmatrix containing the normals

◆ compute_tdm()

template<class T >
void compute_tdm ( lambda,
const std::vector< index_t > &  interpIdx,
tdm_method  method = hybrid_curvature_pdm_tdm_boundary_pdm 

compute_hdm: computes the coefficients of the spline geometry via Hybrid Distance Minimization (HDM)

lambdasmoothing weight
muweight for the PDM
sigmaweight for the TDM
interpIdxvector containing the number of interior points and the indices of the boundary points
methodmethod for computing the blending weights

◆ computeApproxError()

template<class T >
void computeApproxError ( T &  error,
int  type = 0 
) const

Computes the approximation error error of the fitted geometry to the original point cloud type = 0: sum of squares, type = 1: sum of absolute values (l_1 norm)

◆ computeErrors() [1/2]

template<class T >
void computeErrors ( )

Computes the point-wise errors in euclidean norm as well as the max and min errors, and updates the member variables m_pointErrors, m_max_error, m_min_error; different from computeMaxNormErrors(), where the error is computed in inifinity/maximum norm

◆ computeErrors() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::vector< T > computeErrors ( const gsMatrix<> &  param_values,
const gsMatrix<> &  points 

Computes min, max and mse errors in euclidean norms between the fitted geometry at the parameters param_values and the input point cloud points it does not update the member variables

◆ computeMaxNormErrors()

template<class T >
void computeMaxNormErrors ( )

Computes the point-wise errors in infinity/maximum norm as well as the max and min errors, and updates the member variables m_pointErrors, m_max_error, m_min_error; different from computeErrors(), where the error is computed in euclidean norm

◆ get_Error()

template<class T >
void get_Error ( std::vector< T > &  errors,
int  type = 0 
) const

Compute the point-wise errors for each point type = 0: point-wise infinity/maximum norm

◆ getMarkedHBoxesFromBasis_max()

template<short_t d, class T >
gsHBoxContainer< d > getMarkedHBoxesFromBasis_max ( const gsHTensorBasis< d, T > &  basis,
const std::vector< T > &  errors,
const gsMatrix< T > &  parameters,

getMarkedHBoxesFromBasis_max: returns the markd cells to refine admissibiliy.

basisthe hierarchical basis from which we extract the elements of the domain
errorthe pointwise parameter error
parametersthe sites on which the point-wise error is computed
thresholdthe threshold to mark for refinement.

◆ initializeGeometry()

template<class T >
void initializeGeometry ( const gsMatrix< T > &  coefficients,
const gsMatrix< T > &  parameters 

initializeGeometry: Initializes the fitted geometry with given coefficients and parameters

coefficientsthe input coefficients
parametersthe input parameters

◆ is_point_inside_support()

template<class T >
bool is_point_inside_support ( const gsMatrix< T > &  parameter,
const gsMatrix< T > &  support 

check if the given parameter parameter is inside the support support difference with is_point_inside_cell in the inclusion of the left and right interval extremes.

◆ iterativeRefine()

template<short_t d, class T >
void iterativeRefine ( int  iterations,
err_threshold = -1 

iterativeRefine: iteratively refine the basis

iterationsmaximum number of iterations
tolerance(>=0) if the max error is below the tolerance the refinement stops
err_thresholdif non negative all cells with errors bigger than the threshold are refined / If it is equal to -1 the m_ref percentage is used 0 = global refinement

◆ nextIteration()

template<short_t d, class T >
bool nextIteration ( tolerance,
index_t  maxPcIter = 0 

nextIteration: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with PDM fitting without boundary constraints for iterativeRefine;

tolerance(>=0) if the maximum error is below the tolerance the refinement stops;
err_thresholdthe same as in iterativeRefine.

◆ nextIteration_pdm()

template<short_t d, class T >
bool nextIteration_pdm ( tolerance,
index_t  maxPcIter,
const std::vector< index_t > &  interpIdx,
bool  admissibleRef = false 

nextIteration_pdm: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with PDM fitting and with boundary constraints;

tolerance(>=0) if the maximum error is below the tolerance the refinement stops;
err_thresholdthe same as in iterativeRefine.
interpIdxis the index of the boundary points to compute with PDM;
admissibleRefif true, the refinement is admissible.

◆ nextIteration_tdm()

template<short_t d, class T >
bool nextIteration_tdm ( tolerance,
index_t  maxPcIter,
const std::vector< index_t > &  interpIdx,
tdm_method  method,
bool  admissibleRef = false 

nextIteration_tdm: perform one iterazion of adaptive refinement with HDM fitting and with boundary constraints;

tolerance(>=0) if the maximum error is below the tolerance the refinement stops;
err_thresholdthe same as in iterative_refine.
interpIdxis the index of the boundary points to compute with PDM;
admissibleRefif true, the refinement is admissible.

◆ nextRefinement()

template<short_t d, class T >
bool nextRefinement ( tolerance,
index_t  maxPcIter = 0,
bool  admissibleRef = false 

nextRefinement: One step of the refinement of iterativeRefine;

tolerance(>=0) if the maximum error is below the tolerance the refinement stops;
err_thresholdsame as in iterativeRefine;
maxPcIternumber of parameter correction steps;
admissibleRefif true, the marking for refinement is admissible.

◆ parameterCorrection()

template<class T >
void parameterCorrection ( accuracy = 1e-8,
index_t  maxIter = 10,
tolOrth = 1e-6 

parameterCorrection: globally apply maxIter steps of parameter correction to the least squares fitted geometry

accuracyaccuracy of the closest point computation
maxItermaximum number of parameter correction steps
tolOrthorthogonality tolerance

◆ parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_pdm()

template<class T >
void parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_pdm ( accuracy,
index_t  maxIter,
const std::vector< index_t > &  sepIndex 

parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_pdm: apply maxIter steps of parameter correction for PDM method, separating interior and boundary points

accuracyaccuracy of the closest point computation
maxItermaximum number of parameter correction steps
sepIndexvector containing the number of interior points and the indices of the boundary points

◆ parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_tdm()

template<class T >
void parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_tdm ( accuracy,
index_t  maxIter,
const std::vector< index_t > &  sepIndex,
tdm_method  method = hybrid_curvature_pdm_tdm_boundary_pdm 

parameterCorrectionSepBoundary_tdm: apply maxIter steps of parameter correction for HDM method, separating interior and boundary points

accuracyaccuracy of the closest point computation
maxItermaximum number of parameter correction steps
muweight for PDM
sigmaweight for TDM
sepIndexvector containing the number of interior points and the indices of the boundary points
methodmethod for computing the blending weights

◆ parameterProjectionSepBoundary()

template<class T >
void parameterProjectionSepBoundary ( accuracy,
const std::vector< index_t > &  interpIdx 

parameterProjectionSepBoundary: project the points onto the fitted geometry, separating interior and boundary points

accuracyaccuracy of the closest point computation, for the foot-point projection
interpIdxvector containing the number of interior points and the indices of the boundary points

◆ pointWiseErrors()

template<class T >
gsMatrix< T > pointWiseErrors ( const gsMatrix<> &  parameters,
const gsMatrix<> &  points 

Compute point-wise error in euclidean norm between the fitted geometry at the parameters parameters and the input point cloud points similar to computeErrors(), but different input and output format; it does not update the member variables

◆ setConstraints() [1/4]

template<class T >
void setConstraints ( const gsSparseMatrix< T > &  lhs,
const gsMatrix< T > &  rhs 

Sets constraints that the coefficients of the resulting geometry have to conform to. More precisely, denoting the coefficient vector by x, it enforces lhs * x = rhs.

◆ setConstraints() [2/4]

template<class T >
void setConstraints ( const std::vector< boxSide > &  fixedSides)

Sets constraints in such a way that the previous values at fixedSides of the geometry remain intact.

◆ setConstraints() [3/4]

template<class T >
void setConstraints ( const std::vector< boxSide > &  fixedSides,
const std::vector< gsBSpline< T > > &  fixedCurves 

Set constraints in such a way that the resulting geometry on each of fixedSides will coincide with the corresponding curve in fixedCurves.

◆ setConstraints() [4/4]

template<class T >
void setConstraints ( const std::vector< index_t > &  indices,
const std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &  coefs 

Sets constraints on that the coefficients of the resulting geometry have to conform to.

indicesindices (in the coefficient vector) of the prescribed coefficients.
coefsprescribed coefficients.

◆ updateGeometry()

template<class T >
void updateGeometry ( gsMatrix< T >  coefficients,
gsMatrix< T >  parameters 

updateGeometry: Updates the fitted geometry with new coefficients and parameters

coefficientsthe new coefficients
parametersthe new parameters

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_constraintsLHS

template<class T >
gsSparseMatrix<T> m_constraintsLHS

Left hand-side of the constraints that the coefficients of the resulting geometry have to conform to. This corresponds to matrix D in Prautzch, Boehm, Paluszny: Bezier and B-spline techniques, Section 4.7.

◆ m_constraintsRHS

template<class T >
gsMatrix<T> m_constraintsRHS

Right hand-side of the constraints that the coefficients of the resulting geometry have to conform to. This corresponds to vector q in Prautzch, Boehm, Paluszny: Bezier and B-spline techniques, Section 4.7.