void | _computeMetricDeformed (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Computes metric quantities on the deformed geometry.
void | _computeMetricUndeformed (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Computes metric quantities on the undeformed geometry.
void | _computePStrain (const gsMatrix< T > &C) const |
| Computes the stretch given deformation tensor C, into class members m_stretches and m_stretchDirs.
void | _computePStress (const gsMatrix< T > &C) const |
| Computes the principal stresses of a given stress tensor S, into class members m_pstress and m_pstressvec.
void | _computeStretch (const gsMatrix< T > &C, const gsMatrix< T > &gcon_ori) const |
| Computes the stretch given deformation tensor C, into class members m_stretches and m_stretchDirs.
std::pair< gsVector< T >, gsMatrix< T > > | _evalPStrain (const gsMatrix< T > &C) const |
| Computes the principal strain given deformation tensor C, into a pair.
std::pair< gsVector< T >, gsMatrix< T > > | _evalPStress (const gsMatrix< T > &S) const |
| Computes the principal stress given stress tensor S, into a pair.
std::pair< gsVector< T >, gsMatrix< T > > | _evalStretch (const gsMatrix< T > &C, const gsMatrix< T > &gcon_ori) const |
| Computes the stretch given deformation tensor C, into a pair.
gsMatrix< T > | _getAcon_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant a tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getacon_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant basis vector a on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getAcon_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant a tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getacon_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant basis vector a on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getAcov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant a tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getacov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant basis vector a on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getAcov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant a tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getacov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant basis vector a on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getBcov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant b tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getBcov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant b tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getGcon_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant metric tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getgcon_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant basis vector g on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getGcon_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant metric tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getgcon_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the contravariant basis vector g on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getGcov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant metric tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getgcov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant basis vector g on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getGcov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant metric tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getgcov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant basis vector g on the original geometry.
void | _getMetric (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Gets metric quantities on the deformed and undeformed geometries.
void | _getMetric (index_t k, T z, const gsMatrix< T > &C) const |
| Gets metric quantities on the deformed and undeformed geometries.
void | _getMetricDeformed (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Gets metric quantities on the deformed geometry.
void | _getMetricUndeformed (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Gets metric quantities on the undeformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getncov_def (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant n tensor on the deformed geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _getncov_ori (index_t k, T z) const |
| Returns the covariant n tensor on the original geometry.
gsMatrix< T > | _transformation (const gsMatrix< T > &basis1, const gsMatrix< T > &basis2) const |
| Computes the stretch given deformation tensor C, into class members m_stretches and m_stretchDirs.
virtual void | defaultOptions () override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual void | density_into (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_CauchyStress (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| { function_description }
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_CauchyVector (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the Cauchy Stress vector on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_con2cart (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_cov2cart (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_deformation (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_detF (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| { function_description }
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_dmatrix (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the derivative of the matrix on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_matrix (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the matrix on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstrain (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstress (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the principal stress on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstressDir (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the principal stress directions on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstressTransform (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const |
| Provides the transformation of the principle stresses.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstretch (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstretchDir (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_pstretchTransform (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const |
| Provides the transformation of the principle stretches.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_spec2con (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_spec2cov (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_strain (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_strain (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| { function_description }
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_stress (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| { function_description }
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_tensionfield (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, const gsMatrix< T > &z, enum MaterialOutput out) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_tensionfield (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| to do
virtual gsMatrix< T > | eval3D_vector (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, const gsMatrix< T > &, enum MaterialOutput) const |
| Evaluates the vector on patch on in-plane points u with height z.
virtual const function_ptr | getDensity () const |
| Gets the Density.
virtual const function_ptr | getParameter (const index_t i) const |
| Gets parameter i.
virtual const function_ptr | getThickness () const |
| Gets the Density.
virtual bool | hasDensity () const |
| Returns true if a density is assigned.
virtual bool | hasThickness () const |
| Returns true if a thickness is assigned.
virtual void | info () const |
| Prints info.
virtual enum MatIntegration | isMatIntegrated () const |
| Specifies how the matrix is integrated.
virtual enum MatIntegration | isVecIntegrated () const |
| Specifies how the vector is integrated.
virtual gsMaterialMatrixBase< T > * | material () |
| Returns this.
virtual const gsMaterialMatrixBase< T > * | material () const |
| Returns this.
virtual index_t | numParameters () const |
| Gets the number of parameters.
virtual gsOptionList & | options () |
| Returns the options.
virtual void | parameters_into (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os) const |
| Prints the object as a string.
virtual void | pstress_into (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| Evaluates the priciple stresses in the shell (3x1 vector)
virtual void | pstressDir_into (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| Evaluates the directions of the priciple stresses in the shell (3x1 vector per direction)
virtual void | pstretch_into (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| Evaluates the stretches in the shell (3x1 vector)
virtual void | pstretchDir_into (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| Evaluates the directions of the stretches in the shell (3x1 vector per direction)
virtual void | resetParameters () |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual void | setDensity (const gsFunctionSet< T > &Density) |
| Sets the density.
virtual void | setDensity (function_ptr Density) |
| Sets the density.
virtual void | setOptions (gsOptionList opt) |
| Sets the options.
virtual void | setParameter (const index_t i, const function_ptr &par) |
| Sets the material parameters.
virtual void | setParameter (const index_t i, const gsFunctionSet< T > &par) |
| Sets the material parameters.
virtual void | setParameters (const std::vector< function_ptr > &pars) |
| Sets the material parameters.
virtual void | setParameters (const std::vector< gsFunctionSet< T > * > &pars) |
| Sets the material parameters.
virtual void | setThickness (const function_ptr &thickness) |
| Sets the thickness.
virtual void | setThickness (const gsFunctionSet< T > &thickness) |
| Sets the thickness.
virtual void | thickness_into (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const override |
| See gsMaterialMatrixBase for details.
virtual void | transform_into (const index_t, const gsMatrix< T > &, gsMatrix< T > &) const |
| Constructs a transformation matrix that transforms a quantity (IN VOIGHT NOTATION) in the spectral basis to the (undeformed) convariant basis.
virtual | ~gsMaterialMatrixBaseDim () |
| Destructor.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, void >::type | _computeMetricDeformed_impl (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Implementation of _computeMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, void >::type | _computeMetricDeformed_impl (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Implementation of _computeMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, void >::type | _computeMetricUndeformed_impl (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Implementation of _getMetric for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, void >::type | _computeMetricUndeformed_impl (const index_t patch, const gsMatrix< T > &u) const |
| Implementation of _getMetric for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getBcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getBcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getBcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getBcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcon_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcon_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcon_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcon_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getgcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getgcov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getGcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getgcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getgcov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, void >::type | _getMetric_impl (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricDeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, void >::type | _getMetricDeformed_impl (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricDeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, void >::type | _getMetricDeformed_impl (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricDeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, void >::type | _getMetricUndeformed_impl (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, void >::type | _getMetricUndeformed_impl (const index_t k, const T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getncov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getncov_def_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==2, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getncov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for planar geometries.
template<short_t _dim> |
std::enable_if< _dim==3, gsMatrix< T > >::type | _getncov_ori_impl (index_t k, T z) const |
| Implementation of _getMetricUndeformed for surface geometries.