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gsElasticity Directory Reference


directory  examples
directory  filedata


file  .gitignore
file  gsALE.h [code]
 Implementation of mesh deformation method for partitioned FSI solver.
file  gsALE.hpp [code]
 Implementation of gsALE.
file  gsBaseAssembler.h [code]
 Base class for assemblers of gsElasticity.
file  gsBaseAssembler.hpp [code]
 Provides implementation for gsBaseAssembler.
file  gsBasePde.h [code]
 IMHO, a useless class, but it is necessary to use the gsAssembler class. Contains proper information for elasticity and Navier-Stokes solvers.
file  gsBaseUtils.h [code]
 Provides several simple utility and naming classes.
file  gsBiharmonicAssembler.h [code]
file  gsBiharmonicAssembler.hpp [code]
file  gsElasticityAssembler.h [code]
 Provides linear and nonlinear elasticity systems for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
file  gsElasticityAssembler.hpp [code]
 Provides linear and nonlinear elasticity systems for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
file  gsElasticityFunctions.h [code]
 Provides useful classes derived from gsFunction which can be used for visualization or coupling.
file  gsElasticityFunctions.hpp [code]
 Provides useful classes derived from gsFunction which can be used for visualization or coupling.
file  gsElPoissonAssembler.h [code]
 Provides stiffness matrix for Poisson's equations.
file  gsElPoissonAssembler.hpp [code]
 Provides stiffness matrix for Poisson's equation.
file  gsElTimeIntegrator.h [code]
 Provides time integration for dynamical elasticity.
file  gsElTimeIntegrator.hpp [code]
 A class providing time integration for dynamical elasticity.
file  gsGeoUtils.h [code]
 Provides isogeometric meshing and modelling routines.
file  gsGeoUtils.hpp [code]
 Provides isogeometric meshing and modelling routines.
file  gsIterative.h [code]
 A class providing an iterative solver for nonlinear problems.
file  gsIterative.hpp [code]
 Implementation of gsElIterative.
file  gsMassAssembler.h [code]
 Provides mass matrix for elasticity systems in 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
file  gsMassAssembler.hpp [code]
file  gsMuscleAssembler.h [code]
 Provides elasticity systems for muscle simulations.
file  gsMuscleAssembler.hpp [code]
 Implements gsMuscleAssembler.h.
file  gsNsAssembler.h [code]
 Provides matrix and rhs assebmly for stationary and transient incompressible Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations.
file  gsNsAssembler.hpp [code]
 Implementation of gsNsAssembler.
file  gsNsTimeIntegrator.h [code]
 Provides time integration for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
file  gsNsTimeIntegrator.hpp [code]
 A class providing time integration for incompressible Navier-Stokes.
file  gsPartitionedFSI.h [code]
 Partitioned FSI solver.
file  gsPartitionedFSI.hpp [code]
 Implementation of gsPartitionedFSI.
file  gsThermoAssembler.h [code]
 Provides a thermal expansion solver for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
file  gsThermoAssembler.hpp [code]
 Provides assembler implementation for the gsThermoAssembler.
file  gsVisitorBiharmonic.h [code]
file  gsVisitorElasticityNeumann.h [code]
 Visitor class for the surface load integration.
file  gsVisitorElPoisson.h [code]
 Visitor class for Poisson's equation.
file  gsVisitorElUtils.h [code]
 Tensor operations for elasticity.
file  gsVisitorLinearElasticity.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of the linear elasticity system.
file  gsVisitorMass.h [code]
file  gsVisitorMixedLinearElasticity.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of the mixed linear elasticity system.
file  gsVisitorMixedNonLinearElasticity.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of the mixed nonlinear elasticity system.
file  gsVisitorMuscle.h [code]
 Visitor class for the nonlinear elasticity solver with a muscle material. The material model is based on the paper by M.H.Gfrerer and B.Simeon "Fiber-based modeling and simulation of skeletal muscles".
file  gsVisitorNavierStokes.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of thetangential Navier-Stokes system.
file  gsVisitorNonLinearElasticity.h [code]
 Element visitor for nonlinear elasticity for 2D plain strain and 3D continua.
file  gsVisitorStokes.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of the Stokes system.
file  gsVisitorThermo.h [code]
 Visitor class for volumetric integration of the thermal stress.
file  gsVisitorThermoBoundary.h [code]
 Visitor class for surface integration of the thermal stress.
file  gsWriteParaviewMultiPhysics.h [code]
 Allows to write several fields defined on the same geometry in one file, making it easier to operate with them inside Paraview. Ideally should be a part of gismoIO module,.
file  gsWriteParaviewMultiPhysics.hpp [code]