G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
Assembler module

Detailed Description

This module is responsible for generating matrices that discretize a PDE.


namespace  gismo::expr
 This namespace contains expressions used for FE computations.


class  gsAssembler< T >
 The assembler class provides generic routines for volume and boundary integrals that are used for for matrix and right-hand side generation. More...
class  gsCDRAssembler< T >
 Implementation of an (multiple righ-hand side) Poisson solver. More...
class  gsCPPInterface< T >
 Provides a mapping between the corresponding sides of two patches sharing an interface, by means of a closest point projection.
class  gsGaussRule< T >
 Class that represents the (tensor) Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule. More...
class  gsGenericAssembler< T >
 Assembles mass and stiffness matrices and right-hand sides on a given domain. More...
class  gsHeatEquation< T >
 Constructs the assembler for the discretized isogeometric heat equation. More...
class  gsLobattoRule< T >
 Class that represents the (tensor) Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule. More...
class  gsNewtonCotesRule< T >
 Class that represents the (tensor) Newton-Cotes quadrature rule. More...
class  gsOverIntegrateRule< T >
 Class that defines a mixed quadrature rule with different rules for the interior and the boundaries. More...
class  gsPatchRule< T >
 Class that represents the (tensor) patch quadrature rule. More...
class  gsPoissonAssembler< T >
 Implementation of an (multiple right-hand side) Poisson assembler. More...
class  gsQuadRule< T >
 Class representing a reference quadrature rule. More...
class  gsRemapInterface< T >
 Provides a mapping between the corresponding sides of two patches sharing an interface. More...
class  gsSparseSystem< T, symm >
 A sparse linear system indexed by sets of degrees of freedom. More...
class  gsVisitorBiharmonic< T >
 Visitor for the biharmonic equation. More...
class  gsVisitorCDR< T >
 Visitor for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. More...
class  gsVisitorDg< T >
 Visitor for adding the interface conditions for the interior penalty methods of the Poisson problem. More...
class  gsVisitorGradGrad< T >
 The visitor computes element grad-grad integrals. More...
class  gsVisitorMass< T >
 The visitor computes element mass integrals. More...
class  gsVisitorMoments< T, paramCoef >
 Visitor for the moment vector of a function. More...
class  gsVisitorNeumann< T >
 Implementation of a Neumann BC for elliptic assemblers. More...
class  gsVisitorNeumannBiharmonic< T >
 Visitor for Neumann boundary condition for the biharmonic equation. More...
class  gsVisitorNitsche< T >
 Visitor for adding the terms associated to weak (Nitsche-type) imposition of the Dirichlet boundary conditions. More...
class  gsVisitorNitscheBiharmonic< T >
 Visitor for the weak imposition of the first-type dirichlet boundary condition. More...
class  gsVisitorPoisson< T, paramCoef >
 Visitor for the Poisson equation. More...


template<bool _coarsen, bool _admissible>
void _markElements (const std::vector< T > &elError, const index_t refCriterion, const std::vector< gsHBoxCheck< 2, T > * > &predicates, HBoxContainer &elMarked) const
 Marks elements/cells for refinement.
template<class T >
void gsMarkElementsForRef (const std::vector< T > &elError, int refCriterion, T refParameter, std::vector< bool > &elMarked)
 Marks elements/cells for refinement.
 gsPoissonAssembler (gsMultiPatch< T > const &patches, gsMultiBasis< T > const &basis, gsBoundaryConditions< T > const &bconditions, const gsFunction< T > &rhs, dirichlet::strategy dirStrategy=dirichlet::elimination, iFace::strategy intStrategy=iFace::glue)
 Constructor of the assembler object.
template<class T >
void gsRefineMarkedElements (gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const std::vector< bool > &elMarked, index_t refExtension=0)
 Refine a gsMultiBasis, based on a vector of element-markings.
template<class T >
void gsUnrefineMarkedElements (gsMultiBasis< T > &basis, const std::vector< bool > &elMarked, index_t refExtension=0)
 Unrefine a gsMultiBasis, based on a vector of element-markings.

Function Documentation

◆ _markElements()

template<class T >
template<bool _coarsen, bool _admissible>
void _markElements ( const std::vector< T > &  elError,
const index_t  refCriterion,
const std::vector< gsHBoxCheck< 2, T > * > &  predicates,
HBoxContainer elMarked 
) const

Marks elements/cells for refinement.

Let the global error/error estimate \(\eta\) be a sum of element/cell-wise local contributions:

\[ \eta = \sum_{K} \eta_k \quad \mathrm{or} \quad \eta^2 = \sum_K \eta_K^2 \]

Computes a threshold \(\Theta\) and marks all elements \(K\) for refinement, for which

\[ \eta_K \geq \Theta \]

holds. Three criteria for computing \(\Theta\) are currently (26.Nov.2014) implemented:

Let \(\rho\) denote the m_input parameter parameter.

refCriterion = 1 = treshold, GARU-criterion (greatest appearing eRror utilization):
Threshold computed based on the largest of all appearing local errors:

\[ \Theta = \rho \cdot \max_K \{ \eta_K \} \]

The actual number of marked elements can vary in each refinement step, depending on the distribution of the error.

refCriterion = 2 = cellPercentage, PUCA-criterion (percentile-utilizing cutoff ascertainment):
In each step, a certain percentage of all elements are marked.

\[ \Theta = (1-\rho)\cdot 100\ \textrm{-percentile of}\ \{ \eta_K \}_K \]

For example, if \(\rho = 0.8\), those 20% of all elements which have the largest local errors are marked for refinement.

refCriterion = 3 = errorFraction, BULK-criterion ("Doerfler-marking"):
The threshold is chosen in such a manner that the local errors on the marked cells sum up to a certain fraction of the global error:

\[ \sum_{ K:\ \eta_K \geq \Theta } \eta_K \geq (1-\rho) \cdot \eta \]

elErrorstd::vector of local errors on some elements.
refCriterionselects the criterion (see above) for marking elements.
parameterparameter \( \rho \) for refinement criterion (see above).
\(\rho = 0\) corresponds to global refinement,
\( \rho=1\) corresponds to (almost) no refinement.
[out]elMarkedstd::vector of Booleans indicating whether the corresponding element is marked or not.

◆ gsMarkElementsForRef()

template<class T >
void gsMarkElementsForRef ( const std::vector< T > &  elError,
int  refCriterion,
std::vector< bool > &  elMarked 

Marks elements/cells for refinement.

Let the global error/error estimate \(\eta\) be a sum of element/cell-wise local contributions:

\[ \eta = \sum_{K} \eta_k \quad \mathrm{or} \quad \eta^2 = \sum_K \eta_K^2 \]

Computes a threshold \(\Theta\) and marks all elements \(K\) for refinement, for which

\[ \eta_K \geq \Theta \]

holds. Three criteria for computing \(\Theta\) are currently (26.Nov.2014) implemented:

Let \(\rho\) denote the input parameter refParameter.

refCriterion = 1 = treshold, GARU-criterion (greatest appearing eRror utilization):
Threshold computed based on the largest of all appearing local errors:

\[ \Theta = \rho \cdot \max_K \{ \eta_K \} \]

The actual number of marked elements can vary in each refinement step, depending on the distribution of the error.

refCriterion = 2 = cellPercentage, PUCA-criterion (percentile-utilizing cutoff ascertainment):
In each step, a certain percentage of all elements are marked.

\[ \Theta = (1-\rho)\cdot 100\ \textrm{-percentile of}\ \{ \eta_K \}_K \]

For example, if \(\rho = 0.8\), those 20% of all elements which have the largest local errors are marked for refinement.

refCriterion = 3 = errorFraction, BULK-criterion ("Doerfler-marking"):
The threshold is chosen in such a manner that the local errors on the marked cells sum up to a certain fraction of the global error:

\[ \sum_{ K:\ \eta_K \geq \Theta } \eta_K \geq (1-\rho) \cdot \eta \]

elErrorstd::vector of local errors on some elements.
refCriterionselects the criterion (see above) for marking elements.
refParameterparameter \( \rho \) for refinement criterion (see above).
\(\rho = 0\) corresponds to global refinement,
\( \rho=1\) corresponds to (almost) no refinement.
[out]elMarkedstd::vector of Booleans indicating whether the corresponding element is marked or not.

◆ gsPoissonAssembler()

template<class T >
gsPoissonAssembler ( gsMultiPatch< T > const &  patches,
gsMultiBasis< T > const &  basis,
gsBoundaryConditions< T > const &  bconditions,
const gsFunction< T > &  rhs,
dirichlet::strategy  dirStrategy = dirichlet::elimination,
iFace::strategy  intStrategy = iFace::glue 

Constructor of the assembler object.

[in]patchesis a gsMultiPatch object describing the geometry.
[in]basisa multi-basis that contains patch-wise bases
[in]bconditionsis a gsBoundaryConditions object that holds all boundary conditions.
[in]rhsis the right-hand side of the Poisson equation, \(\mathbf{f}\).
[in]dirStrategyoption for the treatment of Dirichlet boundary
[in]intStrategyoption for the treatment of patch interfaces

◆ gsRefineMarkedElements()

template<class T >
void gsRefineMarkedElements ( gsMultiBasis< T > &  basis,
const std::vector< bool > &  elMarked,
index_t  refExtension = 0 

Refine a gsMultiBasis, based on a vector of element-markings.

Given the vector of element-markings (see gsRefineMarkedElements()), the corresponding element in the mesh underlying basis is refined.

It is possible to extend the refinement to the neighbouring elements of the marked area by setting the parameter refExtension.
This parameter is given as number of cells at the level of the marked element before refinement.

The ordering/numbering of the elements is implicitly defined by the numbering of the patches in gsMultiBasis, and by the gsDomainIterator of the respective patch-wise basis!
basisgsMultiBasis to be refined adaptively.
elMarkedstd::vector of Booleans indicating for each element of the mesh underlying basis, whether it should be refined or not.
refExtensionSpecifies how large the refinement extension should be. Given as number of cells at the level before refinement.
Make gsRefineMarkedElements a member of gsMultiBasis and propagate to gsBasis

◆ gsUnrefineMarkedElements()

template<class T >
void gsUnrefineMarkedElements ( gsMultiBasis< T > &  basis,
const std::vector< bool > &  elMarked,
index_t  refExtension = 0 

Unrefine a gsMultiBasis, based on a vector of element-markings.

Given the vector of element-markings (see gsRefineMarkedElements()), the corresponding element in the mesh underlying basis is refined.

It is possible to extend the refinement to the neighbouring elements of the marked area by setting the parameter refExtension.
This parameter is given as number of cells at the level of the marked element before refinement.

The ordering/numbering of the elements is implicitly defined by the numbering of the patches in gsMultiBasis, and by the gsDomainIterator of the respective patch-wise basis!
basisgsMultiBasis to be refined adaptively.
elMarkedstd::vector of Booleans indicating for each element of the mesh underlying basis, whether it should be refined or not.
refExtensionSpecifies how large the refinement extension should be. Given as number of cells at the level before refinement.
Make gsRefineMarkedElements a member of gsMultiBasis and propagate to gsBasis