short_t d,
class T>
42 const index_t shift = ( par ? -1 : 1);
44 std::vector<index_t> temp;
48 for(
size_t i = 0; i != m_xmatrix.size(); i++)
51 "Offset cannot be bigger than the amount of basis"
52 "functions orthogonal to Boxside s!");
54 index_t r = ( par ? this->m_bases[i]->size(k) - 1 : 0);
55 for (
typename CMatrix::const_iterator it = m_xmatrix[i].begin();
56 it != m_xmatrix[i].end(); it++)
58 ind = this->m_bases[i]->tensorIndex(*it);
62 hi = this->flatTensorIndexToHierachicalIndex(this->m_bases[i]->index(ind),i);
64 GISMO_ASSERT(hi!=-1,
"Neightbouring basis function with coordinates "<<ind.transpose()<<
" of level "<<i<<
" does not exist.");
70 return makeMatrix<index_t>(temp.begin(),temp.size(),1 );
short_t d,
class T>
78 GISMO_ASSERT(d-1>=0,
"d must be greater or equal than 1");
79 GISMO_ASSERT(dir_fixed>=0 &&
"cannot fix a dir greater than dim or smaller than 0");
80 const boxSide side(dir_fixed,0);
82 this->m_bases[0]->boundaryBasis(side);
88 std::vector<index_t> boxes;
89 this->getBoxesAlongSlice(dir_fixed,par,boxes);
short_t d,
class T>
99 this->m_is_truncated.resize(this->size());
100 m_presentation.clear();
104 for (
index_t j = 0; j < this->size(); ++j)
106 index_t level = this->levelOf(j);
107 index_t tensor_index = this->flatTensorIndexOf(j, level);
110 this->m_bases[level]->elementSupport_into(tensor_index, element_ind);
113 low = element_ind.col(0);
114 high = element_ind.col(1);
117 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(level,low);
118 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(level,high);
125 index_t clevel = this->m_tree.query4(low, high, level);
129 this->m_tree.computeFinestIndex(low, level, low);
130 this->m_tree.computeFinestIndex(high, level, high);
132 this->m_is_truncated[j] = clevel;
133 _representBasisFunction(j, clevel, low, high);
137 this->m_is_truncated[j] = -1;
short_t d,
class T>
145 const unsigned pres_level,
149 const unsigned cur_level = this->levelOf(j);
153 act_size_of_coefs.fill(1);
156 unsigned nmb_of_coefs = _updateSizeOfCoefs(cur_level, pres_level,
157 finest_low, finest_high,
161 coefs.row(0).setOnes();
166 vec_nmb_of_coefs.fill(1);
168 unsigned tensor_index = this->flatTensorIndexOf(j, cur_level);
172 this->m_bases[cur_level]->tensorIndex(tensor_index);
176 std::vector<gsKnotVector<T> > vector_of_kv(d);
180 cur_size_of_coefs.fill(1);
182 for (
unsigned level = cur_level; level < pres_level; ++level)
184 _updateSizeOfCoefs(level, level + 1, finest_low,
185 finest_high, cur_size_of_coefs);
192 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_low, level, clow);
193 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_high, level, chigh);
196 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level,clow);
197 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level,chigh);
199 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_low, level + 1, flow);
200 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_high, level + 1, fhigh);
203 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level + 1,flow);
204 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level + 1,fhigh);
207 std::vector<T> knots;
209 for (
unsigned dim = 0; dim < d; ++dim)
214 if (level == cur_level)
215 vector_of_kv[dim] = ckv;
218 std::set_symmetric_difference(ckv.
beginAt(clow[dim]), ckv.
220 std::back_inserter(knots));
225 typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator>
226 (vector_of_kv[dim], bspl_vec_ti[dim], coefs, vec_nmb_of_coefs,
228 cur_size_of_coefs, dim, knots.begin(), knots.end(),
232 _truncate(coefs, act_size_of_coefs, cur_size_of_coefs,
233 level + 1, bspl_vec_ti, cur_level, finest_low);
235 _saveNewBasisFunPresentation(coefs, act_size_of_coefs,
236 j, pres_level, finest_low);
short_t d,
class T>
245 const unsigned pres_level,
248 const unsigned level = this->levelOf(j);
249 const unsigned tensor_index = this->flatTensorIndexOf(j, level);
252 this->m_bases[level]->tensorIndex(tensor_index);
255 const unsigned f_ten_index = _basisFunIndexOnLevel(bspl_vec_ti, level,
256 finest_low, pres_level);
259 bspline::buildCoeffsStrides<d>(act_size_of_coefs, act_coefs_strides);
268 bspline::getLastIndexLocal<d>(act_size_of_coefs, last_point);
270 this->m_presentation[j] =
282 unsigned ten_index = f_ten_index;
283 for (
unsigned dim = 0; dim < d; dim++)
285 ten_index += position(dim) *
286 this->m_bases[pres_level]->stride(
289 unsigned coef_index = bspline::getIndex<d>(act_coefs_strides, position);
291 if (coefs(coef_index) != 0)
292 presentation(ten_index) = coefs(coef_index);
short_t d,
class T>
302 const unsigned level,
304 const unsigned new_level)
307 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(fin_low, level, low);
310 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(fin_low, new_level, flow);
314 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level,low);
315 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(new_level,flow);
320 for (
unsigned dim = 0; dim < d; dim++)
323 this->m_bases[level]->knots(dim);
326 this->m_bases[new_level]->knots(dim);
334 return this->m_bases[new_level]->index(new_index);
short_t d,
class T>
343 const unsigned level,
345 const unsigned bspl_vec_ti_level,
349 if (this->m_xmatrix[level].size() == 0)
353 const unsigned const_ten_index = _basisFunIndexOnLevel(bspl_vec_ti,
354 bspl_vec_ti_level, finest_low, level);
356 bspline::buildCoeffsStrides<d>(act_size_of_coefs, act_coefs_strides);
360 bspline::getLastIndexLocal<d>(size_of_coefs, last_point);
369 unsigned xmatrix_index = 0;
370 unsigned tensor_active_index = this->m_xmatrix[level][0];
372 unsigned numb_of_point = size_of_coefs[0];
383 unsigned ten_index = const_ten_index;
384 for (
unsigned dim = 1; dim < d; dim++)
386 ten_index += position(dim) *
387 this->m_bases[level]->stride(
390 unsigned coef_index = bspline::getIndex<d>(act_coefs_strides, position);
392 for (
unsigned index = 0; index < numb_of_point; ++index)
394 if (tensor_active_index < ten_index)
396 while(tensor_active_index < ten_index)
399 if (xmatrix_index == this->m_xmatrix[level].size())
407 tensor_active_index =
408 this->m_xmatrix[level][xmatrix_index];
412 if (ten_index == tensor_active_index)
413 coefs(coef_index + index, 0) = 0;
short_t d,
class T>
425 const unsigned clevel,
426 const unsigned flevel,
433 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_low, clevel, clow);
434 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_high, clevel, chigh);
437 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_low, flevel, flow);
438 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(finest_high, flevel, fhigh);
442 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(clevel,clow);
443 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(clevel,chigh);
444 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(flevel,flow);
445 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(flevel,fhigh);
448 unsigned nmb_of_coefs = 1;
450 for (
unsigned dim = 0; dim < d; ++dim)
453 this->m_bases[clevel]->knots(dim);
455 this->m_bases[flevel]->knots(dim);
463 size_of_coefs(dim) += fnmb_knts - cnmb_knts;
464 nmb_of_coefs *= size_of_coefs(dim);
short_t d,
class T>
472typename util::enable_if<dd==2,void>::type
482 const unsigned loc2glob = ( 1<< (this->maxLevel() - level) );
483 if( b1[0]%loc2glob != 0 ) b1[0] -= b1[0]%loc2glob;
484 if( b1[1]%loc2glob != 0 ) b1[1] -= b1[1]%loc2glob;
485 if( b2[0]%loc2glob != 0 ) b2[0] += loc2glob -(b2[0]%loc2glob);
486 if( b2[1]%loc2glob != 0 ) b2[1] += loc2glob -(b2[1]%loc2glob);
490 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex( b1, level, b1_outputs );
491 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex( b2, level, b2_outputs );
492 int i0 = b1_outputs(0);
493 int i1 = b2_outputs(0);
494 int j0 = b1_outputs(1);
495 int j1 = b2_outputs(1);
496 i0 = m_bases[level]->knots(0).lastKnotIndex(i0) - m_deg[0];
497 i1 = m_bases[level]->knots(0).firstKnotIndex(i1) - 1;
498 j0 = m_bases[level]->knots(1).lastKnotIndex(j0) - m_deg[1];
499 j1 = m_bases[level]->knots(1).firstKnotIndex(j1) - 1;
501 const index_t sz0 = m_bases[level]->size(0);
502 const index_t newSz = (i1 - i0 + 1)*(j1 - j0 + 1);
503 cp.resize(newSz, geom_coef.cols());
506 globalRefinement(geom_coef, level, temp);
509 for(
int j = j0; j <= j1; j++)
510 for(
int k = i0; k <= i1; k++)
511 cp.row(cc++) = temp.row(j*sz0+k);
515 m_bases[level]->knots(0).begin() + i1 + m_deg[0] + 2);
517 m_bases[level]->knots(1).begin() + j1 + m_deg[1] + 2);
short_t d,
class T>
526 this->m_tree.getBoxes(b1,b2,level);
527 int nboxes = level.size();
532 p1.resize(this->dim());
533 p2.resize(this->dim());
536 nvertices.resize(nboxes,this->dim());
538 for (
int i = 0; i < nboxes; i++)
540 p1 = b1.row(i).transpose();
541 p2 = b2.row(i).transpose();
543 this->getBsplinePatchGlobal(p1, p2, level[i], geom_coef, temp1, cku, ckv);
551 int cprows = cp.rows();
552 temp2.resize(cp.rows()+temp1.rows(),cp.cols());
554 for (
int j = 0; j < cp.rows(); j++)
556 for (
int k = 0; k < cp.cols(); k++)
558 temp2(j,k) = cp(j,k);
562 for (
int j = 0; j < temp1.rows(); j++)
564 for (
int k = 0; k < temp1.cols(); k++)
566 temp2(cprows+j,k) = temp1(j,k);
short_t d,
class T>
587 this->m_tree.getBoxes(b1,b2,level);
589 const int nboxes = level.size();
594 for (
int i = 0; i < nboxes; i++)
596 p1 = b1.row(i).transpose();
597 p2 = b2.row(i).transpose();
599 this->getBsplinePatchGlobal(p1, p2, level[i], geom_coef, temp1, cku, ckv);
short_t d,
class T>
608 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector< std::vector<index_t> > > >& connectedComponents,
gsVector<index_t>& level)
612 for(
unsigned int i = 0; i < this->m_xmatrix.size(); i++)
614 if(this->m_xmatrix[i].size()>0)
620 gsDebug<<
"new min level"<<
621 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<index_t> > > > res;
622 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<index_t > > > aabb;
623 std::vector< std::vector<index_t > > boxes;
624 aabb = this->domainBoundariesIndices(res);
625 for(
unsigned int i = 0; i < aabb.size(); i++)
628 for(
unsigned int j = 0; j < aabb[i].size(); j++)
630 bool is_boundary =
631 for(
unsigned int k = 0; k < aabb[i].size(); k++)
635 if( (aabb[i][j][0] > aabb[i][k][0]) &&
636 (aabb[i][j][2] < aabb[i][k][2]) &&
637 (aabb[i][j][1] > aabb[i][k][1]) &&
638 (aabb[i][j][3] < aabb[i][k][3]) )
640 is_boundary= !is_boundary;
646 boxes.push_back(aabb[i][j]);
647 boxes[boxes.size()-1].push_back(i+first_level);
648 connectedComponents.resize(connectedComponents.size()+1);
649 connectedComponents[connectedComponents.size()-1].push_back(res[i][j]);
655 level.resize(boxes.size());
656 for(
size_t i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++){
657 level[i] = boxes[i][2*d];
661 for(
size_t l = 0; l < aabb.size();l++)
663 for(
size_t i = 0; i < aabb[l].size(); i++)
665 int closest_box = -1;
666 for(
size_t j = 0; j < boxes.size(); j++)
668 if(l ==
static_cast<size_t>(boxes[j][4]) )
670 if( (aabb[l][i][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
671 (aabb[l][i][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
672 (aabb[l][i][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
673 (aabb[l][i][3] < boxes[j][3]))
678 (boxes[closest_box][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
679 (boxes[closest_box][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
680 (boxes[closest_box][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
681 (boxes[closest_box][3] < boxes[j][3])))
692 else if( (aabb[l][i][0] == boxes[j][0]) &&
693 (aabb[l][i][1] == boxes[j][1]) &&
694 (aabb[l][i][2] == boxes[j][2]) &&
695 (aabb[l][i][3] == boxes[j][3]))
707 connectedComponents[closest_box].push_back(res[l][i]);
short_t d,
class T>
724 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector< std::vector<T> > > >& trim_curves)
736 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > res;
737 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<index_t> > > aabb;
738 std::vector< std::vector<index_t> > boxes;
739 aabb = this->domainBoundariesParams(res);
740 for(
unsigned int i = 0; i < aabb.size(); i++)
743 for(
unsigned int j = 0; j < aabb[i].size(); j++)
745 bool is_boundary =
746 for(
unsigned int k = 0; k < aabb[i].size(); k++)
750 if( (aabb[i][j][0] > aabb[i][k][0]) &&
751 (aabb[i][j][2] < aabb[i][k][2]) &&
752 (aabb[i][j][1] > aabb[i][k][1]) &&
753 (aabb[i][j][3] < aabb[i][k][3]) )
755 is_boundary= !is_boundary;
761 boxes.push_back(aabb[i][j]);
762 boxes[boxes.size()-1].push_back(i);
763 trim_curves.resize(trim_curves.size()+1);
764 trim_curves[trim_curves.size()-1].push_back(res[i][j]);
769 b1.resize(boxes.size(),d);
770 b2.resize(boxes.size(),d);
771 level.resize(boxes.size());
772 for(
size_t i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++){
773 for(
unsigned j = 0; j < d; j++){
776 b1(i,j) = boxes[i][j];
777 b2(i,j) = boxes[i][j+d];
779 level[i] = boxes[i][2*d];
782 int nboxes = level.size();
787 nvertices.resize(nboxes,this->dim());
789 for (
int i = 0; i < nboxes; i++)
795 p1 = b1.row(i).transpose();
796 p2 = b2.row(i).transpose();
798 this->getBsplinePatchGlobal(p1, p2, level[i], geom_coef, new_cp, cku, ckv);
807 int cprows = cp.rows();
811 bigger.resize(cp.rows()+new_cp.rows(), cp.cols());
812 for(
int j=0; j< bigger.rows(); j++)
816 bigger.row(j) = cp.row(j);
820 bigger.row(j) = new_cp.row(j-cprows);
831 for(
size_t l = 0; l < aabb.size();l++)
833 for(
size_t i = 0; i < aabb[l].size(); i++)
835 int closest_box = -1;
836 for(
size_t j = 0; j < boxes.size(); j++)
838 if(l ==
static_cast<size_t>(boxes[j][4]) )
840 if( (aabb[l][i][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
841 (aabb[l][i][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
842 (aabb[l][i][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
843 (aabb[l][i][3] < boxes[j][3]))
849 (boxes[closest_box][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
850 (boxes[closest_box][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
851 (boxes[closest_box][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
852 (boxes[closest_box][3] < boxes[j][3])))
863 else if( (aabb[l][i][0] == boxes[j][0]) &&
864 (aabb[l][i][1] == boxes[j][1]) &&
865 (aabb[l][i][2] == boxes[j][2]) &&
866 (aabb[l][i][3] == boxes[j][3]))
878 trim_curves[closest_box].push_back(res[l][i]);
short_t d,
class T>
889 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector< std::vector<T> > > >& trim_curves)
897 for(
size_t i = 0; i < this->m_xmatrix.size(); i++)
899 if(this->m_xmatrix[i].size()>0)
905 gsDebug<<
"new min level"<<
906 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > res;
907 std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<index_t > > > aabb;
908 std::vector< std::vector<index_t > > boxes;
909 aabb = this->domainBoundariesParams(res);
910 for(
size_t i = 0; i < aabb.size(); i++)
913 for(
size_t j = 0; j < aabb[i].size(); j++)
915 bool is_boundary =
916 for(
size_t k = 0; k < aabb[i].size(); k++)
920 if( (aabb[i][j][0] > aabb[i][k][0]) &&
921 (aabb[i][j][2] < aabb[i][k][2]) &&
922 (aabb[i][j][1] > aabb[i][k][1]) &&
923 (aabb[i][j][3] < aabb[i][k][3]) )
925 is_boundary= !is_boundary;
931 boxes.push_back(aabb[i][j]);
932 boxes[boxes.size()-1].push_back(i+first_level);
933 trim_curves.resize(trim_curves.size()+1);
934 trim_curves[trim_curves.size()-1].push_back(res[i][j]);
939 b1.resize(boxes.size(),d);
940 b2.resize(boxes.size(),d);
941 level.resize(boxes.size());
942 for(
size_t i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++)
944 for(
unsigned j = 0; j < d; j++)
948 b1(i,j) = boxes[i][j];
949 b2(i,j) = boxes[i][j+d];
951 level[i] = boxes[i][2*d];
955 int nboxes = level.size();
960 p1.resize(this->dim());
961 p2.resize(this->dim());
966 for (
int i = 0; i < nboxes; i++)
968 p1 = b1.row(i).transpose();
969 p2 = b2.row(i).transpose();
971 this->getBsplinePatchGlobal(p1, p2, level[i], geom_coef, temp1, cku, ckv);
977 for(
size_t l = 0; l < aabb.size();l++)
979 for(
size_t i = 0; i < aabb[l].size(); i++)
981 int closest_box = -1;
982 for(
size_t j = 0; j < boxes.size(); j++)
984 if(l ==
static_cast<size_t>(boxes[j][4]) )
986 if( (aabb[l][i][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
987 (aabb[l][i][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
988 (aabb[l][i][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
989 (aabb[l][i][3] < boxes[j][3]))
994 (boxes[closest_box][0] > boxes[j][0]) &&
995 (boxes[closest_box][1] > boxes[j][1]) &&
996 (boxes[closest_box][2] < boxes[j][2]) &&
997 (boxes[closest_box][3] < boxes[j][3])))
1008 else if( (aabb[l][i][0] == boxes[j][0]) &&
1009 (aabb[l][i][1] == boxes[j][1]) &&
1010 (aabb[l][i][2] == boxes[j][2]) &&
1011 (aabb[l][i][3] == boxes[j][3]))
1023 trim_curves[closest_box].push_back(res[l][i]);
short_t d,
class T>
1040 const index_t n = thbCoefs.cols();
1043 lvlCoefs.setZero(m_bases[0]->size(), n);
1044 for(cmatIterator it = m_xmatrix[0].begin(); it != m_xmatrix[0].end(); ++it)
1046 const int hIndex = m_xmatrix_offset[0] + (it - m_xmatrix[0].begin());
1047 lvlCoefs.row(*it) = thbCoefs.row(hIndex);
1051 std::vector<T> knots_x, knots_y;
1053 for(
int l = 1; l <=level; l++)
1055 k1 = m_bases[l-1]->knots(0);
1056 k2 = m_bases[l-1]->knots(1);
1063 lvlCoefs.resize(m_bases[l-1]->size(0), n * m_bases[l-1]->size(1));
1064 gsBoehmRefine(k1, lvlCoefs, m_deg[0], knots_x.begin(), knots_x.end(),
1068 gsBoehmRefine(k2, lvlCoefs, m_deg[1], knots_y.begin(), knots_y.end(),
1070 lvlCoefs.resize(m_bases[l]->size(), n);
1073 for(cmatIterator it = m_xmatrix[l].begin(); it != m_xmatrix[l].end(); ++it)
1075 const int hIndex = m_xmatrix_offset[l] + (it - m_xmatrix[l].begin());
1076 lvlCoefs.row(*it) = thbCoefs.row(hIndex);
1086 for (
short_t i = d-1; i>=0; --i)
1088 rvo[d-i-1] = m % str[i];
class Iter,
class Vec>
1096bool findNextMatch(Iter & it, Iter stop, Vec & cur,
1097 const Vec & low,
const Vec & upp,
1106 else if ( ci < *it )
1133 it = std::lower_bound(it, stop, ci);
class T,
class Vec>
1142bool findNextMatch(
const gsSparseVector<T> & sv,
index_t & ii,
1143 Vec & cur,
const Vec & low,
const Vec & upp,
1147 while ( ii<sv.data().size() )
1150 if ( ci == sv.data().index(ii) )
1152 else if ( ci < sv.data().index(ii) )
1157 ii = sv.data().searchLowerIndex(ii, sv.data().size(), ci);
short_t d,
class T>
1249index_t gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T>::numActiveMax(
const gsMatrix<T> & u,
1250 gsMatrix<index_t> & offset)
1252 point low, upp, cur, mstr, str, ll, uu, cc;
1255 const int maxLevel = this->m_tree.getMaxInsLevel();
1256 gsMatrix<T> currPoint;
1257 offset.setZero(maxLevel+1, u.cols());
1259 std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<index_t,index_t> > > tfunction(maxLevel+1);
1261 for (
index_t i = 0; i != u.cols(); i++)
1263 currPoint = u.col(i);
1264 for(
short_t k = 0; k != d; ++k)
1265 low[k] = m_bases[maxLevel]->knots(k).uFind( currPoint.at(k) ).uIndex();
1267 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(maxLevel,low);
1269 index_t lvl = std::min(this->m_tree.levelOf(low, maxLevel),(
int) m_xmatrix.size()-1);
1272 typename CMatrix::const_iterator it;
1273 for(
int level = 0; level <= maxLevel; level++)
1275 if (level>lvl && tfunction[level].empty())
1278 m_bases[level]->active_cwise(currPoint, low, upp);
1279 m_bases[level]->stride_cwise(mstr);
1283 it = m_xmatrix[level].begin();
1285 while ( findNextMatch(it, m_xmatrix[level].end(), cur, low, upp, mstr) )
1287 const index_t act = this->m_xmatrix_offset[level] + (it - m_xmatrix[level].begin());
1288 if ( isTruncated(act) )
1291 const int rlvl = m_is_truncated.at(act);
1292 tfunction[rlvl].push_back( std::make_pair(act,level) );
1302 if ( !tfunction[level].empty() )
1304 for ( std::pair<index_t,index_t> & q : tfunction[level] )
1306 const gsSparseVector<T>& coefs = getCoefs(q.first);
1309 if ( findNextMatch(coefs, ii, cur, low, upp, mstr) )
1310 ++offset(q.second, i);
1312 tfunction[level].clear();
1321 return offset.sum();
short_t d,
class T>
1327void gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T>::activeAtLevel_into(
index_t lvl,
const gsMatrix<T>& u,
1328 std::vector<index_t> & result)
1330 gsMatrix<index_t> ind;
1332 point low, upp, cur, mstr, str, ll, uu, cc;
1333 m_bases[lvl]->active_cwise(u, low, upp);
1335 this->m_bases[lvl]->stride_cwise(mstr);
1337 typename CMatrix::const_iterator it = m_xmatrix[lvl].begin();
1338 typename CMatrix::const_iterator end = m_xmatrix[lvl].end();
1339 while ( findNextMatch(it, end, cur, low, upp, mstr) )
1341 const index_t act = this->m_xmatrix_offset[lvl] + (it - m_xmatrix[lvl].begin());
1342 if ( isTruncated(act) )
1344 const gsSparseVector<T>& coefs = getCoefs(act);
1345 const gsTensorBSplineBasis<d, T>& base =
1346 *this->m_bases[this->m_is_truncated[act]];
1348 base.active_cwise(u, ll, uu);
1349 base.stride_cwise(str);
1352 if ( findNextMatch(coefs, ii, cc, ll, uu, str) )
1353 result.push_back(act);
1410 result.push_back(act);
short_t d,
class T>
1421 const int maxLevel = this->m_tree.getMaxInsLevel();
1426 std::vector<std::vector<index_t> > temp_output;
1427 temp_output.resize( u.cols() );
1428 size_t ov = 1, sz = 0;
1429 for(
short_t i = 0; i != d; ++i)
1430 ov *= this->m_bases.front()->component(i).degree() + 1;
1432 for(
index_t p = 0; p < u.cols(); p++)
1434 temp_output[p].reserve(ov+2);
1435 currPoint = u.col(p);
1436 for(
short_t i = 0; i != d; ++i)
1437 low[i] = m_bases[maxLevel]->knots(i).uFind( currPoint(i,0) ).uIndex();
1440 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(maxLevel,low);
1443 const int lvl = std::min(this->m_tree.levelOf(low, maxLevel),(
int) m_xmatrix.size()-1);
1445 for(
int i = 0; i <= lvl; i++)
1446 activeAtLevel_into(i,currPoint,temp_output[p]);
1449 if ( temp_output[p].size() > sz )
1450 sz = temp_output[p].size();
1453 result.resize(sz, u.cols() );
1454 for(
index_t i = 0; i < u.cols(); i++)
1456 std::copy(temp_output[i].begin(), temp_output[i].end(), result.col(i).data() );
1457 result.col(i).bottomRows(sz-temp_output[i].size()).setZero();
short_t d,
class T>
1466 if (this->m_is_truncated[i] == -1)
1468 unsigned level = this->levelOf(i);
1469 unsigned tensor_index = flatTensorIndexOf(i, level);
1470 this->m_bases[level]->evalSingle_into(tensor_index, u, result);
1475 unsigned level = this->m_is_truncated[i];
1478 *this->m_bases[level];
1481 (u, base, coefs, result);
short_t d,
class T>
1491 if (this->m_is_truncated[i] == -1)
1493 const unsigned level = this->levelOf(i);
1494 const unsigned fl_tensor_index = flatTensorIndexOf(i, level);
1495 this->m_bases[level]->deriv2Single_into(fl_tensor_index, u, result);
1499 const unsigned level = this->m_is_truncated[i];
1502 *this->m_bases[level];
1504 gsTensorDeriv2_into<d, T, gsKnotVector<T>,
short_t d,
class T>
1521 this->active_into(u, indices);
1523 result.setZero(indices.rows(), u.cols());
1525 for (
index_t i = 0; i < indices.cols(); i++)
1527 for (
index_t j = 0; j < indices.rows(); j++)
1529 const index_t index = indices(j, i);
1530 if (j != 0 && index == 0)
1533 evalSingle_into(index, u.col(i), res);
1534 result(j, i) = res.value();
short_t d,
class T>
1544 this->active_into(u, indices);
1546 static const short_t numDers = (d * (d + 1)) / 2;
1549 result.setZero(indices.rows() * numDers, u.cols());
1551 for (
int i = 0; i < indices.cols(); i++)
1553 for (
int j = 0; j < indices.rows(); j++)
1555 const index_t index = indices(j, i);
1556 if (j != 0 && index == 0)
1559 this->deriv2Single_into(index, u.col(i), res);
1561 result.template block<numDers, 1>(j * numDers, i) = res;
short_t d,
class T>
1571 this->active_into(u, indices);
1574 result.setZero(indices.rows() * d, u.cols());
1576 for (
int i = 0; i < indices.cols(); i++)
1578 for (
int j = 0; j < indices.rows(); j++)
1581 const unsigned index = indices(j, i);
1582 if (j != 0 && index == 0)
1585 this->derivSingle_into(index, u.col(i), res);
1586 result.template block<d,1>(j * d, i) = res;
short_t d,
class T>
1598 if (this->m_is_truncated[i] == -1)
1600 unsigned level = this->levelOf(i);
1601 unsigned fl_tensor_index = flatTensorIndexOf(i, level);
1602 this->m_bases[level]->derivSingle_into(fl_tensor_index, u, result);
1606 unsigned level = this->m_is_truncated[i];
1609 *this->m_bases[level];
1610 gsTensorDeriv_into<d, T, gsKnotVector<T>,
short_t d,
class T>
1617inline void eval_tp(
const std::vector<std::vector<
gsMatrix<T> > > & cw,
1625 result[0](m,i) = cw[0][0].at(ti.
1627 result[0](m,i) *= cw[k][0].at(ti.
1632 T * acc = result[1].col(i).data() + str[1]*m;
1636 *acc = cw[k][1].
1638 *acc *= cw[l][0].at(ti.
1639 for (
short_t l=k+1; l<d; ++l)
1640 *acc *= cw[l][0].at(ti.
1648 T * acc = result[2].col(i).data() + str[2]*m;
1651 *(acc+k) = cw[k][2].at(ti.
1653 *(acc+k) *= cw[l][0].
1654 for (
short_t l=k+1; l<d; ++l)
1656 *(acc+k) *= cw[l][0].at(ti.
1658 *(acc+mc) = cw[k][1].at(ti.
at(k)) * cw[l][1].at(ti.
1660 *(acc+mc) *= cw[q][0].at(ti.
1661 for (
short_t q=k+1; q<l; ++q)
1662 *(acc+mc) *= cw[q][0].at(ti.
1663 for (
short_t q=l+1; q<d; ++q)
1664 *(acc+mc) *= cw[q][0].at(ti.
short_t d,
class T>
1675 bool sameElement)
1679 if (0==u.cols())
1681 const int maxLevel = this->m_tree.getMaxInsLevel();
1684 std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<index_t,index_t> > > tfunction(maxLevel+1);
1687 std::vector<std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > > cw(d);
1688 std::vector<gsMatrix<T> > temp(n+1), cwa(d);
1689 point low(d), ki(d), kil, til, tlow, tupp, tstr, tcur;
1693 active_into(u.col(0), act);
1695 active_into(u, act);
1699 index_t result_size = act.rows();
1705 for (
int l = 0; l <= n; l++)
1708 result[l].setZero(result_size * str[l], u.cols());
1709 temp[l].resize(str[l], 1);
1716 std::vector<std::vector<index_t> >thbact;
1719 for (
index_t i = 0; i != u.cols(); i++)
1721 if (!sameElement || 0==i)
1724 for(
short_t k = 0; k != d; ++k)
1726 auto kit = m_bases[maxLevel]->knots(k).uFind( u(k,i) );
1727 ki [k] = kit.lastAppearance() - m_bases[maxLevel]->degree(k);
1728 low[k] = kit.uIndex();
1731 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(maxLevel,low);
1732 lvl = std::min(this->m_tree.levelOf(low, maxLevel),(
int) m_xmatrix.size()-1);
1736 thbact.resize(lvl+1);
1738 for(
int level = 0; level <= maxLevel; level++)
1740 if ( level<=lvl && (!sameElement || 0==i) )
1742 thbact[level].clear();
1743 activeAtLevel_into(level,u.col(i),thbact[level]);
1746 if ( (level>lvl || thbact[level].empty()) && tfunction[level].empty())
1751 *tmp.data() = u(k,i);
1752 this->m_bases[level]->component(k).evalAllDers_into(tmp, n, cw[k], sameElement);
1753 kil[k] = this->m_bases[level]->component(k).firstActive( u(k,i) );
1757 for (
size_t j = 0; j!=thbact[level].size(); ++j, ++m)
1759 index = thbact[level][j];
1760 if ( !isTruncated(index) )
1762 til = this->m_bases[level]->tensorIndex(flatTensorIndexOf(index, level));
1764 eval_tp(cw,til,n,str,m,i,result);
1766 else if (!sameElement || 0==i)
1772 const int rlvl = m_is_truncated.at(index);
1773 tfunction[rlvl].push_back( std::make_pair(index,m) );
1778 if ( !tfunction[level].empty() )
1780 for(
short_t k = 0; k!=d; ++k) til[k] = kil[k] + this->m_bases[level]->degree(k);
1781 this->m_bases[level]->stride_cwise(tstr);
1784 for ( std::pair<index_t,index_t> & q : tfunction[level] )
1791 while ( findNextMatch(coefs, ii, tcur, kil, til, tstr) )
1794 eval_tp(cw,low,n,str,0,0,temp);
1795 for (
index_t l = 0; l <= n; ++l)
1797 auto acc = result[l].col(i).segment(q.second*str[l],str[l]);
1798 acc += coefs.data().value(ii) * temp[l];
1825 tfunction[level].clear();
short_t d,
class T>
1952 typename gsTHBSplineBasis<d, T>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox& boundaryAABB,
1953 typename gsTHBSplineBasis<d, T>::TrimmingCurves& trimCurves)
1955 Polylines polylines;
1956 AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb;
1958 aabb = this->domainBoundariesParams(polylines);
1959 breakCycles(aabb, polylines);
1961 int numBoundaryBoxes = 0;
1962 for (
unsigned level = 0; level != aabb.size(); level++)
1964 boundaryAABB.push_back(std::vector< std::vector<index_t> >());
1965 trimCurves.push_back(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<T> > > >());
1968 for (
unsigned boxI = 0; boxI != aabb[level].size(); boxI++)
1970 bool isBoundaryBox =
1971 for (
unsigned boxJ = 0; boxJ != aabb[level].size(); boxJ++)
1975 if (isFirstBoxCompletelyInsideSecond(aabb[level][boxI], aabb[level][boxJ]))
1977 isBoundaryBox = !isBoundaryBox;
1985 boundaryAABB[level].push_back(aabb[level][boxI]);
1988 trimCurves[level].push_back(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<T> > >());
1989 trimCurves[level][trimCurves[level].
size() - 1].push_back(polylines[level][boxI]);
1994 for (
unsigned level = 0; level != aabb.size(); level++)
1996 for (
unsigned box = 0; box != aabb[level].size(); box++)
1998 int closestBox = -1;
1999 for (
unsigned boundBox = 0;
2000 boundBox != boundaryAABB[level].
2003 if (isFirstBoxCompletelyInsideSecond(aabb[level][box], boundaryAABB[level][boundBox]))
2005 if (closestBox == -1 ||
2006 !isFirstBoxCompletelyInsideSecond(boundaryAABB[level][closestBox],
2007 boundaryAABB[level][boundBox]))
2009 closestBox = boundBox;
2012 else if (areBoxesTheSame(aabb[level][box], boundaryAABB[level][boundBox]))
2019 if (-1 < closestBox)
2021 trimCurves[level][closestBox].push_back(polylines[level][box]);
short_t d,
class T>
2030typename util::enable_if<dd==2,gsTensorBSpline<d,T> >::type
2032 const unsigned level,
2036 for (
unsigned dim = 0; dim != d; dim++)
2038 low(dim) = boundingBox[dim];
2039 upp(dim) = boundingBox[d + dim];
2041 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(low, level, low);
2042 this->m_tree.computeLevelIndex(upp, level, upp);
2044 const gsKnotVector<T> & knots0 = m_bases[level]->knots(0);
2045 const gsKnotVector<T> & knots1 = m_bases[level]->knots(1);
2049 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level,low);
2050 this->_diadicIndexToKnotIndex(level,low);
2053 const int lowIndex0 = knots0.lastKnotIndex (low(0)) - m_deg[0];
2054 const int uppIndex0 = knots0.firstKnotIndex(upp(0)) - 1;
2055 const int lowIndex1 = knots1.lastKnotIndex (low(1)) - m_deg[1];
2056 const int uppIndex1 = knots1.firstKnotIndex(upp(1)) - 1;
2058 const int numDirection0 = uppIndex0 - lowIndex0 + 1;
2059 const int numDirection1 = uppIndex1 - lowIndex1 + 1;
2060 const int numNewCoefs = numDirection0 * numDirection1;
2061 gsMatrix<T> newCoefs(numNewCoefs, geomCoefs.cols());
2062 const index_t sz0 = m_bases[level]->size(0);
2065 globalRefinement(geomCoefs, level, coefs);
2067 for (
int j = lowIndex1; j <= uppIndex1; j++)
2068 for (
int i = lowIndex0; i <= uppIndex0; i++)
2069 newCoefs.row(cc++) = coefs.row(j*sz0+i);
2071 std::vector<gsKnotVector<T> > kv(2);
2073 kv[0] = gsKnotVector<T>(m_deg[0], knots0.begin() + lowIndex0,
2074 knots0.begin() + uppIndex0 + m_deg[0] + 2);
2076 kv[1] = gsKnotVector<T>(m_deg[1], knots1.begin() + lowIndex1,
2077 knots1.begin() + uppIndex1 + m_deg[1] + 2);
2079 tensorBasis basis(kv);
2081 return gsTensorBSpline<d, T> (basis, newCoefs);
short_t d,
class T>
2091{ getBsplinePatchGlobal_impl<d>(b1,b2,level,geom_coef,cp,k1,k2); };
short_t d,
class T>
2095 const unsigned level,
return getBSplinePatch_impl<d>(boundingBox, level, geomCoefs); }
short_t d,
class T>
2102 typename gsTHBSplineBasis<d, T>::AxisAlignedBoundingBox& aabb,
2103 typename gsTHBSplineBasis<d, T>::Polylines& polylines)
2105 for (
size_t level = 0; level != polylines.
size(); level++)
2107 for (
size_t line = 0; line != polylines[level].
size(); line++)
2110 index_t segment = identifyCycle(polylines[level][line], pt);
2114 std::vector< std::vector<T> > part1, part2;
2115 breakPolylineIntoTwoParts(polylines[level][line], segment, pt,
2118 polylines[level][line] = part1;
2119 polylines[level].push_back(part2);
2121 std::vector<index_t> aabb1, aabb2;
2122 findNewAABB(part1, aabb1);
2123 findNewAABB(part2, aabb2);
2125 aabb[level][line] = aabb1;
2126 aabb[level].push_back(aabb2);
short_t d,
class T>
2142 std::pair<T, T>& pt)
2144 std::map< std::pair<T, T>,
index_t > times;
2145 std::map< std::pair<T, T>,
index_t > index;
2147 for (
size_t seg = 0; seg != line.size(); seg++)
2149 const size_t seg1 = (seg + 1) % line.
2151 std::pair<T, T> currentPt( line[seg][0], line[seg][1] );
2152 if (!((currentPt.first == line[seg1][0] && currentPt.second == line[seg1][1]) ||
2153 (currentPt.first == line[seg1][2] && currentPt.second == line[seg1][3])))
2155 currentPt.first = line[seg][2];
2156 currentPt.second = line[seg][3];
2159 size_t count = times.count(currentPt);
2162 times[currentPt] += 1;
2166 times[currentPt] = 1;
2167 index[currentPt] = seg1;
2171 typedef typename std::map< std::pair<T, T>,
index_t>::iterator iterator;
2172 for (iterator it = times.begin(); it != times.end(); it++)
2174 if (it->second == 2)
2177 return index[it->first];
2181 GISMO_ENSURE(2 > it->second,
"Internal error. Check the polylines from the domainBoundariesParam." );
short_t d,
class T>
2190 const std::vector< std::vector< T> >& line,
2192 const std::pair<T, T>& meetingPt,
2193 std::vector< std::vector<T> >& part1,
2194 std::vector< std::vector<T> >& part2)
2200 for (
index_t i = 0; i != length; i++)
2202 const index_t seg = (i + segment) % length;
2207 part1.push_back(line[seg]);
2212 if ((meetingPt.first == line[seg][0] && meetingPt.second == line[seg][1]) ||
2213 (meetingPt.first == line[seg][2] && meetingPt.second == line[seg][3]))
2217 part1.push_back(line[seg]);
2223 part2.push_back(line[seg]);
2230 part1.push_back(line[seg]);
2234 part2.push_back(line[seg]);
short_t d,
class T>
2244 std::vector<index_t>& aabb)
2246 T minX = polyline[0][0];
2247 T minY = polyline[0][1];
2248 T maxX = polyline[0][2];
2249 T maxY = polyline[0][3];
2252 for (
size_t seg = 0; seg != polyline.size(); seg++)
2254 if (polyline[seg][0] < minX)
2256 minX = polyline[seg][0];
2258 if (polyline[seg][1] < minY)
2260 minY = polyline[seg][1];
2262 if (maxX < polyline[seg][2])
2264 maxX = polyline[seg][2];
2266 if (maxY < polyline[seg][3])
2268 maxY = polyline[seg][3];
2272 unsigned maxLevel = this->maxLevel();
2277 for (
unsigned i = 0; i != kv0.
uSize(); i++)
2290 for (
unsigned i = 0; i != kv1.
uSize(); i++)
short_t d,
class T>
2316 this->m_tree.getBoxesInLevelIndex(b1,b2,level);
2318 std::vector< gsSparseMatrix<T,RowMajor> > transfer;
2319 transfer.resize(this->maxLevel() );
2320 std::vector<std::vector<T> > knots(d);
2322 for(
unsigned i = 0; i < this->maxLevel(); ++i)
2325 for(
short_t dim = 0; dim < d; dim++)
2341 std::vector< gsSparseMatrix<T,RowMajor> > temp_transf;
2342 for(
unsigned j = 0; j < this->maxLevel(); ++j)
2344 std::vector<CMatrix> x_mat_old_0, x_matrix_lvl;
2345 this->setActiveToLvl(j,x_mat_old_0);
2346 this->setActiveToLvl(j+1,x_matrix_lvl);
2347 temp_transf.push_back(transfer[j]);
2349 gsSparseMatrix<T> crs = this->coarsening_direct(x_mat_old_0, x_matrix_lvl, temp_transf);
2350 result.push_back(crs);
short_t d,
class T>
2358 int size1= 0, size2 = 0;
2360 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< old.size();i++)
2362 size1 += old[i].size();
2364 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< n.size();i++)
2366 size2 += n[i].size();
2372 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < old.size(); i++)
2376 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2378 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2381 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < old[i].size();j++)
2384 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2386 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2388 const unsigned old_ij = old[i][j];
2390 if( n[i].bContains(old_ij) )
2392 result(start_lv_i + std::distance(n[i].begin(), n[i].find_it_or_fail(old_ij) ),glob_numb ) = 1;
2393 for(
int k = 0; k < transferDense.rows(); k++)
2396 if(transferDense(k, old_ij) != 0)
2398 if(n[i+1].bContains(k))
2400 const int pos = start_lv_i + n[i].size() + std::distance(n[i+1].begin(), n[i+1].find_it_or_fail(k));
2401 result(pos,glob_numb) = transferDense(k, old_ij);
2408 for(
int k = 0; k < transferDense.rows(); k++)
2410 if(transferDense(k, old_ij) != 0)
2412 const int pos = start_lv_i + n[i].size() + std::distance(n[i+1].begin(), n[i+1].find_it_or_fail(k));
2413 result(pos,glob_numb) = transferDense(k, old_ij);
short_t d,
class T>
2427 int size1= 0;
int size2 = 0;
2429 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< old.size();i++){
2430 size1 += old[i].
2432 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< n.size();i++){
2433 size2 += n[i].size();
2435 gsSparseMatrix<T> result(size2,size1);
2443 std::vector<gsSparseMatrix<T,ColMajor> > temptransfer;
2444 temptransfer.resize(transfer.size());
2445 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < transfer.size();i++){
2446 temptransfer[i] = transfer[i];
2450 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < old.size(); i++)
2454 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2456 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2460 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < old[i].size();j++)
2464 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2466 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2468 const unsigned old_ij = old[i][j];
2469 gsMatrix<index_t, d, 2> supp(d, 2);
2470 this->m_bases[i]->elementSupport_into(old_ij, supp);
2474 gsSparseVector<T,RowMajor> t(this->m_bases[i]->size());
2477 for(
unsigned int k = i; k < n.size();k++){
2482 for(
int l = 0 ; l < t.size();l++){
2484 if( (k) < (old.size()))
2485 if(old[k].bContains(l)){
2495 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < k-1; l++)
2497 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2501 for(
int l = 0 ; l < t.size();l++)
2505 if(n[k].bContains(l))
2513 const int pos = start_lv_i + p + std::distance(n[k].begin(), n[k].find_it_or_fail(l));
2517 result(pos,glob_numb) = t[l];
2525 gsSparseVector<T,RowMajor> temp(this->m_bases[i]->size());
2528 if(k<temptransfer.size())
2529 temp = temptransfer[k] * t.transpose();
short_t d,
class T>
2600gsSparseMatrix<T> gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T>::coarsening_direct(
const std::vector<gsSortedVector<index_t> >& old,
2601 const std::vector<gsSortedVector<index_t> >& n,
2602 const std::vector<gsSparseMatrix<T,RowMajor> >& transfer)
2604 GISMO_ASSERT(old.size() < n.size(),
"old,n problem in coarsening.");
2606 int size1= 0;
int size2 = 0;
2608 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< old.size();i++)
2610 size1 += old[i].size();
2612 for(
unsigned int i =0; i< n.size();i++)
2614 size2 += n[i].size();
2616 gsSparseMatrix<T> result(size2,size1);
2625 std::vector<gsSparseMatrix<T,ColMajor> > temptransfer;
2626 temptransfer.resize(transfer.size());
2627 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < transfer.size();i++)
2629 temptransfer[i] = transfer[i];
2633 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < old.size(); i++)
2637 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2639 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2642 for (
unsigned int j = 0; j < old[i].size();j++)
2647 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < i; l++)
2649 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2651 const unsigned old_ij = old[i][j];
2653 if( n[i].bContains(old_ij) )
2655 result(start_lv_i + std::distance(n[i].begin(), n[i].find_it_or_fail(old_ij) ),glob_numb ) = 1;
2656 std::vector<lvl_coef> coeffs;
2657 gsMatrix<index_t, d, 2> supp(d, 2);
2658 this->m_bases[i]->elementSupport_into(old_ij, supp);
2659 gsVector<index_t, d > low = supp.col(0);
2660 gsVector<index_t, d > upp = supp.col(1);
2663 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(i,low);
2664 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(i,upp);
2666 unsigned max_lvl = math::min<index_t>( this->m_tree.query4(low,upp, i), transfer.size()) ;
2672 if(temp.lvl<n.size()-1)
2674 coeffs.push_back(temp);
2676 for (
size_t coeff_index = 0; coeff_index < coeffs.size(); ++coeff_index)
2678 const lvl_coef coeff = coeffs[coeff_index];
2681 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < coeff.lvl; l++)
2683 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2686 for(
typename gsSparseMatrix<T,ColMajor>::InnerIterator k(temptransfer[coeff.lvl],coeff.pos); k; ++k)
2692 if( (coeff.lvl+1) < old.size())
2694 if(old[coeff.lvl+1].bContains(k.row()))
2699 if(n[coeff.lvl+1].bContains(k.row()))
2703 const int pos = start_lv_i + n[coeff.lvl].size() + std::distance(n[coeff.lvl+1].begin(), n[coeff.lvl+1].find_it_or_fail(k.row()));
2705 result(pos,glob_numb) += coeff.coef * temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos);
2706 if(coeff.lvl + 1 < max_lvl)
2709 temp.coef = temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos) * coeff.coef;
2710 temp.lvl = coeff.lvl+1;
2711 coeffs.push_back(temp);
2719 if( coeff.lvl + 1< max_lvl)
2722 temp.coef = temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos) * coeff.coef;
2723 temp.lvl = coeff.lvl+1;
2724 coeffs.push_back(temp);
2739 gsMatrix<index_t, d, 2> supp(d, 2);
2740 this->m_bases[i]->elementSupport_into(old_ij, supp);
2742 gsVector<index_t, d > low = supp.col(0);
2743 gsVector<index_t, d > upp = supp.col(1);
2746 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(i,low);
2747 this->_knotIndexToDiadicIndex(i,upp);
2751 math::min<index_t>( this->m_tree.query4(low,upp, i), transfer.size() ) ;
2752 std::vector<lvl_coef> coeffs;
2758 coeffs.push_back(temp);
2759 for (
size_t coeff_index = 0; coeff_index < coeffs.size(); ++coeff_index)
2761 const lvl_coef coeff = coeffs[coeff_index];
2764 for(
unsigned int l =0; l < coeff.lvl; l++)
2766 start_lv_i += n[l].size();
2769 for(
typename gsSparseMatrix<T,ColMajor>::InnerIterator k(temptransfer[coeff.lvl],coeff.pos); k; ++k)
2775 if( (coeff.lvl+1) < (old.size()))
2777 if(old[coeff.lvl+1].bContains(k.row()))
2783 if(n[coeff.lvl+1].bContains(k.row()))
2787 const int pos = start_lv_i + n[coeff.lvl].size() + std::distance(n[coeff.lvl+1].begin(), n[coeff.lvl+1].find_it_or_fail(k.row()));
2791 result(pos,glob_numb) += coeff.coef * temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos);
2792 if(coeff.lvl < max_lvl-1)
2795 temp.coef = temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos) * coeff.coef;
2796 temp.lvl = coeff.lvl+1;
2798 coeffs.push_back(temp);
2806 if(coeff.lvl < max_lvl-1)
2809 temp.coef = temptransfer[coeff.lvl](k.row(), coeff.pos) * coeff.coef;
2810 temp.lvl = coeff.lvl+1;
2812 coeffs.push_back(temp);
short_t d,
class T>
2837class gsXml< gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T> >
2843 static std::string tag () {
return "Basis"; }
2844 static std::string type () {
return "THBSplineBasis"+ (d>1 ?
""); }
2846 static gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T> * get (gsXmlNode * node)
2848 return getHTensorBasisFromXml< gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T> > (node);
2851 static gsXmlNode * put (
const gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T> & obj,
2854 return putHTensorBasisToXml< gsTHBSplineBasis<d,T> > (obj, data);
Struct which represents a certain side of a box.
Definition gsBoundary.h:85
bool parameter() const
Returns the parameter value (false=0=start, true=1=end) that corresponds to this side.
Definition gsBoundary.h:128
short_t direction() const
Returns the parametric direction orthogonal to this side.
Definition gsBoundary.h:113
index_t size() const
The number of basis functions in this basis.
Definition gsHTensorBasis.hpp:298
virtual gsMatrix< index_t > boundaryOffset(boxSide const &s, index_t offset) const
Definition gsHTensorBasis.hpp:1471
virtual void refineElements(std::vector< index_t > const &boxes)
Insert the given boxes into the quadtree.
Definition gsHTensorBasis.hpp:844
Class for representing a knot vector.
Definition gsKnotVector.h:80
unsigned lastKnotIndex(const size_t &i) const
Definition gsKnotVector.h:844
void getUniformRefinementKnots(mult_t knotsPerSpan, knotContainer &result, mult_t mult=1) const
Definition gsKnotVector.hpp:1048
size_t size() const
Number of knots (including repetitions).
Definition gsKnotVector.h:242
iterator beginAt(mult_t upos) const
Definition gsKnotVector.hpp:131
int degree() const
Returns the degree of the knot vector.
Definition gsKnotVector.hpp:700
size_t uSize() const
Number of unique knots (i.e., without repetitions).
Definition gsKnotVector.h:245
void symDifference(const gsKnotVector< T > &other, std::vector< T > &result) const
Computes the symmetric difference between this knot-vector and other.
Definition gsKnotVector.hpp:172
iterator endAt(mult_t upos) const
Definition gsKnotVector.hpp:139
unsigned firstKnotIndex(const size_t &i) const
Definition gsKnotVector.h:835
A matrix with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsMatrix.h:41
void blockTransposeInPlace(const index_t colBlock)
Transposes in place the matrix block-wise. The matrix is.
Definition gsMatrix.h:468
Container class for a set of geometry patches and their topology, that is, the interface connections ...
Definition gsMultiPatch.h:100
index_t addPatch(typename gsGeometry< T >::uPtr g)
Add a patch from a gsGeometry<T>::uPtr.
Definition gsMultiPatch.hpp:211
This class is derived from std::vector, and adds sort tracking.
Definition gsSortedVector.h:110
Sparse matrix class, based on gsEigen::SparseMatrix.
Definition gsSparseMatrix.h:139
Sparse vector class, based on gsEigen::SparseVector.
Definition gsSparseVector.h:35
Truncated hierarchical B-spline basis.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.h:36
void deriv2_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the second derivatives of all active basis function at points u.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1541
BoundaryBasisType * basisSlice(index_t dir_fixed, T par) const
Gives back the basis at a slice in dir_fixed at par.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:76
unsigned _updateSizeOfCoefs(const unsigned clevel, const unsigned flevel, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_low, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_high, gsVector< index_t, d > &size_of_coefs)
We get current size of the coefficients. Function updates this sizes accordingly to the refinement fr...
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:424
void decomposeDomain(typename gsTHBSplineBasis::AxisAlignedBoundingBox &boundaryAABB, typename gsTHBSplineBasis::TrimmingCurves &trimCurves) const
Decomposes domain of the THB-Spline-Basis into partitions.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1951
void _truncate(gsMatrix< T > &coefs, const gsVector< index_t, d > &act_size_of_coefs, const gsVector< index_t, d > &size_of_coefs, const unsigned level, const gsVector< index_t, d > &bspl_vec_ti, const unsigned bspl_vec_ti_level, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_low)
Performs truncation.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:339
void _saveNewBasisFunPresentation(const gsMatrix< T > &coefs, const gsVector< index_t, d > &act_size_of_coefs, const unsigned j, const unsigned pres_level, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_low)
Saves a presentation of the j-th basis function. Presentation is given by the coefficients coefs....
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:241
void getBsplinePatches_trimming(const gsMatrix< T > &geom_coef, gsMatrix< T > &cp, gsMatrix< index_t > &b1, gsMatrix< index_t > &b2, gsVector< index_t > &level, gsMatrix< index_t > &nvertices, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > &trim_curves) const
Return the list of B-spline patches to represent a THB-spline geometry.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:717
gsSparseMatrix< T > coarsening(const std::vector< gsSortedVector< index_t > > &old, const std::vector< gsSortedVector< index_t > > &n, const gsSparseMatrix< T, RowMajor > &transfer) const
returns a transfer matrix using the characteristic matrix of the old and new basis
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2356
void evalSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1462
void _representBasisFunction(const unsigned j, const unsigned pres_level, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_low, const gsVector< index_t, d > &finest_high)
Computes representation of j-th basis function on pres_level and saves it.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:143
gsMultiPatch< T > getBsplinePatchesToMultiPatch_trimming(const gsMatrix< T > &geom_coef, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > &trim_curves) const
Return a multipatch structure of B-splines.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:887
util::conditional< d==1, gsConstantBasis< T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< static_cast< short_t >(d-1), T > >::type BoundaryBasisType
Associated Boundary basis type.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.h:57
void globalRefinement(const gsMatrix< T > &thbCoefs, int level, gsMatrix< T > &lvlCoefs) const
Returns a representation of thbCoefs as tensor-product B-spline coefficientes lvlCoefs at level level...
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1037
void representBasis()
Computes and saves representation of all basis functions.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:96
unsigned _basisFunIndexOnLevel(const gsVector< index_t, d > &index, const unsigned level, const gsVector< index_t, d > &fin_low, const unsigned new_level)
Computes tensor index of a basis function on a finer level (new_level) which is presented with tensor...
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:300
void evalAllDers_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, int n, std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &result, bool sameElement=false) const
Evaluate the nonzero functions and their derivatives up to order n at points u into result.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1673
void eval_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates nonzero basis functions at point u into result.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1510
void active_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< index_t > &result) const
Returns the indices of active basis functions at points u, as a list of indices, in result....
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1417
void transferbyLvl(std::vector< gsSparseMatrix< T > > &result)
returns transfer matrices betweend the levels of the given hierarchical spline
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2311
void findNewAABB(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &polyline, std::vector< index_t > &aabb) const
Finds new axis aligned bounding box for given polyline.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2243
gsTensorBSpline< d, T > getBSplinePatch(const std::vector< index_t > &boundingBox, const unsigned level, const gsMatrix< T > &geomCoefs) const
Returns a tensor B-Spline patch defined by boundingBox.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2094
void breakCycles(typename gsTHBSplineBasis::AxisAlignedBoundingBox &aabb, typename gsTHBSplineBasis::Polylines &polylines) const
Breaks the cycles of polylines and returns updated polylines.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2101
gsMultiPatch< T > getBsplinePatchesToMultiPatch(const gsMatrix< T > &geom_coef) const
Return a multipatch structure of B-splines.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:579
void breakPolylineIntoTwoParts(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &polyline, const index_t segment, const std::pair< T, T > &pt, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &part1, std::vector< std::vector< T > > &part2) const
Breaks polyline into two parts.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2189
gsMatrix< index_t > boundaryOffset(boxSide const &s, index_t offset) const
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:32
void getBsplinePatches(const gsMatrix< T > &geom_coef, gsMatrix< T > &cp, gsMatrix< index_t > &b1, gsMatrix< index_t > &b2, gsVector< index_t > &level, gsMatrix< index_t > &nvertices) const
Return the list of B-spline patches to represent a THB-spline geometry.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:522
index_t identifyCycle(const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &polyline, std::pair< T, T > &pt) const
Identify if the polyline can be split into two cycles.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2141
void deriv_into(const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates the first partial derivatives of the nonzero basis function.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1568
GISMO_MAKE_GEOMETRY_NEW void getBsplinePatchGlobal(gsVector< index_t > b1, gsVector< index_t > b2, unsigned level, const gsMatrix< T > &geom_coef, gsMatrix< T > &cp, gsKnotVector< T > &k1, gsKnotVector< T > &k2) const
Returns the B-spline representation of a THB-spline subpatch.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:2085
void deriv2Single_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluate the (partial) derivatives of the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1486
void derivSingle_into(index_t i, const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
Evaluates the (partial) derivatives of the i-th basis function at points u into result.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.hpp:1593
A tensor product B-spline basis.
Definition gsTensorBSplineBasis.h:37
memory::unique_ptr< Self_t > uPtr
Smart pointer for gsTensorBSplineBasis.
Definition gsTensorBSplineBasis.h:69
void refine_withTransfer(gsSparseMatrix< T, RowMajor > &transfer, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &refineKnots)
Takes a vector of coordinate wise knot values and inserts these values to the basis.
Definition gsTensorBSplineBasis.hpp:66
A tensor product of d B-spline functions, with arbitrary target dimension.
Definition gsTensorBSpline.h:45
memory::unique_ptr< gsTensorBSpline > uPtr
Unique pointer for gsTensorBSpline.
Definition gsTensorBSpline.h:62
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
T at(index_t i) const
Returns the i-th element of the vector.
Definition gsVector.h:177
void gsTensorBoehmRefineLocal(KnotVectorType &knots, const unsigned index, Mat &coefs, gsVector< index_t, d > &nmb_of_coefs, const gsVector< index_t, d > &act_size_of_coefs, const gsVector< index_t, d > &size_of_coefs, const unsigned direction, ValIt valBegin, ValIt valEnd, const bool update_knots)
Local refinement algorithm.
Definition gsBoehm.hpp:501
unsigned numCompositions(int sum, short_t dim)
Number of compositions of sum into dim integers.
Definition gsCombinatorics.h:691
bool nextCubePoint(Vec &cur, const Vec &end)
Iterate in lexigographic order through the points of the integer lattice contained in the cube [0,...
Definition gsCombinatorics.h:327
Boehm's algorithm for knot insertion.
#define short_t
Definition gsConfig.h:35
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
Implementation of deBoor and tensor deBoor algorithm.
#define gsDebug
Definition gsDebug.h:61
#define GISMO_ENSURE(cond, message)
Definition gsDebug.h:102
#define GISMO_ASSERT(cond, message)
Definition gsDebug.h:89
Provides declaration of the MultiPatch class.
Provides implementation of generic XML functions.
Provides declaration of input/output XML utilities struct.
std::string to_string(const unsigned &i)
Helper to convert small unsigned to string.
Definition gsXml.cpp:74
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.
S give(S &x)
Definition gsMemory.h:266
void gsBoehmRefine(KnotVectorType &knots, Mat &coefs, int p, ValIt valBegin, ValIt valEnd, bool update_knots=true)
Definition gsBoehm.hpp:163