G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches

More details on the hierarchical splines can be found in thbSplineBasis_example.cpp, adaptRefinementThb_example.cpp as well as in the Hierarchical splines module description.

Annotated source file

Here is the full file examples/thbRefinement_example.cpp. Clicking on a function or class name will lead you to its reference documentation.

#include <iostream>
#include <gismo.h>
using namespace gismo;
void refineMode(int rf, int lvl, unsigned meshSize,
unsigned extent, std::vector<index_t> & boxes);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
index_t refLevels = 5;
index_t refmode = 0;
index_t numknots = 3;
index_t degree = 2;
bool plot = false;
gsCmdLine cmd("Create standard refined TH>B meshes.");
"Number of refinement levels", refLevels);
"Refinement mode (0, 1, 2 3 4)", refmode);
"Spline degree", degree);
cmd.addSwitch("plot", "Plot result in ParaView format", plot);
try { cmd.getValues(argc,argv); } catch (int rv) { return rv; }
// Create a tensor-product basis
gsKnotVector<> KV (0, 1, numknots, degree+1, 1);
gsInfo<< "Coarsest level: "<< tp <<"\n";
// Get refinement boxes based on pattern requested
std::vector<index_t> boxes;
refineMode(refmode, refLevels, numknots+1, degree, boxes);
//gsInfo<< "boxes: "<< boxes.size()/5 <<"\n";
// Construct the hierarchical basis
//gsHBSplineBasis<2> hb(tp);
gsTHBSplineBasis<2> thb(tp, boxes);
gsInfo<< "THB-spline basis: "<< thb <<"\n";
// Count the knots used
gsInfo <<"Nested grid dimensions: ";
unsigned kcount = 0;
for( unsigned l = 0; l <= thb.maxLevel(); ++l)
kcount += thb.tensorLevel(l).knots(0).uSize()
+ thb.tensorLevel(l).knots(1).uSize();
gsInfo<< thb.tensorLevel(l).size() <<", ";
// Count the number of truncated functions
const int numTr = thb.numTruncated();
gsVector<int> trcount;
if (numTr < 1000)
gsInfo <<"\nCoefficient count for each truncated function: \n";
unsigned ccount = 0;
typedef std::map<index_t, gsSparseVector<> >::const_iterator trIter;
for( trIter it = thb.truncatedBegin(); it != thb.truncatedEnd(); ++it)
const int lvl = thb.levelOf(it->first);
if (numTr < 1000)
gsInfo << it->second.nonZeros() <<", ";
ccount += it->second.nonZeros();
// Print statistics
gsInfo <<"Truncated functions: "<< numTr <<"\n";
gsInfo <<" per level: "<< trcount.transpose() <<"\n";
gsInfo <<"Total coeffs stored: "<< ccount
<<" ("<< (sizeof(real_t)*ccount >> 20) <<"MB)\n";
gsInfo <<"Total knots stored : "<< kcount
<<" ("<< ( (sizeof(real_t)+sizeof(index_t))*kcount >> 20) <<"MB)\n";
// Output paraview plot of the basis
if ( plot )
gsWriteParaview( thb , "thb_refined", 1000, true);
gsInfo << "Done. No output created, re-run with --plot to get a ParaView "
"file containing the solution.\n";
return 0;
// Provides boxes for refinement
void refineMode(int rf, int lvl, unsigned meshSize,
unsigned extent, std::vector<index_t> & boxes)
const unsigned nb = meshSize*(1<<lvl);
const unsigned mid = nb / 2;
const unsigned bpd = 5*nb;
switch( rf )
case 0: // one corner
boxes[0] = lvl;
boxes[1] = boxes[2] = 0;
boxes[3] = boxes[4] = 1;
gsInfo << "Corner refinement.\n";
case 1: // diagonal
for ( unsigned i = 0; i!= nb; ++i)
boxes[5*i ] = lvl;
boxes[5*i+1] = boxes[5*i+2] = i-extent/2;
boxes[5*i+3] = boxes[5*i+4] = i+extent/2;
gsInfo << "Diagonal refinement.\n";
case 2: // cross
boxes.resize(2 * bpd);
for ( unsigned i = 0; i!= nb; ++i)
for ( unsigned k = 0; k!= 2; ++k)
boxes[k*bpd+5*i ] = lvl;
boxes[k*bpd+5*i+1] = boxes[k*bpd+5*i+2] = i-extent/2;
boxes[k*bpd+5*i+3] = boxes[k*bpd+5*i+4] = i+extent/2;
boxes[k*bpd+5*i+1+k] = mid-1;
boxes[k*bpd+5*i+3+k] = mid+1;
gsInfo << "Cross refinement.\n";
case 3: // central
boxes[0] = lvl;
boxes[1] = boxes[2] = mid - extent/2;
boxes[3] = boxes[4] = mid + extent/2;
gsInfo << "Central refinement.\n";
case 4: // stripes
for ( int i = 0; i<lvl; ++i)
boxes[5*i ] = i+1;
boxes[5*i+1] = boxes[5*i+2] = 0 ;
boxes[5*i+3] = ( meshSize <<(i+1) );
boxes[5*i+4] = meshSize;
gsInfo << "Stripes refinement.\n";
gsInfo << "No refinement.\n";
Class for command-line argument parsing.
Definition gsCmdLine.h:57
Class for representing a knot vector.
Definition gsKnotVector.h:80
Truncated hierarchical B-spline basis.
Definition gsTHBSplineBasis.h:36
A tensor product B-spline basis.
Definition gsTensorBSplineBasis.h:37
A vector with arbitrary coefficient type and fixed or dynamic size.
Definition gsVector.h:37
Main header to be included by clients using the G+Smo library.
#define index_t
Definition gsConfig.h:32
#define gsInfo
Definition gsDebug.h:43
The G+Smo namespace, containing all definitions for the library.