G+Smo  25.01.0
Geometry + Simulation Modules
No Matches
gsPatchwiseFunction< T > Class Template Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class gismo::gsPatchwiseFunction< T >

A function depending on an index i, typically referring to a patch/sub-domain.

This class is abstract, derived classes implement it in different ways.

Template Parameters
Targument and value type
+ Inheritance diagram for gsPatchwiseFunction< T >:
+ Collaboration diagram for gsPatchwiseFunction< T >:

Public Types

typedef memory::shared_ptr< gsFunctionSetPtr
 Shared pointer for gsFunctionSet.
typedef memory::unique_ptr< gsFunctionSetuPtr
 Unique pointer for gsFunctionSet.

Public Member Functions

gsMatrix< index_tactive (const gsMatrix< T > &u) const
 Returns the indices of active (nonzero) functions at points u, as a list of indices.
virtual void active_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< index_t > &result) const
 Indices of active (non-zero) function(s) for each point.
const gsBasis< T > & basis (const index_t k) const
 Helper which casts and returns the k-th piece of this function set as a gsBasis.
uPtr clone ()
 Clone methode. Produceds a deep copy inside a uPtr.
virtual void compute (const gsMatrix< T > &in, gsFuncData< T > &out) const
 Computes function data.
gsMatrix< T > deriv (const gsMatrix< T > &u) const
 Evaluate the derivatives,.
gsMatrix< T > deriv2 (const gsMatrix< T > &u) const
 Evaluates the second derivatives of active (i.e., non-zero) functions at points u.
virtual void deriv2_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
 Second derivatives.
virtual void deriv_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
 First derivatives.
virtual short_t domainDim () const =0
 Dimension of the (source) domain.
gsMatrix< T > eval (const gsMatrix< T > &u) const
 Evaluate the function,.
virtual void eval_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, gsMatrix< T > &result) const
 Evaluates the function(s).
std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > evalAllDers (const gsMatrix< T > &u, int n, bool sameElement=false) const
 Evaluate all derivatives upto order n,.
virtual void evalAllDers_into (const gsMatrix< T > &u, int n, std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &result, bool sameElement=false) const
 Evaluate the nonzero functions and their derivatives up to order n at points u into result.
const gsFunction< T > & function (const index_t k) const
 Helper which casts and returns the k-th piece of this function set as a gsFunction.
virtual index_t nPieces () const
 Number of pieces in the domain of definition.
virtual const gsFunction< T > & piece (const index_t i) const =0
 Returns the piece(s) of the function(s) at subdomain k.
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &os) const
 Prints the object as a string.
virtual index_t size () const =0
virtual short_t targetDim () const
 Dimension of the target space.

Member Function Documentation

◆ active()

template<typename T >
gsMatrix< index_t > active ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u) const

Returns the indices of active (nonzero) functions at points u, as a list of indices.

See also

◆ active_into()

template<typename T >
void active_into ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
gsMatrix< index_t > &  result 
) const

Indices of active (non-zero) function(s) for each point.

The columns are sorted in increasing order, if on a point there are less active then the number of rows in the result matrix (some other point has more actives) then the rest of the column is filled with 0s.


Reimplemented in gsBasis< SrcT::Scalar_t >, gsLagrangeBasis< T >, gsLegendreBasis< T >, gsMonomialBasis< T >, gsMvLegendreBasis< T >, gsBasis< T >, gsConstantBasis< T >, gsFunction< T >, gsHTensorBasis< d, T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleBasis< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< 1, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< domainDim+1, T >, gsTensorBasis< d, T >, and gsTensorBasis< 1, T >.

◆ compute()

template<typename T >
void compute ( const gsMatrix< T > &  in,
gsFuncData< T > &  out 
) const

Computes function data.

This function evaluates the functions and their derivatives at the points in and writes them in the corresponding fields of out. Which field to write (and what to compute) is controlled by the out.flags (see also gsFuncData).

The input points in are expected to be compatible with the implementation/representation of the function, i.e. they should be points inside the domain of definitition of the function


Reimplemented in gsConstantFunction< T >, and gsGeometry< T >.

◆ deriv()

template<class T >
gsMatrix< T > deriv ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u) const

Evaluate the derivatives,.

See also

◆ deriv2()

template<class T >
gsMatrix< T > deriv2 ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u) const

Evaluates the second derivatives of active (i.e., non-zero) functions at points u.

See documentation for deriv2_into() (the one without input parameter coefs) for details.

See also
[in]uEvaluation points in columns.
For every column of u, a column containing the second derivatives. See documentation for deriv2_into() (the one without input parameter coefs) for details.

◆ deriv2_into()

template<typename T >
void deriv2_into ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
gsMatrix< T > &  result 
) const

Second derivatives.

For scalar valued functions \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \end{array} \right] \]

For vector valued functions function \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{m}\) the format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{2}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{3}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots\\ \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{2}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{3}\partial_{4}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}\partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n-1}\partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \end{array} \right] \]

where \( f^{(i)}_j\) is the \(i\)-th component of function \( f_j\) of the set.


Reimplemented in gsFunction< real_t >, gsBasis< SrcT::Scalar_t >, gsGeometryTransform< T >, gsLagrangeBasis< T >, gsLegendreBasis< T >, gsMonomialBasis< T >, gsMvLegendreBasis< T >, gsAffineFunction< T >, gsBasis< T >, gsConstantFunction< T >, gsFuncCoordinate< T >, gsFunction< T >, gsFunctionExpr< T >, gsGeometry< T >, gsHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleSpline< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< 1, T >, gsTensorBasis< d, T >, gsTensorBasis< 1, T >, and gsMappedSingleBasis< d, T >.

◆ deriv_into()

template<typename T >
void deriv_into ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
gsMatrix< T > &  result 
) const

First derivatives.

For scalar valued functions \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_1(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_S(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_S(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \end{array} \right], \]

For vector valued functions function \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{m}\) the format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_1^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & \partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{1}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{n}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_S^{(2)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{1}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_S) & \partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & \partial_{n}f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \end{array} \right], \]

where \(f^{(i)}_j\) is the \(i\)-th component of function \(f_j\) of the set.


Reimplemented in gsFunction< real_t >, gsBasis< SrcT::Scalar_t >, gsLagrangeBasis< T >, gsLegendreBasis< T >, gsMonomialBasis< T >, gsMvLegendreBasis< T >, gsAffineFunction< T >, gsBasis< T >, gsBasisFun< T >, gsConstantBasis< T >, gsConstantFunction< T >, gsFuncCoordinate< T >, gsFunction< T >, gsFunctionExpr< T >, gsGeometry< T >, gsSquaredDistance< T >, gsGeometrySlice< T >, gsGeometryTransform< T >, gsHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleSpline< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< 1, T >, gsTensorBasis< d, T >, gsTensorBasis< 1, T >, and gsMappedSingleBasis< d, T >.

◆ domainDim()

◆ eval()

template<class T >
gsMatrix< T > eval ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u) const

Evaluate the function,.

See also

◆ eval_into()

template<typename T >
void eval_into ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
gsMatrix< T > &  result 
) const

Evaluates the function(s).

For scalar valued functions \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} f_1(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_1(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_1(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ f_2(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_2(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_2(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots\\ f_S(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_S(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_S(\mathbf{u}_N) \end{array} \right] \]

For vector valued functions function \(f_1, \ldots, f_S\) from \(\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m\) the format is:

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_1^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_1^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N)\\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_S^{(1)}(\mathbf{u}_N) \\ \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_1) & f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_2) & \ldots & f_S^{(m)}(\mathbf{u}_N) \end{array} \right] \]

where \(f^{(i)}_j\) is the \(i\)-th component of function \(f_j\) of the set.


Reimplemented in gsBasis< SrcT::Scalar_t >, gsPiecewiseFunction< T >, gsElementErrorPlotter< T >, gsCauchyStressFunction< T >, gsDetFunction< T >, gsFsiLoad< T >, gsScaledOuterNormalField< T >, gsMaterialMatrixEvalSingle< T, out >, gsMaterialMatrixIntegrateSingle< T, out >, gsShellStressFunction< T >, gsLagrangeBasis< T >, gsLegendreBasis< T >, gsMonomialBasis< T >, gsMvLegendreBasis< T >, gsCPPInterface< T >, gsRemapInterface< T >, gsAffineFunction< T >, gsBasis< T >, gsBasisFun< T >, gsConstantBasis< T >, gsConstantFunction< T >, gsAbsError< T >, gsGradientField< T >, gsJacDetField< T >, gsNormalField< T >, gsParamField< T >, gsPatchIdField< T >, gsFuncCoordinate< T >, gsFunctionExpr< T >, gsGeometry< T >, gsSquaredDistance< T >, gsGeometrySlice< T >, gsGeometryTransform< T >, gsHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleSpline< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< 1, T >, gsTensorBasis< d, T >, gsTensorBasis< 1, T >, gsFunction< T >, and gsMappedSingleBasis< d, T >.

◆ evalAllDers()

template<class T >
std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > evalAllDers ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
int  n,
bool  sameElement = false 
) const

Evaluate all derivatives upto order n,.

See also

◆ evalAllDers_into()

template<typename T >
void evalAllDers_into ( const gsMatrix< T > &  u,
int  n,
std::vector< gsMatrix< T > > &  result,
bool  sameElement = false 
) const

Evaluate the nonzero functions and their derivatives up to order n at points u into result.

The derivatives (the 0-th derivative is the function value) are stored in a result. result is a std::vector, where result[i] is a gsMatrix which contains the i-th derivatives.

The entries in result[0], result[1], and result[2] are ordered as in eval_into(), deriv_into(), and deriv2_into(), respectively. For i > 2, the derivatives are stored in lexicographical order, e.g. for order i = 3 and dimension 2 the derivatives are stored as follows: \( \partial_{xxx}, \, \partial_{xxy}, \, \partial_{xyy}, \, \partial_{yyy}.\, \)

[in]uEvaluation points, each column corresponds to one evaluation point.
[in]nAll derivatives up to order n are computed and stored in result.
[in,out]resultSee above for format.

Reimplemented in gsConstantFunction< T >, gsGeometry< T >, gsSquaredDistance< T >, gsTHBSplineBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleBasis< d, T >, gsMappedSingleSpline< d, T >, gsTensorBSplineBasis< 1, T >, gsTensorBasis< d, T >, and gsTensorBasis< 1, T >.

◆ size()

template<class T >
virtual index_t size ( ) const
pure virtual


gsFunction and gsGeometry have size() == 1. This should not be confused with the size eg. of gsGeometry::basis(), which is the number of basis functions in the basis
the size of the function set: the total number of functions

Reimplemented from gsFunctionSet< T >.

◆ targetDim()